Rating:  Summary: Carnosaur Review: This is actually a very good movie with an incredibly dark tone. It is NOT for children, having extreme gore and language.
The SFX are decent at best. There are a few good FX, but the
deinonycus is mostly a hand puppet.
Rating:  Summary: CARNOSAUR RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: A mad scientist named Dr. Jane Tiptree (Diane Ladd) mixes dinosaur and chicken DNA together and hatches meat-eating dinosaurs (carnosaurs) from chicken eggs. Okay, she only hatches Velociraptors and T-rexes. She lets them loose on a Navada town, and the carnosaurs begin to eat people. She also makes a virus that makes women give birth to carnosaurs! Who can stop them? Doc Smith, a former doctor that guards construction equipment, and Ann Thrush, an enviormentalist. Okay, the special effects really, really bite. But the other stuff, plot, acting, screenplay, direction, are all fairly good. I love this movie, and I love it's sequels, too. Favorite Part: Doc and Ann battle a T-rex with bulldozers.
Rating:  Summary: Carnosaur Review: A scientist has made a sworm of "small" t-rexs and is unleashing them on a small quiet town. The town's mountains are being riped apart and now that the dinosaurs are here, that's not the only thing being riped apart. With a small budget carnsaur was created. With not so great special effects it makes it entertaining each time you watch it.
Rating:  Summary: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Review: After seeing the first Carnosaur, one thing is sure in my mind...I'll rent the whole trilogy in my next cheesefest! Okay, let's talk wisely...my hypothesis about the word Carnosaur is the following: Carn stands for Carnivor and Osaur stands for Dinosaur...okay...but here's a proof that this film is for a ... and stupid audience; everybody who knows at least a little about dinosaur knows that some of them were carnivors...but what they tried to do with that title is to teach idiots that carnivor dinosaurs have existed...yeah...but only the staff of this movie is stupid enough to think they seem intelligent by saying this...right....so, I say that people who do a bad job like this (that means everyone who worked on this piece of ...) should be fired or should at least try another job...the special effects were awful, the scenario too, the acting was absolutely laughable, and the directing was so bad that it was funny...I was making more intelligent videos than this ... when I was 6! And after a big laughing time like Carnosaur, all you want to do is do it again, and in the Carnosaur case, it's very cool, because it's a trilogy, so you can have a HUGE laughing time...like I'll have in my next cheesefest...So overall, for all the fun I had watching and analysing this, I give it a BIG 21%.
Rating:  Summary: Is this supposed to be scary? Review: Always be wary of films which claim to be better than some box-office hit or other.This cash-in on Jurassic Park bears no resemblance in the slightest to Harry Adam Knight's brilliant novel Carnosaur. So why bother getting copyright in the first place? The ideas behind this film are vaguely interesting and there is some good scenery, but what lets it all down are some of the most laughable, unconvincing dinosaurs I've ever had the misfortune to waste my time watching. The creatures in the silent 1925 Lost World are far better than these pathetic creations. So much for progress. Do yourself a huge favour and watch Jurassic Park instead. Or failing that, Barney. He's a far more convincing dinosaur than the rubber abominations in the complete turkey that is Carnosaur. If the sequels are as bad as this I don't think I'll bother with them.
Rating:  Summary: Rubber dinosaurs on the loose. Review: An embittered scientist starts breeding dinosaurs in an attempt to wipe out the human race and return the planet to the age of wonders. Pity there's no wonder or awe surrounding the dinosaurs in this film. True, there are a few comic moments involving some of the human characters, but the whole thing has a very 'stalk-and-slash movie' feel about it. Not that it's recommended to fans of Friday 13th-type films, as the gore isn't even convincing. But what really lets the whole thing down is the poor quality of the dinosaurs. Cheap, rubbery creations which are too ridiculous to be frightening. A rubber Raptor even laughs at one point - anything to stay sane whilst appearing in a film of this poor quality, I suppose. Apparently there are two sequels. Why?
Rating:  Summary: Ok so it may not have the best special effects ... Review: but if your looking for a good b-movie laugh this is it. The dinosaurs are on the unbelievable side but the gore and campy dialogue make up for it and it is filmed very well. The premise is that a mad woman scientist has created a virus that will eliminate man and allow dinosaurs to rule the world. The virus is caught by eating chicken eggs from the factory she is in charge of and basically impregnates women with dinosaur eggs.:) However the main rampaging dinosaurs are laid by-or rather exploded from-the chickens themselves. A very nice funny movie that never takes itself seriously.
Rating:  Summary: carnosaur Review: C is for carnage,and this has carnage.A scientist wips a big batch of killer chicken eggs. huge dinosaurs are terroriseing a small town.It's great!!
Rating:  Summary: This ones a stinker Review: Carnosaur was well...a really crappy film. The acting was terrible, the dinosaurs were fake as...um you know the rest..
The plot go's like this. Mad scientist hates humanity so she does some wierd expriment which causes chickens(inculding humans..well just woman)to give birth to Dinosaurs. So she does this and creates some mad chaos which will eventually come to an end for mother earth! Oh no not another end of the world movie! Overall the Plot was O-k I guess but ruined by really lame characters and really "scary" Dinosaurs. The film had some really cliched moments. For some reason I just found it really funny though yet very disgusting for one example is when abunch of activists are killed by the dinosaur. One activist(Who I sware for one split second I thought it was George Carlen)says "greeting green brother". I was like "um ok....what the hell?" Either he was high on crack or he's just really stupid cause if any activist saw a green T Rex commin at them they would have ran for there life. For an example...I know this is pointless but If I knew there were some kind of crazy stuff goin around that place and there was a rubber dinosaur headed our way I would have atleast had a Loaded shotgun ready(Dawn of the Dead 04 style). This film was just plain stupid...
The gore in this film is pretty gory and yet sooooooo fake as...you know the rest. The only real gory scenes is when the activist gets his face torn off which he gets for saying something really stupid like that.. I overall enjoyed this film in a "fake yet really funny sort of way". Speaking of funny, funny man Clint Howard is in this movie!..And sadly he gets killed. To be honest I wish he was the hero in this film not some drunk idiot who gets all the credit.
Bad Acting, Fake Gore, a pretty average plot ruined by almost everything in this film only to be saved by Clint Howard(who dies later on) gives this film a
2.0 out of 5
....Clint saved this film..pretty much..
Rating:  Summary: BITING FUN Review: Coming on the overwhelming reception for JURASSIC PARK, hence came CARNOSAUR. Long-time b-horror maven Bert I. Gordon got a bigger budget and has delivered a bloody but diverting monster movie. Brilliant geneticist Diane Ladd has created a virus which she is putting in chickens, so that when they hatch their eggs, they are being sold and unwary citizens are eating the eggs and getting sick, and even worse...won't spoil the plot. Ladd's performance is so coldy calculating that she comes across as one of the most intriguing villainesses in some time. Raphael Sbarge is a construction maintenance worker who guards the equipment from a group of protesters, wherein he meets Jennifer Runyon (a strong Mariel Hemingway lookalike) and they inevitably fall in love after being saved from the evil Carnosaur. The dinosaur effects are nowhere near as brilliant as Jurassic's, but they are convincing enough---even when they're munching on someone's arms or legs. Harrison Page as the stalwart sheriff meets his fate in a rather ouch way... I haven't seen the sequels yet, but this is an above average thrillfest.