Rating:  Summary: I WANT TO BE ALONE...... Review: EVER noticed how similar the two voices are - Garbo and Arnold? Such missed fun - if only this director introduced a smattering of humor - like the opening Chippendales section with our Arnie and look-alike - ? NOT that we want the missed Zucor Brothers - but it could have been such fun.... right? Then there's the femme fatale - except for the semi-Kama Sutra gyration near the end with Arnie - nuffin much here... and the heroinne? The original miss was replaced 'cause she was slightly too young - Miss Danes {a superior talent wasted here - wasts her time on this milque-toast young'un] Must add - great chase sequences though - the crane section - but like the metallic miss - it's all in the toilet from there on .... Stick to Cameron's unsurpassed T2 - perfect - missing Linda H.
Rating:  Summary: Rise of the Machines, Fall of the Series Review: If you enjoyed T1 & T2 then just wait there is still time for you to be disappointed. T3 could not be more so. It falls short completely on story line. Compaired to T2 it falls way short on special effects. Rise of the Machines, Fall of the Series!
Rating:  Summary: An OK movie, but nothing like the previous 2. Review: OK this is the 3rd instalment by a new director who says on the DVD special feature disc that he wanted to emulate the excitement of the previous 2 films. Trouble is this film doesn't come anywhere near the genius of the first 2. The special effects are good; especially the car chase, but you can't build a film like this solely on effects and ignore the dialogue. I thought this was an OK movie, but that's all. It just always had something missing for me and I believe it would have been better if somebody else with a little more imagination had written it.
Rating:  Summary: WHAT AN AWFUL FILM - THE TRANSFER'S VERY NICE Review: James Cameron wisely chose to step away from directing "Terminator III", a horrible rehash of cliches and vignettes from the first two films, and with the added bonus of a plot that goes absolutely nowhere! Arnold's back - looking as buff as ever, but acting way too campy to be credible. Remember the scene at the strip club - with the obviously flamboyant, leather clad...or the bit where Claire Danes gets hoisted by Arnold into the air at a gas station - if for no other reason - then just to alert the clerk behind the counter that something's terribly wrong? The edge of apocalyptic doom is gone from the series. It's been replaced with self-depricating humor that literally destroys the film's credibility from the word go. TRANSFER: Solid, impressive, well balanced and over all - great visual presentation. Colors are rich. Shadows are nicely rendered. Black levels are black. Smooth DVD transfer with only a hint of shimmering and edge enhancement. The audio is 5.1 and nicely balanced. EXTRAS: The usual round of fluff and nonsense that sadly, is in keeping with the feather-weight handling of the film's subject matter. BOTTOM LINE: This should not have been the final installment in "The Terminator" series!!!
Rating:  Summary: This movie rocked!!! Review: This Terminator is worth watching,filled with action,explosives and stunts,theres only one thing I hate bout this movie and I tell why.The only thing I hated bout this movie is the the title has nutthin to do with the movie,no machines came out until the end,the starting rising like in the last 2 seconds of the film,the only machines I saw rising was the original Terminator,and they had like 2.The movie is excellent,but the only machines u will be seeing in this movie is Arnold and the T-X.This movie is worth watching, TRUST ME.
Rating:  Summary: Not at all what I expected Review: When I first heard about this movie, I was so thrilled that they were going to continue the Terminator series. I went into the theater with high hopes of being as amazed as I had been with the first two, however, i came out sorely disappointed. There are a number of reasons why I felt this way. They are: 1. James Cameron didn't direct it. It is impossible to have a decent Terminator movie if Cameron isn't directing it. 2. No continuity. There are relatively few connections between T3 and the first 2 movies. 3. No Linda Hamilton. Again, its impossible to have a Terminator movie without her. 4. Too much action, not enough stroy. There are too many action sequences with a very small, weak plot line. 5. Too far-fetched. The TX is way too far-fetched. It's too perfect, it can make its own weapons and reprogram other machines. It would've been better to bring back Robert Patrick as the T-1000. 6. Not the same music. What happened to Brad Fiedel and the main Terminator theme? It must seem like I am a knitpicker who didn't like the movie at all, however, I did enjoy the movie greatly. It was a great action movie, just not worthy of the Terminator name. I'd have to say that the best scene of the movie is at the cemetery when the girl has a conversation with Dr. Soberman from the other two movies. On a final note, after seeing T3, I went home and watched T2: The Ultimate Edition DVD. After the movie was over, I browsed thru the special features and came across an alternate ending confirming that there was no Judgement Day and John Connor became a senator. I think that this would have been a great ending for T2, that way we wouldn't have to deal with the disgrace that is T3.
Rating:  Summary: He'll be back! Review: This movie had alot of action in it so if you love action this will be the best movie you ever saw. The movie is about a Terminator(Arnold Schwarzenegger who is now the Govrner) in the war filled future were men and machines lead by an evil giant computer named "Sky net" fight each other, goes back in time sent by the humans to help their leader John Coner's past version survie the up coming war and another Terminator. My only complant is the story was the same in Terminator 2. That did not bother me to much however. You should see the first two before you see this one. This movie was good but the first two were better.
Rating:  Summary: Careful, everything is finally falling down Review: This is not the new Bible of science fiction. This is supposed to be the last episode of the saga about thE fight between machines that take over the world and men who are nothing but easy preys for these computers. Of course John Connor has to be saved along with a girl, who cares about which one provided she can lay some eggs. And this couple has to be saved by being led into the atomic shelter of the President of the United States just before the machines erase life from earth with all the atom bombs men have accumulated. Judgment Day cannot be avoided. This is one recollection from the Bible. But only one man and one woman, plus maybe a few descendents, will survive. That is definitely not the Book of Revelations but a new version of the Genesis. In other words, when machines have become the supreme authority of the world, when they have killed God since no one can believe in religion anymore when they are plugged on the Internet and its ungodly blabla, there can only be a catastrophe coming, the end of the world that in a way selfdestroys, and the promise of a new beginning - which will lead to the same catastrophe in a few hundreds of centuries - that sounds like or smells like a rewriting of the Bible in a new very apocryphal version. And do not ask this film to have any complex psychology. On one side machines that have no psychology at all, only a plain programmed mission. On the other two human beings who are terrorized by fear, fright and some other versions of dread. All the others are nothing but props necessary to hold the setting. But it is entertaining because of the very total unbelievableness of the fable. If you can suspend your disbelief for more than five minutes, you must not have seen many movies lately and I would advise you to get to the cinema more often. By the way, the special effects are rather colorful. Dr Jacques COULARDEAU
Rating:  Summary: Are you kidding me??? Review: I fell asleep halfway through the movie. The action sequences are stretched out too much and is so over the top I could not help but laugh. The previous two movies were excellent (T1 is in my opinion the best of them all), but this movie should either have been directed by James Cameron or nobody at all. The first Terminator movie back in 1984 was dark, disturbing, violent and amazingly believable. T2 gave us more insight into the story, but T3 seem to ponder from one action sequence to another without any rhyme or reason. The only part in the movie where I actually felt a connection with the other two movies was when Arnold aknowledged that he killed John Connor. Otherwise I was very disappointed with the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly good Review: With a movie of this genre, the viewer must dispense with some sense of reality and logic, but unlike I was expecting, the film doesn't expect you to dispense with your forebrain. Nick Stahl has proven himselve as a superb actor in such films as "The Man Without A Face," and he does an excellent job as the slightly older John Connor, savior of humanity. Like its predecessors, this movie's plot focuses around the self-aware machines of the future sending a terminator back in time to destroy Connor before he can become the resistance leader that will save humanity and triumph over the world of the machines. I'm unsure why Sarah Connor's character (John's mother) was killed off in this film - perhaps they didn't want to spend the money for Linda Hamilton to reprise her role, or else she didn't want to be in it - but her character was a weighty element that was missed in this installment. Connor's childhood aquaintance, Kate (Claire Danes), finds herself intertwined in the story as "Judgement Day" spirals toward inevitability. Schwarzenegger is back as the "good" Terminator sent back through time once again to protect John and members of his soon to be formed resistance movement as an even more kick-butt Terminator, the T-X, is sent back to eliminate the resistance and contaminate the timeline by infusing future technology with current technology. Kirstanna Loken's acting debut is impressive as the sleek, heartless Terminatrix - she has the liquid metal properties of her predecessor in "T2," but unlike him, she can also turn into complex machines such as saws and drills and she even has a blood/DNA screening device so that if she pokes somebody she can tell if they are part of the resistance or not as she goes down her cyber checklist of people to eliminate. Reviews have been mixed and I went to the theater with mediocre expectations, and ended up pleasantly surprised. With the exception of one scene, the special effects are flawless. There is one scene in which the T-X is in a bay with high-tech military robotic machines in which several dozen are supposed to be in the background, but it is nauseatingly obvious they are CGI and painted in the background. Despite this one overt SFX flaw, the action scenes are inventive, entertaining and incredible. The dialogue is punchy and to the point. I wasn't too impressed with the acting of the Kate's fiancee, but his screentime was minimal. Overall, this is one exciting, entertaining flick. No sex scenes, but loads of violence - so think twice before exposing kids under 13. Any adult into Sci-Fi will not be disappointed.