Rating:  Summary: Worst...Movie...Ever Review: Expecting anything good from this movie was a mistake seeing how the novel was a hodge-podge of themes previously developed in King's better work. You'd have to say at this point that he is recycling characters and issues in order to make his fans happy. And there is nothing wrong with that. Certainly, a lot of the themes that are King favorites - childhood bonds, alcoholism, lost innocence, and standing up to fear - are worthwhile. His focus on what is common to most of us is why his work is so popular. He writes about regular people living in locales of little interest to literary snobs. No wonder he's never attained the reputation he deserves. You can read King with the goal of learning about Middle America and come away much the better. That said, two talented and experienced filmmakers decided to ignore the few positive aspects of the novel. Instead we get "special effects" the equivalent of something you might see on the FX channel or an average Star Trek: TNG episode. It shows how little faith Hollywood has in making movies that celebrate humanism, because that is what is best about King. He can be sentimental and cloying but his heart is always in the right place. Freeman never convices as the maniacal, homicidal Curtis, and Kasdan has absolutely no touch for horror. Horror being of course not slimy dung-weasels but the implications of genocide, or the fear of a bully, or the realization that life's best moments are fleeting, and that friendship doesn't always last. One would like to think that 'Dremacatcher's box-office failure might remind studios of this, but don't count on it.
Rating:  Summary: Calling All King Fans Review: This one is a keeper. Deeply involving from the word go - crisp visuals, engrossing story line, on the mark performances from everyone involved. Lovable characters, relatable moments - I see nothing you could ask for that isn't here. Four "gifted" childhood friends make their way to their hunting cabin in the snowy woods. Haunted by a friend's name from their past - sharing memories of him - wondering whatever happened to him. A man is discovered in the woods. Nearly freezing to death. They offer him refuge in their cabin. . . and the story takes off. Assume what you will - but prepare to have your assumptions crushed. There is a calm, quieting, stillness to this movie that holds you, and also serves as contrast to the scenes of "action" and "gore". This movie takes a completely unrealistic situation and makes it utterly believable. The well-assembled plot never skips a beat. Horror, thriller, sci-fi, and drama fans alike should all find something they like in this one. It doesn't disappoint.
Rating:  Summary: masterpeice of unintentional comedy Review: Lawrence Kasdan. William Goldman. Morgan Freeman. How can it fail? Welllll... Mix together a mentally disabled boy with magical powers (and an overriding love for "Scooby Doo"), aliens that incubate in human hosts before exploding out their anuses, flatulence used as a device to build suspense, an alien who inexplicable talks in a British accent (complete with British slang), a gun once owned by John Wayne, and the funniest eyebrows in screen history. Mix well, and serve...a modern day film to rival Plan 9 from Outer Space" and "Robot Monster."
Rating:  Summary: Dream Flatulence Review: Take a story of four boys saving another child from some bullies, add in some mystical revelations and powers, some bad aliens, and some Gunho military and you have a ride to thrills, gross-outs, and friendship. Did I think the farting and belching was funny? Not really, and even if the characters shurked it off with some adolescent humor, they were doing so out of fear. Does that make it entertaining? Mostly for young men perhaps. Most people in a situation like that might kill themselves out of embarressment. If Stephen King's book even resembled the movie in any shape or form, he once again has come up with a mediocre story. I have always been a fan of his stories but a couple like "Cujo" and "Pet Cemetary" didn't exactly transfer well to the movies. Christine and a few others did. It has been awhile since I have seen one of his stories made into a movie that kept me on the edge of my seat. I thought parts of this was well done. A mixture of childhood adventure like "Stand By Me", a little horror like "Alien", and some magic where people are rescued by the one they looked upon as the weakling that is strange and different. Ignore the critics if you are a fan of thrillers or science fiction. See it and judge for yourself. Fans of X-Files and other movies and shows like that might enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: Better than Most People Say! Review: Good Acting and Great FX are what stick out about this movie, although Morgan Freeman was underused. The script does get jumbled up as the story progresses, but this is done more in the style of a 60 million dollar B movie. I just watched it and had a good time. Sometimes I was even laughing at how bad a scene was, but it is great to watch as just plain entertainment. The Special FX really shocked me, because there are plenty and they all look great. Give it a rental.
Rating:  Summary: What were they thinking? Review: Well, to say the least, this movie was a huge let down after just having finished the book. It's like they tried to put the plot of the book together, but didn't read huge sections and threw in some Hollywood crap that was not in the book. The whole psychological horror aspect that Stephen King painted in readers' minds so exceptionally was completely lost, and the result was an eyesore of a movie made up of various scenes from the book. I hated this movie.
Rating:  Summary: 2nd attempt to sequal of review Review: why are there people demanding we read the book first?!?!?!?!?!?each one stands/flops(as this did)on its own.WE ALL KNOW THE''BOOKS DONT HAVE LIMITS,MOVIES DO''whine.NO KIDDING!!!!!!!!!that never excuses one/both being garbage.i cant speak on the book,ive given up on him.but the preview to this was interesting(those responsible for making previews should get 90% of the take here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)there are planty of movies that did justice by the book.we all seen about a dozen of them(the hannibal trilogy,exorcist,jaws,last exit to brooklyn,carrie,christine,and so on)so its not a given that the movie will never live up to book.THIS MOVIE WAS JUST HORRIBLE!!!!AND WHAT WAS MORGAN FREEMAN THINKING WHEN HE READ THIS SCRIPT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?SHAME ON YOU!!!!!!!!!!!when making a movie,try to make it believeable!!!!!!!!!!!thats the key to every horror/drama/suspence/and even some sci fi movie.comedies can get away with being ridiculously unbelieveable.and weve learned not to expect to believe anything in slasher flicks.example;how does the posibility of drowning give jason superhuman strength?how does defending a handicapped child give the group mental powers(although i could have cared less at that point)?how do producers live with themselves,knowing that their movie was garbage?on that note heres a reminder;YOU DO NOT HAVE TO READ THE BOOK BEFORE SEEING THE MOVIE!JUNK IS JUNK IS JUNK IS JUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: review part 2 Review: why are there people demanding we read the book first?!?!?!?!?!?a movie is what a movie is.WE ALL KNOW ABOUT THE LIMITS MOVIES HAVE/BOOKS DONT.that doesnt excuse the movie version to be awefull as this certainly was.look at the hannible movies,both are brilliant.exorcist,jaws,some of kings books have been adapted quite well.BUT THIS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?and how could you mr. freeman allow yourself to be part of such junk??????????what i hate most about movies is the fact that the audience are forced to take for granted what the directors claim to be a plot.example;why does drowning(maybe)give jason super human strength?ok,we are forced to take it.BELEIVEABLITY is key to any/every movie(comedies not included)if all involved couldnt make the movie version somewhat as good as the book,then why do it all?no,one doesnt have to read book before watching movie.one wont help the other.ONLY NOT MAKING THIS WOULD MAKE THIS A GOOD MOVIE.AGAIN,YOU DONT HAVE TO READ BOOK FIRST.sheesh!!!!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: see the movie first, then read the book... Review: I read the book first, of course, being an avid King fan. When I heard they were making a movie I was thrilled! After leaving the theater, I was dumbfounded (as were my mother & sister who had not read the book.) and totally disappointed. The first part of the movie follows the book pretty closely, the second half is so choppy and seems they had to hurry for time... changing and deleting so much information... information that I think is critical to the storyline! The chase scene (Jonesy being chased by Henry, Owen & Duddits, being chased by Curtis) which took hours to read, was cut to about 20 minutes in the movie!! What about the bacon sandwich??? I think it would have been sooooooo much better if it would have been made into a miniseries for TV like Storm of the Century. Then at least the time could have been invested in getting the viewer to understand the story and not be totally lost. When the DVD is released, I will NOT be purchaseing this one, but I will rent it, only because my husband has not seen it and I want to get his reaction to it and see how much explaining I have to do about the movie to him as I did for my Mom and sister.
Rating:  Summary: so`so Review: Ok, I read part of the book before seeing the movie, and my dad and friend read the whole book before seeing the movie, and it seems like the screen writer guy or whoever read half of it, got bored, and read the clif notes. The first half of the movie pretty much follows the book, but the last half just takes a completely different turn, and not for the better, but the movie is overall, alright, but it could'a been way better.