Rating:  Summary: A watchable mess with a good cast Review: Dreamcatcher starts out great with interesting characters and fine actors playing them. Then it quickly turns into sci-fi/horror film when it would've worked better if it was more like Starman. I mean Damian Lewis, Jason Lee, Thomas Jane, Timothy Olyphant are all charming in their roles and it would've been better if you had all 4 of them together through-out the movie. Instead their characters scatter apart early in the movie and is only one scene of them all together as grown-ups. They have a sweet relationship with a retarded kid. He gives them all the power to read minds and to use their fingers to locate stuff by just...twirling their fingers. I think the retarded kid was supposed to be an alien or something. The script throws so much in one movie it's hard to follow it all. Would've worked better as a mini-series on ABC possibly. The friends come across people who have bad gas and their stomachs are bulging out. The reaction on the friends faces as these people let go a few is funny. Timothy Olyphant's expressions are best. I liked him the most in this movie and sadly they don't do as much with his character as they could've. After seeing him in (Scream 2 and Go) I've been a fan of his and his potential of being a big star is wasted here. As they could've done so much more with him. Anyway they find people with bad gas and turns out they have aliens inside them who exit through their behinds. So yes the movie falls apart there. It's a shame because the film has times when it's fascinating and if they kept those 4 friends together through the whole movie it would've been a lot better. Cut out the aliens and throw in a plot with 4 friends trying to save the world from anything but aliens who live in buttocks and it would've been good. Oh yeah the leader alien inhabbits Damian Lewis and makes him talk with this John Cleese like english accent....I know scary. On top of that Morgan Freeman is actually bad in a movie. He plays this crazy general who is just laughable and hard to take serious. He's much better at playing a sweet warm-hearted guy than he is as a bad guy and I hope he learned from his mistake with Dreamcatcher. Everyone else is good though and it's a shame they all thought they were making a good movie and didn't actually read the script first lol.
Rating:  Summary: Dreamcatcher Review: I don't know what it is, but every review of this movie I saw (except for Amazon.com, of course) seemed to bash this movie. I was skeptical when I brought it up to the counter, but when I popped it in and I knew I was going to love it. And I did. I think Dreamcatcher's cast is great, except for a few scenes that make you shake your head in embarassment. The very much praised (on the DVD, anyway) special effects, are nothing special at all. But besides that, I found the movie most enjoyable. I thought the story was very involving and there were some great suspenseful scenes in there, and a lot of laughs too. At least check it out... who knows, you may like it. I know I did. :)
Rating:  Summary: Dreamcatcher -- An enjoyable movie from a Stephen King Fan!! Review: I have to admit that I was skeptical about seeing this movie. So skeptical that I even waited for the DVD to be released. After watching the movie, I decided it was an entertaining film. I have long been a King fan and the movie was more palatable than other less successful books to film translations. The movie at times actually gave me the willies so to speak. It is the tale of a classic space monster movie that used current phobias and fears regarding the nations water supply being a vulnerable point of attack for a biological terror. The acting was adequate and the actor that plays Jonesy in the movie did a great job. The special effects were surprising and exceeded my expectations. Are there many scary moments in the movie? An occasional few. I would consider it more gore ridden than a traditional thriller. It suggested links to Langoliers and Stand By Me (based on the novella The Body) for long time fans of Stephen King. I would suggest this movie if you are a fan of the genre but if you prefer the more sentimental King movies like The Green Mile and Shawshank Redemption you will be disappointed in this film.
Rating:  Summary: It was better than the book. Review: I thought the "Dreamcatcher" novel sucked pretty badly (although that's forgivable, since it was Stephen King's first book after nearly losing his life to an Econoline van); the book just kinda meandered around for about 400 pages before petering out. The movie was pretty good though. Creepy atmosphere and score, outstanding casting... I enjoyed it a lot.
Rating:  Summary: Catch the nightmare Review: I saw this opening night on March 21, 2003 for my 20th birthday and I have to say it was just great. It looked intriguing from the commercials i saw on tv, and despite the bad review i read for it prior to seeing it, I think it is well worth owning. The beginning of the movie follows 4 friends who during their childhoods, saved a mentally challenged boy named Duddits. Duddits so happens to possibly not be from this world and granted them special telapathic powers. the title "Dreamcatcher" is actually a metaphor for all of the friends. Well it turns out that back when they were kids Duddits had all along been trying to warn them about something. That something happens 20 years later when they go stay at a cabin the snowy woods near Maine. An alien invasion occurs, gore, violence, corny lines, etc. The whole movie has a goofy old school feel to it. most of it cant be taken seriously but it does have its moments(the bathroom scene is one that cant be forgotten). If youre a stephen king fan, i reccomend it. If you like movies that just go way out there into another word and there is no turning back until its over, than rent or buy it. It has some very cool special efx, and really nice scenery.
Rating:  Summary: Bad dream (not the scary kind either). Review: I'm undecided as far as worst movie of 2003. So far it's a toss up between DAREDEVIL and this silly mess of a film which actually had an inticing trailer. Goofy dialogue, uneven pacing, horrid fx, several different plotlines (all in different generes), and lots of farting sum up what only begins to mar a project that should have been a no brainer smash. I am in shock that this movie was directed by LAWRENCE KASDAN. This guy wrote RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK for Christ's sake. As this film progresses you get the feeling that it read better as the STEPHEN KING novel. DREAMCATCHER has no redeeming qualities in it's seemingly endless running time. All talent is thoroughly wasted and it's really a shame, especially when someone like MORGAN FREEMAN has lines to deliver like, "...these are people, they drive Chevrolets, they shop at Wall Mart, they never miss an episode of Friends. They're true Americans." Absolutely dumb. And that line is pretty much right out of the book. If you're going to make a book into a movie, take liberty and make your own vision, not a mish mash of previously viewed movies and ideas. Probably pitched as a science fiction, horror, action film, DREAMCATCHER's execution falls short in those regards and then some.
Rating:  Summary: Recipe for disaster...er, Dreamcatcher Review: Stand By Me, Men in Black, Independence Day, Outbreak, What Dreams May Come, the segment of Creepshow with fast-reproducing alien fungus, any Toxic Avenger movie, Deliverance, Forrest Gump. Frappe' 'em all together in a blender and strain away most of the entertainment value and plot line conclusions. Add a dash of poor acting and cheesey, unconvincing dialogue. Garnish with special effects. Voila, you've created Dreamcatcher. Watch and TRY to enjoy, though it's doubtful you will.
Rating:  Summary: Might be a good Mystery Science Theater possibility Review: Just watched Dreamcatcher, and I can sum up my review in one word - retarded. This would be a good for the guys at MST to get a hold of because more often than not this film is unintentionally funny. Aside from a stupid plot and ridiculous dialogue, the main resolution of the movie is never explained. There's never even the slightest attempt to explain why the movie's hero at the end did what he did to save the world. Not quite as awful as Battlefield Earth, but it's in that second or third tier of awful sci-fi/horror flicks. Don't waste your time or money.
Rating:  Summary: Fun Fun Fun Review: This movie is just plain fun! I loved it. Alot od it is like the book. The ending is diffrent but then you get the original ending with the DVD and the one they used in the movie was more exciting. People are trashing this movie and I don't know why. I liked it. I would tell people to see it. Make their own mind up on what they thought. I don't know what people out here wanted, it's like they are looking for an Oscar worthy movie. Dude, it's Stephen King, it's not a deep movie it's just fun. Altho the scene when the "jocks" were beating up on Duddits trying to get him to eat dog S---- made me start to cry the rest was pretty damn good.