Rating:  Summary: story doesn't follow Review: I am a huge fan of the original terminator movie; I liked the second movie for it's special effects. This third movie, however, bugs me because the story is that John Conner is a great future leader. In this movie he is unemployed, has not been in school since the second movie, has no military background, a loner drifter. I fail to see why anybody would follow his leadership at the end of this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Judgment Day is inevitable Review: I like this movie much better than I expected to like it.Why wouldn't I expect to like it? Five reasons offhand: No James Cameron. No Linda Hamilton. No Brad Fiedel score. No Edward Furlong. And (as of T2) no future for the Terminators to come back from. But Jonathan Mostow has done a pretty good job with this one. Not perfect -- for example, I don't find Kristanna Loken's T-X anywhere near as menacing as Robert Patrick's T-1000 -- but it's not bad at all. And his non-sappy ending returns the Terminator series to its pessimistic tech-noir roots. Nick Stahl's okay as John Connor; I miss Furlong, but Stahl looks as though he could actually _be_ the love child of Linda Hamilton and Michael Biehn. And Claire Danes is surprisingly effective as Kate Brewster, John's future second-in-command and spouse. Marco Beltrami's score is good too, although I still miss the main theme from the old one. (We hear Beltrami's arrangement of it over the closing credits, but that's it) Arnold, of course, is Arnold, and he's still why we watch. The stunts and special effects are very good. I won't spoil the ending for you, but the outcome of this one may surprise you. In fact, it restores quite a bit of what T2 undid. The omitted 'Sgt. Candy scene' is delightful, but it's by far the best item in the bonus materials. Generally, on the Terminator DVDs, the deleted scenes are helpful in understanding certain plot points; this one's no exception. All in all, a nice addition to the Terminator series. Will there be more?
Rating:  Summary: Third time's a charm! Review: Wow, what can I say? T3 is easily my favorite movie of the summer. It is full of non-stop action. The movie picks up with John Connor(Nick Stahl) in his mid-twenties. He lives "off the grid" as he puts it. No phone, no address, nothing to allow him to be tracked my Skynet. The T-X(Kristanna Loken) is sent to destroy him and all his future lieutenants. Once again, a T-800(Arnold Schwarzenegger) is sent to protect John, who by chance meets up with an old aquaintance, Kate Brewster (Claire Daines). All the expected action follows. Throughout the movie we find out more about Judgement Day, Skynet, and, most importantly, the connection between the characters. This is really all I can say without revealing too much, because if you like surprise endings, this one will blow you away! All in all, this is a DEFINITE must-see for all fans of the previous two Terminator movies, and certainly one of the best films of the summer!
Rating:  Summary: Sotto Voce end to the Terminator series Review: With Arnie now settling in as Governor of California, it looks unlikely that he'll ever appear in another Terminator episode, at least not in a physically demanding role. (Somehow I can't see the civilisation of the future bothering to beam a grandpa back to the present day.) So, unless another actor takes the lead role, we're left with the somewhat sotto voce ending of John and Catherine holed up underground while all above ground are obliterated by nuclear war. It's hardly worth getting your children educated, or bothering to contribute to a pension, if that's what's going to happen in the next decade. Could it happen? Well, rather topically, the movie came out at a time when the world was suffering from a wave after wave of computer viruses -- myDoom, SoBig etc. Given that it is a supervirus that kick-starts SkyNet into its world domination opportunity, we might worry that Bill Gates will somehow be responsible for the end of the world. Plot-wise, this movie takes up the story fairly smoothly from where T2 left off. Even if you've done the Terminator ride at Universal Studios, you won't feel that there are glaring problems with the plot of T3. The trouble is that this logical consistency means that there isn't anything wonderfully innovative about this film. The new female terminator arrives with no fundamental improvements in her powers (or special effects) over the liquid metal temrinator of T2. Linda Hamilton's character has unfortunately been lost to cancer, and John Connor finds a vet with whom he 'made out' when they were both 13. There are some nice bits of humour -- Arnie visiting a male strip club, "Talk to the hand", his obsession with getting the right shades etc. And there are some great action set pieces -- particularly the lorry/crane chase. The punch-up in the toilet stretches its viewing certificate worryingly close to the limit, particularly when she kicks Arnie's head almost clean off. Despite the violence, it occurred to me that this film is really Wonderwoman meets the Six Million Dollar Man updated for the noughties. But I just don't think there's much magic left in the series.
Rating:  Summary: "I Told You I'd Be Back" Review: The Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is back in the third installment of this action trilogy. When I was about to watch it, I thought it would be a flop. Oh, how wrong I was! This film has action, drama, and portions of comedy all the way through it. I reckon it beats Judgement Day (Terminator 2), and that shows what quality viewing this blockbuster is. Even my dad likes it, and he's a Christian pastor who basically only likes dramas! I advise anyone who likes science fiction and action to see this film, unless they haven't seen the other two. When you've seen those, then see this. Here's an order. Get up off your butt. Get your keys. Run over to the door. Sprint to your car. Drive to your nearest video rental store. Grab the DVD. Pay. Run out. Drive home. Put it in your DVD player. Press play.
Rating:  Summary: It ain't the best, but it sure is loud for a Terminator... Review: I have to say, when it was first release in Malaysia, some like it and some don't. I for one was apparent a little bias because the Terminator was created by James Cameron vision. Jonathan Mostow on the other hand was trying to be better than what Cameron did. Somehow it fail in the sense that its not only action all the way, but the essence of the series just concluded by itself instead of just what Cameron gives us viewers a chance to see what the future would be... in our own hands. But let's get to the movie first on this DVD. The movie isn't the best and yet, isn't the worst. It has its qualities - humor, action & twist. Other than that, the movie starts off with a B-Graded feel with an ending that gives us fans an ending. But is anyone satisfied? To me, its like killing off the franchise. We can't avoid the future? Its fated that these machines will fight us to the death? And everything in what we believe in means there is no point in fighting to stop a future that is already written even many times? Well, I'm sure James Cameron will be dissapointed with this 2nd sequel. So are the fans. But then again, if you take it as an entertainment value, its good enough to enjoy. Now comes the extras. 1 deleted scene (Sgt. Candy Scene) and it explains why most T-101s looks like Arnold. Thank you for the deletion. The documentaries... truthfully, I slept through it. The gag reel isn't that funny. But other than that, its just okay for me. To add in with your collection? Why not, at least its much better that "Terminator 2: Jughment Day (Extreme DVD)" edition. So just look at what T-3 has to offer for you first before you decide whether to buy or not. As for me, I bought it because I like the Terminator series.
Rating:  Summary: Terminator 3 ranks third in the series. Review: For those who don't follow the Terminator series or who have not seen the first two movies then this will be a great flick to watch. But for those who are fans of the Terminator story and love the first two moves, this is a dissapointment. First of all, let me acknowlege that this is a great movie. It is very well done. However, the plot is a far cry from what a Terminator movie should be. One dissapointing factor is the special effects. They are well done but over used. T2 pulled special effects off right. Using computer animation just enough to get the point across and not come off looking cheesy or fake. In T3 it is obvious that computers were used and at several points it is completely obvious that Arnold Shcwarzenneggar is fake. Particularly in the crane scene. The other terminator is completely fake when she comes out of her skin and it looks really dumb. Another point of disapointment is in how the Terminator finds his cloths. Getting dressed is a staple of the series. In T1, the termiator beats up some punks for his wardrobe. In T2 he walks into a bar and beats up a bunch of bikers. See the them so far? In T3 guess what he does? Beats up some bikers? Slaughters some people and takes everything they have? No. He goes into a bar at ladies night and ruffs the clothing away from a homosexual male dancer. How stupid is that. At several points in the movie as well director Jonathan Mostow tried to add humor, but he ended up making just cheesy one liners. Arnold is know for one liners, but they are usually not a stupid as this. A disapointing factor in the plot I found was that the new Terminator was actually a terminator designed to terminate terminators. That is so non-creative. They would have been better off keeping them both original T100 or T100s. The movie does have good points though. You get to see more of the history of the terminators and in this way, the movie does add to the terminator story well. There is a more detailed history of SkyNet and how it came to be. You even get to see the actual takeover of SkyNet. There are many intersting new technologies that keep up with how we run lives today, such as the way the terminator can link up to databases through the cell phone. Although this a fresh idea, I think it makes the movie too timely. T2 is completely timeless and it can be watched and not make you think about "what life was like then," as T3 is sure to do 10 years from now when someone will watch it and go "haha, look how funny cell phones looked back then." T3 is a well made movie and I will give it that. But it is a shambles of what it should have been. It is HUGE dissipointment if you are a big fan of the first two movies. If you can watch it without thinking back to thw other movies and becomming angry as I did, then you can enjoy it. T3 is a complete work of HOLLYWOOD, making it a complete work of DISAPOINTMENT for the fans.
Rating:  Summary: Terminator? - Crapinator! Review: Seriously, my only real complaint with this movie is the special effects. T2 was made over 10 years ago, and still looks like one of the best FX jobs on the plannet. Ever. I thought at least for T3 they'd have realized this high standard and tried to compete with it. Through the whole move I was flinching from the half-assed production. I'm thinking that most of the $170+ million, or whatever it was, went to Arnie. So they turned post production over to the local computer club, gave them $50, and said "Please make this look decent. It's all the money we have!" Enough ranting I guess, the rest of the movie is decent, and even slightly unpredictable. You can see influences from the other Terminator movies, and from other movies that this mutha would be competing with. Still... digital effects (especially crummy ones) can't save a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Why Make It A Trilogy??? Review: In the latest of action-packed terminator films, #3 was slightly disappointing but better than expected. The effects were great, the new bad guy (sorry, gal) terminator was a excellent concept and the jokes were pretty good coming from the Govener of California (or the Sunshine coast). The bad news is the story (while I applaud its abilities to keep up with its predecesors) was otherwise sad and unbelieveable. the acting (other than the terminators) was pretty bad too, half the time I wanted to yell at Kate Brewster to shut the heck up! half of her dialoge was basicly screaming her head off. The Special features was more than expected and very informational and enjoyable. The most mind-boggeling question was "Why the third enstallment?" the first two were good on their own and settled everything were as #3 just lft the door wide open for T4 (God help us!) All in all. I thought for a unnessesary sequel, it was very enjoyable and watchable. I highly recommend for any DVD collection!
Rating:  Summary: disappointed Review: another animated movie,arnold has not a big hero character here just a slave to protect a stuped boy, based on terminator 2 ,no great idea has been created in this movie,arnold play the weak character here (not as always),dont waste your money on this movie.