Rating:  Summary: Must See Review: I have loved this movie since I first saw it in 1996. Its one of the few movies that are actually better then the first. Watch it and be warned, it still scares me half to death.Watching it on DVD is even better, the sound and picture make the movie even more realistic. The one flaw that I saw in the movie witch was very noticable with the DVD is the final part of the movie, the scene in which Bishop catches Newt, saving her from falling into space. If you pause that scene at the moment when he grabs her you can see the rest of Bishops body coming out from the floor of the ship. Beside that it was a great movie.....
Rating:  Summary: Wasn't the original worth saving? Review: I know what you're thinking, ONLY 3 STARS! Who is this guy? OK...I think Aliens is one of the best sci-fi/action movies ever made. I saw it a few times in '86 when it was in theaters. BUT..What is this obsession with adding footage and stuffing as much as you can after the fact into a DVD release. I wouldn't mind at all if they also offered a theatrical release version (The new T2 special edition is great in that it gives you both versions in the one package). I just wish they would think about the simple fact that when a movie was a huge hit like Aliens was and still is, maybe that's because they got it right the first time. Movies get edited for many reason's, pacing, scenes un-necessary to the plot or to create a certain mood etc. I rented the special edition because I was thinking about buying it and was pretty dissapointed. I did like the added scene early on where we learn of Ripley's daughter as it helps us in being behind her obsession with taking care of Newt but all the other stuff (especially the scenes of the colony before they get massacred) just ruined the atmosphere for me. In the theater you could not beat the fealing of tension or dread when the marines first enter the colony to search it. This was really blunted (on the DVD) by seeing footage of the colony and a Alien sucker before they get there. The additional footage in the latter half while not bad did make it seem not as fast paced and exciting as the original version. OK, enough of my whining. This revue is simply a cry to have the original version available on DVD as this was definitely a big enough movie to deserve the T2 treatment. If anyone out their feels likewise make your voices heard. I just want one of my favorite movies ever back. I can't buy this DVD until they cough up the original. P.S Lets hope they pull it together if they make Alien 5. The franchise is fading fast.
Rating:  Summary: Better then the first! Review: This movie is definately the best in the series!It has even better effects and a more complex story.It does have more bad language which is the only bad thing.Another great thing is how cool the Alien queen looks!This movie has way more action then the first one and has a great climax.The acting is also really great and has a few familiar stars in it besides Sigourney Weaver.Congrats to James Cameron for this great Sci-fi/Adventure.
Rating:  Summary: Ripley Rocks and Rules! Review: James Cameron takes over the directing chore from Ridley Scott and turns the science-fiction horror film into an over-the top action/war movie. It's bigger and in some ways better than the first, but there's no hiding the fact, there's less surprises and less atmosphere than in the first one. Ripley's character is expanded and Sigourney Weaver's performance is even better in this film than the first one. It's more action than horror or science fiction but an exhilarating roller coaster ride of a film with deservedly award winning special effects. The 17 minutes of additional footage in the special edition slows things down a little bit, but gives us important details which improves the over-all film. Chris Jarmick, Author of The Glass Cocoon with Serena F. Holder....
Rating:  Summary: Great sequel Review: This sequel may be even better than the original. There's more pure action in this movie but I think the original was able to build the suspense without action much longer--until the one scene with John Hurt where finally all hell breaks loose and the alien is on the prowl, finishing off the human crew one by one. For a pure action flick this is probably still the better movie. I've heard some people say this is the greatest action movie ever. I'm not knowledgeable enough about action movies to say for sure but if you like scary action thrillers with lots of violence this movie is for you.
Rating:  Summary: Best of the Alien series Review: Aliens, the second of the series, is hands down the best yet. I really enjoyed seeing it again on DVD and the extra footage is a positive extra (although I could live w/out the part where they show how Newt 1st got exposed to a face hugger). I highly recommend this DVD, much more than the whole set, since the 3rd and 4th parts just ruined the series. I would recommend a set that would only include the 1st (Alien) and 2nd (Aliens) ONLY (too bad it doesn't exit). I found that the extras were very insightful, with the design and creation of the Alien and the rest of the props - gives you a better perspective on what goes into the making of the movie and it literally justifies the budget spent on it.
Rating:  Summary: Astonishing! Review: Like the other reviews here, I too, greatly enjoyed this special edition. I made it the first "action" DVD I watched on my new player and was impressed with the special added goodies, the superb sound and image remastering, the extra footage (making a faultless story that much richer and broader) and the "behind-the-scenes" stuff. The interview with Cameron is eye-opening and enjoyable while the stills from the production and assorted promotional material sent me deep into "nostalgia"-land (does anyone remember "lobby cards"? I'd just about forgotten that you could see photo stills of the film before you actually sat down to watch it in theaters!). All told, if you've loved the film, this disc is the "ultimate" ALIENS experience. It's not to be missed.
Rating:  Summary: No Question, It's Awesome Review: Aliens is a thrill ride that almost never lets up. It's one of my top five movies of all time. Sigourney Weaver, as Ripley, is just perfect. In fact, she's so good in this movie She simply could not repeat such a great performance in the other Alien movies. The same can be said for the story line. Aliens is as good as a movie gets. My only complaint about the DVD, and it's one that I alwys point out with DVD's, is that James Cameron doesn't give us any director's commentary. A shame, because it would have been a thrill to hear what he was thinking while making one of the greatest movies ever made.
Rating:  Summary: Director's Cut: Hack job Review: The theatrical release of Aliens is one of the greatest science fiction films of all time. The "directors cut" is weak. Indeed, the special edition of Aliens highlights why "director's cuts" have been a movie scourge: James Cameron utterly changes the pace and feel of his film by showing us the doomed colonists. This shot just about kills the films suspense and mystery. We never saw the colonists in the theatrical cut -- we didn't need to. It's not their story. The only new shot that works is the scene in which Ripley discovers the fate of her daughter. Indeed, one weakness of the original cut was that Ripley's "lost in space" situation was treated as a non-event. Oh Please. It must be said that Aliens is far superior to the first Alien: the action is unforgettable, it's much more scary (we get to know these people), and it ends with a celebration of courage. Unfortunatley, the film is marred by a ridiculous feminist streak: leave it to Ripley to show the hardened Marines how to do it right. Indeed, the so-called "Marines" are one of the most unrealistic depiction of soldiers I've ever seen in a Hollywood production. Shame. Aside from this, Aliens is not only glorious entertainment, but James Cameron will NEVER make a better film.
Rating:  Summary: How a sequel should be done Review: Not wanting to take on an already perfect original master director/writer James Cameron took a different direction while remaining honest to Alien. The result is just a perfect combination of "get even" action and suspense. When the Marines are sent in to clean up the aliens they find out quickly that superior training and weapons are no match for speed, cunning, and numbers. Cameron quickly turns this self-confident ho-hum "bug hunt" mission into a disaster that quickly becomes a fight for survival. And it's a really serious fight. I can't think of a better treatment for a sequel. It complements and honors the original. Too bad Alien 3 wrecked the trend. Also check out the extras on the DVD. Very cool.