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2001 - A Space Odyssey (Limited Edition Collector's Set)

2001 - A Space Odyssey (Limited Edition Collector's Set)

List Price: $59.98
Your Price: $53.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The DVD was a disappointment
Review: I've always liked 2001, even though I saw it several times and had to read the book before I understood the ending. One of the best things about the movie is its outer space special effects, which were state of the art at the time of its release. I had this movie on VHS, but I bought the DVD wanting the improved visual quality. While the interior scenes shot on a soundstage met this criteria, I found the outer space scenes a disappointment in many instances. In some cases the blackness of space had alternating verticle lines of black and gray. I'd recommend sticking with the VHS version of this movie.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Thinking Required
Review: This is most liking one of Kubricks finest, and most clever films he has ever made. 2001: A Space Odyssey is one of those films you either like, or you don't. Many people confuse wether or not the like it, with wether or not they understand it. You can't say if you like it if you don't understand it. And, when most people finally do understand it, it is put on their list as "one of the best movies ever made." If you choose to get this movie, it might take two or three, or even ten times to fuly understand Kubricks vision. Some people never understand the film. But don't get discouraged. Just think, think hard, and you will understand a piece of our AMerican History which is hailed to be "one of the best movies ever made!"

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Dull, Plotless Nonsense
Review: This film is not art nor a great cinimatic achievment. It has no story, dialogue, or acting. This does not deserve much recognition, and it's surprising that it's gotten what it has.

It's a bore.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: defies description
Review: 2001 is truly cinema because it reaches past logic into pure experience. Anyone expecting traditional comfort will be confused, while anyone seeking a connection with the mystery of living will be rewarded. Kubrick has composed metaphysical poetry. There are no answers. Only possibilities. Many people are frustrated with this, and that is why you need to surrender to the unknown in yourself if you are to actually SEE Kubrick's masterpiece.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: The Best Movie Ever Made
Review: Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" is the best movie ever made. I realize even while writing this review the hollowness of those words, overuse having stripped them of all true meaning in the practical sense. But taken as those words are truly meant, there is no other statement that can better describe this awe-inspiring movie. Stanley Kubrick, in my opinion the best director to ever grace the screen, gave the world his "masterwork" (as the DVD box puts it) in 1968. Kubrick's vision dared to say, loudly and clearly, that movies don't have to cater to the lowest common denominator (and judging by the response given to most summer blockbusters, said denominator is very low, indeed) and that movies can express ideas in their purest form. I would put the special effects up against any current movie's, including that paramount of hollowness, "The Phantom Menace." This is the movie that made me want to become a film director. Stanley Kubrick's movies changed my life irrevocably and permanantly. I feel like I owe him a great debt, as should anyone who has seen this movie and had brains enough to appreciate it. Stanley Kubrick, you will be sorely missed. Rest in peace.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of the ten most brilliant films of all time
Review: I saw a re-release of 2001 as a teen and was very bored. I just didn't get it. In the multiple times I've seen it since, and the articles I've read by Arthur C. Clarke, I've been astounded by the utter genius of this film. The story isn't thrown at you as with most films, but it's there all the same. It was filmed from 1965 to 1967 and basically looks as good as anything released today.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: You have to read the book to understand it.
Review: Apparently, the creators of this film figured that everybodywho watched this movie had read the novel. I've been told that themovie makes sense after reading the novel. Well I never read a novel, and I didn't understand it. What was with the ending? The ending doesn't make sense. It seems like they cut out different parts of the film and put them back together randomly.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great movie if you have a brain and like to use it
Review: 2001 is one of the best movies out there. Yes it is slow. Yes the dialogue takes up only a fraction of the entire movie. The reason why this movie is so good is because it makes you think- it's a lot like reading a book. There's a lot of symbolism and meaning, and if all you're looking for is plot, you'll be sorely disappointed. If you don't like to think, then this movie is not for you.

If the movie confuses you, read the book and then try watching it again.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: A classic film?? I think not!!!
Review: The cinematography is the best there is, but why does it have to be so boring, don't get me wrong I really like science fiction movies and especially love Stanely Kubrick films ( A Clockwork Orange, The Shining and Full Metal Jacket) there seem to be no story here. A classic film?? I think not!!!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: what !?
Review: Why do people think that the SKC version of this film has bad sound ? I purchased it here and immediately watched it . It has great sound !

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