Rating:  Summary: Carnosaur (1993) Review: This is probably the most bizarre and dark movie ever to be made. The plot is pretty weird, and the special effects are terrible. The plot: A mad scientist, Dr. Jane Tiptree (Diane Ladd, mother of Laura Dern, who was in the other dino film of the year, JURASSIC PARK) uses chicken eggs to make an army of Velociraptors and T-rexes, and she sets them loose in a quiet town. There is a lot of gore, so it's no wonder why it's rated R. The acting and music is pretty good, and the dino vision is cool. Their vision is how it looks like when you have night vision goggles on; it's a greenish color. This is overall an okay movie, watch it more than once. CARNOSAUR 2 (1995), CARNOSAUR 3: PRIMAL SPECIES (1996) and RAPTOR (2001) are it's sequels.
Rating:  Summary: Who knew chickens would bring down mankind?!?! Review: This is the story about how a crazy female scientist uses chickens in an attempt to destroy mankind. After years of research, she creates a chicken egg that hatches...a dinosaur! This is all nice and quiet and out of the government's reach, but sadly when a truck driver escapes with an egg inside a crate full of chickens. He then proceeds to escape and eat the residents of a southwestern town. The tables have turned! Now it's the chickens' turn to dip humans in sweet-and-sour sauce!Unfortunately, a drunk and down-and-out construction worker (who is battling local hippies who don't like people moving dirt because, after all, the dirt was here first) discovers bodies and encounters the carnosaur, then goes to meet the scientist who created the thing. He discovers that she has created a plot to destroy mankind. Sadly, all this is after forty-five minutes into the film. The next half hour is the scientist (played by Diane Ladd) blabbering on and on about how humans stink and the planet belongs to the dinosaurs (hey it's not our fault they can't survive one stinkin' meteor!). This made the film absolutely BORING! For the love of god, lady, SHUT UP! I was yelling at our hero to just shoot her so the scene would end! Diane Ladd is no Marlon Brando, and Dr. Tiptree is no Colonel Dax. I think the writer knew he had a cool idea for a sci-fi plot, then just overindulged himself. The film in general is just bad. Bad affects, horrible filmmaking (Roger, encourage your directors to PLAN their shots), and a script that is creative in it's content but fails to deliver. Yeah the idea was cool and the twist ending surprised me but...it's just a bad script. Maybe it was all the stupid side-jokes like, "Dinosaurs ruling the planet...that would make a great theme park." BOO!! There is one reason to see this movie: the part where the hippie says to the dinosaur, "Peace, green brother!" Ah, such fine last words...
Rating:  Summary: so bad it was funny Review: this is the worst movie i have ever seen in my entire life. i was laughing the whole time, that's how bad it was. the dinosaurs looked like they were made out of clay or they were puppets. theres also kind of a home-made look to it. there was one scene where a guy was on a city street and he injured a dinosaur when he shot it. this guy just stood there, saying stuff to the carnosaur, and im thinking, why don't u kill the stupid thing? so u guessed it, the dinosaur does end up killing the guy. then i look closer. the street had no curb! i guess the people who made this movie payed no attention to detail. theres another scene where these people in suits have to go around killing everyone because the chicken/carnosaur virus is spreading and everyone has it. the guys in the suits burst into a house and there's these people standing in the living room, just standing there. so, one of the guys in the suits shoots one of the people, while the rest of the people just stand there, waiting to get shot. terrible acting! the ending was really bad too. it must be completely embarrassing to have been one of the actors in this film and watch it, seeing how bad it is. maybe u should rent this one just to laugh at it.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Good Movie if you think about it Review: this movie is good. it's good enough for me. i own the dvd of this movie. the plot is good. it's about a baby t-rex that goes on a rampage and eat's the ... out of people. the special effects aren't very good but i guess Roger Corman thinks their good. this movie needes to be in every store so people well buy it more. this movie is not for children. if you think it's okay for your kids think again. it has lots of blood pouring out of people necks and mouths. people get hands riped off and heads biten of and even more worse things. but it acually is a very good movie.
Rating:  Summary: What in the hell is wrong with you people? Review: this movie is sooooo good! Ok so its looks Bad on some parts but thats why its a B Movie. For me in General I like to watch all kinds of movies. This movie rocks. If your the Kind on person that likes Big movies with big Stars dont buy this movie.
Rating:  Summary: TOTALY AWSOME! Review: This movie made me so scared I was afraid to leave the room without looking behind the doors. CHECK IT OUT!
Rating:  Summary: Best movie ever! Review: This movie rules! Great acting, Great Story, and fun (but somewhat unconvincing) Special FX. I loved the two sequels as well. This movie has a wicked sense of black humor and a lot of gory violence. If you want to see an original and entertaining dinosaur flick, you MUST see Carnosaur!
Rating:  Summary: I am appauled Review: This movie was the worst movie I have ever seen. However, I saw south park later in the week, so I do award this movie half a star for some aspects. I didn't think that the special effects were that terrible. It actually had a good plot, but It was carried out horridly. I had to take breaks from watching this movie. It just got worse and worse. At the end, I was left in awe and thought, "I cannot believe I just saw that." It will assault your taste in movies. Pick up carnosaur 2 instead (I reviewed that too), but just leave this movie alone. Ick
Rating:  Summary: Possibly the worst movie ever made! Review: This stinker is the worst of the worst in bad B horror. The Dinosaurs do not stay in any kind of scale, jumping from large to medium sizes and back indescriminatley. The acting is very bad. A stage is obviously used for a scene in which a sheriff fights a small man sized Dino (maybe a Raptor - but in this movie it was just as likely T-Rex).The roads in this scene are black with no curbs. But the worst part of the movie occurs when a woman chained to a big construction machine is attacked by one of the Dinos, if you pause the movie and go through the action frame by frame you can see that the woman is being shaken by a human hand, not a Dino at all. I have liked several Roger Corman classics, B movies that are bad, but fun to watch anyway. I can not reccomend Carnosaur to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Disjointed Mess Review: To give you a quick idea of how bad this film is: the best thing about it is that Clint Howard has a small role. The basic plot of this film is that the biowarfare division of a corporation has genetically modified chickens so that they lay eggs which hatch dinosaurs. Despite the fact that the company knows these eggs are dangerous (they already have a full-grown dinosaur locked up in their basement), the modified chickens are not only kept in a minimum security warehouse, they are also sometimes shipped out to be sold commercially as food!!! (Yes, the insane scientist in charge of the project has kept its purpose secret from most, but there are others who know about it). Also, for reasons not clearly explained, a surpisingly large number of pregnant women in the film give birth to dinosaurs (I guess they ate some of the slimy green eggs!). Now, if the movie were fun I'd be willing to suspend my disbelief about all this, but the movie is a complete mess. This film was obviously rushed out to cash in on the simultaneous release of Jurassic Park. It appears that in order to meet this deadline, Roger Corman took an incomplete film and re-edited it chronologically into something competely lacking continuity. For example, what should be a continuous ten-minute sequence near the end of the movie (the hero confronting the mad scientist) is spliced up so that the scene apparently takes place over the space of two or more days! Scenes keep shifting from day to night and back to day again. Characters suddenly pop up in completely different locations from where they were seconds before and engage in acts that do not logically follow what they were doing before, and appear to pick up new information clairvoyantly (when they are not completely forgetting other important events). Various plot threads also go absolutely nowhere. Even the meaningless captions about "Contaminated Cells Per Million" occassionally flashed on the screen (it does not actually appear to refer to anything!), instead of continuously climbing, jumps up and down (20%...35%...12%). In films like Plan 9 From Outer Space where there was no budget or talent to work with, this sort of thing is excusable and the results can be entertaining. However, I found Carnosaur to just be frustrating and insulting. It is too bad this had to happen considering the script does make some interesting points about uncontrolled research into genetically modified food, etc., and has a more interesting premise than Jurrasic Park regarding the origins of its dinosaurs. But instead what resulted is a shameful cash-grab which should only appeal to those who care more about gore than story. And the dinosaurs look silly!