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2001 - A Space Odyssey (Limited Edition Collector's Set)

2001 - A Space Odyssey (Limited Edition Collector's Set)

List Price: $59.98
Your Price: $53.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Best Sci-Fi Movie Ever
Review: I am not going to even attempt to go into all of the things that make this a great movie. I understand the complaints of people who did not like it, but they are shallow and weak complaints. This is probably the deepest and most studied film ever. I did a thesis paper on the film and the story and my research made me appreciate the film even more.

There is nothing like this available to view and there will never be another. That distinction alone makes it one of the greatest movies of all time. It is truly an experience. It is awe-inspiring and breathtaking.

I will admit that you either love it or hate it, but don't hate it because "dude, I didn't get it..." I sympathize with the extreeme minority who dislike the film, however. I HATED "The Matrix" and most everybody's reviews of that film read just like mine for this film, so go figure!

PS: Sorry, it dosen't even come close!

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Widescreen is the only way to see this one.
Review: Looking back on it, before this film was ever shown, I seem to remember that mainstream opinion, when pondering the larger questions like: where did we come from? and where are we going?, was often informed by such subjects as religion and anthropology. This is still true today, and the scientific end of the argument in the mid-sixties was rooted in the availability (or lack thereof) of the fossil record. The long supposed "missing link" between ape-like ancestors and early man hadn't yet been found. But perhaps one day soon it would be. But to popular culture anyway, the scientific angle on those kinds of questions seemed to be mostly earthbound and conventional. "2001" launched that kind of thinking into orbit. What if the fossil record was devoid of a missing link for an unearthly reason? What if all human acheivment throughout civilization was not exclusively our own? What if we were being guided by an unknown sentience? What would be the ultimate destiny of the human race? Maybe the most enduring feature of this film is that it doesn't impose any answers on the many wonderful questions it raises. I just wish we had a dvd version that did justice to this remarkable film. The theatrical rerelease in 2001 is something I'm not going to miss; maybe a special edition dvd rerelease will not be far behind.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: I've figured out the problem.
Review: I haven't seen the DVD quality so I can only assume that the low scores for video transfer are well deserved but I can say something about the people who give this a low score because they don't think there's a plot here or they don't understand it. Think back to old style theatre, when people went to a play or opera or other form of popular entertainment they generally knew the story already. This film suffers from a lack of that information. The point of the performance is not the story itself but the presentation and interpretation of the story. Read the book or a serious plot synopsis before watching this movie for the first time, and if you have an open mind you will appreciate the beauty of the film and the power of its message.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Turner Wastes DVD Technology
Review: I was looking forward to seeing this film on DVD. However, in spite of having a good TV (Sony) and S cable connections, I was very disappointed with the quality of the DVD. I would agree with other reviewers remarking on the graininess of the video as well as other artifacts. Also, why have an essentially blank screen at the beginning and in the middle? Unlike a theatrical presentation, viewers at home can pause the film at any point in the film. Further, the "interview" with Mr. Clarke is really just a film of the studio press conference at the film's premiere. Shame on Turner for such a shoddy production.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Review: 2001:A Space Odyssey is considered by most to be the all-time classic science fiction movie. I agree. The astounding cinemetography, special effects and the use of classical music in its soundtrack were all ahead of its time. The story combines mystery, adventure and philosophy. It explores evolution, mankind's relationship with his machines and the possible next step in humanity's development. While the novel 2001:A Space Odyssey is the prose, the movie is the poetry. Together they complete the picture. 2001:A Space Odyssey's importance in both movie making and philisophical discourse can never be underestimated. It is truly the greatest science fiction story ever.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: 5 star film, 1 star DVD transfer
Review: This great movie deserves a lot better than it got from MGM. The opening sequence is really badly done with grain visible all over the place. The mission sequence is better, with the exception of the constant flecks and sometimes gashes that appear on the frames. The film is being released for 2001. Supposedly it is also being cleaned up. Lets hope so. I find this disc hard to watch for what it could easily have been if Turner/MGM had spent a little money on it.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Unhappy about the whole thing!
Review: First of all Amazon shipped me the pan and scan version instead of the wide screen version I ordered. Unfortunately, I did not realize it until I unwrapped the darn thing.

Second, the quality of the picture was poor. For example, space scenes had white specks that were not stars.

I would have given the tape one star if it wasn't such a good movie. :(

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Poorest DVD encoding ever seen
Review: I love the movie, and have seen it many times on video tape - but this has got to be the poorest DVD encoding I've ever seen.

The first 15 minutes of the film are almost painful to watch. Fades to black end up with dozens of veritcal dark gray bars; scenes with bright colors on a dark background (i.e. the sun from space) have extreme color quantization - meaning you can see distinct rings of color around the bright object, not a smooth transition.

For a polar opposite, watch The 5th Element. None of these artifacts are visible, even though it is a much brighter and more difficult to encode movie (e.g. more motion).

Not to mention the countless film artifacts. True this is a 30 year old movie, but there is software to clean up that kind of cruft.

Stick with the VHS version, you will appreciate it more. Truly a shameful job. Blech.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Anamorphic please!
Review: All have been said, but listen: I WILL NOT buy this DVD until it becomes anamorphic! I could watch Pocahontas in low resolution letterbox, but this masterpiece deserves more. Thanks!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: the best damn movie ever
Review: like i said. its the best damn movie ever. it has class, great special effects, and a strong message that you can only get if you read the book.

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