Rating:  Summary: Ultimate DVD Experience Review: The original Matrix was one of the most important films in the last decade, if anything only because it was largely responsible for triggiring the boom in the DVD market.It was a new experience in digital enjoyment, and changed forever the tastes of the buying public. Martix Reloaded is the long awaited sequel, second in a trilogy, and which did not fare well in the box office contrary to the huge expectations.However,I did find the low review marks and the negative feedback quite harsh and unfair, because there is a very important point lost on many: Not unlike Lord of The Rings, The Matrix should be judged when all three films are FINALLY out, as they are closely interconnected and can be seen and reviewed as one whole viewing experience. The sequel might not be as good as the first, but then it does not matter as much as the fact that it is the whole trilogy that should be assessed. The story of Matrix might be at times confusing, and at others quite simple(Its biblical/philosophical undertones/men against machines in an apocalytpic future, is a subject that has been treated extensively in cinema, from the all time masterpiece of Kubrick's 2001 A Space Odyssey to dozens of lame straight to video imitations), but this becomes secondary to the immense pleasure one gets from the viewing experience itself, the fights, action, digital wizadry, music and production design,in the first Matrix as well as in its sequel Reloaded. One fact is clear and can not be denied, the Washowski brothers have done a wonderful job in achieving this. I liken this experience to my love of African music: the whole vibe,groove and the beautiful voices compensate amply for not understanding the meaning of the words and what they are singing about. The two Matrix films should,in a way, be looked at similarily, you might not like the story,or the way it is going ,but you will sure be in for a magical digital ride that will capture all your senses.A cinematic masterpiece it may not be, but it is certainly the ultimate DVD experience.
Rating:  Summary: Zion rave scene -- why it was there Review: Given the philosophical bent of the Matrix movies, the whole point of the zion rave scene (and interlaced the Neo/Trinity scene) was to highlight what makes humans different from machines. What we were seeing is everything that machines are incapable of doing: reproduction, passion, losing control, pure enjoyment. You can see more exploration of the human-machine dichotomy when Neo and the Councillor go down the depths of zion and discuss the humans-need-machines and machines-need-humans relationship. The main difference is that during that sequence, the point is spelled out for the slow viewers, whereas the point of the rave/sex scenes is more emotional (which again, is the point).
Rating:  Summary: The zion scene was pathetic....but necessary Review: I hear complaints about the Neo and Trinity sex scene, and I agree that it was awful, but from the viewpoint of the filmmakers, it was necessary. Think about it. Without that scene, the movie would have only gotten a PG-13 rating. The first movie had lots of gun violence, which automatically requires an R rating. The lobby scene featured tons of police officers and such getting totally blown away. It was worthy of the R rating it got. This was not so with Reloaded. The majority of the violence was of the martial arts variety, which is not enough by itself for an R rating. For anybody who has seen Daredevil, it is far more bloody and violent than Reloaded, yet it only got PG-13. Why? Because there was no gun violence. Even though there are scenes where you see a character with three pencils stuck halfway in his throat, it's still not the R worthy gun violence that the ratings association is so strict with. The sex scene in Reloaded was a necessary element to assure the R rating, which was required of the movie. You are probably wondering why it's necessary. Well just ask yourself, what would you have thought if you saw that Reloaded was only PG-13? I know I would have thought that it was crappy, and couldn't possibly have any good action scenes. Quite simply, The Matrix couldn't be The Matrix without an R rating. This may be a silly sounding reason, but it is only logical reason why the Wachowskis would include such a horribly out of place and stuffy sex and rave club scene.
Rating:  Summary: Reloaded is 1/2 a movie Review: Ok this move has been under fire since the reviews came in back in May. I want to share my thoughts on the biggest blockbuster (besides those damn fishs)of the year. Nobody realizes that this is a 1/2 a movie. They shot the whole thing at the same time. If the Wachowski brothers could they would have released Revolutions maybe a week or 2 later but those special effects gotta be special. Nobody seems to take this split movie in 1/2 thing seriously. I was relieved to find that ign.com reviewed Kill Bill as only part of a big story and not just a seperate movie. I like to compare Reloaded to X2 because that movie had a lot of foreshadowing. Remember the part when Xavier and Woverine are in Cerebro in the begginng? Wolverine tells him to concentrate harder and X goes "If I did i'd blow his head up" which is what was going to happen at the end of the movie. If the split X2 into two chunks then that scene would be meaningless to you. There is alot alot ALOT od foreshadowing and meaning in Reloaded that should be explained in Revolutions and if its not then I will say: Matrix sucks! But i have confidence in the enigmatic Wachowski brothers that they will come through and on the fateful day of November 5 we will leave the theater going "Whoa!"
Rating:  Summary: Nihilistic Theme Mixed with Cinematic Action Review: I ignorantly followed the crowd being a social butterfly and went to see this flick in theaters and I found it loathsome. I didn't think the first Matrix was really worth watching again after I saw it. This one was worse. The movie basically involves a dark future where humanity is at war with the machines. And from their subterranean stronghold they try to liberate humanity. This movie starts with an orgiastic procession of dancing reminiscent of the old Hellenic cult of Bacchus, where worship involved drunken states where his spirit enters worshipers through frenzied dancing and music. Thus, their little Zion commune-the refuge of humanity-more closely resembles a heathen Babylon. And Neo who is elevated to some kind of messianic figure in this movie... what's he doing during all this? Just frolicking and fornicating with his girl. What else? Their so called messiah doesn't purport to be without sin, but he does fly around like Superman. How quaint? I hope my cynicism is obvious. For perceptively appealing to the ignorant masses desire for cheesy cinematic action while simultaneously providing philosophical babble to give the movie a semblance of having some deep esoteric meaning and plot, one must give the Wachowski Brothers (who made the Matrix venture) a thumbs up. They raked in hundreds-of-millions off their little Matrix franchise from dupes like me. Supposedly the movie makes one think about nature of reality and spirituality... Well read the writing on the wall: beneath all the sub-themes like man being dependent on the machines, the pivotal heretical theme is one of Nihilism tinged with Gnosticism. There is no hope, no salvation, and all we have is each other... Man must save himself. And I don't believe that, because I have no faith in humanity but in the real Messiah-Yeshua. True freedom is freedom from the bondage of sin.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Reloaded Review? Is that a good title...i think so... Review: I thought this was a magnificent sequel to the first Matrix. It gels well with the first one and doesn't take off from the story one bit. The special effects blow your mind and there's just no movie out there like it yet... Yeah yeah yeah so I hear that everyone's complaining about certain scenes in the movie. Like the Zion underground party, get your sex on every few seconds scenes. But honestly, I think they were a necessity. There's a lot of symbolism in this that many critics are overlooking. This whole saga is the story of man versus the machine. Machines with such sophistication and eloquence yet incapable progression capacity really needs to counteract the sense of the human's primal nature, their will to live, their will to fight for their life and their will to die for their cause. I think the underground Zion scenes exemplify this. There's a more humanistic side to this. The first one was all about detachment from the machines, but it was still over-run with the theme of control by the them. The Matrix Reloaded is more or less the exact opposite. It's expressing the human qualities that the first one couldn't... So even though Morpheus' speech needed work..I'm still glad they didn't cut the Zion segment. Overall it's a great movie. The third one though...oh boy that's gonna be a doozy...
Rating:  Summary: Ugh...very disappointed Review: The movie was too drawn out and boring. The love scenes between Neo and his girlfriend was cheesy. Once they played up the romance angle it degraded the quality of the movie. So now Neo is a superhero. What's so great about that? How boring! 'The Matrix' was definitely original in its concept and special effects. It played a big part in its popularity at the time. There was nothing original about 'Matrix Reloaded'. It was just more of the same and the scenes were too long. Was hoping it would awe us with a better storyline and special effects. Probably wouldn't waste the time or money to see Matrix III if they dare to produce one.
Rating:  Summary: Love It Review: Well despite everybody else's negative comments about the Matrix Reloaded, I on the contrary loved that movie and I worked in a movie theatre at the time and I watched that movie over and over and over again and was never tired of it. Even now I feel like watching the whole Matrix saga, especially after playing Enter the Matrix videogame. The only thing I didn't quite like nor understand in the movie was when Neo stuck his hand inside Trinity and pulled out the bullet and regenerated her heart and at first the flying thing was a bit annoying cause he's like superman but now I kind of like it. I mean he's The One, they said he could do whatever he wanted inside the Matrix and obviously flying is what he wanted. Can't wait until Matrix Revolution comes out cause I know I'm going to be glued to my seat.
Rating:  Summary: Stupendous.I WOULD HAVE GIVEN IT ********** Stars Review: I loved the movie for its special effects and action.Though the "The Matrix" had a much better story.In matrix reloaded there is a lot of scenes which were not necessary,like the dance scene in Zion.But the movie is filled with lot of action and high quality special effects.People who love action will love this movie.Do not hesitate to buy this movie. To understand MATRIX i recommend you'll have to see Animatrix which explains how the matrix became.