Rating:  Summary: Matrix reloaded under the microscope Review: So everyone's seen the "Matrix" but does Matrix reloaded cut it. Yes being the simple answer, faster sexier and with the latest technology, it is in no way more of the same. i'm in the u.k and have seen this blockbuster 4 times now and it is no where near enough. It took a while for me to see the first one but once i had i rushed out and bought the vid, the same applies to this. Keanu Reeves plays Neo who is now in a relationship with his true love Trinity played by Carrie-Anne Moss is magnificant. Neo in the first film is innocent and slightly pathetic in a sexy way. However in reloaded he is a God, the glasses say it all, the all powerful stylish and newly improved Neo is a force to be reckoned with. Morpheus is magnificant, Trinity shows a[n] example to all women. The film includes many many double meanings and gives Neo a christ like feeling, reflected through his power and gentleness. What more can i say a fantastic film with scenes that will physical exhaust you, the car chase the burly brawl and the tea house scene will leave you gaspiong for air. Once again this film bends the mind of all who understand it, and many people may find it hard going in places, but hang in there if you don't understand the dialogue you will be in heaven with the ducatti bike scene and the strenous fight scenes, which Keanu pulls off with grace and finesse. This film cements the idea that there is is no spoon.
Rating:  Summary: Let's take it Easy Review: Many reviewers of this film (Simpsons' Comic Book Guys that they seem to be) are taking this thing way too seriously. It's as if the Wachowskis have let them down, in that the cinematic world of their films isn't really the Real Reality. "Werst installment ee-ver!" Wrong! Captivating and entertaining like any epic myth, "The Matrix Reloaded" deepens the allusions to Gnostic Christianity in the first film, and subtly introduces the idea of a series of Russian-doll "matrices within the Matrix"--although we'll have to wait for the final film to see how it all comes together. The intricately choreographed martial arts and action sequences are the most stunning I've ever seen. The scene in which Neo meets the Oracle again, and the following "Afternoon of a Hundred Smiths" battle, was easily the best scene in the film...The Oracle departs and immediately Agent Smith appears, now apparently a rogue program who refused to return to the Source for deletion and has turned himself into a virus...But the French character, the Merovingian, was over-the-top silly...Apparently he and his wife Persephone were a weaker Neo/Trinity team in an earlier incarnation of the Matrix, who decided to abuse their powers. But that section of the film is probably the most important to what comes in the third installment, because it seemed so strange (I have a feeling that Persephone's kiss was more than her claim that she simply wanted to feel the passion of a hero again). Yes the rave scene goes on to long. We know it's an apocalyptic Dionysian revel. We don't need four minutes of it. And the Wachowskis' direction of the expository scenes borders on a "case of the Phantom Menaces" at times,--too heavy. The scenes with Link and his wife have a natural ease and humanity that most of the other Zion scenes lack. But to condemn the film outright (as many have) shows how a lot of people have succumbed to hype, inflated their expectations and had them disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: wisdom in Zen Review: there's no getting around it, "The Matrix Reloaded" is the movie all CGI-layden movies will be compared to. it's a technical marvel, first and foremost. but overall, it's the Zen-like quality with all the acting makes this movie distinctive among other films about the end of the world. A band of outcasts are trying to save the world from machines who have blanketed the "real world" with the false reality you and i see everyday. and now, the machines are digging toward Zion, the last human stronghold, with only keanue reeves, carrie-anne moss and lawrence fishburne, among other namelss characters, to save the day. while the story could induce yawns, the special effects will keep them at bay for the duration of this 2-hour plus extraveganza of pure excitement, rebellion and attitude not seen in most movies, period. most were turned off because of the stuffy feel to the film, but this only compounds the fact that these characters are trapped, something often overlooked by viewers. but, at any rate, this movie will be debated for the next five months, when "the matrix: revolutions" comes out in november. for now, sit back, relax and enjoy one of the most technically marvelous movies to come down the pipe since "the matrix" came out in 1999.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent!!! But not as good as the first one Review: This was expected to be possibly the best movie of the year with the best special effect ever. I would agree more with the latter. The special effects were outstanding. But the story was not so good.
Rating:  Summary: The Revolutions are at hand... Review: Matrix Reloaded, probably the most anticipated movie in the history of cinema, actually left me dissapointed - BUT - to call it a bad movie would be just insane. The first movie, a dazzling and fresh cinematic experience that swallowed the world up in Matrix-Mania with everyone and their sister knowing the difference between "the red pill" and "the blue pill", was an explosion of action and mystery in a world that exists only as a cloak over the post-apocolyptic reality. This movie just made me feel like I was watching one of the STAR TREK movies. I loved all of the action sequences, yet in between, when the story came into play, I found myself dozing off, opening M&Ms, and checking my watch. The plot did thicken and become complicated towards the end and I found myself dazed and confused at times, but I quickly caught up. However, after seeing Neo fly through the air, dispatch 100s of Agent Smiths, and still have a sexual (yet somewhat creepy because of the metallic probes) love scene with Trinity, I still believe that the most impressive and unbelievable thing in the entire movie was the intricate and highly-advanced vocabulary use by the architect. When I watch the DVD, I'll have a dictionary handy. Another problem with an almost perfect film is that we have all been so dazzled by the fight scenes and bullet-time that we forgot the obvious fact that Keanu Reeves can't act and if you'd all stop and pay attention - you'd realize that. The movie is a spectacular action masterpiece in a sci-fi wrapper that I recommend to anyone who has seen the first one. Matrix Virgins will just be lost in this one.
Rating:  Summary: It should be called: New Jack Matrix Reloaded Review: Hum, what a horrible movie. After being blown away by the first Matrix, I eagerly anticipated the sequal as millions have. After the first half hour, I thought that I had gone into the wrong theater. How many African-American actors can they blatently jam in there??? A statement on the future? I felt like I was waiting for Chris Rock to make his debut at any moment. I would have walked out, and in retrospect, I should have since it only got worse from there. In all, the movie seemed so so long with only about 30 minutes of "Yeh, this feels like the Matrix I remember" Stay for the expressway scene, and forget about the rest. HORRIBLE!!!
Rating:  Summary: Kick... Action and the Truth Revealed¿ Review: "The Matrix Reloaded" warp speeds ahead of the original in terms of action and plot. THE STORY: Neo and Gang (Morpheus, Trinity, etc.) return to Zion to help the home team prepare for the impending invasion by the machines. In the midst of it all Neo continues to have haunting dreams of Trinity's death at the hands of the Agents. Through various battles (the best you'll probably see those year) Neo and the gang find out the truth behind the mysterious prophecy regarding Neo's being 'The ONE." THE COOL STUFF: Quite simply, if you're not here for the action and FX, I have no idea why you're watching this movie. Here's a rundown of what makes this movie rock. 1. The fight scenes. With 3 totally quick butt fight scenes (Neo vs. 1000s of Smiths, the House fight and the Freeway Battle) this is easily one of THE best action films of the year). 2. The now signature Matrix style action FX 3. The storyline revealed. THE ANALYSIS: Aside from the action I was very pleased with how the plotline was cleared up in this film. Quite honestly the first movie simply confused my simple-mind with all its philosophical talk about the world not being as it seems. Fortunately for me this film clears up EVERYTHING about the world Neo them live in. THE VERDICT: I'm glad we only need to wait till this November for Matrix Revolutions as opposed to another 4 years. Highly Recommended
Rating:  Summary: One of the most entertaining movies ever. Period. Review: Truly one of the best movies I've seen in a very long time. If you haven't seen the movie, however you've heard the criticisms. Ignore them. The rave scene was done to show the love Neo has for Trinity and to show how he cares for her much more than the people of Zion. The fight choreography is amazing. Bullet-time was used once in the movie. It was not overused at all. If you have an eye to catch it and know what real martial arts are supposed to look like you can see amazing special effects in the scene where Neo first fights the agents. He moves so fast that you see no transition from one arm movement to the other. Neo is omnipotent. Smith has the only advantage against him, replication. I'm of the opinion that that's what the Wachowski's were trying to portray. People would have been more disappointed with a 30 second scene where 9,000,000 Agent Smiths crowd Neo and Neo just flies away. The first was about birth, the second about life, and the third? It's a loooooong way to November.
Rating:  Summary: forget what the critics say Review: you hear the critics say "quite possibly the greatest movie of 2003" they are wrong. it is hands down the best movie of all time. the ending had no clues to what the 3rd movie might hold, so it leaves you wondering. The highway chase scene was amazing!! definitly worth buying.
Rating:  Summary: Keeping an open mind... Review: When I saw „The Matrix" in the theater for the first time, I did not know what to expect. I simply came to see a movie, any movie (just another boring Saturday afternoon). I found that „The Matrix" was on and never seen a trailer or heard anything about it, except it was supposed to be packed with cool special effects, I bought a ticket. When the movie was over, I was stunned. Not because of (though excellent) special effects, but because of the magnificent story that had simply blasted me away. It was my favorite Sci-Fi movie from this day on. So it is easy to understand that I was very excited when I heard about "Matrix Reloaded" and "Matrix Revolutions" coming to the cinema and I knew, it would be extremely hard to keep level with or even topping the original first part. The one thing that made me believe this could be possible was, that the Matrix was supposed to be three movies from the beginning (but as most movie studios are these days, they only do one and see if it makes money). When I finally saw "Matrix Reloaded", I was not and am still not sure if I liked it or not. This movie was actually what I originally expected from the first one: Brilliant special effects, but a week story. And that is what the second part is. No point arguing. I still think it's quite a good movie, but nothing that I would put anywhere close to my personal top 10 favorite Sci-Fi movies. But as my headline already says: Keep an open mind. I really hope that "Matrix Revolutions" will turn it around once more and pull the second part to its feet. I expect cool special effects, but supporting the story, not dominating it. I think, everyone who saw both movies have some ideas of what is going on, but I still hope that there might be some very, very clever plot, which keeps everyone on their toes. Can't wait to see if I'm right ;)