Rating:  Summary: The Faculty Review: This movie was great but I thought it was a little too gruesome. but it has now become my favorite movie.
Rating:  Summary: Our Teachers Are Aliens!!! Review: I am a very big fan of Robert Rodrigues films!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The kids don't know it but there teachers are behaving strangly and are ALIENS! This all revolves around the kids: The preppie girl, sports jock, goth girl, geek, and trouble maker. They now realizes that they must stop the queen, but the only problem is that they don't know who the queen is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ACTION PACKED THRILL RIDE describes this movie best!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: a what the hell is going on around school flick Review: very impressed with how this movie played out. there where some annoyinh scenes and then there where some gorey and cool scenes. without a doubt Josh Hartnett(Hollywood Homicide) stands out in this picture as the rebel kid and Elijah Wood(The ICe Storm) is great as the geeky kid. the alien at the end is really a let down though thats not the reason I liked the movie, I liked it on the premise of paranoia and the chills you get when one of those alien things comes out of the peoples ears. Jordana Brewster, CleaDuvall, Jon Stewart, Shawn Hastosy, Robert Patrick, Famke Janssen, Usher Raymond, BeBe Neuwirth, Salma Hayek and others also star
Rating:  Summary: just the better of all high school movies Review: well i wont say i watched this JUST for josh hartnett - wel actually i did but i was so impressed by this film it is a very cliched plot and the ending - who ends up with who is very predictable BUT you could relate to the characters and they all had their own needs and this was reflected in the film - particularly impressed with clea duVall she was good.
Rating:  Summary: The Faculty starring elijah woods, josh hartnett, clea...... Review: The Faculty takes place in a public school somewhere in ohio. the storyline is that aliens take over the school. but it is so much more. the invasion is believed to start with coach willis. that night the principal is attacked. then nurse harper (salma hayek). they somehow get the whole school. they totally miss 6 teens who are on a quest to stop the whole thing. but let me tell you more about the 6 stars. there's Casey (Woods), a geeky photographer for the school newspaper who has a crush on Delilah. Delilah
Rating:  Summary: "The Faculty" Review Review: Similiar in premise to Mark L. Lester's CLASS OF 1999 with an obvious ode to INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS, screenwriter Kevin Williamson joins forces with director Robert Rodriguez for a fast-moving "aliens take over our school" popcorn flick. With a director known best for Mexican gun battle movies and a writer known for wise-cracking parodies of slasher flicks, a movie about aliens taking over high school classrooms would not seem like an obvious choice. A group of high school students led by super-senior Hartnett (in his debut role) are shocked to discover that their teachers are actually alien invaders. It's up to dweeby Elijah Wood, snobby Jordana Brewster, and a handful of jocks and outcasts to stop them. As it turns out, the beings that live inside their hosts have a fatal reaction to the ingredients in the class drug dealer's stash. Using the contraband as their weapon, the group heads to the high school where the teachers are ready and waiting. While it does provide some tense moments, this movie seems to play it safe a little too often. Rather than sacrifice its more popular characters, it always seems to stick them in escapable situations and pander to what the audience would like to see happen with them. The kids, who are on a "Breakfast Club" tip very rarely seem to be in any authentic danger. This seems more like a kiddie-version of Heinlan's "Puppet Masters" than a real serious sci-fi thriller. For all its faults, at the very least, this film has fun with its cast which includes Robert Patrick, Jon Stewart, Famke Jannsen, Usher Raymond, Duane Martin, and a dressed-down Salma Hayek. Hartnett, in particular, has very rarely been as good. Williamson's always-overwritten characters aren't quite as obnoxious as they were in his "Scream" scripts though subsquently, Rodriguez's style feels just a little toned down. What many had assumed to be his trademark Mexican stand-off style mentality of directing is not quite the case here. He's moving in a different direction and while I am a fan of his other style, it is good to see him try something different. The collaborative efforts of both seem to combine for an entertaining if somewhat predictable and harmless new take on an old story.
Rating:  Summary: Good begining, but terrible ending. Review: "The Facult" is one of those movies were you wonder if they went over budget twords the end, and had to fill in the rest with not much more than a generic and predictiable ending. I must itmite that the begining is very well done, and makes you want too watch more. but farther on in you start too lose intrest. I'm a person who enjoy's a good horror movie were it dosen't show so much violence, and leaves your mind up to what hapened. In this film you see way too much. It dosen't give you that phsycalogical feeling of suspense. I would recomend this movie to someone who can stand more violence than normal.
Rating:  Summary: Night of the Creeps from 1986 Review: If you liked that classic from 1986 then you'll definitly enjoy The Faculty. Its a similar alien movie with teachers and students being abducted. Unlike most current teenager movies, this one is not predictable. It will keep you guessing to the end. You won't believe you're eyes when you see the ending confrontation. It involves teenagers being chased by a naked girl!! But that's not the only highlight. The entire movie is great.
Rating:  Summary: One of my favoritest Review: I loved this movie I saw it on the Sci-Fi channel this summer and I thought it was great. It was also good because you wouldn't think the alien queen was the alien queen. You gotta love the character match-up, the geek, the goth chick, the sensitive jock, the head cheerleader, the new kid in town, and the druggie who turns out to be the hero. I usually don't lyk the alien type stuff but especially loved this movie. It was great, okay now this is what it was like. The place it took place was a small town and an alien lands on on this small town and takes out one person then they do and it starts out in high school, and six very different people band together to take out the aliens that are taking over the town. What kills them seems to be very ironic.
Rating:  Summary: School's Out, literaly! Review: I fist watched this movie because they said Elijah Wood was in it. But he's just not in it, he's the best! I loved this because with each person being taken over by aliens, these six students have to form a tighter group of defence. Not to mention what a great plot because like Elijah said in the movie, "If you were going to take over the world, would you blow up the White House Independance Day style? Or would you sneak in through the back door?"