Rating:  Summary: I Can't Help but be Entertained by the Killer Klowns... Review: In the endless effort to expand my vast array of cult/trash-cinema "classics", I decided to give the Killer Klowns™ a whirl. What I saw was one of the most bizarre and absurd flicks I've ever laid eyes on! Needless to say, this one's definitely a "keeper" for my DVD shelf, filed right next to Flash Gordon™ and The Thing With Two Heads™! The whole flick is so unbelievably ridiculous, you just can't help but be entertained by it!Indeed, it has it all: A preposterous premise that somehow got approved by the studio suits. Less-than-stellar acting by a few of the principals, and the "hero" playing his part a little too straight-laced. The perversion of various implements of klownery into weapons of annihilation. Silly klown antics gone horribly wrong. It's ludicrously fun to watch on those days when some pretentious bit of "serious" avant-garde celluloid simply ain't gonna cut it. The special features included with the movie are of the standard type you'd expect to see on a Collector's Edition DVD. There's behind-the-scenes featurettes, a theatrical trailer, deleted scenes, and a commentary track by the movie's creators. In the secondary track, the Chiodo brothers go over the usual stuff you'd expect to hear in a commentary track, including their childhood dreams of becoming to be movie-makers, discussions about how many of the characters were based on childhood friends, memories of the actors that played the various roles, and certain scenes that were particularly difficult to film. Throw in a few quasi-tangential anecdotes, and (voila) you have the Killer Klowns™ Kommentary Trakk in a nutshell. Then there's the "Easter Egg" materials, which pop up when you let the main menu display run for a couple of minutes. Sadly, these "extra" extras aren't all that impressive. The only items here is a re-dub of a line from the movie, and a few video snippets of people auditioning for the roles of the Klowns in full costume. No offense to all you Klown-o-philes out there, but I think I'd get more excited watchin' paint dry than look at these not-so-special "treats"... 'Late
Rating:  Summary: Unique scary/funny 80s monster movie. Review: Released at the tale end of the 80s slasher movie smothered era, the direct to video monster movie Killer Klowns from Outer Space was a breath of fresh air for the stagnating horror genre. Alternating between unashamed goofiness and actual creepiness, this seemingly unworkable concept of having a race of silly yet very dangerous alien 'clowns' who drop out of the sky one night to scoop up a small town's populace for a quick snack. As one of the Chiodo brothers says, "It's The Blob, but with clowns." And that it is. Killer Klowns from Outer Space plays the classic 50s monster movie scenario with a sure hand. The Killer Klowns seem overly goofy when first introduced in their Circus Tent Spaceship - they use a balloon animal bloodhound to track the escaping teens, shoot popcorn guns instead of ray guns, throw pies, and cocoon their victims in Cotton Candy pods or storage balloons for later cooking. But once they get to work the laughter gets a bit nervous, for these Klowns love to play with their food. MGM/UA has done a wonderful job on the disc, jamming it with tons of behind the scenes footage, interviews, bloopers, and commentary. We even get to see the Chiodo Brothers first attempt at home movies, which is a treat. The only oversight is the music video of the theme song, performed by The Dickies - so don't throw out those old videos or laserdiscs just yet. Still, this release is a must have for any monster movie enthusiast. I give it my highest recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie EVA Review: This is the Best movie in the world. I mean i started watching this when i was 2 and it's been my fav movie eva sence! I mean i'm the only one in my familie who can watch the whold thing w/o getting freeked out or grossed out! Even when i was little you could be speeding past the channel it was playing on and i could only see like 1 sec of it but know it was the movie and then i'd have to watch it! over and out! ~Danielle
Rating:  Summary: you have to love it Review: the first time i saw this movie, i think it was 3 in the morning and i had just come in from a night of some serious partying, i was hooked. since then ive watched it at least 50xs. the acting is so bad it makes it good. i now have granchildren. the first time they watched it with me they were really scared. i thought they would think it was as bad as i did.i have finally purchased this movie, and plan to show it halloween night along with some other horror films it has become,one of my favorites
Rating:  Summary: Where do clowns REALY come from? Review: Ok first off I could see where this wouldn't necesarily be appropriate for the below 8 yars of age crowd perhaps but for the most part this movie is not scary. Funny yes scary nope. If you are tired of all the blah, blah, same, same, videos out there here is something you could certainly call different... The premise of the movie is basically this. The tradition of clowns goes back pretty far in time to the last time the klowns dropped by. It is the fascination with the deadly visitors from ages past that has led to the modern circus clown. Now they are back and look out they have the full bag of tricks and you will see where the human clowns got the inspiration for their stuff. I'm not going to detail all the bits of the movie but make no mistake the klowns are evil evil beings..... This is actually a movie that you will be able to watch with your friends more than once and still enjoy because it is so goofy. It's all a real conversation piece to borrow out at work and school.
Rating:  Summary: The klowns have landed... Review: The klowns have landed... and they are here to stay! I first saw Killer Klowns From Outer Space when I was kid. I was 5 years old, watching a show that I had been waiting 2 months to see. Until my father called me into the other room to show me a movie that he was watvhing on the sci-fi channel. He said it was called Killer Klowns. I sat down and started to watch it. I had completely forgotten about my other show that I had waited so long to see! I was amaized by this movie about a space ship that looked liked a circus tent that lands in a forest, and inside are aliens that look like klowns that have guns that wrap people up into cotton candy cacoons, and popcorn that turns into snakes with clown heads that eat people. The klowns have so many creative ways of captering their victems. One of my favorite ways is when one of the klowns (who I found out is named slim) is at a bus stop full of peopl and startes to do huge shadow puppets on the brick builing behined them. Eventually the klown makes a t-rex shadow which sworms down and gobbles up the crowd watching. It is up to 4 college kids to save the town from the killer klowns from outer space. This is one of my favorite movies. I have several different types of copies of it. This movie has it all. Near the end of the movie some corny things happen, but at the last few seconds something cool happends to make up fore it. I stongly urge everyone who enjoys a good sci-fi movie with comedy in it to buy this movie. The DVD of it is great! If your not sure about buying it then try and find it at a video store and rent it. Also when I was whatching the DVD I overhered the Chiodo Bros. say that their thinking about making a Killer Klowns sequel which would be one of the most happiest moments in my life! I hope my review has helped eneyone out on wheather they should check this movie out or not.
Rating:  Summary: In Space No One Can Eat Ice Cream! Review: This has just recently become one of my all-time favorite horror films. This has it all, the "klowns" look awsome and it didn't take much money to produce them, I love so many parts in this film, well first off the story. People see this comet shoot from the sky all fall nearby, an elderly man goes with his dog Pooh (I think that was right) to check out what it was, he thought he discovered Haleys Comet, turned out to be the circus. A glowing red and yellow circus tent, in the middle of the woods, from there on the klowns take over, trapping the entire town in cocoons of cotton candy, there are many humorous parts in this film, such as when the klowns go inside the drug shop and start making an entire mess of the place, most funny was when the klown came to the counter where the nervous clerk was and put down an enormous amount of items on the counter. Not much on scares but alot in laughs, and the film never slows down, it always keeps it's pace. I really love those klowns, especially the one that comes out of the pizza box! Now I won't suggest so quickly that this is a film you'd like your kids to see, but if they already watch these types of film then theres no argueing that they can watch this, there is strong language to go with only abit of blood, head boxed off hint hint. But the ending was strange, did it have any meaning that the klowns are still out there? I think so, also how about everyone that were left inside the cotton candy cocoons or the strange giant baloons, all goners! The huge klown was awsome and the klowns reactions to thinking the ice cream truck was their god was hilarious. A must see movie for anyone, anywhere! FANGTASTIC!
Rating:  Summary: Get some Popcorn! Review: This is great cult classic. I have enjoyed this movie since I was 5. I first saw this movie back in 1989. It is just full of fun and great lines. The Special Effects looked great especially for the budget of 2 million dollars. The klowns makeup looked great, When I was 5 I really thought they were from Outer Space! Anyways this movie is good if you take it the way it is meant to be taken as a not serious movie. So you people looking for a good movie Friday night rent or BUY Killer Klowns!
Rating:  Summary: Watch Out, These Klowns Have A License To Kill!! Review: Killer Klowns From Outer Space is a horror movie with a comedic twist. In one night, the small California town of Crescent Cove is terrorized by the Killer Klowns, an alien race of literal bloodsuckers from another planet. First seen at the Top of the World, a makeout hangout, by two lovers, Mike and Debbie, they decide to investigate the Klowns' circus tent spaceship. When they find that Joe Lombardo, one of Mike's friends, suffocated and cotton candy cocconed, was a victim of the Klowns' handiwork, they become a target, as does the rest of the town. A rookie cop becomes a believer in the Klowns only when he finds that everyone at the Top of the World has been killed by them, and later when he finds the body of a fellow officer and firm disbeliever in the Klowns, choked to death. Can the Klowns' murderous rampage be stopped before it's too late? Watch and find out.
Rating:  Summary: Come one, come all... Review: The first time I saw this movie was many many years back in the 5th grade. My friends and I were avid horror/sci-fi fans as well as comedy fans, and one weekend "Killer Klowns from Outer Space" was one of our choices to rent. This movie satisfied every sort of wish and desire that we wanted in a movie: it was sick (blood suckers), comedic (a large man saying to a small klown "What are you gonna do? Knock my block off?" and the klown proceeds to do just that), and the cinematography was awful (which only adds to the loveliness of the movie). If you haven't seen this movie yet, put the Cheez-its down, and go rent it, or better yet, go buy it. If you've seen it and didn't like it...well, you've got problems. If you've seen it and love it, come on over, we're all packing under the big tent and we're gonna watch it until DVDs are out-dated.