Rating:  Summary: *not as good as #1, but still good Review: i liked this movie, but it was no way as good as the first one. it relied too much on special effects i thought, which took away from the overall human experience of the movie.i really didnt like the ... scene in the movie. it really didnt add anything to the story. we already know that they love eachother, and there wasnt a point to adding it in. it just seemed added in at a random place, and really didnt match the tone of the rest of the movie. although this movie did have some minor flaws, the fight scenes, and overall them of causality really held it up. the special effects (especially when neo flys over the exploding trucks) were really cool, i have to admit. the theme of causality was amazing. it makes a good point of how one decision made can change more than we can possibly imagine. it was a little confusing at first, but thats not that dissimilar to the first matrix. watch it a few times, digest the info, and then you'll get it for sure. Moral of this story: pointless ... scenes brought it down a bit, but a great story held it up there for four a star rating.
Rating:  Summary: My 2nd Review: Excellent Movie! Review: I would have to agree with nugentrn who stated this movie is for those who are either in the field of theology, philosophy, and even psychology...it is a movie for people who think deeply.If you allowed yourself to only fall in love with the great moves- you will not like this movie- it will not meet your expectation of a great movie. However, if you are able to go beyond the action for a moment and take a look at what the people who produced and directed movie is saying- you will realize this is pondering movie. It is about globalization. It is about saying how we humans are very self-destructive, and then once we destroy something we then try to run to fix it. The whole point of The Matrix, The Matrix Reloaded, and the Matrix Revolution is how we have been given control by a Higher Source and sqandered that control as we would money. Who is that Higher Source, G-d, he gave humans control of smaller things to make life more beautiful, to prosper them, and grow them so we can be better humans. However we have taken that control and turn it into, "MY WILL," what I won't do, what I will do, what I won't allow others to do to me, and what I will allow them to do. The most important element in The Matrix Reloaded is that the choices we make have all ready been chosen and the only thing we need to do is to understand why on earth we are here. Get it? It is not about the great moves in the movie and Neo being THE ONE. It is about coming to terms that we did not create ourselves. This movie is highly inventive...it was to catch an audiences attention to tell you something deep. And some of us got it- some of us won't. Some of us made the choice that this movie does not hold to the first. The DVD Version: Has Special Features, 2 disc, and a peek of Matrix Revolution.
Rating:  Summary: Camino a Revolutions Review: La película me gustó, los efectos de la carretera son excelentes. La versión en DVD es bastante buena, solo que el disco de speacial features no tiene subtítulos en español, lo cual me parece un error de marketing o una discriminación hacia la gente de habla hispana.
Rating:  Summary: Sadly, nothing spectacular Review: This movie was kind of an "Empire Strikes Back" for the Matrix Trilogy. In fact, I think the Matrix is the Star Wars of our generation, but that's another matter. Neo continues fighting new enemies, including the upgraded Agent Smith, who can duplicate himself. Another new pair of villains were the Twins, which were my personal favorite. In fact, the entire car chase was the best scene in the movie. So Neo, in love with Trinity, has to decide between his romantic love for her and mankind, and his decision leaves the ending in a cliffhanger, forcing us to digest the third installment of the series. Although the plot was OKAY, there were some problems: Bullet time was great when it came out. Now it's so cliche and milked of all its originality that when the people who created it return with Matrix Reloaded, it's, well, boring. The sad part is, it's not the Wachowski brothers' fault. So they tried to make this one a little special by cramming LOTS of philosophy in it, which I personally did not understand or care for. I doubt even if I understood, their ridiculously long speeches would amount to much. Another problem the movie has is, now that Neo is "The One", he can do anything. Nothing can stop him. So there's no challenge in the fight, no thrill of the hunt, no edge-of-your-seat action that I loved about the first one.(This is what made the fight against 100 Agent Smiths too generic) This was one of those movies that you just say "eh" to. Nothing horrible, just didn't meet your expectations. Sadly, nothing spectacular. Let's just hope the Wachowskis are clever enough to introduce something ENTIRELY new in "Revolution"...
Rating:  Summary: A typical "middle movie" Review: Full of plot thickening, less character development, and EXTRA LONG Action scenes. Scenes that are so long, you realize you have time to pop a bag of popcorn and use the bathroom before the scene is anywhere near being over. The story adds a lot of "what if...." theories for viewers, but definitely leaves me wanting to see the 3rd movie. Not a good as the first... like I said, a typical middle movie.
Rating:  Summary: enjoyable, albeit confusing, (3 1/2 star) movie Review: While this film is loaded up with a slew of seemingly pointless action, the storyline still seems to be strong. Because of all the pointless action, this movie moves along like a freightrain that only had one stop to make in Zion. I have to agree with other viewers on this note -- wtf. Biblically, Zion is supposed to be a heavenly type of place. Here, the Bros. Wachowski make it look like a rave set in a brothel. The scene drags for 10+ minutes, but once Neo and co. set to leave the city, the movie takes off down the track again non-stop to the cliffhanger ending -- which is exactly how I expected this film to end, considering The Matrix films popularity rank up there with the original Star Wars films (even if they are not as good). If this film left you scratching your head at the end like it did to me, wait for the third film before passing final judgment on it. Many SW fans dissed the prequels, but I have a feeling that both series will be redeemed by their final acts.
Rating:  Summary: An action movie for philosophers and theologians Review: When I saw the first movie, I thought the special effects and action were fantastic, but I quickly dismissed the story behind the film. Basically, I thought it provided a clever way to announce that the bar for special effects had been raised well beyond anything that had come before. I sat back, grinned and took it all in. When it was over, I didn't give the story a second thought - Neo is Jesus, machines rule the future, Blade Runner, Terminator, etc. etc. Then I saw the Matrix a second time, and realized that the movie had a lot more on its mind. Then I bought the DVD and watched it a third time. To my surprise, the story was the centerpiece, and the other stuff was the frame. The story is actually built around several ongoing philosophical and theological themes that propel the whole enterprise. Once you start to look at those themes, it elevates the movie to an entirely different level. The Matrix Reloaded furthers that story and delves deeper into the thematical questions raised by it. It demonstrates that the story for the trilogy was there from the start - the sequel wasn't simply an afterthought once the money started poring in. As a middle chapter should, it also sets the table for the conclusion to the questions that are here brought into a sharper focus. The movie is unsatisfying only in so far as we haven't yet gotten the answers. We're still seeing "how deep the rabbit hole goes." Reloaded shows us that it is a lot deeper than we thought. You will be disappointed if you're expecting the special effects to surpass anything you've seen before. The special effects in Reloaded are pretty much the same as the first movie, but on a larger scale. The action is very good, but again, nothing revolutionary. But all of that is just gravy. The meat is the story, and Reloaded does not disappoint. This is not the Gospel of John or Plato's Republic. It is just a movie. Reloaded, along with the first movie, reminds us that the timeless questions are still relevant and worth asking - that's what makes them timeless. But have you ever had more fun thinking about the nature of fee will or love or even reality?
Rating:  Summary: I'm your father Neo Review: I'm not sure I understand the confusion and disappointment expressed by some. As in most trilogies the second movie is often dark and does not reveal all the answers. Look at The Empire Strikes Back, Back to the Future 2, Temple of Doom, Two Towers, or most second films in trilogies. Here we find Neo is torn by a personal conflict about Trinity and a vision he has of what will happen to her. When he meets various programmers he begins to understand the complexities and consequences of the programs on the matrix. When he finally meets the creator of the matrix he must decide if he will save the people of Zion or Trinity. Any fan of SciFi movies should enjoy this movie. The character development may not be as deep as the first movie but the story development is the key here and takes some close examination to follow. I think the movie did a good job of preparing us for the final conflict that will take place in the third movie being released November 11th. The DVD has sharp picture and sound and a number of extras including commentary, documentary and more.
Rating:  Summary: Its not the original, for sure Review: The only complaint I have about this movie is the Zion scene. I understand why its in there, but its done so poorly. I skiped the scene when i watched the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Entertaining Review: THis movie takes us back to the world introduced in the first Matrix movie. In this world, machines rule the planet and humans are enslaved in a virtual world and are used as a power source by the machines. However, some people are able to break out of this system. In the first movie, we are introduced to Neo. It is discovered that he is some type of savior--The One. In this second movie, Neo follows the quest to fulfill his destiny. There are several surprises along the way, including the return of his nemesis, Smith. If you thought the first movie was complex, this one really increases the complexity. There's just one bad point. The scenes that take place in Zion are dead space. They could have been cut, or a better job should have been done on them. However, I think the action later makes up for it. The action in this movie is excellent. THe combination of wire action and CG really put the action into a world of fantasy. There are two scenes which are worth mentioning. First, there is an excellent fight scene in which Neo fights 100 agent Smiths. It starts out small, but it steadily builds up to a climax. Another excellent scene is a particularly exciting highway chase. The highway was built especially for this movie, so they are able to crash a lot of cars. If you're a lover of destruction, you've just got to love it.