Rating:  Summary: NOT GREAT Review: I loved Jurassic Park, sort of, but this was sorely disappointing in so many ways. First, I know that a movie can't follow a book to a "T" but this one went off into outer-space! For the most part the movie didn't even take place in the same setting! Also, the feel was all wrong, character and plot manipulation rivals that of "Queen of the Damned." If you read the book don't watch the movie ever, it will leave you with a sour taste.
Rating:  Summary: The Lost World-Jurassic Park minus the Goldblum family. Review: I loved this movie, especially the wonderful special effects. The story would have been wonderful had the producer and director cut every scene with Jeff Goldblum and his goofy daughter. These two characters had no place in this story. Whatever happened to Sam O'Neill when we needed him? The only way to watch this movie is to use your mute button whenever these two begin to speak. Other than that this was a fun picture. It was crisp and fast paced and very exciting.
Rating:  Summary: Not perfect, but neither is Michael Crichton Review: I'm not going to praise this movie to death, we all know it has its problems here and there. But, we all must keep in mind that "popcorn movies" still exist. I realize that the original JP had economical and moral undertones, but in the end, it was intentionally a goofy monster movie (and I'd like to believe that Speilberg would say the same). This series of films is one of the more enjoyable in recent memory, simply because it has not lost sight of what it was. I personally don't mind saying that Michael Crichton's source material is a step down from this movie. That's right, a step down. I have read three of his novels (JP, Lost World, and Congo) and have been deeply disappointed in his style and his narrative. I like the technical portions of the novels, but when you dedicate that much time to revel in such tired, meandering literature, you expect a whole lot more. Having said that, the film, I believe, would be worth a shot at (ESPECIALLY IF YOU CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT OL' DTS AUDIO TRACK). Heck, I'll be buying it sooner or later just for the DVD transfer.
Rating:  Summary: EEP!!!! Review: This movie was very medeocre. I don't really like Jeff Goldblum very much. I think they should just end the movies. It is alright to see only once, but it for sure isn't worth buying.
Rating:  Summary: Entirely Unrealistic, except for special effects Review: Except for special effects, everything in this movie is unrealistic. Starting with the casting: Since when are Archaeologists hot lusty young red-headed chicks? Gee, where can I get this year's archaeology pin-up calender? I miss the days of more realistic movies, like "Andromeda Strain", where the scientists actually looked like scientists, even the female ones. The story is more akin to a cartoon than a movie. Much like most of Spielberg's stuff.
Rating:  Summary: New an Improved Dinos Review: I think that Lost World was a very good movie. Sure it wasnt as good as the first one but what sequels are? The lost world improved JP's dinos making them more realistic and fritening. Although the plot wasnt as good it was better then the third and made more sense.
Rating:  Summary: MUTCH BETTER THEN JP 3! Review: You saw the third one right?Well this movie is GREAT!Jurassic park 3 is the WORST movie since Jaws The Revenge and Batman Forever!Well,this movie has alot of GREAT action,alot of deaths(like the first)and one BAD thing,I wish they stayed with Isla Nublar,this new island,Isla Sorna is BAD!No real BAD things happen!Open the park,betray Grant and let people get eaten!But this is a great film!
Rating:  Summary: dissapointment Review: This movies starts off with a very long and boring beggining in order to set up for an exciting and thrilling filler with lots of Action, All the sudden for some stupid reason the movie seems to switch gears in the last thirty minutes or so and gets too silly and unbelievable. A HUDGE dissapointment by its silly finale!!
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining but basically flawed Review: Spielberg never seems to pass up an opportunity to preach to the crowd and JP2 is no exception. His main thrust is the usual predictable Hollywood eco-wacko worship of "nature", usually based on the twisted propaganda of Greenpeace and others of their ilk.Protecting the environment is a good thing and if the dinosaurs in question had been discovered as survivors of the reptile age in some remote part of Antarctica then taking extreme action to protect them would be justifiable. However the dinosaurs in question are not really dinosaurs but artificially created creatures that are part frog anyhow. They are not real dinosaurs. They have not been raised in the real Jurassic environment (we'll ignore that T-Rexes are from the Cretacious period not the Jurassic for simplicities sake). There is little to be learned from studying them. So the comments of various characters that messing with the pseudo-dinosaur part-frog creatures is wrecking some sort of ecological system is bogus. The pseudo-dinosaur part-frog creatures are interlopers into a real ecological system and it is the pseudo-dinosaur part-frog creatures that are ruining the ecology of the islands. In fact, eco-wackos are always going on about how evil humans are wrecking the environment by introducing foreign species that wipe out the native ones. So the Eco-terrorist phony journalist character from Greepeace should be helping the hunters capture the darned things!! In addition to this the eco-terrorist directly precipitates the death of the first guy in Goldblum's party by stupidly taking a wounded faux T-Rex baby to their camp. This in addition to his criminal act of releasing the pseudo-dinosaur part-frog creatures which destroy the hunters' camp, eventually resulting in the slaughter of almost all of them. The eco-wacko journalist character should have been arrested, tried for the deaths he caused and permanently removed from society. Either life at hard labor or execution would be fine. He is protecting animals that are not even real dinosaurs! And he has no justification under the Endangered Species Act to do so. Especially on foreign soil. The pseudo-dinosaur part-frog creatures were created by the Ingen corporation, were they not? So how on earth can Ingen be considered evil for simply making use of the things? Anyone who buys dead animals to eat at the supermarket is also to be reviled I guess. Ingen spent a lot of money developing these creatures, so whatever else their faults they deserve some credit, don't they? Not in Spielberg's mind. The movie moves into utter silliness with the pseudo-dinosaur part-frog faux T-Rex's foray into SanDiego. We'll pass over just how the faux T-Rex managed to kill the entire ship's crew and then lock itself up in the hold. (Maybe it was the severed arm that cleverly waited until the T-Rex went back in the hold and then lowered the doors.) Faux T-Rex runs down the dock and destroys the big sign that proclaims the authority of the United States of America. This is supposed to symbolize that the US is powerless against pseudo-dinosaur part-frog creatures, I guess. However this is not true and any US Marine company has the fire power with its heavy weapons to easily slaughter any number of pseudo-dinosaur part-frog creatures. Enough lecturing. Still, the movie is entertaining. The added unintentional laughs that result from Spielberg's eco-wackoism only add to the entertainment value.
Rating:  Summary: Bad Review: Bad sequal to one of the great movie experiences of any time. Speilberg should have stopped when he was ahead.