Rating:  Summary: Screw Your Lofty Expectations, This One Delivers... Review: No movie ever made will live up to the expectations of most rabid film fanatics. I call it the "Phantom Menace Syndrome" No matter how good a film is, there will always be a vocal majority voicing their dislike of a film because it didn't gel with what they wanted it to be. Get over it...That's the case with Reloaded. It's not a disappointment. It's not a bad movie. It's a hell of a really good one, actually...Most moviegoers were predictably expecting more of the same from the first film, and that would have been the downfall of Reloaded, had it gone that route. Instead, The Wachowskis expand upon the mythology of the Matrix world and make it feel like a larger, more compelling place to visit...Of course, like in the first movie, the scenes inside the Matrix are a lot more fun than the scenes in the real world, but that goes without saying. New characters like The Merovingian, Persephone, and the Ghost Twins are great fun and make you want to see what plot twists are ahead in Revolutions. The action scenes are jaw-dropping and really get the blood pumping. An insane freeway chase/battle and a brutal Neo VS 100 Agent Smiths make the movie all by themselves. Yes, some of the CG effects and wire work are unfortunately obvious, but the question when it comes to these scenes is "are the entertaining?" Hell yes, they are. Only the most jaded and hopelessly over-critical movie geeks will hate this film. Even the average moviegoer will find a lot to like in this second chapter of the most exciting non-fantasy trilogy in a long long time. Although the film does get very heady and philosophical toward the end of the movie, it never alienates its audience; it only makes the audince want to know more...It all makes for compelling and exciting cinema, and there's nothing wrong with mixing existentialism with kung-fu...
Rating:  Summary: A daring and innovative film, but a bit too heady for most. Review: Allow me to be somewhat of a voice of reason here. The Matrix Reloaded was not the new age drek loaded, garritous, messiah wannabe that most people try to make it out to be. Nor is it the best film ever to be released. It is instead a innovative, daring, well thought out, and somewhat to contrived for its own good piece of filmmaking that entertains more then most holloywood inspired tripe. First of all, the films greatest weakness is that alot of its story is so intricate, that it couldnt fit into a film. Instead the Witchowski brothers wrote some of its backstory into "Final Flight of the Osirus"; a animated short from animatrix, and the rest of its backstory can be found in the video game; "Enter the matrix" which explaines what happens to some of the more underexplored characters and thier origins. As much as I appreciate new methods of storytelling, it would have been a bit more considerate for the mainstream crowd just to put in what would equivilate to the matrix equvelant of crib notes, to those that dont want to get to involved in the mythology. Also, this film is defintately daring in the sense that it attempts some different imagery and story telling factors that are rare to hollywood. It was interesting to see Zion, and its myraid levels of population and how they relate, But the "Prayer" and subsequent Rave that followed was no doubt meant to make us respect the peoples heart and willingness to celebrate in the face of doom, instead... it came off as campy and somewhat garritous. My final complaint is that as a Art/history major, I am familiar with Shakesphere, Locke, Hobbs, Dostiovski, Nietche, and other Rennaisance writers. So I was able to pick up the references, and characters that are obviously meant to represent the ideals and flaws behind the Philosophies of These writers. However, for a average movie goer, I feel somewhat sorry for, since they will have a tougher time appreciating the thoughts and ideas the directors are attempting to get across. The Witchowski Brothers seem to have a fascination with the Rennaisance Period in history, which is supported by the fact that the story in Animatrix that Details how the machines were created, persecuted, and eventually defeated humanity is entitled, "The Second Rennaisance." Now that Ive Pointed out the movies flaws, allow me to rant a little on what is good about "Matrix Reloaded" The story, while yes contrived and a bit convoluted, is very original. Those that attempt to discern where the plot will unravel will likely be very surprised. Its very amusing to see how much thought the Witchowski's have put into the saga of the matrix. Neo is now neigh invincible in combat, but is still fallable by human weaknesses. Meanwhile its good to see that Supporting characters such as Morpheus and trinity are still capable of fending for themselves whenever Neo is not around. Each of the returning good guys shall grow and develop in surpring and plasing ways. But it is the Villans in this film that steal the show. Magnovinion, while annoying, is rather intriguing as a villan. Persephone is as mysterious as she is seductive. The archetect is cold and ruthless, a master manipulator. Last but certainly never least, is probably one of the coolest villans in cinema history; Agent Smith. Smith has returned and is now deadlier then ever. More of a virus then a program now, he is clever with the insults, and definately worthy of further screen time. The Matrix relaoded is not the kind of film that comes out every day. Its story is steeped more in humanities history then it is in the future, but at the same time, is also steeped heavily in myth and fantasy. The action scenes this time around are original, and garritous, but amusing. Your jaw will drop during the Burly Brawl, and the highway chase is a scene that has now set the standard for car chases and fight scenes atop moving vehicles. Though the film is flawed in some respects, the flaws come with the Witchowski brothers sometimes trying to be a bit too over the top, and attempting different tricks that just dont work. But nonetheless, it is indeed a worthy addition to your DVD collection, the Xtras promise to pump up the value of this already great film. Next month, Revolutions shall debut, and end off the saga of the matrix. So the Timing is perfect for the release of this DVD.
Rating:  Summary: You Gotta Be Kidding!!! Review: Everytime Keanu came onto the screen I couldn't stop myself from remembering the SNL skit of him during one of their infamous Jeopardy game spoofs (I think he was portrayed by Toby McGuire) wagering "eleventy billion dollars". This movie is horrible.
Rating:  Summary: Complicated !! Review: Please. What on earth? Really sucks this movie, and the purpose of this film was .... what ??? If there is a purpose to this film, please tell me.
Rating:  Summary: MATRIX: THREE-LOADED! Review: Hey, all in all I really dug this sucker! I thought the fights went form brutal,(in The Matrix), to poetic in The Matrix Reloaded. Okay...I too scratched my head at some of the dialoge in the second Matrix film, but that's exactly what it is: The middle movie in a serires concieved as a trilogy. I knew this going into the movie, and I came away fairly confident that any remaining,(and new), questions I had would be answered in The Matrix: Revolutions, or a repeat viewing of the first film. Current cinema is being reinvented by young filmmakers who take chances, and follow thier vision. Sometimes that requires an extremely short attention span, and other times these pioneers are challenging your patience & viewpoint. I felt that "Reloaded" was asking me to "hang in there", and to re-examine why the hell I liked The Matrix in the first place. That is exactly what I did. (Surely that makes me a nerd to the tenth power!) Today's movies have sub-plots being planted early on, only to slap you in the face once you've forgotten about them, not to mention the fact that movie audiences now require something that is complex yet simple enough not to short-circuit thier brains. That's a fine line. It's like trying to explain a car's powertrain to a child...You don't start out telling them about the whole combustion process, the gear ratios & the transmission...you just tell the kid to step on the pedal and the car goes...And, as they get older..you start to get more & more detailed. Isn't that what's happennig in these pre-concieved trilogy movies? Hmmm, yeah... So cool it, kick back, and let the whole story unfold. Besides, the directors have sprinkled Reloaded with just enough eye-candy & surprizes to reel us back in for Revolutions,(whether we want to be there or not.) I love that! Anyhow, as far as a dvd goes... I am super excited about the Reloaded extras. Most of all though, I am eagerly awaiting repeated viewings of this movie. I will admit that The Matrix "world" might take itself a little bit too seriously. In fact, one of the most "serious" scenes takes place between Neo & the architect, and I have read over & over again how people despise this part of the movie. (It's my favorite!) All it proves is that many of the moviegoers were expecting more answers, not more questions. Still, I wonder just how important all the new techno-babble & philosophy raised in Reloaded really are. Maybe this is a diversion to a much simpler plot. Then again, maybe the Wachowskis just had too much money and time to indulge their bloated vision. Only the individual viewer can decide, and I already have... I was notified of this disc's release by THEDIGITALBITS.COM
Rating:  Summary: Here's how it goes... Review: First off, I would like to point out that the 1st Matrix involed all philosophy. However, the 2nd Matrix involves all action scenes and very little philosophy. In other words, the people who rate The Matrix: Reloaded high love action movies, but the people who rate it poorly love a good philosophical movie. So what kind of a movie do you like? If you love a great action movie-than this is your movie, but if you don't, well, you will probably not like this movie since it contains only a couple of philosophical ideas. Another thing, The Matrix: Revolutions should have a variety of both which would make it the best overall of the series, but to understand Revolutions you must first understand Reloaded!
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix- Unloaded Review: This was a pretty bad movie. It might be good if I had never seen the first one, but this was just a bad movie. I just don't get how it sucked so much. It wasn't even worth watching. This movie was overrated. Same with the videogame "Enter the Matrix". Enter the Matrix exits the Matrix and Reloaded is unloaded. Both were horrible. I'm anxiously awaiting the third one hoping it will make this one better, but I kind of doubt it. I think it was the abrupt ending that ruined it most. If you haven't seen this movie wait until November around the time the third movie comes out to watch this one. THen it might not seem so bad, but I'm not sure.
Rating:  Summary: disappointing movie - good dvd Review: the only reason im giving this movie four stars is the fact its on DVD and that you can now skip through the mindless bull and just watch the cool action sequences. i know this movie was a major letdown but some scenes will go down in movie history. i'll definately go see the third one just to see how it ends. i recommend that you rent this if you haven't seen it yet bcause you'll probably want ur money back.
Rating:  Summary: Reloaded is a continuation not a sequel Review: Reloaded is a continuation of the first movie not a sequel, just like the Godfather part 2 was a continuation of the first. This is just the middle part of one story so treat it as such. In this movie things are escalating and while some questions are answered new ones are asked. And to those of you asking when did neo start doing the superman thing, watch the end of the first one again (then proceed to smack yourself in the forehead and utter DUH!).
Rating:  Summary: Reload the X-citement one more time Review: I dont understand how ppl dont/didnt like Reloaded...?? I did'nt say LOVE, i only said Like. First off, i am willing to pick on anyone's brains willing to tell me what THEY think the MATRIX is..?? What is the matrix? U think u know it... think again! I thought i figured the insides and out of matrix, but i was dead wrong! Reloaded was perfect sequel.... this generation of movie-goers HAS to move away from watching dead-beat action with no purpose... Reloaded was perfect, in the sense that it essentially said "relax.... we know that u wanna see action... we know that u know that ANYTHING is possible in action scenes.... lets just enjoy the character and plot development for a bit b4 we dwell into the action". I dont even know how deep the rabbit hole goes, or if IT IS even a rabbit hole after seeing the flick.... essentially making this a perfect "glue" between 1 & 3. To guys that didnt like Reloaded, here is my question - will u watch revolutions (part 3)? If u answered Yes - u essentially are looking for excuse not liking part 2? B/c i can guarantee u, i never watched ANY sequel beyond part 2 if it didnt tickle my fantasies. Bottomline - Try to think occasionally when u go to movies, instead of watching mindless action.