Rating:  Summary: ok 3 1/2 stars Review: Ok. Thats about all I have to say about this movie, the overdone special effects, the akward scenes, the zion rave, all dragged the movie down, if they had balanced out the action and the plot laying like they did in the first matrix it would have been really good, but they put in a bunch of plot laying dialoge and then expect to make up for it with a totally overdone action scene. Even though they did this it was still a decent movie. I think it mostly served the purpose and getting us ready for revolutions.
Rating:  Summary: Expectations: What did you expect, 2 hours of kick-butt? Review: After reading some of the reviews here, I'm getting a clearer idea of what people are expecting from movies. The hightlights, or at least the most talked about parts of the first movie were obviously the action scenes. So when the second movie hits, are people really expecting two hours of fight scenes? All of the scenes have a purpose, if you're paying attention. I've noticed a tendancy in movie-goers to want it all layed out for them; "We got no time for sub-plots, back-story or morals! Kick some ass! Special effects, man!" And then when they pull out all the stops for scenes like the many, many smiths, people complain about not knowing why it's happening! Look a little deeper. Everything that Neo goes through, has happened before, except the Smith thing. It's a new thing, and the key to stopping the endless sequence. I found the story fascinating, especially the ending. Sure, Neo is a superhuman in the Matrix, but what made it possible for him to stop the sentinel in the 'real' world? How did Smith infect someone in the 'real' world? All this suggests to me that they never left the matrix at all. Quite a puzzle, and I'm excited for Revolutions to hit theaters. Now, in the interests of fairness, I admit that the rave sequence was gratuitous, but that was the only thing I had a problem with. And even that had a purpose if you look at it as a whole. I'm just sayin, you know? Look at the whole, and you get a fun movie.
Rating:  Summary: Very Awsome Movie, but was confusing at some points Review: the movie was cool, it had awsome seens of neo kicking ass and not taking names, but the story line got very confusing, if I would explain it, I would be hear all day typing, so I'll just say this, rent it first, and then if you like it enough, but it if you can, I bought it the first minute it came out on DVD and don't get me wrong it is a awsome movie to watch, but it gets very confusing, you would have to watch it more than once to get the full feel of the movie like the x-files.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Reloaded - Deeper and very cool Review: This new release of the Matrix series, is definitely very cool and deep. I noticed that some folks said that there was nothing new or meaningful on the 2nd one. So here it is some cool stuff that still needs to be revealed:1) What does it mean in the end when he was able to stop the sentinels by himself? 2)Because Neo was able to save Trinity (even though the architect said he would not) would that mean that he changed the his history ?, or he is just another version and the history will repeat itself and he will just become another version of the program? 3) And the guy that shows up lying down in the end, across Neo's bed, is he the "real" world version of Agent Smith?, and if so, what type of powers he would have and what he can do in the real world ? 4) Is Zion in actuality a Matrix within the Matrix ? 5) The scene where Neo went to meet with the Architect all the monitors in the wall (when the camera gives the first close), are the same monitor types shown on the first Matrix when Neo got first captured by the agents and was sitting down in a cell waiting to meet Agent Smith for the first time.. 6) Paraphrasing what the Oracle said: If Neo already made the "choice" and now he only needs to understand it....by understanding his choices would he be able to change anything? As you can see the 2nd matrix movie was not only about fights, and explosions... just .think about it. :-).
Rating:  Summary: What is the matrix? and what is reloaded? Review: what is the matrix and what is reloaded? is it a philosophically hard look at life and the way we live it now? becoming too dependent on machines to do even the simplest of tasks such as talking. or is it just an overblown hollywood movie that royally sucked? many have said that the matrix reloaded was horrible but it actually wasn't. here was a film, a sequal no less, that had a lot to say on the hold that computers and machines already have on us now. as for the answer to the question of what is relaoded, well here goes. reloaded may just simply mean more of the same. sorta a weak variation on the 1st matrix but i think that reloaded refers to the never ending struggle between man and machine. always reloaed or reloading. i went the day this movie came out after work with the one that is my soulmate and our friend. we all truly thought this film was excellent. the 15 minute car chase is the best sequence ever put to film. this movie deserves to win more than the technical oscars that it will receive. are there bad scenes in the movie? yes, i will admitt that the rave scene was bad but everything else was excellent. and i want to add another viewpoint to the whole everyone's in rags and their shoes are horrid. yes they have all this wonderful technology down below and yes it's the 30th century. but you have to remember that relying on machines too much is what got them in this mess. they are using machines as little as possible so this dosen't happen again. if they were using machines to make great clothes and shoes the audience would probably think what idiots they are and they deserve what the machines do to them if they are that stupid to be makng the same mistake twice. anyway to sum all this up i offer this scene. after the movie me, my bf, and our friend are sitting around discussing the philiospy of this movie and discerning the meaning behind some of the scenes all over cheesburgers. if a movie can get you to talk philosophy over burgers then it has to be a damn good movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Sequel Review: Most people that have reviewed this film so far make valid comments on what there is "not to like" about this latest installment of the Matrix trilogy. Going into this film I was expecting a whole lot and the film delivered...mostly. This is a more action oriented film that may confuse people for a little while (questions will be answered soon, so hold on 'till November). While the fight sequences take center stage and impressive set pieces dominate the landscape. I agree that somethings are silly and stupid (already mentioned by others) but there is a lot to like. "Reloaded" had some big shoes to fill since part 1 had a crazy huge and unexpected plot turn in the first half. So far the Wachowski's have made an intriguing two films with the third looking to tidy up all the loose ends. While the 'neo superman' thing is annoying it isn't toally unexpected-that's how part one ended.
Rating:  Summary: Good but flawed Review: I have to say that the first matrix movie is one of the best movies of all time. Maybe it was because the first one was so good that i was expecting a little more from this flick. First off the plot had a few problems. It was difficult to follow the movie at some points because the characters just kept rambaling on and on, like when Morpheus is giving the speech to the people of Zion. That scene just shouldnt have been in there. Second, although the fight scenes were really cool, they had no point. I mean they were cool. You could just watch the movie for these scenes alone but they really had no purpose. Take the scene were Neo is fighting all the Smiths. If Neo could just fly away at any point why did he fight them in the first place for like 10 minutes before he flew away. Its just stupid things like this that bring the movie down. But dont get me wrong. I bought this movie the day it came out, which is today and i really enjoy. It is a strong movie with a good plot and good action scenes. Like i said i think i was expecting to much because the first movie was so great.
Rating:  Summary: Reloaded, but with the abscence of humanity. Review: When I first saw this film in the theater's I found myself neither hating nor overly thrilled about it. Many people tend to lean either onw direction or another on the quality of this sequel, either they fully enjoyed it or they utterly despised it. For me I think it is more of a clear sign of what can happen if an artist over extends themselves with multiple projects and loses focus through their work. When planning out the next sequels to their first installment in there series, the Wakowski brothers wanted to try and incoporate the event into as many mediums as possible to try and accomplish a media event that was previously unheard of. They attacked on all fronts via their website with information on the films as well as the short animes collected into The Animatrix, through short film releases of "Flight of the Osiris", and thorugh the video game forum with Enter the Matrix and were incharge and helped to write out much of the work for these collaborations wiht the other forums. They tried to keep afloat of all of this while at the same time work on a film that had as its predicessor a film that with a detailed and well thought out approach to science fiction and action had gone on to entrench itself into the culture. The main reason that the first Matrix film was so successful, however, was because of its characters and the action. Neither were singled out over the other. Neo, Morpheus, Trinity and the others exhibited real thoughts and emotions compared to their computer program counter parts that were trying to destroy them. They made you feel the difference between both worlds and just what they were trying to fight and protect. In the sequel, however, this feeling of danger and survival is lost. Do not get me wrong, I actually enjoyed the script. I felt that it was original and was presenting the audience with something that was clever, such as its notions of the role for the keymaker and the image of the architect that neo encounters by the end of the film. All of these characters were new and vibrant images brought to the screen, yet the film itself did not capture the audience. I feel that the problem for this lied in the actual tempo of the movie. Nothing during the duration of the film seems to carry any feel of importance. As the events occur you never actually find yourself caring for the characters as much as you did in the first film. They seemed replaced by those for which they were fighting against in the first film. All of the title roles seemed drained of their humanity as the events which we are supposed to feel should be dire for they could possible end the war between man and machine begin to unfold. It almost seems as if the Wakowskis were more worried about accomplishing the biggest action sequences in film history rather than creating what could have been one of the greatest movie series in film history. Instead we are given a average follow up to a far superior film that dealt with issues ranging from how do we know what we are really here to accomplish, knowing who we are selves really are, and the power that choice and the ability to make decisions for our actions is what makes us human and why we can not allow it to be obliterated. Perhaps, however, with everything the Wakowski's were trying to accomplish they spread themselves to thin and that is what hurt Reloaded more than anything. As I said before, their attention seemed to only lie more on their next big action scene rather than just what thier characters were conveying within the scene. Of, at the same time, should we really accept such an excuse as the creators being pulled into many directions as an acceptable reason for loss of quality in work, especially with the amount of time they were being given to accomplish their tasks. For in the end, what these movies should really be about is real world of humanity and why it is more important, or should be, than the sterilized world of the machines. Neo and the rest should embark everything that makes us different and just what they are fighting for. It shouldnot matter how many Agent Smith's he fights or how many cars our destroyed, it should only matter if we find ourselves caring about the characters and their fight for life. I think this is the main problem and the fact that the Wakowski's forget when they put this film together, instead viaing for visual appeal over the mental.
Rating:  Summary: amazing...to say the least. Review: all of the negative reviews i have read focus on the most superficial aspects of the film -- acting, rave dancing, and colonel sanders. too bad none of these things actually have anything to do with the film itself. 'reloaded' is most decidedly a second installment worthy of its predecessor. much like 'the empire strikes back' and 'the two towers', it ends quite abrubtly and leaves a sort of nebulous feeling. uncertainty abounds. for anyone who panned 'reloaded' for its ending, i bet you can't look me in the eye and tell me that you won't spend $7 on seeing 'revolutions' next month. you just can't. anyway, beyond the weird scenes and acting is what is at the very core of the trilogy -- oodles and oodles of the wachowskis hitting viewers over the head with philosophical viewpoints from human history. it speaks volumes about the filmmakers that they can create a character in neo who can be interpreted as the central figure in most of the world's more popular religions. you can see neo as jesus, or even as buddha. beyond the obvious religious and philisophical parallels the film contains are its mathematical attributes -- some simple like the recurrence of 101 and 303 -- and some not-so-simple ones, as in the many, many references to computer programming, loops, anomalies, string theory, axioms and their definitions, and just about anything else you would need to know about how the matrix is built. if you want to read what 'the matrix' films may really be about, i suggest "godel, escher, bach: an eternal golden braid" by douglas hofstadter. its kinda tough to read, but once you pick up on it, you may as well believe you are reading right out of the script, only now it makes sense. get past the superficial elements, and see what this trilogy really is -- a work of art meant to question, and perhaps solve some of life and the universe's many 'strange loops' made by two very brilliant men.
Rating:  Summary: ANYONE WHO SAYS THIS MOVIE SUCKS... Review: Is insane. This is the best movie I've seen all year. Better than X2, even, and that movie owns. If I could, I'd rate this movie a 9.99 out of 10. The only remotely sub-par scene was the Zion rave. THAT'S IT. The rest is awesome. Enjoy it for what it is. You're just mad because you aren't smart enough to come up with something like this trilogy and it's branches (Animatrix, Enter the Matrix). Don't dis this movie. Shimmy P.s.- you guys are scared to post your name? pansies.