Rating:  Summary: Good transfer of Media to DVD Review: This movie was everything I expected it to be & then some. I hope the director decides to come out with the "Director's cut" like I have on VLD, that would add so much more to the DVD version. If you haven't seen the extended "Director's cut" on VLD try to get a hold of it. It gives you insite to the character's lives so much more. END
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Quality, Cinematography, and Action! Review: Terminator 2: Judgement Day is still one of the best action movies I've ever seen. It is one of the few movies where the sequel is better than the original. This is definitely James Cameron's best work ever (Yes, better than the almighty Titanic), and is improved even more from the VHS version to DVD. The plot is great, and it keeps you at the edge of your seat the entire time. My only gripe is that the entire movie is set at night. END
Rating:  Summary: Excellent transfer to DVD Review: Excellent picture and sound quality of the DVD release of T2 makes you feel like you're back in the theatre!I just wish there were more extras, like a "making of" special or some extra commentary by the directory or the actors. END
Rating:  Summary: It doesn't get old. As good as in 1991. Review: The King Of The World made, along his career, films that go from good to excellent. T2 is an excellent movie, I consider it to be even better than its prequel. And it is a great achievement, executed by The King, as we know that most sequels tend to be much worse than their originals. The King Of The World is a very earnest and skilled film maker, who always pays great attention to detail and who likes to portray something new on screen everytime he does a new movie, or at list new in the way that it is made. With The Abyss -a very good movie- The King of the World had pushed the envelope in the special effects department in cinema, and with T2 he made the best use possible of this new technology he had in his hands. Bravo King of the World!
Rating:  Summary: one of the if not the best sequel ever! Review: in this sequel to the awesome original,arnold is a good guy sent back to protect john conner.another newer model of terminater comes after them.this t-1000 is made from quasi-liquid metal.it can be solid or liquid as needed.johns mom sarah decides to go and waste the dude who found the original terminaters hand and was largely responsible for the eventual takeover by the machines.this is a bit much for smaller kids.the action is incredible in this one.the first part was a indt film.this one cost 80 million dollars and made 78 million in its first weekend.it is the best of the 3 id say.if you are squeamish,you might want to go see bambi instead.belive it or not,its even emotional in a spot or 2.sara isnt a tenny bopper in this one but a dykey rambo bitch.her shrink isnt around long,but while he is,he is very obnoxious.of course he lived.it seems the guy in any movie who really needs killed,never gets it.sara deserved an award for this one.she did an awesome job playing a psycho with a lot on her mind.the message is no fate but what we make.in part 3 youll see that just isnt true,but i alredy knew that.intensity galore!sara plays a very intense character.all the action,the nukes,it freakin rocks!this is arnolds best!the special effects kick ass too.they made a 3rd.im hoping for a 4th also.but since it takes 10 years for another sequel,id better not hold my breath.and,by the way,who cares if arnolds to old.cant they find another musclehead to play some sort of new terminater?its do-able.we know it.hollywood knows it.so get off your lazy asses and make it already.i belive its about time for the big showdown between machine and man.
Rating:  Summary: A cinematic classic Review: Known for having sets and ideas that tend to push the bounds of filmmaking, James Cameron likes to be ambitious and have films that would otherwise be quite a bold risk. Before this film he made the Abyss, a complicated underwater shoot that wasn't a huge hit Fox wanted it to be and before that Aliens, a really tight schedule with big sets, miniatures and a 10 feet tall queen alien. Now the advancements are more digital but still no less groundbreaking and in turn, still exciting.
John Connor, mankind's savior after machines declare war on their creators, is actually a deviant, robbing ATM's of cash with a special laptop and disobeying his foster parents and getting in trouble with the law. His mother Sarah is in an insane asylum has her declarations of nuclear war, machines, terminators and time travel make her apparently nuts. In the first film, the machines tried to kill Sarah before she gave birth to John. Now, they're going after John himself.
As a protector, John in the future reprograms a terminator to save his skin in the past instead of the last time which was a human soldier. Only he looks like the terminator from the last one so it obviously freaks Sarah out since he tried so hard to kill her.
The film is definately more ambitious with a thrilling bike/semi chase to the rescue and escape from the insane asylum and to the incredibly real and powerful nuclear dream, it really pushes the series into a better direction rather than just being a nice action movie, this is a ride.
Also after ILM's digital breakthrough with the pseudopod from the Abyss(that water tentacle), ILM was responsible for creating the T-1000, the villain of the film who's entirely liquid metal and is capable of imitating what he touches and using his body to creating blades to stab people with.
The movie quite frankly oozes cool. It's got action scenes, drama and character development, some comedy and some classic scenes(I still smile during the "Bad to the Bone" intro). The DVD set is practically exhausting where it details so much about the film, you probably know enough to create your own Terminator 2 but let's face it, you can't duplicate a classic, there's one already here.
Rating:  Summary: the most intense sci fi movie put to screen I've ever seen Review: saw it 8 times on tv
awesome every time
saw it in theatres at age 10 with my pops
shocking it was
very funny
very shocking
very full of action
great story
moving characters
shocking visuals
I closed my eyes in the parts where the T1000 stuck people with his sharp hands
like the dad getting gouged through the throat while drinking a carton of milk. the cop getting stuck in the eye to death while his double ( T 1000) stood there prying it deeper, the trucker asking if T1000 is alright and he knives him right thru the chest into the heart. ouch that has to hurt all of these people. great movie. great cinematics. glad I got this on dvd. Robert Patrick makes a great villain. he's also great in Fire in the Sky. a truly shocking alien like tale movie. see if you haven't. I mean this movie and Fire in the sky of course. thank you for your time people. can't wait to watch this movie again and again on my dvd player. I could never get sick of Terminator movies. I'll be watching T2 til the day I die. that's how pricless this movie is
Rating:  Summary: A most perfect action/Sci-fi flick and a cool DVD! Review:
Set 10 years after the events of the first movie, two terminators are sent back through time in the year 1991. One is a good guy ( Arnold Schwartzenger) whom has to protect young John Conner ( Edward Furlough)from the deadly shapeshifting T-1000 ( Robert Patrick) because one day John will be a future leader. With the help of the heroine Sarah Conner ( Linda Hamilton) from the original movie, she with John & The Terminator have to prevent an upcoming war that will lead to the future and must outdo the T-1000.
A sequel that works higher than the original movie which was a classic by the way. James Cameron with Arnold have returned in this highly expensive sequel that was probably the costliest movie in Carolco's history, however when it opened on July 2 1991 it has became one of the highest grossing movies of time with critical acclaim and academy awards for best make-up, best special effects, and best editing. What truly made it a new action/sci-fi classic is that the film contained unbelivable special effects by ILM for it's time like no one has ever seen before, great acting, flawless direction & writing by James Cameron, non-stop action and heart to go with the movie.
The Extreme Edition DVD has some very good extras like Commentary by James Cameron and co-writer William Wisher, Extreme Interactive mode with graphic commentary and behind the scenes footage, superior sound & picture quality by THX. Two featurettes and a few PC-DVD.Rom features as well, this is truly a must have DVD for those who loves movies either action, Science Fiction, the original Terminator or just plain movies.
Rating:  Summary: easily the best terminator film Review: Having seen the entire Terminator trilogy I can confidently say that this is by far the most structured, most intelligent, most character-developing, most emotional, most violent and the best Terminator flick ever. The movie begins with everyone's favorite Austrian Ape crash landing stark naked into 1995 where he beats the crap out of motorcyclists at a bar for a guy's clothes and bike (this part is hilarious, especially when Ah-nuld tosses the guy on the stove). The new T-1000 also arrives, taking the uniform of a cop, to kill Sarah Connor's newborn son John. The T-1000 is played by Robert Patrick, whom you may recognize from Die Hard 2 as the thug disguised as a painter who called the SWAT team member a "sitting duck" before killing him.
After Ah-nuld and the young John Connor bust Sarah out from a mental hospital where they think she's insane for her stories of killer cyborgs from the future, they set off to assassinate a scientist who will be responsible for the creation of Skynet. This part of the movie is especially heart-wrenching because the scientist is a soft-spoken kind man who is innocent of anything the company we will create will do. After injuring him in front of his wife and son (who bravely covered over him telling her not to hurt him), Sarah finds she cannot kill him and collapses crying on the floor. She and the Terminator explain that his work must be stopped to prevent the creation of skynet, so they head to his building where they destroy artifacts and research, and he is bravely killed in the mission. The rest of the movie is a rollercoaster ride in which Ahnuld and Sarah work to protect John from the T-1000, and the movie ends in a powerful, emotional way that is very memorable (not f*cking corny like everyone has said).
Without a doubt this is the best Terminator movie. The first was the low-budget cult gem, the third was the special effects overload, and this? The masterpiece of course.
Rating:  Summary: The hunter is now the hunted Review: Once the bad guy, T mondel 101 cyborg(Arnold Schwarzenegger) is now the good guy helping John Conor(Edward Furlong), and Sarah Conor(Linda Hamilton) escape the wrath of the new model T-1000(Robert Patric) And man this guy is one baaad dude, I'm talkin' get in his way, and he'll shove his arm right through you(SERIOUSLY!)
This was John Cameron's second to last good film(True Lies) befor he went to direct the Titanic, a crappy soap opera that shoulda sank like the ship. Well anyway enough about that, this was James Camron's best film so far.(He coulda made Terminator 3 everything it shoulda been, but NOO he and Linda Hamilton go there seprete ways and he won't direct it. He still coulda directed it tho!)
Special Effects are crazy, and high budget material. Seeing a man made of liquid metal, go through things, regenerate, and get holes in him every time he got shot, is pretty freakin' amazing. I mean the special effects were something thats still looks good today, even after 14 years.
Arnold being the good guy was just like whoa, ok this isn't what I was expecting, I was expecting for him to get payback, but hey beggers can't be chosers, but T-1000 was just the perfect machine, 800X better than the terminatrix in Terminator 3 which was composed of liquid metal and machinery. That's retarted. Liquid Metal is nealy invincable, but with macheniery inside it can easily be destroyed. I gotta stop, cuz this is not a review for Terminator 3. Anyway, Robert Patrick's performance was great, but it would have been cool to see Sylvester Stallone as him. 2 terminators, 2 of hollywoods bigest macho actors Jam packed in 1 freakin' movie.
This movie surpasses the 1st in just so many ways, it's almost a perfect improvment! Anyone interested in Sci-Fi had to have sceene this. Anyone who usally hates dissapointing sequals ex. Matrix Reloaded, this will nearly make you forget about the first one.