Rating:  Summary: Well...at least the box looks nice. Review: These are the dreaded Special Editions. Why not simply make the discs double sided? One side SE, one original, with cleaned up picture and sound.I compare this to the restoration of Michelangelo's David. They simply cleaned him, removing dirt and restoring him to his original glory. They didn't decide David would look better with armor or a nifty new sword. It might look great, but it's not David. My problem with the major changes are simply that they look awful. i.e. Greedo shooting first. Besides the fact that it changes Han Solo's character and makes no sense; really how do you miss shooting at somebody 3 feet away? It looks bizarre. Han's head jumps in the completely unnatural fashion that makes it looks like he can willingly dislocate his spine. Rumor has it, the SFX guys did it awful on purpose in hoping Lucas wouldn't use it after seeing how phony it looked. Well he did. The Jabba scene is pretty bad. He looks totally unrealistic, like something out of a Nintendo game. Han "stepping on Jabba's tail" is a poor cut n' paste job to get around the fact that original Jabba was a humanoid creature, and not a giant slug. Also, why does Luke scream now after falling in Empire? In the original, he can't bear to live with the fact that Darth Vader is his father, and deliberately let go of the railing, rather than be Vader's son. Why would he scream when he CHOSE to fall? What's even more bizarre is what they DIDN'T fix. The Rancor still looks horrible.
Rating:  Summary: Special Edition, what did you expect? Review: We all knew that when they released the THX Star Wars Trilogy back in 1995 that that was the last time we'd see the original versions. That release funded the restoration and changes made for the Special Edition. So if you want to be purist, watch it in its original crummy quality on VHS, or be total geek and get the LaserDiscs if you want better video quality. I for one am excited to see the special edition on DVD. The changes and improvement relieve some of the hoakiness and cheapness of the theatrical versions. DVD is a modern format for modern movies, why not put the most modern version of Star Wars on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Special Editions??? Why? Someone please tell me... Review: Okay, I've given this product one star... without ever actually viewing it... but I know this movies better than anyone and I think they are excellent. They are the pillars of sci/fi flicks, the "holy trilogy" as Kevin Smith calls them. They are three of the finest flicks ever to be made. However... I here that now you're only going to be able to get them on DVD with the special edition crap that George Lucus added in. I pray this isn't true because the fact is that the added scenes ruin the films completely... Maybe they are being true to Lucus's vision or whatever... but what gives him the right to go back and change his films? At the time he made them I honestly doubt the studio would have given him full control to add in all these things... perhaps he didn't have the technology or he would have added them in... BUT... that's a good thing. Did you know that in Jaws the shark was supposed to appear throughout the whole movie... only because of technological setbacks did they make the film so we only see the shark in the final battle... If Steve went back and added a computer animated Jaws into every seen (like lucus has done with all his new computer additions) then the movie would be horrible... it would lose everything that made it great. The special effects in the original star wars are great... they might not look completely real... but since they're all congruent we don't notice... we get lost in the film. With special editions we get cool model footage mixed with fake-looking computer animation.... CGI looks fake!!! No matter what it always will.. the old school effects looked real... why ruin them? The whole idea offends me and if this is the only way we can see these flicks on DVD then I prolly won't even by them. I'd rather watch them on VHS then support the special edditions... support giving directors the power to ruin their own films after the fact.
Rating:  Summary: A Lost Hope Review: After all these years of waiting and anticipation for what was said to be the greatest DVD release of all time , looks like its going to be the biggest disapointment of all time. Judging by what the features says, it looks as if there only releasing one of the greatest trilogys of all time in the newer so called "remastered" editions. George Lucas promised this wait was going to be worthwhile, and yet he has completly ignored the fans that have kept him in his status of where he is today, and decided not to actualy make a great DVD release. Instead, he has chosen to release not only just the newer versions, he is releasing them in both widescreen and full screen. my pet peeve is not only with that, but would it be so hard to have BOTH wide screen and full screen on the one disc? especially seeing as how theres only going to be audio extras on the discs anyway. But no, Lucas Films wouldnt want to give back to the fans somthing worth while now would they? My second pet peeve is one that I have read so many have agreed with me on, and thats the ORIGINAL presentation of the films. For years they have said that this DVD release would be the best release ever. Well, looks like there not going to live up to that expectation, why couldnt they include BOTH formats of the movies? why cant they have an option on them? that says "veiw original presentation? or veiw special edition?". that would make every body happy, wouldnt you think? OR even flip side discs? One side could have the original, and one side have the newer so called "improved" digitly remastered movies.... wouldnt that sound more like somthing to look foraward to? Instead, Lucas has completly lost it with this, the bonus features arnt looking like anything worth looking forward to.... it's possible, but i doubht he would include things like when a few of the cast members where on "The muppet show" or various other TV appearences. Heck, the bonus disc should be a flip side too, and come with "the battle of Endore" and "Caravan of courage". the two forgotten and hardly known Ewok movies he made after ROTJ. They would both fit on one disc, and should be included as a bonus too. Now, wouldnt all these years of wait seem more worthwhile if it came with BOTH editions of each film, the original, and special? both presentations of WIDE and FULL screen? and maybe throw in those two Ewok movies aswell? wouldnt that seem more worth the wait? Instead, Lucas is going to release a disapointing trilogy.... but if you want my advice, wait... dont buy this trilogy.... rent it, and dont make Lucas richer off this box set. because you will be kicking yourself in a couple of years time when Star Wars 3 comes out, and George goes for the "12 disc box set" and you think to yourself "damn, i shouldnt have bought the trilogy i have, i should have bought the new one, with all those extras" and you'll feel Lucas has ripped you off as it's looking right now... because most likly, he will release the original trilogy, and make money off that too, then find other ways to make money, there will be single editions,special editions, ultimate editions, mega editions, and probably 2 to choose from in wide or full screens.... This over due and long wait for these so called "greatest DVD release" that has been told about, is going to be the greatest rip-off of all time. So many fan's will shut down there lightsabre's, take off there helmets, and walk away feeling like there god has just turned there back on them to make the most money out of them he can. Wookies will be howling at the moon over this. Lucas wouldnt be around, least not int he way he is known today, if it wernt for the fans of Star Wars. And he has completly disapointed all of his fans with this abomination release of one of the greatest trilogys of all time. would both editions, and both widescreen and full screen be asking so much to put onto the one disc for each film? or flip side them? would it really be so hard to give back somthing really special to the fans that made him what he is today? would it really be asking for too much for George to be loyal to the fans, instead of trying to drain them for every cent they have? That's my opinion. There are going to be thousands of disapointed Star War's fans out there when this comes out. If you want my advice? Dont buy it. Rent it, copy it, do whatever, just dont give Lucas any satsfaction of sitting back and seeing the $ sign's rise as he makes money off of somthing that hasnt been treated right... with DVD technoligy, George has ignored the possibilitys, he seems to be too wrapped up in what technology has to offer in rueining classic movies! May the shwartz be with you.
Rating:  Summary: The Greatest Movie Trilogy Ever Review: The Star Wars Trilogy is a movie set classic. All of the movies are classics and are spectacular films. It's about time the movies are be released on DVD and we only have to wait until September 21. The only flaw in the trilogy will be the simple fact that we are getting the special editions instead of the originals. If you love the movies though that really shouldn't matter to you. When Lucas made these movies he was broke. He had a vision for the movie but wasn't able to do some of the things he wanted to do because he simple couldn't afford to do so. The technology wasn't available for some of the things either so he had to wait until he could get the technology to do it. This was his vision for the film. Most of the special edition stuff isn't all tha bad. I though all the special editions were great except for the singing in Jabba's palace and the dumb song that was played at the end of Return of the Jedi. The films are going to look briliant. They looked good when they were restored on the VHS over a decade ago. If you saw the Indiana Jones trilogy on DVD then you know that Lucas doesn't play around. The extras I hope are fantastic. Many specials have been done over the years talking about the making of the moives and these should be just as good. The specials on Episode 1 and 2 are both fantastic and there is no reason to worry that these won't be as well. It's to bad we can't get the originals and I'm looking past that flaw. These DVDs are going to be spectacular and they will be here to test the tale of time. This is the greateset trilogy ever made and yes it's better than Lord of the Rings. This is an essential to any one that calls themselves movie fans or Star Wars fans. You have to get this when it comes out and it's only a couple of months more wait. So hold on just a little bit longer.
Rating:  Summary: hopefully not disappointed Review: I never saw the special editions that came out in the late 90's, but I think it would have been better to have the originals available on dvd. Still, Star Wars, with or without the enhancments, is still an awsome trilogy. I look forward to getting this when it comes out.
Rating:  Summary: Can we have the Originals PLEASE! Review: Great movies... but GL screwed with the classics. It's like reworking Lawrence of Arabia or Ben Hur Shame on him
Rating:  Summary: It's About Time Review: This has to be the smartest thing George Lucas has done for a long time. From some of the reviews I have read though, you'd think the world was ending. I noticed a lot of negative reviews, about "the trilogy is disgraced because of the new additional scenes". Well, like a true Star Wars fan, I do not feel this way at all. I think the added footage, and all the other improvements were excellent ways to bring the films into the 21st century. The originals were great too, but they were in bad need of repair before they released the Special Editions. All in all, I just want to say to all those negative reviewers, if you don't like it, just get over it, and get a life. Oh and by the way, the ewoks rule. They might be cute and cuddly, but you have to admit, they can battle.
Rating:  Summary: Marred masterpieces Review: GL shouldn't have messed with the original cuts of the movies. It is impossible for me to watch these films now without my attention being instantly drawn to the changes, as opposed to getting "lost" in the excitement of the films. And those changes by and large, are not improvements. For one thing, Jabba (when Han steps on his tail) seems to have shrunk to about 2/3 of his size. Ridiculous. I'll not pain myself by describing the many other offences. I'll not be buying these.
Rating:  Summary: It's not the originals, but it's still Star Wars Review: At this point in time I have no idea what version of these classic films will be appearing in this DVD set. Most sources say it's the 1997 special editions, while rumours have persisted that the films have been further retooled to make them mesh better with the new prequel trilogy. One things for certain, it won't be the trilogy as seen from 1997-1995. And you know what? At least for now, that's okay. I'm sure somewhere down the line, Lucas will release (or be forced to release) his movies in their original form. Given the demand for them, it's almost a sure thing FOX will put pressure on him to do so. In the meantime, we have these discs. While my opinion's only one among thousands of fans, I'm mostly fine with the Special Editions. The only thing that really needs to be removed is Greedo shooting first. Lucas can keep everything else, but Greedo needs to go. And if these movies have indeed been further altered, don't you want to see what's been changed? Even fans who hate the Special Editions like something nasty while probably buy this set either out of morbid curiosity or to complete their collection. You know you're curious about how Lucas has "further defiled" his movies, and you know you'll probably pay to see it. Besides, the video and audio for these discs will probably be demo quality, and the bonus features look pretty sweet. They've put a lot of effort into this release, moreso than Lucas's other holy trilogy, Indiana Jones. Can we really pass this up? Don't look at this set as buying the definitive version of the movie, but rather George's definitive version. Rest assured the classic versions will eventually be available. Star Wars fans know patience. It's a Jedi virtue, after all.