Rating:  Summary: Prepare to be BLOWN AWAY! Review: It's been 12 years since T2, which means this is one of the most anticipated films in movie history! Arnold looks great, the cast looks promising, the T-X is going be iconic, and from what I hear the story is out of this world. A lot of people don't expect this film to live up to 91's Judgement Day, mainly due to the fact that James Cameron is not directing, but my advice for them is...... How do you know if a hot dog is good or not before you taste it? No one has any idea what T3 has in store, it could possibly be the biggest film of the year, so just wait a while before you pass judgement. T3 is a guaranteed SMASH! BRING IT ON!
Rating:  Summary: I hate cash-ins Review: These are the reasons I think this film will fail. 1. James Cameron Passed on it. That says a lot. 2. No Linda Hamilton. 3. John Conner looks like Doctor Bashir from Deep Space 9. Weak. What happened to the tough scar faced John Conner from the future in T-2? 4. A hot chic Terminator? Give me a break. Talk about cashing in on the strong woman hero fad. I'm sure they are hoping her nude appearance in the beginning will be enough to get the nerds to the theater. Plus the name Termi-matrix? Machines don't have gender, they have numbers like T100 or T1000, they might as well have called her Brittney. 5. Another terminator is sent back in time to protect John Conner from another more advanced Terminator, sound familiar? 6. When will they realize that in order for the machines to finally be beaten John Connner must die. His birth started all this, if he dies then no Terminators would ever have come through time and no parts would have been available to create Skynet 7. Really bad trailers, this is always a bad sign.
Rating:  Summary: A film i've looked forward to, but... Review: - Couldnt expect much, but the movie was a fun ride. Unlike the previous entries in the serie, Terminator 3 entertains us with its witty humor and none stop action sequences. I liked the movie, i liked it a lot. But, i did not love it! JUDGEMENT DAY is still the no.1 Terminator film to me, but Terminator 3 proves that a movie doesnt need a VERY rich plot to entertain audiances. Course, movies need plot, but this movie managed to entertain the entire theater i was in. However, if you are looking for a movie with a more depth and a plot, then look elsewhere, T3 is a one and a half hour fun ride with action, special effects, guns & glory, chases and explosions. And all in good humor. O'course i know people would dissagree with my rank for this movie, but since it wasent as good as it could have been, i have to recomment people to rent the movie before buying.
Rating:  Summary: Worth watching...No way as good as T1 and T2 Review: T1 was amazing the I first watched it in the 80s and still it is one of best ever Sci-fi movies. Since then I've seen it 10+ times and I can't stop admiring it and enjoying it... T2 was out of this world...rarely a sequel can top the original...and T2 did just that to T1...amazing action and special effects but what made T2 a blockbuster movie in my opinion is that it had a solid story, drama and character development with great plot and acting...a true sci-fi masterpiece... T3...well what can I tell you about it except that we've waited for this sequel a long long time more than a decade to follow up on T2...Basically T3 will stand ashamed of itself next to T1 & T2...The whole production seemed rushed, the whole movie seemed without direction. The story could have been much much better. The choice of actors/actresses was wrong (apart from Arnold of course and the women terminator, they were both good)...The story would have been better if Sarah Conner was kept in the story as an alive character in that case Linda Hamilton should still have taken that role...Sarah's son role should still have been done by the same actor who did T2, not only he is actually and really the same person we knew from T2 but his age would have been perfect for T3...I didn't feel the actress doing the role of Sarah Conner son's girlfriend/wife/assisstant was a good choice, she was weak and didn't fit the whole feeling of an action scifi movie of the calibre of Terminator...she wasn't special and did more harm than good to the movie... T3 would have been some movie to be proud to have watched and own if James Cameron had directed it...his talent, touches of genuise, his clear and pure understanding of the Terminator saga would have made this T3 a great if not an awesome addition to the first two...Saddly T3 wasn't to be more than an enjoyable movie to watch...no more no less
Rating:  Summary: great movie Review: this has some of the best action in any movie i have ever scene. the cast is pretty forgettable. neither of the humans' actors really seem like they have any business in an action movie. arnold is getting old and was best as a bad guy. the female terminator seemed sadistic, not cold and emotionless. the dvd features were good. The cast wasn't very good, but the action was unforgettable.
Rating:  Summary: He's Back and Badder Than Ever!!! Review: Arnold returns and he's pulling out all the stops! Another assasin is out to get Conner and one of his long-time "friends" and it's up to the new Terminator to keep him alive and well through Judgement Day. This presents a challenge seeing as how the evil android is about 100X stronger than him and the long-awaited Judgement Day comes in 3 hours! Will he suceed or fail his mission? And can Conner stop Judgement Day and save the Earth? Believe me, you'll be suprised at how it turns out! This movie is totally action-packed! There isn't one dull moment. One minute a car chase, an explosion, a cool line, someone dies, and the next minute the same thing! And Arnold's serious attitude makes him funny in some situations! For instance, he steals all the food out of a shop and- well I won't spoil it, but he's one cool G- for a robot. The fight scenes are really spectacular. Lot's of crashing and explosions. It comes as close to the Matrix Reloaded without using too much 3D as any movie can get! Same thing with the car chases, except a lot more fire. This has got to be one of the best continuing plot lines out there, along with The Matrix and Star Wars. There are many twists and turns in the plot, making this movie all the more fun to enjoy. I might go see it again! This is one adventure you'll want to go see again and again!
Rating:  Summary: Funner than the first two, but less story-driven Review: While the first two movies were more story-driven, apocalyptic affairs, this Terminator is pretty much all explosions and has a slightly disappointing ending, but is still an awesome movie. The special effects are mindblowing and Arnold looks like he hasn't aged a bit (botox? plastic surgery? natural youthful looks? a mix of all three? :-) Anyhow this movie is sweet and actually really isn't that violent except for a murder at the vet clinic and a nasty impaleing scene in a cop car (if you've seen it, you know what I mean). It's awesome though, rent it first and if you like it as much as I do (a lot) then pick it up.
Rating:  Summary: T3 in a nutshell... Review: Possibly Arnold's best movie since... well, T2, T3 is perhaps weighed down by the extraordinary levels of excellence established by it's predecessors. As a stand-alone action flick, it delivers in spades but, sadly though somewhat predictably, it pales in comparison to its prequels. The narrative is surprisingly taut and on the whole, bar a few lapses, well-told with even some sharp plot twists thrown in for good measure. A glaring and significant omission from this latest sequel is Brad Fiedel's familiar Terminator theme tune, the inclusion of which I am absolutely certain would increase the success of the movie enormously. Without the theme resonating through the action sequences, the movie certainly feels lacking. In truth, I do not recall a theme at all in T3, so passive and understated was the film's score. However, Arnold was at back at his best in T3 - re-enacting his role as easily and smoothly as if T2 was released last year. The new Terminatrix was satisfactory, though never truly captivating nor menacing. The support provided by Nick Stahl and Claire Danes was also passable, though it must be highlighted that Stahl makes for a much more believable John Connor than Edward Furlong ever could. So, in conclusion, Terminator fans will be pleased by the storyline and performances of the leads. They may also enjoy the action sequences which are par for the course for the trilogy. However, the continuation of the saga has been made hollow due to the omission of the old Terminator theme tune which provided the previous movies with just the right tempo, while enabling the audience to cheer for the heroes. Nonetheless, I do recommend the movie, as I had expected it to be much, much worse.
Rating:  Summary: talk to the hand! Review: in part 3 here,sara conner is dead.john conner is in his early 20s and keeping his self impossible to trace.they send this extremely sexy terminater chick to kill his officers since he cant be located.arnold must protect john and this other chick who is an officer later on.they call her a captain.a cap is by no means 2nd in charge like they say in the movie.that would be a general.arnold shows again in another excellent performance in the terminater movies.i dont know who that sexy chick terminater is but damn is she fine!john,however,is really ugly and nasty.his officer,the chick is pretty but an uptight bitch.its kind of violent for children.this is as youve read already the third part to this fantastic series.the bad terminter chick has many neat powers like dna testing,talking to other machines,mimicking dial up tones,controllling other machines etc.there are a few more.its the second best of the 3 .any terminater fan will love it.only like squeamish and non-intellectual sell out julia roberts types will not like this.but screw them anyway.no fate but what we make does not carry over to this one.this is arnolds second best.the special effects are cool.the action is great.im still waiting on a 4th part with the man vs machine war.
Rating:  Summary: Cameron-less "T3" still good fun Review: I was pleasantly surprised by "Terminator 3:Rise Of The Machines", especially with it's eerie, yet oddly poetic,ending. It also leaves the door open for future sequels, though I think it's time for Arnold Schwarzenegger, who simply looks too old and tired to be in this role, to annoint a new CSM-101(would The Rock be perfect, or what?)should there be a "Terminator 4". Overall, this film is the weakest of the three, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, given the earlier two films fixture as science fiction classics, not to mention introducing some of the greatest one-liners in movie history. The "Talk To The Hand" line in "T3" is humorous, but may have been more relevant circa 1996 than 2003. Schwarzenegger is still a fine cyborg, but it's hard to get past the fact he was 55 when "T3" was filmed (nor is any explanation offered in the film as to why the CSM-101 appears so much older than the previous incarnation). The supporting cast is solid- Nick Stahl's performance as John Connor is better than Edward Furlong's in "T2". Claire Danes-all grown up since most of us last saw her in the TV Series "My So-Called Life"- plays the part of damsel in distress-turned tough chic as well as Linda Hamilton did in the 1984 original. The evil terminator- known alternately as the "Terminatrix" or "T-X", isn't as convincing, although actress Kristanna Loken looks nice. She just doesn't have much to do, except occasionally harass Ah-nold and crew. Robert Patrick's "T-1000" in the second film was far creepier. Without James Cameron(who apparently thought executive producing the TV show "Dark Angel" was a better idea than directing this film), Jonathan Mostow does a pretty good job of keeping a balance between the action and comedic moments, as well as overseeing a climactic end which I did not see coming. I would be ok with Mostow directing "T4", should there be one. Think of "Terminator 3" as "Terminator Lite"- looks great but a bit less filling than the previous two.