Rating:  Summary: I liked it a lot Review: I liked this movie a lot. The action was great, it had a good bit of humor, the characters were lively and the story moved along at a good pace. The sets were beautiful. A lot of things about the Matrix were explained. The twins were cool, Neo was kicking butt all over the place. I wish there was a bit more Jada -- I wasn't a big Jada fan, but she was delightful in this movie. There are very few movies that I buy -- this is one of those few.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant. Much more than an "action" flick...if you wish Review: I still feel a bit saddened that so many people have a tough time enjoying this movie for what it is. Every note, to me, was pitch perfect. (Ok, the dance/rave went a bit long, but I think I understand the intent of the scene. More on that later...)Sure, some could say the battle/fighting sequences go on a bit - then again, many in the audience probably came only for the fighting. The writing, story and ultimate meaning of The Matrix Reloaded deliver movie science fiction at the highest level. Sure quibbles here and there can be found, but one must remember this is a science fiction joy ride. It also happens that the ride offers willing passengers some rather meaningful thoughts along the way. I found the story to be plausible, it pulled me in enough to go along for the ride - with the concept and truths the storytellers were trying to share. I find this move timelessly relevant. And people might enjoy this more if they judged this in the context of this being the middle part of a three piece composition. This movie makes the first Matrix all the more enjoyable and the upcoming finale highly anticipated. There are many levels to this movie that some reviewers, I am sorry to say, seem to be missing. I believe some of the reason for the violent negatives against this sequel has to do with the deeper meaning/points of the story more directly coming to light here in Reloaded. Maybe some find those meanings offensive to their political and/or religious leanings? For example, the Matrix message is now more clearly evident as being beyond just a "shoot 'em up action flick", is "wrong" to those people now willing to give up their liberties for "safety" in this post 9/11 world. The point of the Matrix movies is that, at least in part, reality as it is normally "presented" is something that deserves more attention, more scrutiny and more questioning. Digging deeper into such reality can be scary and/or uncomfortable for many. The status quo is, after all, usually easier. Matrix Reloaded is everything the last two STAR WARS movies are not! If only such writing and creativity behind the Matrix movies invigorated these, so far, bland and leaden Star Wars sequels. As far as all the complaints about the "orgy" scene: it was a rave - people having fun and DANCING. Doing, being and behaving as humans, doing something that gives them humanity the computer programs can never "get" as authentically. Morpheus was solemn about the task ahead and then essentially said revel in who you are, enjoy and have fun as you are uniquely capable...for afterward it is for these such things - our ability to be free and human - that the battle is joined. By the way, my impression of the only way to "win" this Matrix battle is to co-opt the adversary by influencing them (corrupting their program) so they alter their way of thinking - seeing the benefit of each side surviving. We get a taste of that in this movie from the Oracle and also when we meet the Merovingian "programs" that have developed an intense appreciation for the finer pleasures of beauty, taste - even love. This person/program (Monica Bellucia) has become a voluptuary who has learned to enjoy much of what machine-like thinking is unable to appreciate - whether an actual machine or by humans who have become like machines in their rigid and controlled lemming-like following of whatever they are spoon-fed.(It is easier that way, isn't it?) Interestingly, Mr. Smith, as he was corrupted with greater "awareness" as well, chose a darker path. As long as people are kept fighting and agitating and wanting, they will find that it is harder to open their eyes to other ways of resolving disputes, of working together to help each other. So, the battle is perpetuated...which leads to the need for more machinery, rules, "order" - instead of those resources being used for higher ideals. Think about television in this regard. Television is most primarily an advertising medium, the "entertainment" is in service to that reality. So, the entertainment - be it news or comedy or drama - is there to get you ready (to be conditioned) for those ads. Those ads work best if you don't feel as good about yourself. Then the products come to the rescue...to make you smell better, look better, be happier, more wealthy, more safe etc. If you are fearful of loss of something, then brush with this, wear that, drive this, take these pills. The ads perpetuate those feelings of inferiority and unhappiness so that the shows take your mind away for awhile...and then back to commercials. More and more as time has gone on, the money/advertising aspect has been allowed to overpower and corrupt any other purpose of the mass media. This influences all media and all people. Kinda Matrix-like, it isn't good for us, but we have gotten to the point where we do not realize that greater reality. Like sitting in a pot of boiling water, by the time you realize what is happening, you are cooked. (At the very least, "watch" what you watch, be a bit more mindful to how too much of that "reality" can keep you from deeper realities of human interaction and awareness of some of the other things going on in your life and the world around you. And remember, you are being "sold"... not only products, but also ideas, a way of life, a belief system that is not necessarily in your interests. For example, it is becoming more and more handy for powers that be to have a populace that is afraid. This will allow the rationale for more power given to those who can "protect" us. A story told time and time again throughout history. Follow the money.) My tv screed is just a handy metaphor for how we can willingly allow a "Matrix" of reality (that is unreal) to gradually overpower us; and why I believe the story of the movies is so ingenious (the ideas aren't necessarily new, but to showcase them so creatively is) and popular. It resonates. Some may find the above thinking beside the point of going to see The Matrix movies. Maybe they just think the movie stinks. That is perfectly fine. However, it is a bit harder to fathom how those who say they enjoyed the first movie can despise the second. It is most likely they will dislike the third as well. Maybe all they saw was a bang-bang, cool special effects and new-look "show" and just did not wish for much more than that. Those sorts of movies certainly seem to do well at the box office too. But, again, The Matrix stories can offer you much more. I enjoyed the layers of ideas and meaning of these Matrix movies just as much as the visual fireworks. And I give the moviemakers credit for trying to present such ideas while also working to make a film as popularly appealing to as many people as possible. Not an easy task. Choose wisely the pill(s) you take.
Rating:  Summary: Reloaded Succeds. Review: Despite all the negative reviews I think the movie was quite amazing. It may not be as story driven as the first one but the action sequences are a lot more eloaborate then it's predecessor. Viewing the movie multiple times helped me understand what this chapter was all about and the conclusion as we all know by now will be resolved in the revolutions. Still I think the movie was teriffic and I give it 4 stars out of 5.
Rating:  Summary: Oh Come On...Really! Review: I thought this movie was really good. The car chase was kick ass. But I actually want to respond to a review I just read. This person goes through all the problems with Matrix Reloaded. Fine. But the one thing I had a problem with was the fact that this reviewer was basically wondering how Zion can run on "phenomenal" technology but the people are dressed in rags and couldn't figure out how to make shoes. Well damn near all mankind and earth was destroyed by computers and they had to find what they could to wear. I am sure in the middle of this war, when these people didn't know if they would make it out alive, they were really thinking about some damn clothes and shoes and looking good! C'mon! Survival was the first thing on their mind. And yes they run on great technology, but there was nothing for them to possibly make f*ckin' shoes with, being that they're hundreds of miles below the earth. Did you see any sheep they could get wool from? Alls I'm sayin' is think before you write something stupid like that. Honestly, if you were in their situation, would you really be thinking about your wardrobe?
Rating:  Summary: Raise your hands....... Review: If you think "The Matrix" has ruined action movies as we know it. I for one am raising my hand about 500 million feet in the air. "Bullet Time" has ruined every action movie because they're all trying to be "The Matrix" and that includes "The Matrix: Reloaded." Let's take BT (Bullet Time) and slow it down even more. Let's run about one frame per year. Right from the start I was disgusted by the BT. What were they thinking? I'm getting to the dialogue folks. The action was way way too crazy. There is a certain line that shouldn't be crossed and they broke it right in half. The fight with the Agent Smiths was very stupid. I was hoping it would end about 5 minutes into it, but it didn't end for like another 10 minutes. The scenes with "The Oracle" really bother me because they're just not that interesting. The only good addition to the film is Neo's ability to fly. That is very cool. "The Twins" were very annoying to me and the whole chase scene with them was a big Cadillac commercial. The scene in the French restaurant annoyed the hell out of me. Then there is the famous "Zion Party" scene. Oh my. That brought out a lot of laughter. I haven't laughed that much since "Death to Smoochy" and I only laughed at that because it's the worst movie ever!!!!!! All involved should have been punished. The party/dance scene was totally stupid and pointless. Now I know you're going to say to yourself, "They were just illustrating the unbreakable spirit of the people of Zion," but come on folks, we can do better than that. Let's not forget Morpheus' speech before the wanking begins. What an unforgetable speech in the history of movies. Not since "Independence Day" has there been such a stupid speech in a movie.....oh oh oh, I take that back. Not since Samuel L. Jackson's when the going get tough speech in "Deep Blue Sea." That was comedic genius. Thank you Samuel L. Is it me, or were there only two white people in Zion? Neo and Trinity were the only two. How's that possible? This is not a racist comment, it's just an observation. Did anyone else notice that? Anywho. They spent too much time on action. No time on script. And squandered what could have been a good cinema experience. Richard Roeper praised this as some giant leap forward in action movies, but I think he just got caught up in the hype. This is one of the worst movies of the year. If you want to see a great movie this year, buy "A Mighty Wind." The comedy is amazing and so is the acting. They draw out a lot of emotions from the audience (especially Eugene Levy and Catherine O'Hara). Let's not forget that the majority of that movie is improved. Don't buy The Matrix: Reloaded. Don't rent it. You'll feel bad afterwards....I did. It's awful to the infinity billionth degree. Heed my warning. Sincerely, John Doe
Rating:  Summary: Oh, come on! Review: I'd advise anyone that is interested in The Matrix to see this movie. Who cares if the Architect looks like Colonel Sanders? Who cares if the rave scene in Zion was a bit unnecessary? Who cares if the damn thing ended abruptly? You knew there was going to be a third part. The first one ended abruptly too...look, you can't judge the movie based on attributes that you personally don't like. Neo needed something to separate him from everyone else and the fact that he can fly adds to that in more ways than one. It suggests that he is not just stronger than anyone else in the matrix, but that he manipulates the matrix to make himself stronger (hence being "only human"). I mean, all the parts that everyone complains about are parts that shattered everyones idea of The Matrix (the first movie). Everyone had an idea what everything looks like and now that it didn't turn out that way, people are pissy about it. I thought the movie was great and every expansion lead to more questions about the nature of the Wachowski brother's Matrix, NOT the everyman's Matrix (which would probably suck anyway). See the movie and decide for yourself...not by some lame review by lame reviews that have nothing better to do (myself included).
Rating:  Summary: Great Intellectual Thriller!!! Review: First off let me say I can understand why alot of people don't like this movie. It's incredibly deep and although most won't admit it, they had no idea what was actually going on. If you don't understand some of the philosophies behind it, and complex ideas such as Predesination, you're simply watching an empty futuristic action thriller. But the deep philosophy behind it, is what makes it great. The reason that many were dissapointed is that the movie was hyped to be the "Best Action Movie Ever", and it delivered, but not as much as it did intellectually. It's also just the 1st half of what should be one movie, so you're sort of left in the dark. Now, the only reason I don't give it 5 stars is for the absolutely tasteless scene in Zion with Neo and Trinity. I was with some friends, and it was one of those moments that makes you embarrassed to watch. Completely unnecessary. If you can skip that scene and look past it though, you're in for a great ride.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Good Sequel with a few potholes Review: The Matrix Reloaded is probably one of the finest jobs of using computer animation along with a movie. The car chase scene on Highway 101 is perhaps in the top three only to Bullitt and the Seven Ups. Interestingly, Agent Smith becomes a computer virus which replicates himself to kill Neo. A scene in the movie involves Neo trying to fend off about a hundred Agent Smiths. The potholes of the sequel are the following. 1. The movie is more predictable than the last. 2. Neo flying just sets a lousy vibe throughout the movie. 3. The idea of a backdoor is corney. Besides that, this is a solid four star movie. If you enjoy sci-fi thrillers or enjoy big car chase movies, I would definitely buy the Matrix Reloaded on DVD. Buying the VHS would be a waste of the tremendous special effects throughout the movie.
Rating:  Summary: I wish I could select a quater of a star for this review Review: If Jennifer Lopez decided to film her video "Waiting For Tonight" in Fraggle Rock, we would have had something that looked a lot like Zion. I wish someone could have prepared me for that blow before I saw this movie. Fishburn played "Othello" yet he could not deliver a speech to his doomed people, thankfully the population of Zion had a rave to clear thier minds of his shirtless off key dictatorship-like speech. Neo and Trinity made each other feel aquard for several minutes. Colonel Sanders controls the matrix. Hugo Weaving forgot how to act. That pretty much sums up this movie
Rating:  Summary: Becoming is more interesting than bieng.. Review: Hi. This movie basically was a letdown that begun the downward spiral that was the summer of 2003. Finding Nemo, the Pixar family film won out the box office and viewer's hearts rather than the forseeen meglomaniacal drive this film was supposed to have. As deep and as apparently lovingly made, this film lacked heart. As Entertainment Weekly recently commented, 'Becoming is more entertaining than bieng', and that's very much apparent in The Matrix Reloaded. Main characters usually are vehicles for the audience to travel with, to discover and learn with..and eventually, grow with. Neo, the film's main character, was as approachable as a wet towelette and as enthused with his job just as much. He was The One, and as we learn, he's the One of the Ones as well.. (there had been six 'Ones' before, and alll failed because they didn't know love...or something.) That's why THIS One is apparently supposed to win in the next film. I really don't have much to gripe about with this film other than the fact that it had as much heart as a Star Trek episode (the characters didn't grow..they just did what the had to do...blah!) and the nearly ten minute Kahula Iced drink ad that annoyed me and everyone else to no end. If you get this dvd, i'm assuming they have a 'SCENE MISSING' section when this horrible Christina Aguliera video pops on.. if not, it's a waste of technology.