Rating:  Summary: Worth Seeing Review: Another site of controversy! Hoo-hah!Actually, in this reviewer's opinion, it's neither the rollicking worst-film-ever-made, nor is it a great movie. It is amazingly very amusing and entertaining, and, if you peruse the other reviews here, you'll see that this strange movie had everyone riveted to the screen! Just the idea of Travolta playing a stupid, sadistic bad guy is truly mind-blowing, and Forrest Whittaker turns in a fine performance with what he had to work with. If it weren't for the abysmally poor screenplay... *sigh*! The director had a lot of good cinematic ideas, but he didn't know how to use them all together. I will look for more of his work (if the poor chap can get it, after this bad rap). There is a fine comic book style to the art direction and cinematography, although that tilted camera does get annoying in a big hurry. The transition from Psychlo language/English subtitles to English dialogue was done as well as any director could hope to. And there are some fine special effects paired with the most refreshingly un-graphic screen violence I've seen in years. Not bad! Although I didn't read the book, many flaws here seem to be the sort which plagued the much-awaited film adaptation by David Lynch of Frank Herbert's Dune. Simply, even a great director cannot condense a massive book into 2 hours of film, and the writer of the screenplay had no business taking on this project. Just as Dune was a crushing disappointment to its fans, Battlefield Earth came up short of the anticipated hooplah. I honestly can't say that purchasing the DVD is recommended, since you'll probably want to see it only once or twice. But it IS worth viewing, if only for the personal satisfaction of having seen a film everyone's arguing about.
Rating:  Summary: Howlingly Awful Review: Possibly the most ambitiously terrible movie that I've ever seen, this film is truly glorious in the lengths that it will go to keep the plot holes open and gushing hilarity. The script is mind-bogglingly bad, the aliens are not only incredibly stupid, but are also gleefully mean-spirited. This actually backfires a bit, since, IMHO, the film does manage to convey the cruelty of their mindless acts. Their good humor at blowing the heads off of their victims winds up being distasteful without making us actually care enough to like them any less than we already do/ever will. Speaking of not caring, let's talk about the good guys. The best thing that I can say is that they should be congratulated for learning to fly thousand-year-old Harrier jets and fire thousand-year-old weaponry. Suspending disbelief is not enough; checking your brain at the door is not enough; before watching this drekfest, you should either: A) get as drunk as you can, B) be a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and be ready to compare this one to the worst they've ever heckled, C) both. I did B but intend to do C fairly often with friends as soon as this baby gets released on DVD. If you don't love to point and giggle through films that stand in the upper echelon of badness, don't even bother. Finally, let me touch on the direction. There were some truly epic shots in this film, and when I could wipe the tears of laughter from my eyes, I often found myself enjoying the visuals quite a bit for their own sake. Having said that, I'd also like to clumsily quote Roger Ebert who said something like, "Roger Christian learned from better directors than himself that you should sometimes tilt the camera. But he never learned why." Speaking for myself, I can't WAIT to add this little gem to my collection.
Rating:  Summary: To the sci fi fan - don't believe what you hear! Review: Being the hugest Star Wars fan in my entire town, going to see most every sci-fi movie around here, I can tell you that this movie deserves more than what it's gotten. It's not the Star Wars movies, but it is a great sci-fi film - I really admire Travolta for not only having the balls to do this movie, but to have finally put together a great development to the main villian, Terl. There is nobody here or at Cinescape or anywhere, that shouldn't agree that he did do so. My other friends who have seen this movie, even my own father, doesn't like it, but I do, and I'll be there for all the sequels. -If you don't agree with me, email me, and Mr. Travolta if you are out there, kudos to you for making a great character!-
Rating:  Summary: Great! Review: Come on people! Give the movie a break. This isnt Star Wars or Star Trek here. Travolta did a great job with what he had. I personally repect him more now for pouring his heart and soul into it. I hope there is a sequil as well. It is a good hero story. I loved the book and the movie. WAY TO GO TRAVOLTA! Mike McCrory Baldwin County, Alabama
Rating:  Summary: there could not be a worse movie! Review: This is the first time in my life I have ever felt a movie SOOO BAD, that I spent most of it thinking of what I could have done better with the time and money spent. Frankly, Had I known the depths of BADNESS to which it would plunge, I would have gladly paid the money to avoid it. If this had been the first moving picture ever made, we would all be looking at paintings and listening to the radio, because the public health people would have made them illegal. The crunch of popcorn was more interesting than the ridiculous dialogue... MST 3000 couldn't make something of it. It's too bad to spoof! This movie should come with warning labels....oh, there is just no way to say how bad this travesty is. However, if you are a professional in the movie industry, wait until they waste plastic putting this roadapple on video, than borrow it from a scientoligist ordered to buy it. Watch as much as you can stomach, and then go out and produce NOTHING LIKE IT! If one scrap of an upcoming project smells of even a hint of this 'movie', your work is doomed. Despite the high ratings the scientoligist crowd have been ordered to provide, this monstrosity richly deserves the universal disdain it has engendered in the unbiased press and public forums. Avoid it - it is utterly valueless.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing storyline,having read the book years ago.. Review: I read the book years ago very slowly to absorb every nuance of the written story. Started to read it again,but had to give it over to an impatient friend. Having said this ,I waited in great anticipation for the movie as soon as I put down the book.There was much deleted in the movie that I thought were essential to the storyline. The discovery of the Arsnel in Denver, for one. The Psyclos were portrayed smaller in the movie, but, I must admit the characters were well portrayed. I was disapointed with the movie, but, because it's one of my favorite Sci-fi books, I will buy the DVD as soon as it reaches a price more befitting a less than acceptable version of the original.
Rating:  Summary: better than most people think Review: battle field earth is a wonderful movei, with a bad rap. i do recommend this movei, very much as i own it on dvd myself.
Rating:  Summary: I enjoyed. Review: More I read and heard bad things about this movie, I got more interested and finally got obsessed with this movie. And when I finally got to see this, I enjoyed it. And I did so very much. I thought the movie was made in the way it was supposed to be. This is PG13 Hollywood Scifi movie. I think asking for just about anything more than this is simply too much. Lots of people didn't seem to like the movie because it was too unrelaistic and stupid. Well,I like to tell them to be more realistic and smarter before they throw their money into the box. What do they normally expect from a movie like this with a title like this? How much more realism would make this movie to be their likings? It is very much true that all those critics help me prepare for all those nonsenses and not worry too much about them but concentrate on enjoying the movie, though. Besides, without all these bad talks about this movie, this movie never caught my attention in the first place, anyway. For that,I did appreciate opinions of those who disliked the movie. And guess what? Now, I even hope they'll make the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Was AWESOME! Review: Everyone I have talked to agrees that Battlefield Earth is a great sci-fi movie. The plot is a little weak, but then it really starts picking up. John Travolta plays Terl, an alien, and Barry Pepper plays Jonnie Tyler, the hero. Travolta was badly cast, but Barry Pepper did an excellent job portraying the hero. If you are into "Star Wars" and science fiction, then you will love this movie. And even if you're not into science fiction, you will still enjoy the entertainment. See the movie! It's worth it!
Rating:  Summary: Horrible Review: ... The movie ... is abysmal; so bad that it was not even fun to make fun of. Terrible acting, cheesy, out-of-date special effects, directing straight from the "do not do this" handbook (why oh why is the camera constantly tilted?), blantant rip-offs from every successful sci-fi movie of the last 20 years and an even more dumbed down storyline than the book (hard to believe, but they managed it.) Save yourself 2 hours of pain and skip this bomb of a movie. Believe the critics and ignore the Scientologist apologists, this really is as bad a movie as has ever been made.