Rating:  Summary: It will be both in wide screen and full screen. Review: The Star Wars Trilogy will be offered in both wide screen and full screen. If you look on many entertainemnt based web sites they have box art of both the wide screen (seen in silver) and the full screen versions (in bronze or goldish).
Rating:  Summary: SPANISH SUBTITLES !!!!!!!!!!! Review: What the hell hapen with this guys ... I mean they put spanish audio track in the trilogy but they doesn't put spanish subtitles !!! and they put english subtitles !!! what for ???what about ALL PEOPLE that want to hear the audio in english but see the subtitles in spanish ??? they simply don't care about us ??? what do they think? that the ones that are really fans of this movies still have 8 years old !!!!!! and need to hear the movie in spanish !!!!
Rating:  Summary: Who can resist? Honestly! Review: Special Editions or not, these films are the pinnacle of most people's cinema experience. Seriously, does a few minutes/seconds of changes/tweaks ruin something this special?! These movies are what DVD was made for and I for one can't wait! 'Empire' alone is worth three times the price of this timeless set! So-called 'purists' resisting this out of pride or whatever, do yourself a favor and drop your pride and your wallet in September. Your DVD player will thank you.
Rating:  Summary: A brave new world Review: I must say it is nice to see the original trilogy on DVD. I had got the set on VHS sometime back, which looks good, but is already starting to show wear and tear. The first film remains the standout picture in this series. Loosely based on Kurosawa's Hidden Fortress, it incorporates a wide variety of science fiction themes into an action-packed adventure. Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi lack the initial punch, but taken as a whole it is an immensely rewarding set. The prequels are more spectacular in terms of scope but nothing compares to the impact these movies had on the general public when they came out in the late 70's and early 80's. 2001: A Space Odyssey lavishly portrayed space but took a decidely existential approach to the subject, whereas Star Wars treated space as a wild frontier. It has spawned a slew of imitators but few have matched the vigor of this great series.
Rating:  Summary: Whats up with all this widescreen Review: I mean it dosen't make sense at all for us lovers of full screen..First of all Attack of the clones came out with both options either wide screen or full screen which is how it should now be adopted.Most movies now have the full screen version on one side and the wide screen version on the other, perfect,This accomodates everyone.What totaly perplexes me is George lucas (The True King of the film indutry) released the Attack of the Clones along with all of the Indiana Jone's trilogy as optional wide screen format/or full screen.But now I here the original Star Wars trilogy is offered only in wide screen.Whats up with this. Is this a technical thing.If someone from either Amazon/Fox or lucas film could exsplain to me why we are not offered the specific version we want (full/wide)It would be gratfully appreciated and end alot of debate I have had with others. Thanks p.s please excuse me if the original trilogy is optional re:full/wide formats John M, (...)
Rating:  Summary: Try to understand the meaning of 'classic' cinema Review: (...) Yes, the effects are crappy in places. Yes the matte lines are visible. Yes the miniatures move jerkily because they were hand-animated, and yes, the originals look more like old 70s era Sci Fi than the 'Special Editions'. But that's the point - these movies ARE 70's era SciFi. I'll go one further - if Lucas ever manages to get his head out of a very dark place & announce a release of the originals, I'll bet a sizeable number of people wouldn't even want much 'restoration' work done. We want to see it as it WAS not as it 'IS' (to paraphrase G.Lucas). Matte lines, jerky animation, the lot. Ray Harryhausen was the King of monster movies; his animation & creatures graced numerous popular genre movies like 'Clash of the Titans'. If the studios decided to replace his animation with superior CGI in all existing prints would the end product be 'better'? YES! But that, once again, is NOT THE POINT. Ringo Starr wasn't the worlds best drummer, by a wide margin. Suppose we go back and replace his part with a better drummer. Would it still be the Beatles? The authentic Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi are the originals, simply because they came first. They have a place in Cinema history. If you claim that the Special Editions are 'better' and to hell with the rest of us, you can't possibly love either Cinema or Star Wars itself, since these three movies in their original form are the purest distillation of the 'Star Wars' magic as no amount of CGI can replace. As Southpark recently pointed out (great episode!) (...)
Rating:  Summary: IN DEFENSE OF GEORGE LUCAS AND THE SP EDITION Review: We are fortunate to be offered this brilliant set at all. I would like a copy of the original versions as a historical piece, but all things taken into account I feel that The Special Editions are superior visually. For instance the matte lines from the analogue age are gone. You must admit that the additions of the sunset view windows on Cloud city are stunning. These are Georges' movies and any improvements he wants to make are welcome. He is the creator and he wants to use better technology to upgrade his visuals to keep them from looking dated, and to make it closer to the vision he had for it in the first place. He does not wish to have the older versions shown to a new generation of people that would need to be told that the effects were good for their time. Accept it for what it is: A masterpiece. If we want creative control then we must first create something of our own.
Rating:  Summary: attention fanboys Review: to all the fanboys out there that dont like the special edition: stop complaining and move on.i like the special edition.why on earth do you wanna see the original movie with all the super bad effects??ok jabba looks fake,but thats about it.i dont care if greedo shoots first.if you dont like it,fine.move on and stop watching star wars.for us real fans we can still enjoy the coolest movies of all time
Rating:  Summary: The Force is with Star Wars.. Review: Finally the classic Star Wars is coming out on DVD in superior sound and picture quality. It will be the bomb. I know that this is not the Original versions from 77' but I don't care. The changes are not that bad to the Special Editions and are petty to complain about. These are still the same movies. The only change I didn't like was the famous Greedo shooting first scene, which is being rumored to be changed back anyway. These may not be nesisarily the Special Edition from 97' but "how George envisions them today" Any changes if at all will be minor and only enhance the experience. I highly reccomend you buy this set. Everyone else I know will.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS TRILOGY (WIDE SCREEN EDITION )DVD Review: Like every fan of Star Wars, I was excited to see that the original trilogy was finally coming out on DVD. At last I thought we would be able to see a box set that would have met the expectations that the orginial trilogy deserved. My God! just alone,episode IV, A New Hope, deserves better. This is the episode that made Lucas his money and fame. The features that I would have put into this set would have been the original and special edition versions, (so the fans could make their choice of what they wanted to watch), the makings of all three of the trilogies, the deleted scenes from the cutting room floor and given you the option to intergrate them back into the movie so you could see how they would have added to or detracted from the movie, screen test that you have to hunt for on the internet, all the original theatrical and special edition trailers, the original story boards artwork, etc., interviews from then and now of the cast and crew (this does not mean Lucas sitting in front of a camera for 30 minutes boasting about himself). Yes he did do a great job, but could not have done any of it without the talent and support of people you rarely ever see. I know why Lucas did not put the original version on this set. It is a marketing ploy so he can re-release the original version of the trilogy for the 30th anniversary. He is only listening to the voices in his head, instead of the creative driving forces that made it great prior to the prequels. To him it's not "may the force be with you" but "may the MONEY be with him"!!! To all the true fans such as myself, I wish he had done better for us.