Rating:  Summary: cool Review: why do people say this one is the worst.becuse its not its as good as the rest of the series.its gory kinda funny actioness the best part is the alien water part. ripley back with a bad attitude.theres lots of neat stuff like all the gore all the aliens th water part and how when they shoot the aliens underwater its in matrix mode.RATED R FOR- STRONG SCIFI VOILENSE/ GORE/SOME GROSE IMAGES AND CUSE WORDS.
Rating:  Summary: An ALIENinating MESS... Review: If you want to see what Director Jean-Pierre Jeunet is really up-to check-out THE CITY of LOST CHILDREN. He enjoys dealing with darker dimensions of the UNCONSCIOUS and its grimmer Archetypes. Freud called them MONSTERS from the ID and Professor Michael Jones has a field day writing about them. The fact is that ALIEN RESURRECTION has little to do with the ALIEN SAGA. The Latter ends with the heroic death of Ripley...played with elan and defiance by Sigourney Weaver...assuming the role of a virtual Christ figure. The forces of radical evil incarnated by BISHOP, his COMPANY and THE BEAST are decisively defeated by THE REMNANT at sacrificial cost. So what's left?Do you really want to look at IMAGES of a godless society's genetic engineers' grotesque failures? Or pornographic revelling in vicarious abortion? Is it intended to be amusing that Motherhood is twisted into perversions of incest and cannibalism? The ALIEN trilogy is great sci-fi on many levels. "Resurrection"...in my estimate...is a repugnant ALIENATING mess.
Rating:  Summary: Bring on the clone Review: Spoiler Alert for those of you who intend to see this film..... In this one Ellen Ripley is gone. However her clone lives on. What I liked about this one was at least they delivered with a decent story. Ripley is the next stage in Alien development for the bio weapons division that have her part of a cloning experiment. The scene where she uses the flame thrower to put them out of their misery was the most chilling. You can't predict as easily who's going to be alien food in this one. The last one was like a slasher movie. This one is decent enough to see a few times. I am very surprised that Geiger was not called back to work more extensively. He had ideas for aliens that change color; ones that make unearthly noises as they speed down the air shaft. After reading how he was shut out of the process I can tell you the movie series won't survive without his input. If they make another one I hope they bring back Geiger's ideas to evolve the series.
Rating:  Summary: The Worst of the Series Review: This film was such a disapointment. The plot is lame, the cast is mostly unimpressive, and the newborn alien is the dumbest thing ever to hit the big screen. My biggest gripe about this film is that they try to often to be funny (and often fail miserabley) The little good that comes from this film is as follows. The aliens are rather impressive. We finally get the see how totally adaptive they are. The special effects are very good too, but all in all this is just a bad exscuse for an Alien movie
Rating:  Summary: Some good points, but a disappointment Review: I have no objection to the principle of film series. Star Trek, James Bond, and Carry On films prove that the Police Academy principle need not necessarily apply. However a prerequisite of any sequels ought to be that production standards are either maintained or surpassed. While there is no shortage of stars in this picture, acting talent is lacking in a couple of them. The three main females have acting ability, beauty, and sexiness, but sadly none has all three at the same time. Ron Perlman makes a good baddie, but why does Hollywood almost always portray people with facial disfigurement as evil? Think back to Phantom Of The Opera, Frankenstein, right through to the Batman films and you'll get my point. This is counterbalanced somewhat by the use of a strong wheelchair-bound character, although sadly he is only present sporadically throughout the movie. The wheelchair is one of the best special effects used here, with the remainder being of poor quality or, in the case of the Alien creature, overexposed and overused. The menace and hence the appeal of the Alien is diminished y our clear views of it, and it looks like something a fan knocked up in a couple of days. The new Ripley is different from the old one, but not enough time is spent exploring the potential of this interesting sub-plot. The sequence where she discovers her predecessors is ham-fisted and telegraphed by the earlier shots of the number 8 tattooed on her body. A disappointment.
Rating:  Summary: The one in the box set I want a refund for Review: Ah, Alien Ressurection. A few years after Sigourney Weaver said 3 was the last one she would ever do, and the character of Ripley dies a meaningful death this sequel appears. Suddenly Ripley is living again and the "cloned" Ripley has super powers. The script is assembled with judicious use of the "Cut & Paste" feature (literally, several lines are _from_ Aliens, and the end is the same as Alien and Aliens). Gone is any spark of inginuity or creativity. In fairness, there are some cool scenes (I always liked the underwater sequence, though many think it wooden) and Winnona Ryder and Sigourney Weaver turn in decent performances, but it has all become painting by numbers. Instead get: Alien - one of the creepiest horror movies of the 70s Aliens - an archetypal action movie featuring a strong female lead (see also "The Terminator" and "Terminator 2" also directed by Cameron) Alien 3 - not to everyone's taste but at least it has style, a hard edge and it wasn't just "Aliens with bigger guns" I'd rank things: 1. Alien 2. Alien 3 3. Aliens Ask me on a different day and I might change the order. I love all 3 movies so much it just depends on my mood. I don't even count this travesty.
Rating:  Summary: One more alien myth added to the list Review: One more spine-tingaling thriller is added to the tale of gory yet suspensfull action series. Once again Ripley, (Sigourney Weaver), has to fight for her life along with some friends (a couple of misfit space mechanics). One of them has a suprising little secret that i will not reveal. Riply has been reserected from the dead and has been cloned along with the queen alien inside her. The stupid human scientists (as always) have screwed up again in an attemt to study them and are going to pay for what they did. The acting and plot has much improved over the recent Alien 3 wich is just a bad movie and if nothing else will keep you on the edge of your seat the special effects will keep you glued to the screen. he gore in Reserection is a bit stomach churning though. In conclusion to my review this is a movie you woun't want to miss if you are an Alien fan. If your not, well lets just say consider renting it first.
Rating:  Summary: Popcorn Movie Review: Alien Resurection gets a bad name because it isn't Alien or Aliens. The fourth installment of the Alien saga is not that bad of a movie. It is only bad when you compair it to the first two in the series. This is a popcorn movie plain and simple. If you are looking for action and some humor, but wanna see something that isn't going to win best picture then look no further. If you want best picture then go rent Titanic or something. This movie has some major flaws in it, but not enough to ruin the experience.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Film Review: A lot of people didn't like this film too much. I thought it was a great storyline and very intense. The film doesn't drag at all, and the cinematography is great. What's most interesting about this film is the storyline. The alien(s) are still hunting and making gruesome messes of humans, but they have added life to this somewhat same old storyline. The cloning of humans/aliens, Ripley's connection to the aliens, and the new breed of characters (almost action movie based) make this film a major breath of fresh air for the Alien series. Sigourney Weaver, as always, and Winona Ryder deliver top notch performances, and even the surviving crew members do pretty damned good too. Although a lot of people will probably disagree, I think this is one of the best in the Alien series. Alien Resurrection and Aliens are my two favorites, followed by Alien and the "pretty good" Alien 3. All in all, Alien: Resurrection is a totally new type of Alien movie, and it is EXCELLENT!!
Rating:  Summary: Bad, as in far from good. Review: The first Alien movie had brains. There was only a single creature, and it was hardly seen. The crew had to fight off something alien as it picked them off one by one. It had suspence, mystery, and style. I guess it was too much to expect a fourth time. In this one, they jump out of dark corners at times I expect it. Gone is the cunning, leathal, stealthly stalker of the parent of the series. The crew of the first film had personality, the second was at least well written and expertly done, the third was only really about Ripley. The charactors in this one are flat, and feel like a rehash of what we have already seen. They are either over the top, or hardly there at all, either way I don't care if they live or die. So it does not have the depth of the first, it also lacks the fast and furious action of the second. The special effects are good, but wash off some of the gritty feel of the last three and fails to be orignal anyway. The plot of the moive is vague and by the book. Aliens are set free, people die, main charactors try to escape, most get eaten, scumy bad guys get it in the end. Most of the story devices take a wildly-optimistic-at-best approach to science. Ripley is cloned, from what we are not told, how we are not told, and why we are told but it has no real logic. Any sample of her DNA, that has not decomposed in 200 years since she lived, would not contain alien DNA since the alien was an entirly sperate organism. This is basic high school genetics but the movie insists on it anyway. The charactor of Ripley has changed. What her motives, values, and goals are are unclear. There is no attempt to make her a realistic person that I could care for. That is a shame, Sigourney Weaver is a top notch actress, but here she is does have to be or given a chance to be. Since she co-produced I wonder if she just wanted the money. The aliens are standard issue monsters, the charactors are cookie-cutter monster fodder, the story is nonsence, the dialog is meanginless, there is a lack of action or suspence, and it all feels been there and done that, only done poorly this time around. There are a few reasons to see this movie, like if you are held at gun point, in prison, or in a comma. Even on an airplane I would take my chances with the ground rather than sit through this ...