Rating:  Summary: Very Different...but in a good way Review: I didn't see the Matrix in a theater, and I'm dissapointed that I didn't. My friends said it was an excellent movie. I'm in high school, and they thought it was great. I rented it when it came out on video, and the first time I saw it, I wasn't sure I even liked it. The whole idea was new to me. I watched it again and was blown away. The "dream world" was done so well with the bullet time and even though the plot was good, the dialogue had a chance to become cliche and obvious, but it didn't. I can't say much here to tell someone about the movie, they have to go and see it to get what I mean. [...]
Rating:  Summary: a cheap reason for expensive effects Review: This movie is the most disappointing film that I have seen. That doesn't mean it was the worst, just disappointing after such high hopes for it. It has horrible actors. Keanu Reeves should really not be allowed to play any parts that involve speaking. The lines Trinity (Carry-Anne Moss) are rather uninspiringly lame, akward, and sound so unnatural when she speaks. The story is based on an interesting idea, that challenges our idea of life. However, the way that it was developed was so terrible. The movie focused more on something that would have cool effects, than something important. The ending was probably the worst. It was dumb, horribly disappointing, and it almost seemed as the director was shooting for generic. Even most bland action movies at least had cool action sequences if nothing else. The millions of dollars for computer special effects actually detracted from the movie. Most things in the movie, like the fight scene between Neo and Morphius, looked slow and very synthetic. You do have to hand it to the special effects department for some cool looking graphics. In summary: horrible story +story development, uninspiring script, terrible acting, and slow and artificial action. If you still believe in a good story over overpaid visuals, you should definetly stay clear.
Rating:  Summary: Quite simply one of my favorite movies of all time. Review: Great action and creative. I can not wait until the next movies come out. I would recommend this to all.
Rating:  Summary: Too much compression Review: The person who wrote the picture quality technical information on this disc must have watched it on a 19" tv where you won't notice the horrible banding due to the digital compression. It's aweful in the dark regions, which is most of the film. Put all the extras on second disc and use less compression. Well, I still liked it and the sound is amazing in 5.1 surround. Just don't watch it on a tv bigger than 30 something inches. A progressive scan dvd player may help. I'll revise this if it does.
Rating:  Summary: When you see this, you'll be dying for the sequel! Review: I saw this movie in the theater when it first came out, and was surprised when I found I enjoyed it- the action genre usually leaves something to be desired, in my opinion... and I normally can't stand Keanu Reeves. Laurence Fishburne does a marvelous job as Morpheus, and the Wachowski brothers spin a tale so engrossing and believable that you may look at your whole world a little differently afterwards- it leaves the viewer to do a lot of philosophical insight.
Rating:  Summary: Suggestive Review: This is a dangerous film. An addictive film. It's success is due to it's coincidence with DVD, which gives people a sense of being at the cinema but in their own homes. Once the novelty wears off I expect there will be some sobering up over The Matrix's worth. The concept is more appealing than the execution. Why? Because it allows Americans to be the victims of capitalism and not it's perpetrators. They are all lying in containers and are not responsible for 'the system' which is imposed on them. They are still the enemy though, because they will unknowingly do anything to protect the system. This sets up a particularly nasty scene whereby the heroes mow down an entire lobby of people in cold blood. The relish in which the film makers execute this is chilling, appealing to some video gamers demographic in a truly cynical manner which really turns you against the film, if any encouragement is actually needed. After the heroes leave the lobby in a lift a bit of granite drops off the wall. This was a very calculating touch by the makers, to dismiss this evil bit of death by friendly fire as a joke. There is little humour in the portentuous proceedings but the little there is is always coldly logical and dripping in morbid incincerity. I'm sure though that for Mr Hazell below, the lobby scene was a deeply spiritual moment, in the strictly Yungian sense, of course. The message of course is typically American. Believing in yourself at the expense of others. Talk softly and carry a big stick. Shoot first and call your therapist later. God is what you make her. My favourite bit of self belief in the film is when Neo machine guns the room in which the guy he's come to rescue is sitting dead centre and despite the copious and random flaying of ammo somehow fails to hit him along with the bad guys. Maybe it's just bad direction. Like, for instance, someone whose grown up from a baby without any muscle development or bone usage would just fall out an incubator and immediately take up Kung Fu. New Age mantra peps you up, I guess. The tacked on redemptive power of love ending fools nobody, either. It's as bogus as the matrix itself. Neo can fly up into the sky as far as he wants, he won't escape the system. The ethos behind this film is pure capitalism, directed with all the cold precision and studied ruthlessness of a hedgehog being thrown into the path of a combine harvester. Anyway, the brothers Wachowski are young. Maybe they'll see the error of their ways. After ten sequels, of course.
Rating:  Summary: Incredible! A Must Own movie for the next Generation. Review: In 1999, Audiences including myself all saw this Amazing Sci-fi Action Blockbuster that shattered the box-office records of that year. for those who haven't seen it, i cannot tell you what it is about, just go rent it and be happy.Absoultly recommended and worth buying, plus it will become a Classic.
Rating:  Summary: Among My Favorites Review: What can I say? I love this movie. The special effects were amazing--and obviously trend setting. I loved the story, the clothes, the music, the colors--everything. Every time I watch this movie, I learn something new about it. The first time I watched it, I knew it would be a favorite. A must have for science fiction lovers.
Rating:  Summary: Great Film Review: A lot of people these days are complaining that the movie industry is falling into a technological rut and that real movies have ceased to exist. I say that if the graphics and technology used in films has my jaw on the floor like this one did then who cares. This film was amazing. The end kind of stunk but I'm not much for the sappy stuff. I don't even like Keanu Reeves and I can watch this movie every day
Rating:  Summary: no choice Review: Am I the only one who wishes those jerks making movies would give us a choice between widescreen or fullscreen versions of these new movies?