Rating:  Summary: We Are Not Dumb! Review: For some reason, the script writers and directors of the sequel of Matrix thought that the crowd that understood the first Matrix, had lost some IQ points in the passed years... It seems as if they filmed an action movie, and then, suddenly, they remembered that they are commited to put some philosophy in. So after a 'Bang' of action, you get a 'Bang' of philosophy. OK, I can except that, but both the action and the philosophy, that was so sophisticated in the first movie, are now tasteless, simple, and very very clear. It was as if the scriptwriters try to shove the philosophy to me with a spoon! There's some disrespect in it, in my opinion, it insults your intelligence and takes the point from making this movie. I expected a deep, philosophical movie, like the first one, that'll make you think "What they meant?" and insted, I got this.About the plot: Like any sequel, the plot was worse than the first movie. Action that helplessly try to top the first movie, starts to bore after a while, Morpheus (Still the coolest charecter around!) got some weird accent, the weird trance part in the middle was out of any connection and it seems like they couldn't find a way to end the movie but "To Be Continued". And yet, I'll go and watch the next movie as well. The directors didn't finish to say what they started at the first movie, and I want to hear it all.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix has lost its mystique... Review: While the original was ground-breaking, mysterious, and very cool, the second Matrix tries... and then runs out of stream. Forgettable dialogue, a thin and confusing plot (at the same time, it's plotless and yet unnecessarily labyrinthine), repetitive action sequences, and pointless scenes make this less like the Matrix and more like some Matrix fan-movie. It is only a special-effects spectacle, and it is completely untrue to the awesome original movie.... it is simply disappointing and even boring as the dialogue drags on and the techno music continues to pound. Why was Neo fighting the 200 Smiths? Who cares. Can he fly? Apparently, yes. Was everything about this movie a let-down? Of course. The only semi-cool scenes were the over-long car chase with the Twins (the best, most stylish, most awesome new characters), and the martial arts brawl with Seraph (he was cool too). Many, many pointless words and speeches made this movie extra-long, needlessly boring and confusing, and very un-Matrix like.... where's the sci-fi mystery and anti-gravity stuff? This Reloaded film was a joke. It only had one or two redeeming qualities. Don't see it.
Rating:  Summary: Dives to deep and runs out of air Review: The Matrix was always intended to be a trilogy. However, the first film revolutionized how we think so much, it's almost unfair to expect the next two to do the same. Even disregarding that, Reloaded is somewhat disappointing, which may be because it is supposed to have MEANING. There is so much symbology here (also in the original, but here it seems to lose all subtlety), it overloads the brain. Whereas the original gave everybody something to chew on, Reloaded seems to be an philosophical film with fight seens. Don't get me wrong, there are elements of this film that are definetly worth seeing. Neo's fight with the Smiths is just fun to watch. However, kung fu moves aside, the first half of the movie is decidedly tedious and the second half decidedly repetetive. If you enjoyed The Matrix, reloaded is fun to watch, but don't expect the same result. For some example of what I mean by losing all subtlety in it's allusions: Many people have argued that Neo is supposed to represent the reincarnation of Christ. While I don't support or contest this opinion, it lends weight to what i am about to say. The Merovingian (the renegade program) is named after the Merovingian tribe. The Merovingian tribe consist of people whose bloodline can be traced to Christ. Was the choice of name a coincidence. I think not.
Rating:  Summary: A cyberpunk masterpiece Review: This sequel to the first Matrix movie immerses us into the world of humans and the machines. Whereas the first movie was about the realization of the artificial world around him, and the beginning of Neo's fight against the machines, in this movie we learn that all machines are not bad and that there are many more players in the fight than we thought at first. Neo realizes that having superpowers still does not answer the basic questions of life. "Why am I here?" and "What should I do now?" Neo is a much cooler character in this film, having come to terms with his abilities. He also has some incredible fight scenes that, because of the premise, are unmarred by the "Yeah right!" nature of most martial arts films. I found myself smiling before each of the actions scenes in anticipation. There are a number of scenes with weapons. You can see the improvement of Keanu Reeves from the first movie, and Lawrence Fishburn as Morpheus is really cool with a katana. The highway chase scene is amazing. People in the theatre were actually sitting on the edge of their seats! This movie is worth watching a second time if only to understand the words of the Architect. Be sure to stay until the end of the titles to see the preview of the next Matrix movie.
Rating:  Summary: Sorry, Matrix Fans, I Don't Like It !!! Review: This summer from Hollywood is full of sequels - Matrix, Charlie's Angels, Terminator, Tomb Raiders, etc. Matrix Reloaded reloads all the action-packed, CGI elements in Matrix, but with a terrible plot. I fell asleep half way through for about 10-15 minutes. Firstly, it's too long (almost 140 minutes); secondly, I don't like the story; and I hate Keneau Reeves' wooden-act (as he did in all his movies in the past). Don't get me wrong, he is a good man, but a terrible actor !! I am giving an overall rating of C.
Rating:  Summary: I actually gave it a 4.5! I'm hooked! But there were flaws.. Review: I absolutely LOVED this movie. I am soon going to see it for the 3rd time. I'm hooked. I've been waiting four years for this sequel. The first Matrix can never be topped. It was an introduction. All new, all original and suspenseful. The Matrix Reloaded is showing us what we know. There is a war. So it was hard to be suspenseful about something we already know. But the producers still managed to throw in big bang punch surprises and endings. If anything, it should be the first and the last movie with all the suspense. The beginning and the end. The middle should be exciting but overall go into more depth and understanding of just what the matrix is and the role of everything with or against it. So for all the reviewers who were displeased about the suspense, and/or were disappointed overall, stop expecting perfection and look for the good stuff in the movie. It's virtually impossible to be suspenseful in the second movie. The second movie is supposed to pick up where the first left off. So what did you expect? Another Matrix 1? We all knew this "war" thing was to be expected for the second movie. So take a look at the good stuff. Things aren't as we thought they were when it comes to the purpose of the oracle, the one, the creator, so many characters aren't as we thought they were. (if you are confused about this remark, go to keanuweb.com and look for the highlighted words "the matrix reloaded - explained") anywho, I went there and found out alot of things that I didn't know I misunderstood about the movie. You'll find out alot of things that were hidden out throughout both movies. Little things. Things we would never have caught and assumed were important to the significance of the movie. This movie is ingenius! It was done through such detail, that it could be assumed to be historical, even biologically true. The movie was made so real and the irony is that there are so many people who think the same thing in real life today. what if there really is something wrong with this world. forces that we don't know about. do we really know if we are awake? Or still dreaming? That's why this is my favorite movie. It has unlocked alot of my imagination and the wachowski brothers have come up with an all original, soon to be legendary movie/story. (by-the-way, I hope the brothers or the actors haven't read this, because it would sure feed their egos.) Keanu, Carrie-anne, Laurence, Vigo, etc. did an outstanding job. The writers/producers made an excellent choice in casting them for this movie. It must have been brutally hard to nail those ironic and mind boggling arts of fighting. Afterall, these are actors, not athletes. The only thing I did not like about the sequel was the scene with the computerized Neo fighting the copied Agent Smiths. Some of it was unecessary. I'm sure the producers could have made it look good with the real Neo(Keanu). Same goes for the scene where Neo flies into the clouds.The producers could have put a green screen behind Keanu and choreographed the flying sequence. There were also a few cheesy scenes. But every movie has flaws. And I take this movie as outstanding and nearly perfect. The first movie WAS perfect. I found no flaws. Only more things on the net about the movie,(hidden secrets) that made me fall in love with the movie even more. This trilogy is alot more complex than we all thought. The website I referred to anyone who wants to go will prove it. I hope my review was helpful to some confused fans. I sure was. P.S. I heard a rumor that there will possibly be a 4th matrix movie. And if it is approved, Keanu won't have anything to do with it this time. He already said no! If this is true, I hope to God they re-think the whole situation and cancel the idea. The matrix should be remembered as a legendary trilogy. Not some never-ending cheap adventure. (No offence Wachowski brothers) I just hope the success of the movies isn't getting to the producer's heads.
Rating:  Summary: THE MATRIX RELOADED Review: Yes, I was one of the three people in this world who didn't think the first Matrix was as mind-blowing as everyone said it was. The story had a good premise, of course, but I felt the plot was only slightly above average, and the special effects were great, but not quite as jaw dropping as everyone said. But don't get me wrong; I still thought it was a solid four-star science fiction flick. And so it was on those pretenses that I went to see the second installment in the Matrix trilogy; interested to see where the Wachowski brothers would take the story, knowing the special effects would be improved dramatically, but still not really expecting anything - save the SF - to really surpass the first. Boy, was I wrong! From the first frame to the last, the film simply blew me away. 'Reloaded' is one of the most extraordinary films I've ever seen. The beauty of the film lies in its visuals; from amazing special effects, to mind blowing (yes, I said mind blowing) martial arts fight scenes, to wonderfully crisp and metallic-like cinematography, this movie is all about what you see. Of course, because of that fact, the flaw of the film inevitably lies in its plot. Though it is very well written story - filled with plenty of the philosophic riddles that laced the first film - the actual plot (aka script) seems to be left in the background for parts of the film, as the visual masterpieces take place. Though this flaw could hinder a viewer's enjoyment of the film, one must understand: this movie, this franchise, is about visuals. While the standard dictum for films has always been story, then dialogue, then visuals (obviously because of films are basically giant stage plays). But 'Reloaded' changes that dictum, it places visuals slightly above story; it's more for your eyes then for your mind. The story is still, of course, and it is a well-written story. This film is a work of art really, a canvas set to motion, and I am sure it will go down in record books of cinematic history as one of the most riveting science fiction films of all time. The only thing that was really disappointing for me in this film was the musical score. It lacked depth. For a film such as this, the musical score needs to be strong, ever present, and always blasting out themes to keep the ears satisfied while the eyes are locked in on the visuals. But sadly, the score somewhat fails at that, never really bringing it to the viewers with the same ferocity as the visuals bring. For a film chocked-full with such amazing eye-candy, the score remained subdued. It seemed as though the composer and the filmmakers were on different wavelengths. Oh, and one little question for anyone who has already seen the film about sex/dance scene that takes place during the beginning of the movie; what the flying bonsai tree was that about? It was two minutes of screen time filled with uneventful music and an even more so uneventful - and droll - love scene. This was definitely one scene the editors should have left on the cutting room floor. Overall this film is a very solid four-star feature. But remember; this film is not a "Lord of the Rings" or a "Gone with the Wind", its not a completely perfect movie. It's meant to be a B-movie, a sci-fi/action/kung-fu flick, and does it succeed in the arena? Most definitely.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Movie! Review: I saw this movie in IMAX theater, and it was FANTASTIC!!!! It's a breath-taking, heart-stopping experience to see this movie on a 8-story high movie screen. I did not have high expectation on this second installment of Matrix Trilogy - I have heard and read mixed reviews. But it was so much more than what I expected. The plot is still intact. Those of who were not really deep enough or don't have the capacity to explore what the underline questions/messages/intentions that this movie have probably didn't enjoy this movie. If you loved the first movie for the special effect and how 'cool' things were, then again, you probably were dissapointed. Those of who was blown away by the first movie not only because of the special effects and kung-fu moves, but also with the deep philosophical/religious/spiritual meanings woven into the story or were THE base of the story probably enjoyed this second movie as much as the first one. I wouldn't be surprised if Neo wakes up in another "Matrix" in the third installment, along with Smith. Can't wait till November!!!
Rating:  Summary: The Emperor has no clothes Review: Am I the only sane person alive? God this movie sucked and worse yet is every wannabe huckster trying to say that it's a masterpiece. There are some nice action pieces but you have to sit thru looong boring speechs about free will and religon that are about as exciting as PBS. The speeches end the same way "So I guess there is no answer'. Let me get this straight you bore me for 20 minutes then say oops my bad I have no idea what am doing or talking about! The openng action scene is awesome but then it gets repeated 3 times!! As for all you Matrix fanboys who bash the Hulk let me get this straight you can't believe in super heroes BUT you believe SUPER SPIDERS that use us as BATTERIES! Say what you will fanboys but I'm brave enough to tell you the king's naked and your movie sucks.
Rating:  Summary: A Near Miss Review: Ok everything is fine with the movie and truely some of the questionable takes could be something bigger then we can see right now... The porn in the middle of zion is a little weird, but then again I think it was more of a dream sequence then a reality sequence. The only reason I am reviewing this movie with 4 stars is because it is a 4 star movie with a couple of question marks (hard to believe coming from a movie in the middle of a movie, sarcasum) not a 2 star movie with some question marks... I hope this clears some concerns up about some of the things they have been hearing... Take it from me the chase scene at the end of the movie more then makes up for porn scene in zion. In fact I may have to rewrite this review after seeing the third one and make this a 5 star as well.