Rating:  Summary: Terminated for the Third Time. Review: The 1980s gave us "The Terminator;" the 1990s gave us "Terminator 2: Judgement Day," and now we have "T3: Rise of the Machines." All things considered, I had every right to expect this movie to be a bust. Not only did James Cameron (who directed the first two "Terminator" movies) bow out, but his ex-wife and star Linda Hamilton also said "hasta la vista, baby" to "T3." Linda Hamilton's role as Sarah Connor was a crucial element to the first two "Terminator" films, and without her, my faith headed south. But thanks to director Jonathan Mostow, he makes "Terminator 3" a worthy sequel that doesn't come across as a desperate attempt to give Arnold Schwarzenegger a hit. Like "T2," Arnold plays a "good" terminator on a mission to protect John Connor (Nick Stahl) against the relentlessly evil terminatrix TX (a wonderfully icy Kristianna Loken). "T3" lacks the groundbreaking punch of its last two films, and Stahl comes off as a bit bland as John Connor, but the film overall succeeds as an above-average action flick. Special effects-wise, there's nothing to write home about, but there are a few scenes that will have you hooked to the screen, including an extended car chase that's downright ugly. It's also not afraid to make fun of itself by recycling one-liners like "she'll be back," "I'll be back," and "talk to the hand." I can't say that "T3" will go down as one of the great action movies and I'm also not sure I would want to see a "T4," but it definitely exceeded my expectations.
Rating:  Summary: T3 made for TV Review: Pretty good special effects, loved Claire Danes, but it could have easily become a made-for-tv movie. The dialogue is terrible, even though the plot got a little more interesting in the second half of the movie. Arnold's one liners are about as impressive as his political speeches, and the car chases almost put me to sleep after a while. However, I still will watch again, and as usual the extras are pretty interesting.
Rating:  Summary: Where is the story, where is the music ???? Review: Disappointing movie..., there is no real story to tell, the whole movie has no style, only action scene after action scene, with no character developement. The most disappointing is the music, where is the frightening sounds of the Terminator heart-beat from the T1 and T2 ??? Where is the Terminator theme ??? This is the kind of sequel that is made only for money. Fun, entertaining, action packed, but that is all one can say about this sequel..., it has no real connection with the Terminator line. It's just a faint copy of the Terminator 2: Judgement Day, with the story and music/sounds extracted... I only hope that James Cameron and Brad Fiedel will wake up us from this nightmare and they do "Terminator 4:War Of The Machines" or whatever, closing forever this great (except for T3) SCI-FI tech-noir saga. The movie DVD picture and sound is great, but the second disc is very dull, full of comercial crap. Pity...
Rating:  Summary: Wait till you see this chase! Review: Interesting that the three Terminator installments have come about a decade apart from each other. The first came out in 1984, the second in 1991, and this third one in 2003. After the very successful first film, the series exploded with the sequel, a film which was better than the original (very difficult for a sequel to do). The second movie introduced us to some different special effects, as Arnold was now the good guy, and the new villain was made of "liquid metal", and could morph himself into anything he touched.Now, in this excellent third chapter, we have a similar situation. Arnold is again the hero, with a villain who is more advanced than him. This time it is a woman(Kristanna Loken) who can not only morph into what she touches, she has a right arm which can turn into just about any weapon you want, and she can control machines remotely. The goal of the second two movies is the same, kill John Conner or those associated with him. The movie is missing Linda Hamilton, as Sarah Conner, and real life husband James Cameron as director. Edward Furlong as John Conner in T2 is Nick Stahl. Furlong is not missed at all. Stahl does a credible job with John Conner as a late teenager who thinks the work he did in T2 has saved the world. Wrong. Claire Danes plays a veterinarian who gets caught up in the madness and who may play an important role later. The absolute highlight of the movie is an early chase sequence involving all involved. Danes and Stahl are in a pickup truck, Arnold is on his customary motorcycle, and Loken gives chase in a huge crane and destroys half the city. At one point she drops the crane and wipes out an entire side of a road. There's so much carnage it's funny. This brings us to the conclusion, which I will not reveal. I will say that while some sequels leave open the possibility for another installment, this one all but demands it. The ending is logical and unlike most Hollywood productions, not happy. It is subdued, but appropriate and I congratulate the filmmakers for this conclusion. In short I am looking forward to the fourth film.
Rating:  Summary: The Parodator: a flaming disaster..... Review: With the 3rd part of the series now installed, The Terminator goes the full circle: from groundbreaking (T1) to braindead (T3). The only question that lingers painfully on after watching this disastrouly bad film is whether it's actually a parody of the previous 2 parts. If it is, then it fails at that too because funny it isn't either. But, if this is supposed to be taking itself seriously (and i'm afraid it does) then it fails even worse because there's absolutely nothing serious about it oncesoever: -a childish and sorry excuse for a script that never takes off, goes (inevitably) nowhere and finishes in noman's land.. -acting for which you'd have to conduct some serious search to find it in as bad quality as it's found here -a braindead explosion-festival that looks like a sony-station game with little ambition, where the good wipe off the bad and vice versa leaving the audience with a functioning brain in total apathy.. This is really a pity considering that T1 which kicked this series of films off was cutting-edge on many levels and T2 did follow up in a respectable manner. This one though is obviously just a cheap vehicle for making money. There is no "edge" here, as all the explosion fair has been seen before countless times, there's no extension of the plot from the previous "Terminators", there's frankly nothing. There are some things though that are in fact impressive, indeed far more impressive than the "effects" which are actually a bad repetition of those in T2: that would be the fact that "Arnie" seems to speak worse and more unintelligible english the longer he's in America. I cant begin to imagine how that could be possible but several times through this "film" i caught myself thinking "what was that, what did he say???" It hardly matters of course as there's barely anything of remote importance being uttered in this joke of a film but i'm still wondering. As for the rest of the cast, I've seen real B-movies with far better acting than this. I'm saying B-movies, cuzz this is what T3 really is. A b-flick destined for the video-club sematary at best, allthough you'b wasting your money even if you simply rented this. As well as your time. Hopefully he won't "be back".
Rating:  Summary: Clever and 3rd best movie of 2003,T2 is better Review: Terminator 3 ties with Freddy vs Jason and League of Extrodinary Gentleman as the 2nd or 3rd movie of 2003,though T2 is better than T3,the plot rehashes the plot T2 had this chapter features a girl villian named T-X,Arnold returns as the terminator he must return to save John Connor now played by Nick Stahl and animal doctor Sarah played by Claire Danes from T-X.the movie is T2 but dosen't act like it that much. here's the PROS AND CONS PROS: A good cast Lots of action and special effects CONS: Copies the same plot of T2
Rating:  Summary: weak link Review: In many ways, this movie reminded me a lot of Alien 3. After two smashing movies, the third fumbled to nowhere. Terminator 3 proves to be a weak movie because it had a weak story and it betrayed the original concept. After Terminator 2, the story should have basically ended, if not what was the purpose of that movie? If Judgment Day cannot be stop, only delayed, Skynet could have sent terminator after terminator to the past. The entire logic of the science fiction story would fall apart. Second, this new bad terminator simply wasn't as powerful or nasty as the one in the second movie. Pretty girl but she bite the bullet pretty easily. Second, the director don't have James Cameron's touch for action and story telling all at the same time. He can only do one thing at a time and its showed. Bad film editing in the movie. After all, how did that RV crew managed to get into the top secret Skynet Center just at the same time as the bad terminator got in. At least the bad terminator can disguised herself as anyone, how can John Conner and his buddies get in that easily of entrance?? If this was a stand alone movie, it would have been more enjoyable but as part of the series, it definitely fail to deliever and while everything about the film was technically well done, it totally failed in the most important aspect of any science fiction movie, the story!!
Rating:  Summary: Great flick! Review: Never been so surprised with a movie. I had zero expectations for it (old Arnie, original cast largely gone, new director, female terminator seemed to be a grasp for something exciting). But the movie was great. Very enjoyable action film in which characters change, there's humor, and great thrills.
Rating:  Summary: very enjoyable third Terminator instalment Review: I watched this film with low expectations since so many sequels are disappointing, but was pleasantly surprised by exciting action sequences, a strong cast and interesting plot. Schwarzenegger reprises the role he was born to play, and he doesn't ham it up as much as he did in T2; Kristanna Loken looks great as the Terminatrix (though she shows too much emotion, I assume this was a directorial decision); Nick Stahl plays 22-year old John Connor as an angst-ridden anti-hero; Claire Danes is very good as Katherine Brewster, future resistance fighter (though she is made to scream and react a lot), particularly considering that she accepted the role a few days before shooting started! Everyone is great, though Linda Hamilton is missed; to me she's as integral to the Terminator-mythos as Arnold. The script is fine -- with a plot consistent with the previous films, not as much mining for catchy one-liners, but too little on the time paradox aspect of the story. DVD extras include two commentary tracks -- one with director Mostow alone, the other with Mostow, Arnold, Loken, Daines and Stahl. Arnold's intelligence (and his out-of-control ego) shine through in his lengthy monologues -- though who was going to tell him to take it down a notch? The best extra is an hysterical deleted scene, The Sargeant Candy scene, about the origins of the T-1. There's also a trailer, a storyboard comparison, a Terminator timeline, a visual effects featurette, a video game trailer and making-of featurette, gag reel, featurettes on costumes and action figures, and a 13-minute eye-candy making-of documentary. The film can be heard in English or French and subtitled in English, French or Spanish. Enjoyable continuation of the Terminator franchise.
Rating:  Summary: Explanation of the new Terminator Review: I want to address some people's criticism that the new Terminator was initially a liquid metal, and then became an endoskeleton machine. You may remember from T2 that Robert Patrick could form knives, axes, etc. Arnold explains to John Conner that the terminator of T2 can not form chemicals, moving parts. Ms. Lokken's Terminator had weapons built into her hands, and that required an endoskeleton. So she was a hybrid of Arnold's type, and Robert Patrick's type. An endoskeleton with a liquid metal skin.