Rating:  Summary: And they're making part 3? Review: At least he isn't going to further soil his reputation...But, why did Steven considering making this film? Though his fantasy films are usually more style than substance, this film is neither. The effects are impressive, yes, but this film is just plain awful. Two hours where 15 minute would have been more than enough. Any and all questions were answered the first time. And even the effects here really aren't any better than the 1st JP film. In the end, this film has no need to be out, get the first Jurassic Park, it's good mindless fun and pretty much filler free.
Rating:  Summary: Okay, but........ Review: I see reviews here that give this film one star, and in a way, it does deserve just that. However, there are certain parts that must make you think this movie is better than most people say it is. For one, the special effects are better than the original, and the way the film is shot makes them seem much more realistic. However, great special effects are no match for a good story. Jurassic Park, the original, had a wonderful plot. Two dinosaur experts visit a park, not knowing what to expect. And the scary part is this....something like that could actually happen. Now, tell me this....why would Dr. Malcolm, Jeff Goldblum, go back to an island just to save his girlfriend? Yeah, he loves her and all, but I'm pretty sure that Mr. Hammond could get her back safely without making him go all the way there. Also, there are several inconsistantcies in the film. Look at the original: There's a raptor expert with a gun hunting down what he knows best. What happens? He gets killed. Now look at JP2: A young girl that knows nothing about the animals, and might I add that she doesn't have a gun, takes out three of them using gymnastics. Maybe is she was Jackie Chan......I'm not gonna even get into that. Jurassic Park 2 needed to have a plot that would make you think, "Oh yeah, that could happen." Not, "They must want pictures of those cute, innocent dinosaurs!" And they all know that they're dangerous, but yet, they want the pictures. I'd be like, "Forget that! I can live without 'em!" Spielberg, in my opinion, is the greatest director of all time. He scored big with the original, Saving Private Ryan, Jaws, and several others...but when it comes to JP2, it just didn't work out. I prey that Jurassic Park 3 will be something worth the money I'm paying, not a plot where the film doesn't develope right, so they go back to get more pictures! (I only hope they don't read that and go, "Great idea.") If you liked Jurassic Park, you'll be disappointed with its sequel. But if you really loved Godzilla, and you thought that was the best movie ever, you might like this one. But go ahead and see it anyway.....some of the action scenes may be funnier than a comedy.....
Rating:  Summary: Worthless Review: It's been a while since I've seen a movie this bad. Lost in Space from 1998 was about as terrible as this. This movie was absolutely repulsive. The plot made very little sense compared to the book and the people did totally incompetent things in this movie that a normal person put in these situations wouldn't do. Don't even rent this at the video store
Rating:  Summary: Why do they do this? Review: OK, is it just me that can't understand WHY Universal released a DTS version, Widescreen, obviously for filmphiles, that includes almost NONE of the extras found in the Widescreen Collectors version that doesn't offer DTS (best audio option is Dolby 5.1 on the version with all the goodies)? This is true of BOTH Jurassic Park and Lost World..... This is right up there with releasing a DVD with limited Extra Features that is supposed to be a Collectors Edition and then releasing another with more Extras a short time later! What is the deal with the studios?
Rating:  Summary: Waste of two hours. Review: This plotless wonder has you cheering for the dinosaurs from minute one. First, you hope they eat the entire cast, then, you hope they eat the entire city of San Diego. Nice special effects cannot counteract a muddled script, poor acting, a pointless plot and a kid. Save two hours of your life, you'll never get them back if you watch this turkey.
Rating:  Summary: An insult Review: 'Jurrasic Park' is a landmark film, one of the best adventure films ever made and one of the greatest FX films of all time. Then comes the sequel - 'The Lost World'. This uninspired hack job of the wonderful book is an insult to the magic of the first film. Boring characters and a decidedly unoriginal plot, which includes the King Kong rip-off sequence in which a T-Rex is running amock through the city, makes this one of Spielberg's worst films. I, like so many people, was simply devastated by it. Not even the great FX could salvage it. Avoid this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Worthy in its own right Review: I cannot disagree more with those reviewers who found this movie to be a poor sequel. It is worthy contender in its own right. The story only slightly relies on the prior movie, the cast is no second rate collection of actors as often appears in sequels, and the production values, including the quality of special effects show up on the screen. While I preferred some of the prior characters, those in the second movie are not inferior, just different. The chase sequences are thrilling and the T-Rex loose in San Diego is a hoot. Heartily recommended.
Rating:  Summary: So full of potential Review: At its best an extremely average sequel to the wonderful first film. What really gets me though is how amazing this movie could have been. I read Michael Crichton's amazing book before I saw this movie, and after my first couple viewings of the movie 'based' on it, I wondered what exactly Spielberg was smoking. He takes an action packed yet thought provoking book, with characters who you'd actually care about, and replaces it with a movie bearing only a few characters and action sequences from the novel. Toss in a few cowboys and fancy dinosaur catching contraptions (and eliminate the books main villain Lewis Dogdson, and main characters like Doc Throne and Richard Levine), and you have a movie with a remarkably bad script and no logic at all. (An animal expert comments on the t-rex's amazing sense of smell, then wears a shirt covered in t-rex blood and has no idea how the thing catches up with them later? Stupid stupid stupid). But I'm not such a negative guy! There are a few good things in this movie. Ian Malcolm has some great lines and Jeff Goldblum shows off his great talent (if only they'd let him develop his character more). The dinosaur effects are, like the first film, breathtaking. The character of Roland Tembo was the one good addition that the movie made, and Nick Van Owen provides some laughs (but vanishes near the end of the movie). And one more bad thing, the ending where the t-rex makes it to mainland San Diego and kills a few people (and one dog). Pointless, and didn't add anything to the movie but violence. And how did a t-rex kill everyone on that boat without wreaking anything? And how did he get back in the cargo hold and then shut it's door? A pretty bad movie when you think of what it had to work with. I really hope Michael Crichton once again shares a writing credit on the next movie so it can be better then this was.
Rating:  Summary: A sick, sadistic film Review: Having loved the first Jurassic Park film, I came to this one expecting more of the same kind of thrills. Unfortunately, what I got was an extremely mean-spirited and poorly-written excuse for a film. It felt as though Spileberg had directed the film from home via satellite communication (save the one day he made a cameo appearance in the TV reflection at the end). My biggest complaint with the film is, as I've stated above, the large amount of sadistic, mean-spirited violence throughout the film. The first Jurassic Park was fairly light on dinosaur-involved fatalities, and each time one occurred, it was treated horrifically, intending the audience to be shocked at the grisly deaths. In The Lost World, the deaths are treated as eye candy, at which the viewers are meant to be in awe of. Sometimes, deaths are protracted to uncomfortable length (such as the man who is attacked again and again by the tiny scavenger dinosaurs). I decided that I didn't like the movie, however, after my favorite character was killed by the two T-Rexes in a particularly graphic manner. (They make a wishbone of his body.) What burns me even more are the actions of the Vince Vaughn character. The animal rights wacko he plays is responsible for the deaths of many humans, however the audience is supposed to feel that he is justified, because after all, only the "nasty corporate guys" get killed (with the exception of the death of the aforementioned favorite character, also a result of the eco-terrorist). Apparently, we are suppposed to believe that the dinosaurs should be preserved at all costs (including human lives), despite the fact that they had been selected by nature to become extinct. And then, of course, there is the horrible T-Rex-on-the-loose-ending sequence, in which more people are killed unnecessarily. (Fortunately, the screenwriter, David Koepp, who also made the abysmal adaptation of the wonderful novel A Stir of Echoes, plays one of the victims.) I keep wondering, though, how a T-Rex could kill everyone on the boat without causing any damage to the cabin or the rest of the ship, for that matter. Yet another protracted and sadistic death takes place (once again, it's okay, because he's a corporate jerk) before the film is over. Spielberg should be ashamed of this film. I rather hope he one day issues a written apology for it.
Rating:  Summary: This film makes no sense at all. Review: I watched this film with high hopes and they were dashed.This is a very silly film.How silly?Well,the "heroes" of the film are directly responsible for everyone's deaths.Firstly,they kidnap a baby dinasour to put a cast on its leg(were they planning to return to take it off in two months?).This causes their friend to get eaten when the mother comes looking for it.Our dear "heroes" then sabotage the camp,which causes the deaths of many members of the camp.And it doesn't matter how many people get attacked and eaten,nobody fires one single shot at the beasts.Are they supposed to be bullet-proof? In fact,people keep putting their rifles down and walking far away from them. Despite raptors being near by,the camp members decide to walk through long grass,making them sitting ducks.Even when a T-Rex rampages through the gun capitol of America,not one single shot is fired.This is a very over-rated film.It is,to put it bluntly,stupid.