Rating:  Summary: The Best Terminator Yet!!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: This movie was one of the best movies that i've seen in a long time. Arnold kicks butt in this new action film. It is one, two hour long chase scene that keeps you glued to your seat the whole way through. This is a have to see movie.
Rating:  Summary: Darn good movie Review: well first of all i had a lot of reservations about this movie when i went to the theatre but that all changed when i two hours later as this movie had me on the edge of my seat the entire time an actions scene came on. also this movie finally ends a loophole the great james cameron left unanswered in T2, If judgement day never happened then john connor wouldn't exist because he sent his father to the past to save his mother. anyonewho enjoyed parts onne and two will like T3.
Rating:  Summary: Relax! Review: I can't wait for this DVD to come out. I really want to see if Jonathon Mostow's extras are as good as James Cameron's on the previous two DVDs.I really enjoyed this film, although I was a bit uncertain as to whether I would. I did start yawning halfway through, maybe that was to do with the slightly boring bits. There didn't seem to be as much story to tell in this one as in the previous two. There were a lot of little kids, who thankfully kept their butts in their seats throughout the film. The film was R-rated in America, but was only 12A here. The previous two were 15's, so I thought were gory/violent bits cut out of T3. I seriously didn't notice whether there was anything cut. On a second watching, maybe, but I really wasn't looking for cuts. You have to feel sorry for Arnie throughout this film, he really gets a rough ride. The film starts off like T2 - except it's John Conner talking about the future, rather than Sarah Conner, who doesn't appear in this film. I'm glad she refused to do it, especially after her appearance in T2 - she did NOT look right with those muscles. To explain her disappearance, she was killed off (charming). She simply appeared via a coffin. Nick Stahl, who does an okay job of taking over from Edward Furlong, plays John Conner. I will always know Nick Stahl from 'The Man Without A Face', where he played opposite Mel Gibson. He was a lot younger in that film, but he still looks the same, even with stubble, and looks a tiny bit older. When the TX appears, played by "model" (and boy, can you see it!) Kristianna Loken, I was glad that I wasn't in the cinema with a bunch of teenage guys, who would have probably started wolf whistling. She does appear naked for the first couple of minutes, and her hair is artfully brushed to cover her up, so nothing is seen. She scares the living daylights out of a woman, before taking over her car. She also manages to scrape her long hair back into a tight bun, which is very stereotypical for a female in this kind of film. She looks tough and hard-faced. I'd love to see the outtakes from this film, to see whether she does actually laugh during scenes, which then have to be cut out. She remains expressionless, and hardly speaks. Arnie speaks more in this film! And in any of the fight sequences, does a hair get harmed or get out of place on her blonde head? No way! Of course, Arnie appears naked too, and immediately walks into a strip club, full of screaming women. He tells the male stripper (who sounds obviously gay) to give him his clothes, and then dresses up in them. He pulls out the shades, which are star-shaped and look as though they've been borrowed from Elton John! Thankfully, he finds a cooler pair of shades. Arnie wouldn't be the Terminator without his shades. Not quite Matrix shades, but never mind. Kate Brewster (Claire Danes) plays an old schoolfriend of John Conner's, and it just so happens, that they "made out" in someone's basement. So there's a certain connection, although absolutely NO chemistry between them. She almost turns out to be a resurrection of Linda Hamilton's character, even John Conner comments on this! You need a tough female character (apart from stony-faced Kristianna), and Linda Hamilton filled that part very well, in the first two films. Now Claire Danes has taken over from her. She's a far cry from the only other role I've ever seen her in, that of Juliet in Baz Luhrmann's 'Romeo & Juliet'. There are two, very obvious hints that there will be a T4, and personally, the format is getting a little tired now. You know the various Terminators are going to come back and try & kill off John Conner, and he's going to succeed each time. I don't think they can carry on with this story much longer, it will have been milked for all its worth by the end of the next film. And they should change the story - maybe set it in the future? (But would it still be called Terminator?) This is a great film, if you're a fan of the Terminator series. It's best if you have already seen T1 and T2 to get continuity of the
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful sequel Review: When T3 begins, a lot of audience members might ask themselves "How can this possibly top T2?". The simple answer is, it can't. That isn't shameful by any stretch, as T2 was arguably the best action movie ever made. T3, however, manages to have both great action and a great story, more than enough to entertain and even provoke thought. Though showing his age, Arnold still manages to shine in the role that made him a real movie star, and Nick Stahl is a great replacement for Edward Furlong's John Conner. While it probably won't make it onto any top 10 lists, T3 is more than enough to please any fans of the series or action fans in general.
Rating:  Summary: Trust me....its GOOD! Review: Well when I first heard of this movie and saw the previews, I thought, "its just gonna be T2 all over again." Its NOT! The TX is sent back in time to kill Connors future accomplices and by fate finds Connor himself. I was also skeptical about the movie because Cameron wasn't doing this movie; let me tell you, I think even Cameron should give it up to director Jonathon Mostow. And the end is my favorite part when they finally 'let' judgement day happen, its kinda sad, yes, but like Arnold said, "its inevitable," so putting it off until another movie would just be a pisser and would have ruined the movie. But I think there should be another one, though,(just one more) and should have it focus on the whole "No fate but what we make" thing. Think about it, if John doesn't believe in that phrase anymore, then he won't ever tell it to Reese(his father)! And its that phrase thats kinda of drove the events in the first two movies, so the forth one should have something happen so that Connor finally believes that there IS " no fate but what we make for ourselves." Like I said, its not another T2, the whole Cat and Mouse thing is there, but the story is what hopefully you should pay attention to too! The action and effects are superb, no doubt; just don't lose the story or you will not like this movie! Oh, and I only give it 4 stars because of little flaws here and there, but since its a time travel movie trilogy, its bound to have paradox flaws, but I, at least, can forgive them!
Rating:  Summary: Why All They Hype??? Review: I don't understand why this has gotten alot of good reviews. This movie adds nothing new AT ALL to the Terminator story. This was a showcase for Arnold Schwarzeneger to get back into the spotlight for his laughable election campaign. T3 brings back John Anderson,played by Nick Stahl (Why, Oh Why couldn't they have gotten Edward Furlong???), and Claire Danes as John's childhood friend. It appears that another Terminator has been sent to kill John (AGAIN) and "AH-nold" is sent back (AGAIN) to stop her. Thats right, her. I have nothing at all against a female terminator, but it just seems they made her a woman just so they could say, "See!? It's not T2! The Terminator's a woman!". But the truth is, this is EXACTLY T2. Yes, there are subtle differences, but not many. And whats even worse is this movie has absolutely no flair at all. The first Terminator movie had the good script. The second Terminator movie had the style. The third Terminator movie has neither. It does have expensive, big action scenes where they destroy a few million dollars worth of stuff, but nothing we haven't seen better action movies do before. T2 had innovative action scenes, such as the chase through the drainage area in the middle of Los Angeles with an 18 wheeler. This movie does involve a chase sequence trying to mimick the drainage scene, but 12 years after T2 this has been done a million times before. The special effects are not special at all, especially after movies like "The Matrix Reloaded" or as a matter of fact, ANY movies to have come out in the past few years. But let me go back to the story. As I was watching this movie, I kept on waiting for some sort shocking revelation to the Terminator world. All of a sudden, this movie just ended. What!?!? I can't believe I paid $6.00 to learn absolutely nothing new to this story. It just ends suddenly and you leave not knowing much more than you knew coming in. For all the fanatic fanboys out there, YES I know there are some revelations to the story, but they are small ones. If you are not a fan of the Terminator series and are looking for a good action movie, don't look here. They say there is going to be a T4, but I'm not so sure if I will see it. I'm a fan of the Terminator and I was bored to death. Hasta La Vista "AH-nold" Recommendations - 1. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy - Amazing, classic movies 2. The Matrix Trilogy - The Star Wars of this generation 3. Pirates of the Carribean - Johnny Depp's acting is worth this movie alone
Rating:  Summary: It is now a joke Review: T1 was evil and nasty in all the right places. T2 was big budget enough to watch it with awwww. T3 is just like T2 but with all the good bits taken out. T3 is just like T2 but with all the good bits taken out...
Rating:  Summary: The best Terminator Yet Review: The third Terminator is the best one yet!Mostow did a great job taking over James Cameron as the director.Arnold is great in this,as is the rest of the cast.The visual effects and the action sequences are great as wellCan't wait until the movie comes out on video and I hope T4 comes out soon!I also Mostow directs T4 as well and,if he does,do a even bett job than he did here!Great Movie!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Terminator Yet! Review: Johnathan Mostow has done a brillant job of taking over James Cameron.T3 is incrediable movie and is a terrific follow-up to T2.Every actor or actress in this movie are terrific,especially Nick Stahl and Arnold.The visual are great in this as well.I am extremly pleased.I hope that T4 will be just as good,if not better,than this one.And I don't if Mostow or Cameron direct it or not.Mostow should come back if Cameron decides not to.Anyway,great movie.Go see this in the theater and don't wait for the DVD
Rating:  Summary: "T3"...not better than "T2", but way better than the first!! Review: About a couple of days after its release, I managed to check out the highly anticipated "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" at the theater, and let me tell you that the film blew me away! Especially since "T3" has spectacular action sequences and awesome special effects from start to finish! Yet, to me, "Terminator 3" is not better than "Terminator 2: Judgment Day" (which will forever remain one of the best action films of all time), but it is, however, better than the first "Terminator" film from way back in 1984. I do regret them not picking James Cameron to direct "T3", but I do give kudos to director Jonathan Mostow ("U-571") for his intense direction of this film. And guess who's back?! That's right! Superstar Arnold Schwarzenegger ("Collateral Damage") is back in the role that made him a household name..."The Terminator"! Joining him are Nick Stahl ("In The Bedroom"), Claire Danes ("The Hours"), and Kristanna Loken (TV's "Mortal Kombat: Conquest"), in which they gave tremendous performances as well. "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" starts out about 12 years after the events of "Terminator 2: Judgment Day". The apocalyptic prediction of Judgment Day was never prevented, only postponed. John Connor (Stahl), now 22, is living "off the grid" (meaning no credit cards, no cell phone, etc.), being totally disconnected from society. During the film, Connor is being pursued by the T-X (Loken), another ruthless killing machine from the future sent by Skynet, the evil supercomputer that controls machines from all around the world. T-X's mission is to pick up where her predecessor (the liquid metal T-1000) left off: to stop Connor from becoming the savior of mankind. Then, soon enough, an obsolete, disadvantaged T-850 Terminator (Schwarzenegger) arrives from the future to protect Connor and Kate Brewster (Danes), a girl from his past, in triumphing over the technologically superior T-X and forestall the looming threat of Judgment Day...or it will be the end of life as we know it! In conclusion, "Terminator 3" has it all: Action, suspense, a powerful storyline, laugh-out-loud humor that Schwarzenegger can always provide us with, and pulse-pounding special effects! "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" is, without a doubt, one of the best action films that I've seen all summer and will be an unforgettable DVD must-have addition to the first two "Terminator" films!