Rating:  Summary: He's Back and badder than ever. Review: With a flash of light and a large burst of energy, a visitor from another time has arrived in Beverly Hills and death and destruction will follow in her wake. Such is the premise for the new Arnold Schwarzenegger epic, "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines," by director Jonathan Mostow, who takes over the big shoes left by the series creator James Cameron. The visitor is the deadly T-X (Kristanna Loken), a cyborg killer sent from the future to accomplish what the cyborgs in the previous two films could not - kill John Connor, and ensure that machines rule the world. To accomplish this, she must first locate the elusive John Connor (Nick Stahl), who lives as a blip on society with no home, records, nor attachments to track him by. John is haunted by the visions of what his late mother Sarah told him about pending nuclear devastation and his destiny to lead the surviving humans to victory over the machines that would eradicate them.With their very future at stake, the humans from the future have dispatched a second Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) to locate and protect John from the T-X. The issue with this is that the second Terminator (the T-800) is an obsolete model and is no match for the vastly superior T-X who aside from being a killer has the ability to mimic other forms and control all manner of machinery. Eventually John meets up with a vet named Kate Brewster (Claire Danes), a lady he knew as a child and who has wondered where he has vanished to ten years after his foster parents were found dead while his mother escaped from the institute where she was incarcerated. Kate has been planning a wedding when John comes back into her life and their reunion is hampered by the arrival of the T-X and the T-800, who turn the small vet clinic where John had been hiding into a war zone. Kate, who is convinced she is being kidnapped, is taken from the scene by John and the Terminator as they attempt to leave the city and reach safety, as it seems the T-X is not the only pending threat to humanity, but Kate's father may hold a key to survival. It seems that the elder Brewster is a General in charge of a computer network known as "Skynet," and with a virus on the loose in the nation's systems, Skynet may have to be activated to control vital defense systems. It is at this point that the film shifts into overdrive, as a series of action and chase sequences ensue (including a spectacular car chase involving a gigantic crane as John and Kate attempt to save the world and themselves from death and total devastation). To say the film is action packed would be an understatement, as Schwarzenegger is at the top of his game and once again shows that he is the top action star in the world and despite some recent setbacks, at 54 he is still king of the hill. His Terminator blends action and humor without ever losing his sense of brutal efficiency and determination to complete his mission no matter what the cost. Stahl and Danes have good chemistry with one another and are elevated beyond the typical characters in distress role. Stahl plays Connor as a lonely man who is unsure of his destiny and is haunted by the notion that he is to be the savior of humanity, as he feels he can barely take care of himself. However, when the chips are down, Connor, like Brewster, finds an inner fire and strength that will ensure their place in history when their destinies arrive. One of the biggest surprises in the film is that of Loken, as she plays the T-X with a mix of brutality and sensuality. Unlike Robert Patrick's chilling turn as the T-1000 in the last film, Loken plays the T-X as a deadly and brutal killer who takes satisfaction in her tasks, but is not above a dry sense of humor and a sense of style and fashion. She is beauty and the beast in one and is easily a match for Arnold's Terminator. Loken mixes a quiet intensity with a steel gaze as she dispatches those in her way only showing any hint of emotion when she is killing like a predatory cat toying with her prey. The special effects in the film are solid and Stan Winston once again shows off his skills, as the designs of the machines are first-rate. The action is relentless and it is nice to see that real stunts were used for many sequences instead of being created by CGI, thus giving a sense of reality and unforced spectacle to the action that recent films such as "The Matrix Reloaded" and "Hulk" seemed to lack. This is not to say that T3 is goes without issues. The film does not have the depth of story and the emotional attachment that the previous two films had, and character development is mostly nodded at as much of the premise was established in the previous films. I can see how some will take it one way and others will find issues with it differing from the original and perhaps the ending of the film. I prefer to look at the film as an enjoyable summer film; it is entertaining, continues a great series, and is easily the most satisfying and entertaining of the summer blockbusters. And I do not think I am going out on a limb by saying that the Terminator will be back. Gareth Von Kallenbach www.sknr.net
Rating:  Summary: I love Arnold S and the Terminator series Review: To be fair, I went into the movie expecting it to top T2...That was my fault. The movie by itself is credible and enjoyable to watch. It has humor, suspense, intrigue and climax. There are hero's and heroines. Overall the movie was worth watching, and most likely I will be adding it to my DVD collection. But I do have some knocks. 1. The villan in this movie seemed to evoke this annoying quality. The movie doesn't make you respect her power, like the T-1000 did, it's more like she is just a more advanced weapon and basically real annoying. Take for example her weapon. There are times where she could have used it, and for all intents and purposes the movie would have been over, but no, she stuck to hand to hand combat. That was annoying. Big Picture Bottom Line, the villan is not credible. 2. The John Connor the actor, my God, do I need to say tree hugger. He sounded so much like a liberal leftist agenda pusher I could hardly stand him talking. 3. Claire Danes, never been particularly impressed with her work but she did alright in this movie. I think with the budget they put in on this one they could have afforded a little more muscle in that role. I should say the same for John Connor. 4. There wasn't the love in this movie that made the other so popular and strong. The theme of the 2nd movie was that even a machine can know what love is, even if it something he could never do. That's what makes T2 such a found memory for me, and why I continue to watch it to this day. Hope this was helpful. Overall I loved the movie and would watch it again, and even pay to go to the theater to watch it again.
Rating:  Summary: total trash movie Review: Before i start, i would like to mention that i am a big fan of the first two Terminator films. All i respect about this T3 is Arnold and the special effects. 1. The acting is crap, apart from Arnold that is 2. The plot is too much like T2 and it contradicts the "judgement day" theory 3. To many jokes overshadowed the threat of a nuclear war 4. The TX was not frightening at all 5. "you remind me of my mother", Save me from those silly one liners, please. The dialogue is funny. 6. Johnathan Mostow, you should be very ashamed, and I hope you get shot. LOL No seriously the film was terrible, A big shame. I won't treat T3 as a sequel, but a "cash in on the Terminator franchise" film. I'll be buying Matrix-Reloaded on DVD instead.
Rating:  Summary: a movie ment for young teens...and I'm 13 so I liked it. Review: Alot of people said that it was basicly t2 but it was nothing like t2. It was Tereminator to the extreme. t3 was like an upgraded version of t2 not a alternate. And how can people even say at all that there was nothing different between the t-1,000 and the t-x. The part of the movie that I didn't like was how the whole moeal of all the Terminators was no fate but what we make and now its changed to theres no escaping fate. And it was only pg-13 material. Not R. all in all: the best terminator so far.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie Review: I'm going to try to make this review short and sweet. I loved the movie. I don't want to release much of the story, because I don't want anydody that hasn't seen it, to miss out on it. This was a well made movie. It had a lot of anticipation. The special affects are great, the action is great, the acting is great. I'd have to say what I was really disappointed with in the movie was the T-X. They just didn't do enough with her. In Terminator and T2 the Terminator's have this swagger. You just never though they'd kill those suckers. When they did you almost had a sense of relief come over you. The TX never has that swagger. You don't ever really think she's gonna get them. Your more pre-occupated on wether they will stop Judgement Day from happening. Thats my only knock on the movie. I did enjoy this movie a lot. Arnold once again shows that he's the greatest action hero of all time. If you liked the previous Terminator movies, you'll like this. If you like science fiction or action movies, you'll like Terminator 3. If you like arnold you'll definetly like it. It's just a good movie. Not much else I can say.
Rating:  Summary: Not the best, but not bad. Review: In T3 the much ancipated sequel 12 years in the making, the plot is similar to T2, the T-100 is sent back in time to protect John Conner & Kate Brewster from highly advanced T-X. The T-100 has become an obsolete machine. In the plot we learn that Judgement Day was not avoided as we thought from T2, rather it was postponed & inevitable. The T-100's job is to protect Conner & Brewster from being hunted down by the T-X and serve out the War against the machines. T3's huge $170 million budget is very obvious as the action is non-stop full throtal. The action is probably the only thing that makes T3 better than the previous Terminator movies, acting is ok, I thought Arnold was more humanlike in T3, overall the movie was a great ride and I look forward to it's release on DVD. I hope we won't have to wait another 12 years for T4 to be releashed.
Rating:  Summary: Good Film, But Is It T2 or T3? Review: T3...or is it T2 with the plot reworked? All through this film I felt that I was watching an alternate version of T2. With the same basic plotline. Arnnold sent back to protect John Conner from another, more sophisticated Terminator....sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so too. Once agin the CGI and effects are spectacular as would be expected, and the acting is good (Albeit Arnold's Terminator sometimes seems a little too human.)Of course, we welcome beautiful newcomer Kristanna Loken to the screen (WOW!) Overall I give this film 3 stars, although it could perhaps be a 3.5 instead. Definitely worht checking out.
Rating:  Summary: A worthy sequel!!! Review: This movie is action packed and has good humor. It stands up as one of the best sequels. Short and sweet, you won't die of old age watching it in the theater. See the next Governor of California at his best! Go Arnold!
Rating:  Summary: T3 rules Review: Arnold better be in T4, he should lose the election. Let someone else with more experience be governor, while Arnold takes care of one more Terminator flick and another Conan
Rating:  Summary: A good fun, non insulting action movie Review: OK, I was very skeptical of seeing this flick as I thought it was basically going to be T2, 2. Oh yay, another more advanced Terminator is coming back to kill John and Arny has to save him...again. The commercials didn't really do anything to contradict my original pessamism. Boy was I wrong, In my mind, this movie blows T2 out of the water. Granted it is not the groundbreaker of special effects that T2 was, but as far as being able to laugh at a movie that is still very much a suspensful action flick, this is a masterpiece. It does an excellent job of making you care about each of the characters, having the main villain be a hot chick doesn't hurt either, and the ending (I will not give it away) was a complete suprise. With the way it ended though, I wouldn't be suprised if they call the next sequal "The Rise of John Connor". It would of course have to be NC-17 though.