Rating:  Summary: K-Pax Review: Date: 9 June 1999 Summary: Moving and Fiercely IntelligentAn outspoken, gifted stranger suddenly "appears" at an insane asylum, claiming to be from another planet. Each day he stands in the open yard facing southeast to receive telepathic messages from his home. His presence has a profound effect upon the psychologist who is treating him for his delusions. But is the patient REALLY delusional? Or could his extraordinary story be quite possibly true? That is the crux of "Man Facing Southeast", a remarkable parable from Argentina concerning sanity and madness, Heaven and Hell, faith and incredulity, presented with unmitigating perspicacity and intelligence. The film never "talks down" to its audience, and it delivers its message with stunning clarity. Warm, touching, and inspirational, it is firmly entrenched in my personal Top Five "Favorite Films of All Time" list. First-time viewers should be certain to rent or purchase the sub-titled version and NOT the English-dubbed version.
Rating:  Summary: The Produce Alone is Worth the Trip! Review: Is Prot from K-Pax or just the most convincing delusional ever? That's what a psychiatrist wants to know when he meets the self-proclaimed space man ... a traveler from a distant galaxy that moves about on beams of light and eats fruit with a zeal that compares to nothing else on this planet. When Prot is first discovered in a busy train station, his vague answers to police questions find him placed in a mental institution where he keeps the staff on their toes and makes the patients happier then they've ever been. But one person that needs changing as well is the doctor that is determined to help Prot find out who he really is and set him free from his make-believe world. But before he can make Prot believe it's possible that he's not who he thinks he is, he must also come to terms that Prot may really be from K-Pax. But no matter where this mysterious, yet immensely likable, person comes from he will change your views on life ... his, yours and everyone else's. There should be a little bit of Prot in all of us!
Rating:  Summary: K-Mart is much more fun! Review: This is the best one for your first date, when you don't have to focus on the screen. I keep waiting for something interesting to happen with Spacey's character, but the scenes drag on and on, then the movie ends with a big disapointment. I like both actors but the story is really bad(...).
Rating:  Summary: One of the most thought provoking movies in a while Review: As a fast review, the movie is REALLY good. Kevin Spacey and Jeff Bridges both play their characters earnestly, and slowly unfold to each other in a real and convinving manner, and the end will leave you with more questions then The Sixth Sense. As a longer review, the story unfolds as Spacey's character, Prot, is found in New York by police who think he is deranged. Taking him to a psychiatric facility where he meets Bridges' psychiatrist character, he challenges Bridges' character's malaise and boredom with ihs normal routine, and begins to appear that he may be the alien he claims to be, especially after revealing information that astronomers and NASA experts Bridges call in are allowed to review it. Yet there is something darker- Prot's seemingly psychic connection to traumatic events here on Earth by somebody else, which Bridges attampts to probe into further as he spends more time with Prot. The catch is that Prot, who convinces his fellow patients in his alien identity, has announced he will be returning to his world of K-Pax, and can bring one person with him. A contest among the pateints is held, and the end awaits... Yes, it is very possible Spacey could win an Oscar for this role, and possibly Bridges for best supporting actor. But for something other than formulaic moviemaking and tired plots, K-Pax stands out.
Rating:  Summary: find the bluebird of happiness Review: I really liked this movie, in the same way that I liked "American Beauty". In order to be a man, I had to refrain myself from allowing tears to rush down my face. I really liked it, its a good time to be had by all. I don't really want to say much about it, because that just ruins the point of seeing it. (Prot isnt an alien, he's an alternate personality used by Spacey's character to repress memories)
Rating:  Summary: Phenomenal acting, pathetic plot Review: Kevin Spacey does another phenomenal acting job. Unfortunately, pure acting alone can not make a film. This is the case with K-Pax. The story line is extremely week. I found many parts predictable, as they showed all of the interesting scenes in the trailer. Additionally, this film was seemed extremely loong and dull. I found myself constantly looking at my watch to find out when it would be over. Bottom line: Don't waste your money to see it at a theater. Definitely a renter...and weak one at that.
Rating:  Summary: "We were hoping Kevin would have really been from KPAX..." Review: ...wrote another reviewer, who I don't think really grasped the point of the movie's end. (sorry to anyone who hasn't seen this yet; you may not want to read the next paragraph) It wasn't set in stone at the end of the movie, "yes, Prot was from K-PAX" or "no, Prot was not from K-PAX, he was just delusional." The ending of the movie is open to your own interpretation. Sure, at the end of the movie, Prot (or at least the body he 'uses' when he's down on earth) was still physically on Earth, but how do you explain some of the other events that took place during the movie? Prot being able to see ultra-violet light? Bess disappearing from the hospital? The whole scene where Prot showed all the astrologists where K-PAX was? Coincidence or not? I had a feeling I would find several reviews that would bash the way this movie ended. I guess this movie isn't for people who necessitate a story to end in a more spelled-out manner, rather than leaving things up in the air. I enjoyed the content of the movie as well as the way it ended. It was the kind of ending that leaves you thinking about the movie and what 'really' happened during the drive home from the theater. I highly recommend it.
Rating:  Summary: It's one of those "deep" movies... Review: K-PAX is definetely a movie that will make you think. It is very philosophical, and discusses (but never answers) questions about life on other planets, and also questions about humanity itself. It is about a man seeking to find his identity who is caught up in physcological turmoil. I saw it with two friends, and two of us loved it but the other didn't. If you're not someone who's willing to sit through a movie that moves pretty slowly and leaves much to the imagine, don't see this. But if you like heart-warming stories that will really make you wonder, you should love this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, Excellent Acting Review: I smell an Oscar! Well, not really. Kevin Spacey, once again, proves to be an excellently versatile actor. Completely believable as the wise, 'just-visting' Prot from K-PAX. I left the movie with my own questions, thinking about it, and stopping when I had to realize it's just a movie. Of course, there are some things in it that annoyed me, such as Prot's ability to adapt to EVERYTHING on Earth, except the sunlight. This may have been explained somewhere, obscurely, but I didn't catch it. The camera work was excellent, though I'm not a fan of flashback scenes. I am CERTAINLY not a fan of a movie ridden with close-ups and sharp drawbacks, but the head ache subsided by the time I got in the car. Sprinkled with humor and full of wonderful dialogue between excellent actors, I recommend this as a movie for anyone who doesn't fall asleep on the mention the word 'space.' And anyone who likes math. And people who like to have rich, deep discussions after seeing a movie. For everyone else, it's purely entertainment.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! Review: I really liked this movie because we got to see two sides of Kevin Spacey. I don't want to give out any spoilers, but it was amazing how he could transform hims character from nearly emotionless to very intense. The movie started slow, and was actually pretty slow all the way through, but the ending was wonderful! It...how do I say this without giving anything way?...makes you think. The movie doesn't leave it up to you to decided the ending, but it does disguise its finale. I highly recommend it!