Rating:  Summary: one of the greatest movies ever made. Review: this is very very very very very greatttttt effects were good the acting was good action exelent. this started everything if you see a movie and the fights are slow this is what started it alllllllll the efects are probley the best in the world the figts are good like the scene where the guy is going like hundred miles an hour do dodge the bullets.some of the moves are like dragon ball z moves this is a must see action suspense the best efects in the world and great imagination.
Rating:  Summary: "The Movie of the Twentieth Century" Review: The brilliance that went into this movie amazes me. I think I could watch this movie pretty close to a thousand times in a row without being board. This is not just an action, thriller. This is deep and brilliant. I don't think, the plot ever really had what I would call a twist it was just so unpredictable the obvious seemed invisible; this script is genius. The action was powerful. I can't think of any other word that really says what I want. It was so stunning, so gripping, so real, so powerful...I haven't seen all the actions out there now, but without even really seeing half of them I feel like I could easily say: This is the best action yet in world history. And the special effects are stunning, and the entire creation of the scenery is again amazing. Things like colors that were used to portray sadness and happiness. I can't tell you all of the stuff you really should just watch it for yourself. And for you message people. The message behind this movie is simply so incredible. I think I should say messages. I won't even go into it now. I just want to say again. Buy it! If there ever was a perfect movie I think this would have to be the one.
Rating:  Summary: The greatest sci fi movie ever Review: One of my favorite all time movies and certainly a title that can be watched over and over. First off this movie is simply one of the greatest sci fi movies ever made, much better than the Star Wars or Star Trek films simply because the writing of this script was so well done. The incredible cinematography and special effects that went into making this film would make it worth watching alone even if the plot, story and characters weren't all that great, but thankfully they are that and more. The story is a Christology in part and an allegory that leans so towards the Christian experience that either the writers are believers or perhaps they just feel Christ and the beliefs that surround Him are such good myths that they'd high jack the premise and make a modern science fiction story about it. The quickie dictionary definition of an allegory is this: "the expression through symbolism of truths about human experience" and this movie does a good job of using symbolism to show us where we really are (at least from the Christian stand point). This world is not real in the sense that our surroundings are mostly just "sensory perception" our real persona has its existence in another dimension. And to believers this world isn't our true home, we are "Strangers in a Strange Land" (and like in R.A.H's famous book of the same name, Michael is able to manipulate "physical" reality as is Neo in The Matrix simply because they see it for what it really is.) "What is Real?" asks Morpheus (named after the Greek god of dreams) of Neo (new) the one he believes might be the "one", the messiah figure predicted by the Oracle. Take the blue pill and continue your life as it is (reject true reality in favor of comfort) or take the red pill (symbolic of the blood perhaps?) and you can never go back. Painful, yet necessary rebirth occurs, one's real self is allowed to be alive. "My eyes hurt" - "Because you've never used them before" Evil personified is bent on keeping humans blind so that they can be consumed. In this movie the reason is technical and has to do with physical energy, but the premise is not new, in 'The Screwtape Letters' (C.S. Lewis) the consumption is of spiritual energy, but the allegory remains constant and I think that the idea (whether one is religious or not) hits close to home in us all. Of course the often shown highlight scene of Neo dodging bullets, the karate fight scene and many other great technical stunts make this movie a great joy to watch, but watch it several times, because many of the messages are caught the second, third or in later viewings. When all seems lost Trinity proclaims that she is no longer afraid. Too much from a techo/sci fi movie? Perhaps... But maybe we could all use a reminder to live our lives with such trust.
Rating:  Summary: Paradigm for a classic film Review: The movie was incredible. The plot was complete with a sappy but enchanting love story, breathtaking action and fighting sequences, and an edge-of-your-seat climax of twists that led to an orgasmic conclusion of events. The story line had seemingly endless depth that seemed simple to put together, but upon close scrutiny, was a cover for various subplots (some intentional, some are haphazardly conjured up by passionate Matrix freaks like myself). The parallels wih the story of Jesus, for example, seem irrefutable. The cast played their characters to the utmost. Even middle-aged Lawrence Fishburn's (Morpheus) karate scenes were unsettlingly believable. Keanu Reeves (Neo)demonstrated superior martial arts technique (with the help of digitization and wires of course) as well. The screenplay was absolutely riveting. The breakthrough visual effects, like Neo dodging bullets in detailed slow-motion, or the (now hackneyed) "jump-and-remain-in-the-air-while-the-camera-does-a-360 degree-turn-around-the-action" effect, all leave the viewer in a visual and mental bliss. In my honest opinion, the Matrix is the greatest movie of the decade...(yes, its better than that movie too...whatever it was you were thinking isn't nearly as great, trust me). It's one of those movies you watch 50 times and still be able to find some new, integral piece of the story. The best part of the movie is the fact that it is going to be a trilogy. Star Wars eat your heart out.
Rating:  Summary: I...I....just don't get it..... Review: I don't know. I've heard people gush and gush about how great "The Matrix" was. I've heard people analyze it in and out, give their various interpretations of what it all means. I even had a classmate do their senior research project on the implications of the movie. And I saw it. And...well...I saw it. It was an afternoon, I watched the movie, I took it out of the VCR and it was over. I wasn't left astounded, or inspired, or anything. Yes, the special effects were good. Yes, Keanu Reeves wasn't terrible, although he wasn't great either. But it just suffered from blandness and an over-pretentiousness. Obviously, there were elements of something of a Messianic allegory, which would be cool if done right, I guess. The problem is that its too obvious. We know that Keanu's the chosen one, we know that he's going to realize his destiny, and you are left with a "well, what's next?" feeling that is never satisfied at the ending. And yes, the special effects were groundbreaking, but to tell you the truth, I saw the slow-mo fight scenes so much before I saw the movie that I wasn't particularly impressed when I actually saw them in the movie. In the end, it all comes off as a sort of Terminator/Star Wars love child, except with those two movies, they wowed you with their grand scale. You knew that those movies were huge, and in Star Wars's case, epic. Here, it's a whole lot of nothing, and in the end, it's just another (yawn!) Hollywood action movie. Some people try to make it seem bigger than it is to make themselves smart, I guess. My advice: If you want movies made by a pair of brothers that are actually good to analzye/interpret, watch a Coen brothers movie. This movie was way to forgetable and shallow to dive into.
Rating:  Summary: The Alpha and Omega of DVD Review: I won't bore you about the plot details of "The Matrix," except that I'll say that it is a first-rate action/sci-fi film. However, what you DO need to know is that this DVD sets the standard for ALL DVD releases: immaculate picture, bass-heavy 5.1 surround sound, and a wealth of features that will have you glued to the set for hours. If you're looking to start a DVD collection, "The Matrix" should be your first purchase.
Rating:  Summary: Wow! Review: Wow! That's really all I can say about this film!! My husband just loves it and eventually got me quite hooked on it. We must watch it once a week!!
Rating:  Summary: "Free your mind." Review: While the idea of someone living in a world that is not what it appears to be is not alien in the realm of science-fiction films, the delivery of this concept in "The Matrix" is solid. If the film was nothing less than some shoot-em'-up action flick, I doubt it would be as successful as it is now. Visually, this film gives you little chance to rest before something even more stunning appears, which is a credit to all those involved. The DVD itself is good (it's still a heavy seller (...) despite being two years old), cementing "The Matrix" as one of the truly great action films of our time.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing Review: I first saw this on VHS. THen my friend rented it (On DVD) and we watched it. This movie can be confusing. But after the 5th time, you'll understand. The bullet trails are neat. And the Lobby Scene is the best shootout in years. overall, GET This movie.
Rating:  Summary: One almost fatal flaw. Review: The one problem I have with this film is that the main idea that humans would be used as batteries seems far-fetch. I don't mind far out speculation if it is made plausible, which there is no attempt to. Surprisingly this flaw is not critical, and the is very good desptie of it. Anyone used to mindless FX movie probably won't care. I really didn't either. There are plenty of cool things in this movie: gunfights, explosions, and kung fu. The story actually has more than one layer (most movies rarely have half a layer) to it. References to the Bible, Taoism, greek mythology, the cyberpunk writers of the '80s (those really cool glasses that Morpheus and Neo where where a trademark of such writers as Bruce Sterling and William Gibson), _Alice in Wonderland_, and Neil Gaiman's Sandman comic books.