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2001 - A Space Odyssey (Limited Edition Collector's Set)

2001 - A Space Odyssey (Limited Edition Collector's Set)

List Price: $59.98
Your Price: $53.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: a Stanley Kubrick (and Arthur C. Clarke ) masterpiece
Review: This film set a new standard for later science fiction films. Kubrick's great directing style is what made this film great. The book is also a masterpiece in literature. At the time it was made it has great special effects and great picture quality (especially on DVD. This movie may not be for everyone because of it's lack of dialogue. But if you truely enjoy watching movies you should like this film. The book really helps explain the complex story better. This film in my opinion is one of the best ever made. Kubrick is such a great director & screenwriter, and I really enjoy his style.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: MORE FROM ME!
Review: I would like to say that in my previous review I said that the ending music was THE BLUE DANUBE, fool am I, for it is ALSO SPRACH ZARATHURSTA... anyways, this movie is amazing... especially once the characters are reduced to Frank, Dave, and HAL. If you watch it and are lost as to what the movie means read THUS SPAKE ZARATHURSTA, by Friedrich Nietzche. I know what you're thinking... isn't that "Zarathursta" guy in the title of the ending song? Well, you're right! They mean the same thing, only the song's title is in German. Do you see the connection? This movie is chalk full o' Nietzche.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: A fascinating journey
Review: While this film is certainly a milestone in global cinematography, I simply wouldn't agree that it's the best film by Stanley Kubrick and one of the best films ever made, especially in the realm of science fiction. First of all, there is much more symbolism than science to be found, and even then, a film like Solaris is, in my opinion, is a more accomplished space fantasy with philosophical overtones. There is much disturbing symbolism to be found in the film, and it offers endless grounds for discussion and theoretization. There is no real plot that would connect all the parts of the film together, and some characters are rather schematic and undeveloped, but this is not necessarily a curse. It is true, however, that at times the story gets deadeningly slow and reeks of pretentiousness. Overall, however, there is no film in the world quite like 2001: A Space Odyssey, and not seeing it would be a great mistake.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: brilliance !
Review: The best film ever made . I am glad it is receiving theatrical rerelease in theaters in 2001.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: WOW
Review: I couldn't believe that this movie was made in the sixties! The quality is great. It's not really for everyone though. Especially if your used to fast paced movies, because this movie definitly has a much slower pace then almost any movie made. But for some reason it works best at a slower pace. Lots of grand scale cinematography with FX ahead of it's time. Lots of food for thought in this movie. A must see.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Mind-bending saga of the truth in the stars.......
Review: When I first saw 2001, I was totally blown away by the utter truth it speaks of. Never has a more amazing story been told. It presents a possible explination of our begining and our end. It says that our begining was started by the intervention of unknown alien beings. These beings take us away from the cradle ("Childhoods End" if u will. hahaha) and they evolve us to a point at which we can find the key that leads us to the next step in our evolution. The Star Child represents to me what is said in different faiths. Christians (like me) believe that the rightios will be made LIKE gods by God. The Hindus believe the pure will be part of bramahn. This is what the Star Child represents.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Greatest film ever
Review: If you have never seen 2001 then you should, even if you dont like sci-fi, i dont care just see it.Some will say that it is to boring or to slow, but you have to be a lover a film in order to enjoy this one, because it is the greatest film ever made(next to the star wars trilogy of course).

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: An amazing achievement - penetrating to the core
Review: What else is there to say? Yes it is slow - but focus, give it time, watch it repeatedly if you have the patience. Kubrick's dream will slowly come alive, and the film's beauty and power will manifest. You will see new things every time and you will cultivate something inside you not felt for years - curiousity, fascination, and yearning.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Movie of All Time
Review: This was a movie that not only made you think, but also gave you space to expand your ideas without being bound to what one person believes. It was directed with great respect to science and was both an inspiration and an intellectually stimulating feature.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Changed my life!
Review: I can't get the images out of my head from that movie. The fact that everything was strangely round... how the moon astronauts walked in unison... and who can forget the absence of dialogue? It is the single most aesthetically pleasing moving picture I can fathom. And the end, I think that The Blue Danube was written with that ending in mind. WOW!

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