Rating:  Summary: Better than expected. Review: I thought this movie was not going to be as good as the previous ones (althought I did not like alien3 so much), however I have to say that the end result was better than I expected. The overall dark and large settings and a well fitted soundtrack togheter with a good cast and good overall plot well executed did produce an end result that I was very pleased with. This movie still managed to keep me on the edge of my seat. Overall: VERY GOOD
Rating:  Summary: Well, I thot it was way cool. Review: This movie rocks. It looks and feels more futuristic than the first 3 and for once the characters weren't boring, annoying or blank. The space pirates, the mad doctors, the marines and the new, very sexy and very seductive Ripley are very appealing.The mad doctors wanted to bring Ripley back because of the Queen that was inside her. So she is cloned, but only the eighth copy...works. All of the others crashed, like computers, and look way gross. She has partial memories of her past, has superhuman strength, has acid for blood (cool) and is connected to the creatures in a weird way. The mad doctors want more hosts for the aliens so they can breed them and train them for Biological Warfare. The space pirates bring a cargo full of frozen prisoners to them for that reason and bring with them Call, an android, who takes a large interest in Ripley. It was inevitable that the aliens would break loose and when they do, all hell breaks loose. This time round the Aliens seem cooler and smarter, unlike in Aliens when they were just there as a reason for gunfire, they can talk to each other and can figure out how doors and buttons work. Although they are mostly CGI, they still look scary and the swimming sequence in the flooded dinnerhall is cool to the max. Many critics disliked the ending immensely, but I think that the beautiful sunset over earth infinitely better than the ending in Alien 3. The "Newborn" Alien is gross, creepy and way disturbing. I have no doubt that you will feel the same and the "death by suction" is sickening. I hope that there is another Alien movie that is as cool as this one.....
Rating:  Summary: How about 'Alien 5' without Sigourney Weaver? Review: Sigourney Weaver is too old for the 'Alien series',you look at 'Alien'(1979) and look at 'Alien Resurrection'(1997) and her physical anatomy is different from '79. She's too tall and bulky looking,we need somebody younger and more feminine like Angelina Jolie who's younger and more agile for this series,in all 'Alien' movies there's alot of action and running around,you need somebody with youth who's going to be believable not grandma with a flamethrower. 'Alien' can survive without Sigourney Weaver,action packed video games will keep 'Alien' alive,and the drawings of H.R. Giger. The story for Alien hasn't ended,we need to know who wins the war,man or Alien. Will we be genetically engineered and altered like Ripley #8,in to an invincible army to kill off the Alien or will we co-exist with the Alien? Lot of questions to be answered,and alot more movies to be made. 'Alien' is a fast action paced series with the speed and agility of a 'Lamborghini' or 'Ferarri', anything less would be uncivalized.
Rating:  Summary: Resurrecting an old scifi franchise for a younger generation Review: In my opinion, this is the best movie in the whole series, next to Aliens. Seeing as everyone else before me who's reviewed this movie has given away the whole plot, I'll just get to the point. I love the way Ripley's character has evolved into this very strong warrior. She kicks a lot more butt than in the first three movies combined, and I found her character much more appealing than in Aliens 3. Lots of action and gore, with a very interesting plot, I was under the impression these things are what make a sci fi movie great? Maybe you have to be too young to have been alive to see Alien in the movie theaters to appreciate this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Why was this movie made? Review: Ya know, it's almost like the writers from the Friday the 13th, and Nightmare on Elm Street got together to make an unnecessary 4th installment to a perfectly good trilogy. I'm not even sure why I went to see this movie, other than I had been a fan for so long. ... Ripley died rather horribly, and anyone who sees someone fall into a pit of molten lava (or lead if you like) while an alien bursts out of that same persons chest, it stands to reason they've been well and thoroughly killed. But through the amazing, and poorly portrayed, miracle of cloning (not to mention financial backing from the Hollywood garbage factory) Ripley has returned. Ah science, what can't it do in the hands of poor writing? But she's a lot more animal like in her behavior, and doesn't play well with others. Enter a team of morons whose only real purpose in the film is to run away screaming from the aliens who kill them in increasingly elaborate ways, which ultimately begs the viewer to ask themselves this question: How long has this been on? Ah, but a story is not complete without a plot twist or two, and they add so much dimension to a story; or so I used to think. Winona Ryder is an Android, and so those big wet eyes are in fact the work of an engineer .... She's an Android with feelings though, and in an attempt at character development, akin to a child writing Shakespeare with a broken crayon, She must overcome her debilitating alienation (no pun intended) from her crew of moron/alien chew toys. The crowning achievement is the cross breeding of an alien with a human, once again provided through the miracle of scientific ignorance. Strangely enough, this new uber-alien enjoys all the benefits, and none of the weaknesses of human or alien. ...By the end you'll want those 90 or so minutes of your life back, but Movie Theaters don't give refunds. This movie is terrible. It has no redeeming qualities what so ever, and ruins whatever value the other 3 movies might have. Avoid at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: To say this is a good or bad movie depends on the criteria on which you judge it. As a brainless action/horror move, it works. As a sequel to a legendary series, it is one of the biggest disappointments in film history. I got the whole Alien series in one set even though I really only wanted the first two. Hey it was cheaper. And I was surprised that when I watched the third film how much more I liked it. So I was feeling brave and watched Resurrection. You see I had seen it in the theater and almost walked out I was so disgusted. In those two hours I could have been doing something more fun, like carving bars of soap in to little funny shapes. ... Seeing it again reminded me of what I was missing. A lot of nothing and a lot of soap carving. This movie has all the ingredients but has forgotten the recipe. A sequel should improve on or at least be as good as the movie(s) that have come before it. This is not easy and rarely ever happens. But that does not stop filmmakers from trying. There is a good cast, good enough effects, and lots of money involved. But what the 4th film does not have is a decent story. There is no character depth or development, no reason to care if they live or die. And if I don't care about what is going on, than why bother seeing it? The plot is equally thin. So they cloned Ripley for the alien. Most people with any sense would think that messing with things that bleed acid and bite off heads is a bad idea. And why would her DNA have anything to do with the alien's? They are two separate species after all. The answer is; because they want to make a quick box office buck. Or what about her memory? Why would a clone remember anything? That could have been an interesting subplot to the film. If I pay to see a movie, I expect it not to insult my intelligence. The rest of the movie is so lacking in sense that it's practically brain dead. Anyone who stayed awake in science class could see the logical holes in this movie... Okay so ignore the flat characters, non-existent story and moronic plot. ...what does it offer? I wish I could say there was a single point where I was surprised or startled. If it looks like they should not go in there, than they will probably get attacked. Sure enough that is what happens. Surprise, surprise. The effects are a mixed bag; the CGI stuff looks good except it looks like CGI and the alien puppets look good except they look like puppets. There really is nothing here that we have not already seen in better films. The action is not as fast and furious as Aliens, nor is there any suspense or mystery like Alien. And the series did not end gracefully like in Alien3. I was not impressed with the acting. Most everyone dies, so they never really need to portray an interesting character. Weaver could have practically phoned in her lines. Granted they mutated Ripley, but it's a tired last-ditch effort for a character that we already knew everything about almost ten years ago. The other equally capable actors are given little to work with. That's a shame since there is some real talent in this film. At least the filmmakers did sort of try to give us a few new things. But did we really want to see a Queen pregnant? Was any of the silly stuff with the "Newborn" needed? ... More like a zombie than a phoenix, it has come back to remind us how much better the first two films are. Someone once said; "They do not make B movies anymore, they just give them multimillion dollar budgets and call them A movies". This is not far from the truth. By now we understand the alien concept, we know how it works, the formula is used up. The only thing left to show are people getting their heads bit off. And how much of that have we already seen? Time to move on. ...I would avoid this film at all costs. ... There is little to look at on the DVD. The others have some interesting "making of" features, even with some cool behind the scenes footage and cast and crew interviews. There is nothing like that, just the theater trailer and a feeble attempt at a "making of" that is hardly worth watching. But if you should see it, then be prepared. ... Don't say I did not warn you.
Rating:  Summary: I Have A Question Review: Okay, one of these face-grabber things attaches itself to you, knocks you out, shoves a tube down your throat and drops an embryo. Soon, the face-grabber falls off and you revive. You walk around just fine for a few days, then the embryo (somewhat larger) bursts out of your stomach, which kills you, and the embryo scoots and squeals away to kill everyone else on your spaceship or planet or whatever. My question, Officer Ripley, is: If you only serve as a temporary host for an embryo, which originates, grows and bursts out as a completely separate organism, then what makes anyone think that cloning YOU will ALSO produce one of the parasite organisms? I once asked Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee if she ever felt guilty about receiving automatic salary increases (unless congress acts to avoid them), and she just looked at me with a blank stare. I would expect that same sort of reaction from the screenwriter who came up with THIS premise.
Rating:  Summary: Fourth installment destroys excellent trilogy... Review: This film ruins the other three "Alien" movies. So stupid is the premise, so awful is the dialogue, so pointless is the gore that I had all but gone insane from boredom after viewing "Alien Resurrection," hopefully the last in what used to be one of the greatest horror series ever. Like "Jaws: The Revenge" and "Hellraiser: Bloodline," this film fails miserably in trying to generate any sort of suspense or horror from its premise, which is completely ridiculous. It's a visual mess of a movie, more annoying than "Battlefield: Earth," more inane than "Supernova." It's repetitive, boring, and most of all, loud.
Rating:  Summary: What HAPPENED to this series? Review: Another one of those situations where they have a great franchise (Aliens), which great people working on it (Ryder, Weaver, Jeunet, et al), but still manage to come up with a bad, bad movie. Aliens3 might not have been great, but it at least had some interesting visual style going for it. This... does not. The nonsensical plot, poor costume/design choices, and silly ending ensure that this one is fit only for watching some neat FX and a few fun scenes.
Rating:  Summary: Well, you know... Review: So, basically, after Ripley died they cloned her (still with an alien inside), took out the alien, then decided that they might as well keep the Ripley clone, because, you know, why not? Alrighty, that's the storyline done with, now onto the gooey alien killing bits. Maybe people who are not fans of the original Alien movies should see this film. They might enjoy it more. After all there are lots of exploding alien special effects, a few nice one-liners and dirty-looking metal spaceship corridors in profusion (why don't people ever decorate their spaceships?). However if you're a fan you could be disappointed. Probably the best part of this movie is the relationship between Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) and Call (Winona Ryder). They really knock sparks off of each other; perhaps most of the chemistry seems to come from Weaver but it's pretty good anyway. Enigmatic super-Ripley is a force to be reckoned with, and Ryder is an interesting choice - pixie-ish and a little creepy, really. In the end, it's a no-brainer. Some of the scenes are interesting individually - but to be honest the entire movie doesn't stay in your head for too long after you watch it. See it if you have nothing better to do and feel like watching Sigourney Weaver and a bunch of men with big fire-shooting guns going medieval on some weird-looking monsters. It's fun, you know!