Rating:  Summary: A Great Movie... With a couple of hitches Review: People Who don't like this movie are just not true Sci-Fi fans. I really loved the way so much more about the true nature of the Matrix was revield and that of the Oricle. The twins/ghosts were well explained in advance also. Yes some parts were over done like the fight scene between Neo and a about a blazillin agent smiths, and the the party scene in Zion was just a bit too hedonistic for my liking. But scenes like the opening scene with Trinity and her scorpian kick, and the freeway chase scene really seperates this movie from the Matix wanabee's. All in all, the it was great with lots of exceptional special effects and blazing action.
Rating:  Summary: The movie was a real letdown Review: There were too many disappointments to mention, not the least of which were, in order of depressing-ness: (1) trinity & neo looked old & tired similar to how Spock & McCoy looked in some of the later Star Trek movies (which is really sad given it was only their second movie), (2) the zion footage just didn't work, (3) the encounters between neo & the agents got old quick, (4) the philosophical ramblings were confused & rather boring, (5) etc. It's hard to understand why after such a successful first movie it took so long to make a second, and why the script wasn't better. I'd say the movie was worth about four dollars. Can't win 'em all!
Rating:  Summary: Actors foreheads cut off Review: I and a couple others noticed that the wide screen version cuts off the tops of the foreheads of the actors in the movie and the proportions of the actors are a little stretched, it's really annoying. I'll be returning it for the full screen version. The full screen version is supposed to be okay. I won't even watch this version. So much for quality control.
Rating:  Summary: Hated this movie Review: I couldn't get into this movie. It was a maze that went nowhere.Everybody who liked it is chanting,"Wait for the final movie then you'll love Reloaded.Reloaded is just half of a movie .Judge it by that standard." Well, they are right. Reloaded doesn't stand by itself.It's begging to be explained.It needs something to justify it's gumbo of scenimatic atrocities.Oh, the horrible fight scenes! And many nerds out there want to make themselves feel better about themselves by saying it's an intelluctual movie that can only be understood by the elite of mankind which just so happens to include themselves.How pathetic. My opinion is if you are more of an artist at heart you will hate it. If you are more of an artist at heart and very smart you will be offended and somewhat angered by it. If you like action flicks, you will think it's meagerly okay. If you like sci-fi(to the point of dressing up in Star-Trek garb), you will probably like it. If you are heavily into special effects, it's a toss-up. Rent it first, then decide on whether to buy it.
Rating:  Summary: This is *FICTION* Remember? Review: I thought this was a pretty good movie! I personally liked it better than the first. There was more to it than action (as you should freakin know). Plus that freeway sequence was just plain awesome! I am awaiting the end of this trillogy. Remeber people, this is just a fun ficitonal story. Not a documentary, so stop analizing it soo much (unless you want to talk about its philosophy), i'mtalking about the complaints on the story and the action. Grow up and deal with it.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie trapped in a bloated production. Review: The Matrix underwhelmed me when I first saw it; admittedly, I saw it after much of the hype was underway, but I always wondered why it was such a craze. I saw Reloaded when it came out, and again was sorely underwhelmed - though this time half the field was agreeing with me. But after the movie I finally picked the original up on DVD, and liked it a lot more on re-viewing. With that in mind, I picked up The Matrix Reloaded on DVD, to see if it would grow on me like the first one has. It did, actually. The Matrix Reloaded is smarter than I initially gave it credit for, and the action scenes actually hold up quite well on multiple sittings. The problem is not really technical (though the overhyped "Burly Brawl" is so blatantly CGI it hurts) so much as it is with editing. Most of the action scenes go on too long. There's some really astonishing stuff that goes on, but it tries to hold the tension longer than it is good for and a number of such scenes lose their impact before the end. Aside from the artful fight before the Oracle meeting, the freeway is the best of them; but again, this simply lasts too long for its dramatic potential. The "Burly Brawl," on the other hand, did not work for me. Many of the fight's moves were sheer poetry in motion; you could really tell that everyone involved was crafting it lovingly. But, the fight came out of nowhere and lacked the insane sense of urgency that the brilliant subway fight in the original film had. I have nothing against a scene of this scope, but it needs to be for a desperate reason. When the hero can just fly away, it becomes the filmmakers showing off. The rave / sex scene early on is...misguided. It was actually pulled off fairly well (if it lacked a certain sense of taste) and did have some revealing purpose; but again, it went on too long and seemed as if it were in lieu of characterization. The sex couldn't pull off the fact that, together, Carrie-Ann Moss and Keanu Reeves have not really generated a believable spark since one tense moment in the club in the first movie. This is a tragedy of filmmaking in general nowadays; rather than rely on chemistry and submerged sexual tension (watch The Adventures of Robin Hood with Errol Flynn for a classic example), characters hop into the sack fairly quickly and waste it all. A shot or two of their hands came close to conveying it, but that was the best the Wachowskis got out of it. I actually really enjoyed the scenes where Neo meets with the Oracle, the Merovingian, and the Architect. The Oracle seems to be making the original film's pat Campbellian structure questionable in a really interesting way; the Merovingian's trick with the cake was actually brilliant in a discussion of causality given the sort of metaphysics the first one asks us to consider; and the Architect's room was pure science fiction brilliance. With stoic, clipped acting on both sides, and the amazing device of the monitors (which we saw briefly in the original), the Architect's scene stands as one of the best in the whole movie. The acting is okay. It deserves no awards, but it did convey what it needed to convey at the appropriate times. The attacks on it are exaggerated. Most of the disappointment seems to be the chemistry, the fact that Keanu Reeves talks, and the fact that Laurence Fishburne has abandoned the mystery man of the original in favor of, you know, actually developing his character. This is a film that could've been really good (I'll reserve the question of "greatness" for the final product) if it had reined in its running time by about 20 minutes, cut fairly evenly from the big action scenes. As it stands, there's a good amount of lag in the storytelling on top of the interruption that is the Burly Brawl. Some really memorable moments are created in the Matrix Reloaded, and the story is very interesting both dramatically and philosophically, but the directors went too far in showing them off. I just hope Revolutions provides a degree of redemption for the trilogy. A word on the DVD: if I'd actually bought it at MSRP, I'd be royally ticked off. The film lacks a commentary track, which is a crime, seeing as how much the original popularized such tracks. The "Crash Course" featurette on the making of the freeway scene is a really cool look into technical filmmaking, but "Preload" is too much fluff for its worth and the rest is straight fluff. I did get a kick out of the MTV Movie Awards Reloaded. But, at such a high price I'd expect a commentary and a more packed second disc.
Rating:  Summary: Huge waste of money Review: I'm not going to waste alot of time. It was horrible.It hurts to know I paid money for this.Don't buy it. Rent it if you must.
Rating:  Summary: It's not as bad as you think Review: Cmon guys! Stop criticizing this movie. To understand why I say this, you must realize a few things. First, it is extremely difficult to please a crowd who has seen the original Matrix movie. The original was a masterpiece, and very hard to top. Second, this is the second movie in a trilogy. The second movie in a trilogy, especially a trilogy that is meant to have a beginning (Matrix), middle (Matrix Reloaded), and end (Matrix Revolutions), is usually not as good as either the first or third film, so give it some credit. Finally, stop questioning Neo's powers. The entire basis of the Neo concept was the fact that the Matrix is all in your mind. Once you become self-aware and master of your domain, you can then do whatever your mind desires (i.e. stop 5000 bullets, fly like superman, etc.) And if you remember, at the end of the original Matrix movie, Neo flew away (at the very end of the movie) yet no one whined and complained. Now that Neo is flying people don't like it? Give me a break. This movie is great, and I'm sure that Matrix Revolutions will wrap up the trilogy and make us think about a broader scope of life.
Rating:  Summary: Bigger and Better Review: Having thought the DVD was due November 14th for some reason I was very happy to see it a month earlier. Rushing home I immediately cranked it up on the big screen. Reloaded continues where the original left off, Neo resigns himself to the role of 'the One' but wonders what his purpose in the larger scheme of things is. With the machines drilling towards Zion, Morpheus, Trinity, Neo and the guy from Oz head to the oracle for some last minute wisdom. Told to get the Key Maker they proceed to rescue him from an old exiled rogue program and attempt to get into the source of the program where Neo will eventually confront the architect of the Matrix. The second film ratchets up the effects, taking advantage of advances in computer graphics since the original debuted; to stunning results. The highway scene is one of the, if not THE most maniacally amazing car chase put to film, making the Blues Brothers pile ups pale in comparison [granted, different technologies]. It is so engrossing I find myself just going back to that chapter in the DVD and watching it in awe over and over. Like LOTR: Twin Towers, this second installment in a trilogy does not lag like many before it. It builds on the original mythos and expands the character set somewhat. Further cerebral philosophical games are played when Neo confronts the Architect and learns about the history of the Matrix and his place in it. Beyond that we glimpse yet another potential layer of the Matrix being peeled back at the very end, setting up the third installment, Matrix Revolutions nicely. This is a marvelous sci-fi action flick with an excellent back story, highly recommended.
Rating:  Summary: Building the Darkness Review: Come on, people, if you think you can make a better Matrix movie than the Wachowski brothers, make it yo damn self! The first movie ended on a wildly hopeful note. They could have built on this and had Neo proceed to fulfill part of the Prophecy in movie two. But instead they built on the darkness. If the "Matrix" was the manic upswing, "Reloaded" was the depressive downturn, which may be part of the reason many people found it disappointing. Caution: if you can't stand darkness and mind-expanding philosophical sci fi mumbo jumbo, stay away from this movie. Otherwise, whether you buy this film or not is a choice I leave to you.