Rating:  Summary: THE MATRIX REFUNDED Review: This movie blows... Cartoony CGI, Bad writing, poor plot development. The Bros. W. claim that this was always made out to be a trilogy.. too bad this one seems ridiculously forced. I would rather watch my wife watch Lifetime network.. Nuff said.
Rating:  Summary: Neo becomes Superman Review: To give the Wachowski brothers credit, they didn't attempt to duplicate the first film. While Reloaded doesn't suffer from middle film syndrome but it does have the Tween syndrome; it's missing the freshness of the first film (the baby)and doesn't have the maturity of what one hopes will be in the last film (the adult). OK, enough psychobabble nonsense. What works in the film are the various characters and the set pieces. There's still plenty of unanswered questions and the story is far from resolved (closing on the strongest cliff hanger since The Empire Strikes Back).Is Reloaded a perfect film? Well, frankly no and for many folks it will be disappointing because of the lack of resolution (many people forget--and I'm not suggesting the quality is comparable to Empire from the Star Wars series--that it made the least amount of money of the original trilogy). It's entertaining and continue to break new ground. Zion is under seige. The Matrix has discovered its location and is using huge drilling machines to reach the city. The Matrix is preparing a massive attack with hundres of thousands of the metallic Squid that act as its mobile army. Morpheus, Neo and Trinity are still waiting to hear from the Oracle. The commander of the city's forces believes that Neo is not the savior of humanity and believes that the cryptic prophecy that Morpheus believes in is garbage. Nevertheless, Morpheus is granted his request to go back and plug into the Matrix when they receive a message from the Oracle for Neo. Meanwhile Agent Smith has, quite literally, become a free agent. His encounter with Neo which should have destroyed his program, has freed him. He is now able to use his abilities to change other programs into duplicates of himself and infiltrate human minds. His goal is still the same; he wants to find the way into Zion so he can destroy it and Neo for his own "personal" reasons. The stunning set pieces include a sequence on a freeway (built not too far from my home in Alameda, California)where mass destruction takes on new meaning. There's also a number of stunning fight sequences. I found the fight sequence with the mulitple Smiths and Neo to be too protracted and fake looking. It's clear which sequences were completely computer generated. The major flaw with the film is its lack of focus. The brothers throw everything that was successful from the first film into the second whether or not it has a place. The result is a film that goes off into too many action sequence tangents. Matrix manages to be bigger and bolder than its predecessor. Clearly the brothers felt the need to top the first film. Instead, they should have relied on their instincts and crafted a much different film. There's elements of that different film buried under the weight of this sequel. Reloaded tries to be all things to all people when, in fact, the brother's should have followed their muse and created something different from the first film and as startlingly fresh as well. Reloaded is a good sequel that provides much action without much advancement in the plot. It's a good sequel that could have been a great sequel. Nevertheless, the film is fun if you don't take it too seriously or focus on its flaws too much. I mentioned Superman in my title. The problem with Superman is that he's seemingly invicible. The human qualities of Superman make him interesting and when he's in peril it can be rather boring; everyone knows he'll win because, well, he's Superman. Let's hope that the third film doesn't fall into this predictable rut as well.
Rating:  Summary: Woo, i can't wait to not see the next one! Review: The movie is terrible. I'm going to bottomline it for you. The first matrix was good, YES. The first matrix was intresting, action packed and awesome... YES. The second matrix movie, this one, not only uses the exact same ideas from the first one, but also decides to throw in some of the worst and most boring scenes ever. I can't see why people keep saying. "Well it looked great, the twins rocked!" Yea, the effects are good. But that doesn't make a good movie. You won't automatically love a book based on the cover would you? Thats what people are doing. The movie had virtually no plot presented. It starts with nothing, then tells you about the oracle, then the key maker. After that we learn there is an architect. Why are we going to see the architect? Why are we seeing the oracle again? What is the point and motivation? We don't even get to see Zion do anything except rave. Ok so the reason the movie is bad is a terrible plot, wasted talent, and yes one huge reason that people don't seem to grasp. Useless scenes. I mean, ill name some/ -The chinese dude fighting Neo. -The rave, which lasted 18 minutes. -That one progammer and his uninteresting wife giving that chick and piece of cake. -The 15 minute breifing about turning off the power to 2 buildings. -The 15 minute fight between neo and 20 agent smiths. Mind you that he just leaves at the end, which he could of done the whole time. -The scene where we learn about Link from Dozer's sister or whatever. -The architect talk, which lasts about 30 minutes. Keep in mind that his confusing speech doesn't tell you anything except that the wachoski brothers have a really weird idea. Honestly, the worst scene is the architect. He just confuses and acts weird. like 15 men and 7 women start a new zion? Why? Why do u want to destroy zion and remake it? Why do you allow the one to live? The most horrible thing though? The sound. Punches and kicks are so weak. They are more like swipes. The sound guy did a terrible job, because the punches and kicks don't make you go, "Whoa THAT WAS AWESOME". Instead they sound stupid and weak. Like, add more base and they would of rocked. The first matrix didn't have this problem. All in all? Why do people keep giving this movie 5's? Because it is the sequel to the Matrix. Honestly, the movie is boring, more of the same fights and less of the great story. This is one of the worst sequels ever, sorry wachowski brothers, but your vision isn't that great. Also, the movie only has 3 and a half stars. Mostly because hundreds of people spammed it with 5 stars before it came out. Honestly, there are so many movies around with 4 stars that 3 and a half stars has to tell you something. It tells you that this movie is bad, because so many people dislike it. Don't believe those people who rave about the architect, he was confusing and dumb.
Rating:  Summary: Fantastic Review: Watch the movie twice - you'll love it the second time. Admittedly, it is a complicated movie, and sometimes difficult to follow, but after 2 viewings you'll understand the bulk of it. It is truly an exceptional film. Many people don't seem to like it because either they don't understand it, or they made assumptions about it. I urge you watch the move with an open mind and let it grow on you. I don't want to make it seem like it was bad the first time - far from it. In fact, the mind-blowing special effects and fight-scenes kept me on the edge of my seat! But there is far more to the film than this - and you will absolutely love it once you understand this!
Rating:  Summary: A little Boring Review: Ok, we have to all agree that The Matrix was one of the coolest movies we've seen but the sequel isn't as good. Looking at the trailers, we thought it might be very good but instead it wasn't. I noticed that there is too much dialogue, worth of trash. Just too much dialogue, too long dialogue, too boring dialogue, there's more dialogue then action sequences and it's boring. Reloaded isn't as good as it looks. But if your a die hard Matrix fan, you should get it, it has hours of bonus features. Watch for Revolutions which looks pretty good.
Rating:  Summary: Brilliant blending of action and mythology. Review: This movie is too smart for the regular Northamerican audience, so ignore anyone that gives it less than 4 stars. The multiple layers of intertextuality, mythical references and kickass action scenes intertwine to weave one of the most fascinating movies ever to be made in the stagnant world of US cinema. As the first movie of the series, Reloaded is sure to influence action and avant garde film nowadays: After this film, car chases and action movies will never be the same (Just look at trashy movies like Bad Boys II, where the highway scene looks like a pale imitation of the chase in Reloaded). This is a movie for people who have read more than 10 books in their lifetime, so, if the glove fits, you'll absolutely love it.
Rating:  Summary: I need to see it again Review: I bought the DVD today, I am hoping that if I see it again it will make more sense! I saw it the day it came out in the theaters, and I admit I had high expectations considering how much I loved the first one. This one was great visually, I can't trash it there! My favorite scenes are the ones with the twins, they are incredible! My only issues with the movie are the writing and unnecessarily long scenes. I'm willing to let it go that Neo has these amazing superpowers, yet he fights with all the Agent Smiths for 20 minutes and doesn't win, he retreats by flying away (why didn't he do that originally??). I can forgive that, since in most fantasy stories there are things that won't make sense. What irritated me was the extended Zion & Neo/Trinity love scene which was beautifully done, but WAY too long. I think a bit more editing would have made it 100 times better! I am excited about the 3rd movie as well - I can't wait to see what happens! Hopefully between seeing Reloaded on DVD and seeing the third one, I'll finally understand what the heck is going on. ;)
Rating:  Summary: Fascinating and Mindblowing Review: Despite what other reviews you might read here, you have to consider one thing:"Matrix Revolutions" is Science Fiction, therefore, anything goes. The movie is basically a superhero cartoon, albeit, stylized and updated, complete with computer and techno jargon. The sequel to the astonishing "Matrix" stands well on its own (although, it is almost imperative that you watch the first installment in order to fully appreciate this sequel).The Wachowski bros. had the immense task to outdo themselves and outdo the expectations of the loyal following "Matrix" spawned, and that was no easy task. "Matrix Reloded" is vistually "loaded" with action-packed scenes and mind bending special effects (the highway chase being probably the highlight of the movie). The development of characters is interesting, as we get to see Neo's and Trinity's romance intensify and get some background on Morpheus past love life. We also know that even within the Matrix, there's a conflict between what's right and wrong (won't say much, since I don't want to spoil the movie for you!). Keanu Reeves perfomance of Neo is again, stiff! But it suits the character well. If there was anything annoying about this movie was, probably, the dance scene in Zion.Sure, you get to see some nice looking bods, but that's about it. For a group of people who are about to embark on a grand scale war with a superior enemy, dancing would be the last thing on my mind! One more thing: this is a movie that needs to be seen at least a couple of times to fully grasp the psychological and existential undertones of the plot. They are mind blowing, but perhaps a bit too deep for your regular teenager. Having said that, "Matrix Reloaded" is a blast, and one of the best sequels I've ever seen (Living proof that NOT all sequels stink!).
Rating:  Summary: A pale reflection Review: Not being a big fan of the first Matrix, I went into Reloaded with low expectations. After leaving the theatre, I realized that Reloaded did one thing right: it made the original Matrix a truly great film. Reloaded's faults run deep, but perhaps the biggest is the lack of an editor. That became obvious when the fate of the world rested on a kiss. You've got to be kidding. Intelligent ideas are always welcome, but not when they substitute good, solid filmmaking. Indeed, the philosophical premise of "What is real?" is expounded on, but it never actually does anything with this premise. We get an hour and a half worth of dry philosophical lectures about choice and purpose, about 30 minutes worth of tired Wire-Fu, and the climax of the film is......another dry lecture. If I wanted that much dull exposition, I would read Descartes or Rousseau. The fights themsleves are poorly paced and ultimately ruined by a horrid, cheezball score. Reeves fights are the worst, for they are pointless. He can't get hurt. We finally get to see Zion, the lone holdout of humanity, but it's a conceptual nightmare: it looks like a subterranean ghetto. We even get a creepy, tribal rave scene that never seems to end. Maybe mankind does need to die. Of course that embarrassing speech by Larry Fishburne did not help the situation. Even the digital animation failed to wow, and that includes the overrated freeway chase. It's all so cliche. Needless to say, Revolutions has its work cut out for it.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Reloaded is one of the best Sci-Fi / Action films! Review: I don't understand why so many people hated this movie!? The only thing I can think of is that people don't like to have fun at the movies anymore. Everyone expects to get their moneys worth and then some. Believe me, I've seen enough movies this Summer alone (2003) to understand why people bash movies like the "Matrix Reloaded." The general public goes into their local theater with nothing but a snobby attitude to start off their movie going experiance. Anything can be enjoyable if you go into it with the right frame of mind. Here's an example. How many times have you jammed out a band before on the radio (not knowing who it was) and then realized it was a band that you hated before yet you enjoyed hearing it? I've done it, we've all done it. The same can be said for a movie, if you go in with no expectations you'll have a good time. Thats what has been missing from the general public. The Matrix Reloaded is a fun movie full of wonderful special effects, great plot and a sweet soundtrack! This movie DOSN'T SUCK. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Don't take everything so seriously and you'll have fun! Believe me, there are much more worse movies out there than this. HAVE FUN!