Rating:  Summary: Highly Entertaining Review: I wonder what kind of films the people that seem to hate Signs appreciate. There seem to be a lot of folks who feel betrayed at it not being a horror film although I remember the trailers and that was never implied. Some have disliked the pace which is slow and deliberate. Still the film had me in the first few minutes.It is refreshing to see a lack of gore and violence. It is good to see implied threat rather than being bashed over the head with direct images. Not everything needs to be literal. While watching Signs I completely forgot about time. It is a simple film that contrasts the metaphor of signs within the context of the story line and theme of faith. The look of the film, the inherent beauty of the scenes and sets made for excellent atmosphere. Signs did well in the theaters and stayed popular for a substantial time. It seems large audiences want to see films in this nature, and this comes from a person that usually prefers so-called 'art' films. Based on some of the scathing comments I would not have bothered to view Signs. It was much better than anticipated. The DVD has a multi-part documentary of the various processes of making Signs along with some deleted scenes, storyboard and commentary audio track. I don't know who the audience is but this was a very entertaining experience.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Sign Review: Where do I start on what maybe the worse movie of the millennium. We could just ask why Mel Gibson's kids where weirder then the aliens or how aliens could figure out how to fly their space craft all the way to earth yet can't figure out how to open a door to a pantry. What about being able to kill them with water like the wicked witch of the east yet it obviosly never rains on planet earth. Lets put direction signs in corn fields yet go to every major city in the world. Well, the story if there is one from a movie that makes no sense, is that everything happens for a reason. If that is true why was this movie ever made? Truly one of the most terrible movies I have ever seen.
Rating:  Summary: signs: a metaphor for humanity's relationship to God Review: The whole point of the movie was to stand as a metaphor for man's relationship to God. It is probably one of the finest films in this regard and Mel Gibson shines as the disengaged and angry preacher who will not be called "Father" nor will he advertise the unknowable to the world as represented in the "signs" in his field. "Signs" can be enjoyed on several levels, but the exploration of our inability to come to grips with that which we cannot know yet we feel around us, we fear, we worship, we abhor, offers the most interesting reading. And in the end, there are no random events, for if the little boy had not had severe asthma, Gibson's character would never have known that the aliens were not dangerous, but were rather seeking a connection to humans, a voice. The entire film can be read as this religious metaphor. It was a delight to watch.
Rating:  Summary: What you don't see is what scares you... Review: A lot of hype went into "Signs". It's a little bit sad that all of Shymalan's films will be forever compared to the "6th Sence", which was a rare film for its amazing script. I think most the people who disliked "Unbreakable" and "Signs" are comparing them to "6th Sence" -expecting them to have an equally shocking twist at the end and be just as scary. While "Unbreakable" turned out to be too predictable, "Signs" is a great film because it suceeds in being an alien sci-fi film where you hardly see the aliens. The entire film isn't even about aliens- It's about faith, pain in tradgedy, and a family coming together. Though that premise may not sound too exciting, watch "Signs" and realize how well the movie has been made when you discover how scared you where at the rediculous alien sub-plot! If the script was made any other way, this would be the silliest movie ever. Night says in the DVD extras that his aim was to recreate the classic genre sci-fi movie, but in a style where what you don't see is what scares you. The acting is superb from Gibson and Phoenix. Don't compare this movie and judge it for what it's not. Instead, enjoy the chills that come from the Hitchcock style suspence and the emotional drama that comes from the family characters, which is really what the movie is all about.
Rating:  Summary: Don't judge too quickly... Review: M. Night Shyamalan is known for his twist endings, so a lot of people expected "Signs" to have a twist ending of its own. Unfortunately, this movie is not as satisfying as Mr. Shyamalan's previous efforts. The plot is structured around an alien invasion, but you hardly ever see the aliens. This made me feel like the director knew his Creature FX weren't going to be good, so he invented ways to get around showing them. What's scarier than not showing anything? Showing SOMEthing! The one cool alien scene is the "birthday video." It's bone-chilling, because we get to see the alien, even if only for a moment. The most enraging part of "Signs" was the thinly woven coincidences that you're expected to believe. It felt like M. Night Shyamalan just wrote a bunch of scenes, and came up with a way to slap 'em all together at the end. What a gyp! He also "fixed" plot holes by addressing them in the movie! For example, Rory Culkin finds a used book about aliens, and most of the theories in the book just happen to pertain to the aliens that are in the process of invading. M. Night Shyamalan knew the audience would be asking "how would the author of the book know that?" so he has Mel Gibson ask that very question! I guess we're all supposed to be grateful that the script identifies its own flaws for us. As an alien-invasion movie goes, this film is sub-par, especially in regards to the obligatory alien weakness. Look to a superior film like "the Arrival" (starring Charlie Sheen) to get a sense of how to really freak people out with aliens. Here's my twist ending for you: this whole review is false. I actually loved every part of "Signs!" It's my favorite movie from a very talented director.
Rating:  Summary: Long&Drawn out&Re-cycled Review: nothing new under the sun&especially here with this film which has already been done far better many years ago&with other better overall story-telling.this film is ok but spends too much trying to fill in lost Gaps with un-needed fear tactics that just don't work.Mel Gibson is alright here but gets stale after a hour.
Rating:  Summary: "Signs" was one of the finest films of 2002. Review: ...Signs" was one of the finest films of 2002. Unlike many so-called scary movies, "Signs" is a collection of well paced, genuinely suspenseful and frightening moments. I didn't know what to expect with "Signs" and not knowing the plot probably enhanced my enjoyment of the film. Having said that, I will leave my film summary there. Do yourself a favour and go see "Signs".
Rating:  Summary: Good movie. Review: I wasn't on the edge of my seat, I wasn't exactly scared out of my mind, it's a little slow at times, and YES, several things were not logical. But hey! It's a pretty good movie. Great for the sci-fi fan. Special features are very nice, as well.
Rating:  Summary: Not the movie for Mel Review: Trite idea almost executed well, but somehow left me with more disappointment than entertainment. Mel Gibson just wasn't a good choice this time and I think he had to "under play" his role; though the role did not seem to offer much room to develop. "Signs" is certainly a "sign of the times" with the current Zeitgeist of Alien visitation, however this film needed more detail and plot.
Rating:  Summary: One HUGE hole but a decent movie Review: One question I asked myself the second time in seeing this movie. If these aliens are killed by water then why go to a planet that is 75% covered by water. Other than that I have no arguements or complaints about the movie. I really like how Night makes the actors in his movies so emotionless, yet so you can still realize the actor's talent in the movie. Sixth Sense and Unbreakable are probably two of my favorite movies in suspense. Yet I really think Night should've let someone else write the script for this one.