Rating:  Summary: I LIKED THIS MOVIE Review: I read some of the reviews posted and was surprised at how many people didn't enjoy this movie. I felt it was very good,it had a good storyline, some mystery and stirred up the emotions. It also gave some food for thought, since none of us really know how those crop circles get in the fields, now do we? I give this one a thumbs up! Good job!
Rating:  Summary: How did they release this? Review: Well, this is not a bad movie. I've seen many worse films in my life, actually I'd give it a 3.5 stars, but then I've got lots of complaints about this.Let's start with the good things though. Mel Gibson's play is very good and authentic, his little girl is really sweet, and the movie has managed to scare me a few times, although its not a horror film in any way. The biggest problem I have with it is the storyline. Its just too damn simple. The movie follows the same 4 characters (father, brother, and two children) through the entire movie, and in barely two different locations. Aside from them, there are barely two or three other characters. There are quite a few hints and metaphors throughout, but they barely serve any purpose. Little girl, Bo, won't drink any glass of water that was left out for a few minutes, consistantly throughout the movie. But what does this contribute to the movie? absolutely nothing. Other totally illogical things would be the alien trying to break inside their home using convensional 'everyday human' ways, failing, and at the end being beaten by a baseball bat!!! And nope, I'm not ruining you the movie, its just too bad to be seen. One of the other things I didn't like is that at the peak of the action, when the family struggles from keeping the alien out of their room, the father starts saying cheesy bs to his children in order to cool them down. This might be helpful in some situations, but those idiotic dialogues could wait for other scenarios, when everything is ok, for example. The end of the movie leaves many things to be desired. It looks as if the movie just had to end (it did, it reached nearly 100 minutes), so the director decided to let the aliens leave the planet and let the movie end... When the movie was over I tought to myself 'Alright, but what the hell did I learn for this?'. A nice scene throughout the movie would be when the family is eating the dinner Gibson made for them. I think this is quite an exciting scene, not worth watching the movie for, but if you've already watched it you should appreciate the excellent playing (especially by Gibson). As for the DVD itself, the video quality is superb, widescreen anamorphic but only 16:9 (don't know 'bout you but I hate 1:2.35 movies). The colors are vibrant and the scenes are live and colorful. While the sound is limited to DD, instead of DTS, I haven't noticed any letdown. Surround sound is used very well, and the mix is of high quality. The added features are quite standard for today's DVDs. I haven't checked them out, so I can't say much about it. All in all, its not worth buying, but if you get this as a present or so, keep it. It has a few bright spots.
Rating:  Summary: Chilling, Scary, and Brilliantly Made Review: The tagline sums this movie up. It's about a preacher turned farmer (Mel Gibson), his brother (Joaquin Pheonix) and his children. After they discover crop circles in their farm, they are threatened with an alien invasion. This movie was brilliantly shot. M. Night Shyamalan captures the sets beautifully, and makes this movie chilling and scary. The movie was genuinely scary, and didn't need special effects to make me scared. I watched it and was chilled. The acting was sometimes a little over-the-top, but it was still good. The children were chilling, and Gibson does a good job. The story had its holes but was still a chilling and good story. Don't expect this movie to change your life, but it will scare you and keep you entertained for a couple hours.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT, BUT NOT FANTASTIC Review: M. Night is a real piece of work. He knows how to put the audience into such suspense and make it a real thriller. He has shown us this before in "The Sixth Sense." But afterwards, I begin to think, "Was it really THAT great?" Well, yes, it was. I screamed by head off (along with the rest of the theater audience) at the jumpy scenes and felt like I really got to know the characters. As fantastic as I thought it was at first? No. The ending was not spectacular at all....really didn't make a lot of sense, and the sense that it did make it still seemed....silly. Should you watch it? Definitely. Will it be the best movie you've ever seen? Probably not.
Rating:  Summary: Sighs Review: I was hoping for this movie to be of better quality than Unbreakable. After seeing that movie, mister m-night-shalamar just looked like he could do the same trick (6th Sense) but worse. Well, I have to say, I was disappointed. Signs is a movie about a priest that's lost his faith with a side-plot about an alien invasion. The movie is slow which wouldn't have been a probleem if the side-plot didn't lead me to believe that more exciting thing's are about to happen. They don't. At the end all characters have some sort of Owen Meany type characteristic that's supposed to make the movie real smart. It doesn't. For me the movie would've been better if the whole alien invasion thing was just kept as a background layer and not much more. The acting by Mel Gibson is solid. The alien looks terrible (probably because budget was not allocated, because of the undecidedness what to make this movie) Go watch a better movie.
Rating:  Summary: I was hesitant but pleasantly rewarded - - a very good film Review: I saw Signs just a few days ago and I still can't stop thinking about it. This is quality film making, and I think the general populace has forgotten what that is. M. Night Shyamalan is a breath of fresh air; a hands-on film maker/storyteller. His direction reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock. He has the confidence in us, the viewers, to allow our imagination some well-deserved exercise. Hollywood has patronized our intellect; we've been spoon-fed blood and guts for so long now that we don't know how to fill in the blanks anymore . . . Before seeing Signs, I did not know anything about the story other than it was a test of one man who had lost Faith and that it had to do with crop circles and the fact they may have been created by aliens. I was hesitant to see it because I thought "crop circles, how lame!". I will now admit I was extremely touched by the story. I was so sucked into the movie that I never gave the hokey premise a second thought. It unfolded, neatly yet surreally, for me as I discovered what the characters were discovering. My husband, who saw this movie in the theater some time ago, was kind enough not to give me any additional information other than what I had seen in the trailers and I will extend that courtesy to you. For this film, it is better not to know too much. On a technical note, the acting was terrific - - I fully believed in each of the characters, and their roles were adequately developed to the extent necessary. The children were wonderful actors, as was Joaquin Phoenix and, of course, Mel Gibson. As a mother of four, I was completely at ease sitting beside my children watching this film. No uncomfortable sex scenes, no uncomfortable language. I remember being impressed by some of the dialogue, realizing that people don't do that in movies anymore - - sit and talk in complete sentences without stuff exploding behind them - - talking for the sake of revealing their characters, their relationships, their motivations, the story. That's not to say this movie is not scary - - my children are between the ages of 3 and 12 (the 3 ½ yr old twins played in their room because the opening music was too scary for their taste), and they are all comfortable with "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and other "high-brow" horror like Sam Raimi's "Army of Darkness", so the scary parts of this movie - - and there are some intense situations - - were not too much for them. It could be too scary for other children, though. While I love to be entertained by a film, even scared by a film, I mostly enjoy being made to think after a film. This is a wonderful story about Faith. We have all wondered why bad things happen, and we've all heard the cliches - - when one door closes, another opens - - only God knows - - etc. - - and I think Mr. Shyamalan has given us a tale that is entertaining, suspenseful, well-crafted, visually pleasing, and good old-fashioned fun! It is not often that I believe a film will be a classic but I do believe Signs will stand the test of timelessness.
Rating:  Summary: I see some aliens... Review: ... and I do not like it... As a matter of fact, it could have been better if they carried the aliens-on-the-attack theme forward through the whole movie. But, for some reason, the producers felt that a family conflict would help the appreciation of the aliens somehow. Interestingly, in one of the climax scenes, Mel Gibson, instead of thinking of what to do against the alien, remembers his last conversation with his wife... Some things just do not make any sense. The movie is basically about the strange events taking place in the numerous different places of the world. And one of these places is a small county in east Pennsylvania, hosting the family of Mel Gibson, an old preacher. He has two little children, who are really weird, in that one reads science books despite his little age, whereas one never drinks from the same glass she has drunk just before. As the family discovers the perfectly circular shaped cropped areas in their farm, they call the police. But, the next day, they realize it's not just them. The whole family gathers before the television. The rest of the movie is about their waiting for the aliens to come to their house again, to confront them. But, I must say, the confrontation is not worth seeing. I wouldn't call this movie a thriller. See 'The Silence of the Lambs', or 'Psycho', or, I don't know, 'The Shining', if you want to get thrilled in the real sense. Or, if you're a Mel Gibson fan, see 'Conspiracy Theory'; but no, not 'Signs'.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie! Review: This movie is thrilling and brilliantly written and directed. It has one of those 6th Sense endings where it all comes together in the end. My family and Friends and I love it! It has some humorous parts to it as well. I thought it was a great film.
Rating:  Summary: The Big Let Down... Review: This is a huge let down from "The Sixth Sense" for M. Nite Shama Lama Ding Dong. This, quite simply, was not a good movie. The acting was subpar, dialogue was weak and using crop circles really didn't create a whole lot of intrigue. The behaviors of the children were boring and predictable. The movie does an average job of creating the need to see the aliens, but when we actually see them, it was as disappointing as the rest of the movie. Do yourself a favor, see the "Sixth Sense" for a second time, rather than this underachieving mistake.
Rating:  Summary: So- So Review: the movie started out great and continued to be so for the next 45 minutes to an hour. I was very intirgued and absorbed. But then everything changed. I understand it wasnt a horror movie and was simply supposed to be about the 'signs' of an invasion, not actually about the invasion. But after awhile it stopped being suspensful and just became very dry and boring. And the ending left MUCH to be desired. It had its good moments, but Im glad I only rented it instead of buying. It just wasnt that noteworthy.