Rating:  Summary: The Difference of Wide and Full Screen Review: The Matrix Reloaded has so many cool special effects and intense scenes that it makes you want to see EVERYTHING you can at once. I have the full screen version but went over to my friends house to watch it widescreen. This difference was VERY noticeable. For instance, I saw so much more in the Freeway scene that i had before. The amount of cars and true feel of how fast they were going was unbelieveable. For all of those like me who always choose Full over Wide, trust me, Widescreen is a MUCH better idea for this movie.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie...but why the two discs!!! Review: I can't tell you how eagerly I anticipated this movie and saw it on Midnight the night before its release. Frankly, I was initially disappointed because I was expecting something else than the film delivered. Then I decided that I should give it one more chance... and actually liked it. Those long periods of dialogue (which many have complained about) actually add a great deal to the movie and offer a discussion of power and the interrelationship between man and machine which is unmatched by other "Hollywood" films.So why the three stars??? My main beef is with the DVD extras (why not include a commentary). The picture and sound presentation are excellent but the second disc is mainly full of self-promotional material which does not help the viewer understand the construction of the movie anymore than watching the preview. My only thought is that the Brothers are planning to release a special edition with both films in a single package. Anyways, I think I am going to save my money in hope of that happening.
Rating:  Summary: Just read it, its worth your time Review: The movie was deserving of at least three stars. I agree with the people that say it was horrible in certain ways, but only as much as the people who say it was the best movie they'e ever seen. The Matrix Reloaded is a flick that is meant to key you in on the lack of information from the original Matrix movie. It's only purpose is to help make the Matrix Revolutions kick absolute ass. It wasnt better than the first Matrix, because in this movie, the ENTIRE film was just giving you more and more information, especially the last hour (which I absolutely loved). For poeple like me(who some people call "Matrix Philosophers" yeah right) the information is really the best part of the movie. Most people thought the original Matrix was such a cool movie because so much was left unexplained, and it was sucessful, because all people could talk about for months after having seen it is what was missing from the movie and what could actually be true. I loved the first one so much because it allowed me to use my imagination and actually excercise my mind trying to figure out the mysteries of the Matrix. The matrix reloaded was almost like an answer key in certain respects, to these "Philosophers". Back to the Matrix Releaded... I feel that the special effects were dazzling, absolutely better than any film I have ever seen, and that contributed to the populartiy of the movie, and in my opinion made up for some of the weaker points of the movie. It was eye candy, but I liked it. As I said before, this movie is just filling you in on whatever was left out of the original matrix and telling you what you need to know in order to go into the theatre in three weeks, and acutally understand the matrix revolutions, and this, in part, will make the Matrix Revolutions better than even the original, trust me, its a good buy, and it will be even better once the trilogy is comlete.
Rating:  Summary: Reloaded and re-enjoyed Review: An explosive start to the film which one would expect from such an epic adventure - Trinity bursts onto our screens again (a la "The Matrix" where she is the first main character we see there also)in the usual blaze of digital fury. The main gist of the film appears to be a link in the trilogy - as "Empire strikes Back " linked the Star wars trilogy and filled in a few gaps and opened a few doors, so does this excellent sequel. There is, quite obviously and apparently, a huge emphasis on the use of CGI in the film and in part elements that are supposed to look "human doing amazing things" look to slick and too generated - this however i feel adds to the feel of the film as a whole - the fight sequences are perfectly orchestrated as is the awesome freeway chase m- this is after all a computer generated dreamworld so in the sense of the film the imagery should look as it does - it gives the film that extra edge i feel. There has been a lot of criticism with regards to the "pseudo psychobabble " that is present in much of the dialogue with various characters i.e. the merovingian, the oracle, the Architect in particular - admittedly on first seeing the film at the pictures the emphasis on watching the film is more on the special effects and this convoluted dialogue can seem a bit tedious and pointless - its only on watching the film on dvd a few times and actually digesting this text does it actually make sense and there are explanations for the Matrix itself there and also commentaries on life itself. Stick with it guys when you do watch the film - it is important to the overall plot and does actually make sense. Again the sequence regarding Zion near the begininning of the film - Zion was mentioned a lot in the first film and it was essential to give the feel of the scale of Zion and its inhabitants - in a high tech world, Zion has an almost lo-tech tribal feel to it - of mankind returning to a time gone past and their most primal instinct fuelled by heavy rhythmic drum beats. I thoroughly enjoyed "Reloaded" from begining to end - the whole concept and the Wachowskis brothers vision , although not a completely original idea (this dystopian future where machine rules man), the concept the have created here is truly fascinating and the whole trilogy will un doubtedly become a cult classic in years to come , if not for the ground breaking cinematography for the concept alone. As Terminator 2 set a precedent for visual effects, so does the Matrix for its use of almost three dimensional camera shots. Already we are seeing Matrix "copies" and reviewers commenting on films that are "like the Matrix" - mainly down to the action sequences ("Equilibrium" springs to mind - seeming to emulate the Matrix in both fight sequences and clothing (See Christian Bale in his long dark overcoat ala Neo!) Favourite character has to be the seemingly indestructible Agent Smith (played by Hugo Weaver - "Lord of the Rings", "Priscilla Quuen of the Desert".) There is an air of almost sinister campness about him as he spits verbal venom at Neo on more than one occasion. His loathing of Neo is evident and he displays this with a cool arrogant manner that would make a snake think twice before stiking ! All in all , The Matrix Reloaded is the perfect visual entertainment for the modern 21st age - in this time of technological advances a film like this is fascinating to dissect and digest and the concept may seem hard to follow, but it is truly worth following. I look forward to "Revolutions" with sustained glee....!!
Rating:  Summary: Love This Movie Review: This is better than the first i'm going to buy this DVD i already have the first one and it has allot more action scenes I Love Keanu Reeves He's Great a Actor. He's one of My FAVE Actors.
Rating:  Summary: Good action but... Review: Overall I have found the Matrix concept to be fascinating and entertaining. I felt that the first movie in this series was the best new SF movie to come out since GATTACA. Like most movies it had both good and bad aspects to it. Some of the flaws: The story was not as engaging as the first movie. To be fair, it would be very difficult to follow up on the first movie. However, this movie had an unfinished feel to it that left me a little cold. It served as an excellent lead in for Matrix: Revolutions, but left something to be desired as a stand-alone film. Additionally, some of the effects were over done, and a bit cheesy. The use of 'bullet time' was, I felt, over used. While cool, using so many sequences in each fight scene (esp. Neo vs. the multiple agent Smiths) tended to bog the action down. Some of the CG work looked plastic and very unrealistic. As far as characters went, not enough development was done with Trinity. While Morpheus was developed, he was presented as an almost irrational fanatic. It made it harder for me to connect with him. Positives: While the action could have been better done, there was plenty of it. The movie was overall quite a thrill ride. I felt that the ending was great, and raised many questions that I have enjoyed pondering. I enjoyed seeing Zion, and I felt that introducing the whole 'Architect' and repeating history story Arc, was great. Overall, it was a good movie. Could have been better, but I will wait until Revolutions, before I condemn the series.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie, but needs more bonus material Review: While this movie is hit and miss for many people, I did enjoy it more once I saw it a second time and was told to pay attention to particular scenes. Where this movie falls short is it's subtle dialogue and million-dollar words, that go over the heads of most people. How many times did you need to rewind to just understand the Architect? Anyhow, this movie is very good upon second viewings. Where I am dissapointed is it's lack of bonus material. DVD is supposed to be about the supliments, yet this set falls short. I really wonder why it was 2 discs when only one was needed.
Rating:  Summary: A Cinematic and Conceptual Work of Art Review: In the realms of entertainment and pure intrigue The Matrix Reloaded is a movie that most do not "get", but once you "free your mind" you'll be able to see the full scope of the movie. Delving into the realms of philosophy and religion, while appealing to low, middle and high brow the Brothers captivate the mind, all the while rivetting action sequences that break the confines of reality absolutely dazzle the viewers. Keep an open mind and don't just watch the movie . . . participate!
Rating:  Summary: one hell of a sick movie Review: this is one hell of a sick movie!!
Rating:  Summary: Great movie, but dvd needs more extras!! Review: I like many others have been waiting for the dvd version of this movie to come out. Sadly, the wachowski's skimped on the extras and instead put too much filler about tv commercials based on the movie and details about the horrible enter the matrix video game. Other than that the transfer is top notch.