Rating:  Summary: Rediculous! Review: The trailer for this film was excellent, thats why I wanted to see it. it looked intense, exciting, and even scary. Was it any of these things? NO! It actually started off very promising when Marc Wahlburg crashes down on the Planet of the Apes, and he and a bunch of natives are running from the apes. After that it goes down hill. It's all about Mark Wahlburg trying to get free from the planet. The Apes are rediculous. The make up is excellent and you can barely recognize Helena Bonham Carter, Tim Roth, and Michael Clarke Duncan, but I couldn;t help but laugh at these fine actors as they said their horrendoues dialogue, and believe me the dialogue was not meant to be funny. It lacked any excitment or intensity and was filled with bad performances especially from Mark Wahlburg and Estella Warren.
Rating:  Summary: A visual treat with a shell of a plot and characters Review: Well I look at this film mainly as a stand alone picture and secondly in comparison to the much, much better original. Basically this update does 3 things wonderfully: 1. Create big cash for the studios 2. Really utilize the surround sound technology of today and 3. Show how makeup development has progressed (a bit but not so far from the originals). Whats it lacks is the more important 3 found in the first film: 1. Plot with a multi-dimentional purpose 2. Real strong chartacter development and dialogue 3. A caring for the lead character, his plight and struggle. In short, buy the first to own it, rent the second to say you saw it (and make you appreciate the purchase of the original). Also, the DVD extras seem pretty cool but the 5 "extended scenes" are among the most poorly and over hyped I have ever seen. They are hardly extended at all (10 seconds per scene?) So enjoy and know that there were 5 other movies made since the original and they are all worthy of viewing as much (if not more) than this remake).
Rating:  Summary: Very Stupid! Review: This was one this most stupid movies I have ever seen! the ending was so dumb. this movie was made because of the flow of cocaine/xtc/meth/whatever and money in hollywood. I rated it a 1 because it did have pretty good fx.
Rating:  Summary: Not the worst movie ever made Review: but that is about the only good thing I can say about this pathetic movie. DO NOT SEE IT! Not even to see how bad it is, because there is nothing interesting to see unless you want to see michael jackson in drag.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie (3 Stars) But Rocking DVD Review: The movie starts off well enough but it seems to fall into formula action pretty quick. Mark Walhburg is merely competant and seems limited as an actor in this movie. Some of the other actors (i.e. Estella Warren) are little more than cardboard characters. (with the obvious exception of Tim Roth as Thade, who single handedly steals every scene he is in.) In all, the movie seems to lack passion and emotion, even though it is a pretty movie to look at. As a movie it does deserve a 3 star rating. But as a DVD, this things rocks. The extras are phenomenal! there is so much here that you can spend days sifting through it all. As far as the DVD movie quality, both sound and image are pristine and the DTS score is fantastic. It will give your surround system a workout. While I would hesitate to recommend this movie to someone going to see it in a theater, as a DVD it is a fantastic purchase. While you may not love the movie, the extras make it worthwhile.
Rating:  Summary: Monkey Business Review: A bland, generic, corporate-motivated PG-13 near-dud of a movie. I never saw the 1968 original with Charlton Heston, but it had to be infinitely better than this mess. The DVD, from what I understand, is a well-assembled package, but a mediocre movie is still a mediocre movie. Proceed with caution.
Rating:  Summary: YOU WANT TO BE HUMAN?! THEN WEAR THEIR MARK!! Review: I thought that this film was awesome! I never did get to see itin the theatre, but it was worth the wait. I watched the old one before I saw this one,all I can say is that the new one is 100 times better! mark wahlberg is so hot in all his movies,especially this one. I got the soundtrack for christmas,and it is a great one, especially track 15. rule the planet remix with dialog from the film. my favorite besides wahlberg was helena bonham carter,she was pretty and also the nicest. "ITS DIGUSTING THE WAY WE TREAT HUMANS"!
Rating:  Summary: All Hype, Nothing good about this movie Review: Don't waste your money on this overly marketed dung pile. I was very disappointed, especially being a (former) Tim Burton fan. It's amazing how much hype can be generated (bought) for such a poor movie. I still hear commercials about how this movie is THE ONE to buy this holiday season. It's all just marketing BS, don't believe it. I've never seen the original Planet of the Apes movies but from what I hear I should check them out. If you need to see this movie for some reason, rent it.
Rating:  Summary: Right down there with the very worst Review: Good lord, have are our expectations for big-budget Hollywood productions sunk so low that some people actually consider this a GOOD MOVIE??? You could probably make a worse one if you strapped a camcorder to your dog's loins for two hours, but this surely has to rank among the worst major productions of the year. The original was a moderately enjoyable, fairly clever film that didn't need to be remade at all. This, however, is just plain BAD - not bad in a campy sense, which is what I was hoping for when I sat down with a bottle of cheap wine and prepared to play along with the silliness, but just plain bad. Ape Society is merely a mirror image of the worst of Human Society, which quickly gets old and suggests that the screenwriters didn't feel obligated to attempt anything cleverer. Does anyone else find it distracting that the Lead Female Ape can't just be a regular old ape but must fulfill Hollywood's pathetic idea of what a "cute" ape would look like - clear skin, pug nose, thin lips, punk-rock hair, etc., etc.? All of which renders her looking almost exactly like ... -- which isn't my personal idea of a Cute Ape anyway and is quite disturbing to those of us who would prefer to remember...as he used to be. And, of course, while the other humans look like an average crowd of disheveled Deadheads waiting for the concert, the obligatory Lead Babe parades around with her tousled blonde hair, collagen lips and mini-skin (with the mandatory Serious Cleavage) like a Sports Illustrated swimsuit model. And why do little teeny spacecraft used for routine scout operations from the Mother Ship have gauges on their dashboards that tell the operator when he is traveling back in time - does this make sense??? Kudos, however, to Mark Wahlberg for keeping his shirt on and generally carrying on in the way that he supposes an actor in a movie would act. In any event, buy the original and don't insult your wine-addled brain with this drivel.
Rating:  Summary: a decent summer action thriller Review: I know, this movie is probably the type of flick that every single movie critic on the land -amateur or otherwise- would jump at and relentlessly attack it for its Hollywood-ness and its big-studio-ness. I, too, am usually one of those snotty self-clamed cinematic aficionados. And I'm probably not the best person to review this film, for I haven't read the book nor have I seen the original. All that being said, I think this movie is quite entertaining. The plot is concise (probably watered down so the summer blockbuster crowd can follow with ease) and more or less coherent - I don't understand why would some think that the movie has no plot at all. The special effects are not very special at all. The acting is not commendable-especially the human roles- but hey, you don't expect too much from a summer action flick. But even with all the shortcomings that are inherent to any Hollywood blockbusters, the movie grabbed my attention and made me want to read the book which the movie is based on and perhaps watch the original, and I think that's more than anyone could ever ask from a big-budget summer action thriller. Also, the DVD version has some interesting stuff. So back off, pseudo-critics! It ain't rose, but it ain't all that bad.