Rating:  Summary: Worthless, gaudy, Hollywood Schlock! Review: I am at pains to admit that it only did not achieve the high expectations that I had of it, but that it was a complete and utter failure! The acting was lame, the script was moronic and farfetched as well as containing many superfluous scenes, the fighting scenes were redundant, lacking in innovation and intelligence, there were entirely too many vague and (what I felt were)inane references to "prophecies" and "things happening for a reason" poppycock, the new characters lacked personality becoming wooden and banal, the special effects were unconvincing, and Zion, the buttressed haven for the last remnants of earth's ailing humanity was mostly just an elaborate cave with nothing in it but a mass of unwashed, half clothed, sweaty savages. Disappointingly they didn't go into any history of Zion and how these people survived daily in the world of dominating sentient machines. The movie completely lacked content or substance and only relied on superhuman feats of physical prowess,videogame demo-like fight scenes, unbelievable car chases, and stunning explosions to attempt to seduce the mindless viewer into capitulating nearly 3 hours of their precious lives in exchange for 3 hours of pure cinematic excrement. They should never have insulted the original Matrix masterpiece with this inferior pile of quintessential garbage!
Rating:  Summary: Hey Ted, you're finally gonna get some!!! Review: Bill - "Dude! You're finally gonna get some!!!"Ted - "..." Bill and Ted - "EXCELLENT!!!" (AIR GUITAR!!!) After all, when you can just perform your 'superman trick' to escape from any battle, getting laid is the only excitement Mr. Anderson sees in this not-so-excellent adventure. Not that the final scenes in the first Matrix helped to propel Reloaded into my "must see sequel" list (I just finished watching it for the first time tonight). I found that Neo doing his "superman-thing" at the end of the first movie was an incredibly ridiculous way to end it (well, there was also the whole 'I-love-you-so-you-can't-be-dead' love mumbo jumbo between Trin and the Neo-meister, but I digress...). Just foreshadowing the uber-lameness of 'Reloaded' I suppose... I wasted over two hours on this steaming pile of... well.. there's so many words I can't use here but I'm sure you get my meaning. The ONLY redeeming qualities in this movie are the fight sequences, and then ONLY because I know it must have taken the CGI experts a LONG time to create those scenes. I surely will never intentionally watch this movie again just to see said sequences, as I was getting tired of the "woodwork-Smith" scene when it finally ended, which surely does not promise to hold my interest under the scrutiny of repeated viewings. I prefer the very NOT overdone fight sequences in the first Matrix to be more worth my rewatch time than the sequences in Reloaded. The entire movie harps on the premise of "human choice" and "cause and effect" and "fate" etc. etc., which were more than adequetely covered in the first flick, ENTIRELY too much. Though I did enjoy the scenes between Neo VS the Oracle and VS the Architect, and consider them pivitol to the movie's (minimal) progression, Morph's Zion speech and harping on "I believe, therefore your opinion is irrelevant" was annoying from the get-go. Speaking of Zion... I couldn't stop laughing and wishing I could find the remote so I could skip it completely. (Like so many other reviewers HAVEN'T run that whole sequence's ultra-gag factor into the ground already...) As if these factors didn't degarde the movie enough, Agent Smith's appearance just to fight Neo really agravatted me. I was looking forward to his return and character development now that he's outside the Matrix. What a downer... I could go on for a LONG time continuing to bash this movie, but the fifteen minutes I've spent writing this (and another five to clean it up no doubt), is entirely too much time devoted to such a dissapointment in home theater entertainment. At least now I know for certain that the third installment will be worth seeing, because I can't see how the finale could possibly bottom out harder than this movie does. -Rich- Oh yes, one more thing. I loved the Gatekeeper's ripoff of the "Monster's Inc." unlta-door scene that Disney put out before this movie hit the screen. HA HA HA!!! So FUNNY!!!! AH AHA HA AHAHHAA HAHAH AH HA HAHAHAHAHAkill me...
Rating:  Summary: Where is the heart and soul? Review: A while ago, I written a review on this movie when I saw it in the theater. Now that it's available for DVD I would like to revise a few things. As I was trying to watch it, I kept blinking out. No matter how hard I concentrated and how much I wanted to watch the movie, it just couldn't hold my interest and I now know why. The movie is lifeless. It has no soul. I compare it to watching your best friend play someone else on a video game and you are observing. Sure it's fun to them and for you it's semi-interesting, but after awhile you become bored with it because it doesn't involve you. The Matrix Reloaded doesn't bring it audience in with it. It doesn't seem like it is interested in presenting characters that you care about. Neo, Trinity, Morpheus and even Agent Smith are just cardboard cutout of their previous self from the previous movie. Morpheus and Neo have become deities (for lack of a better word) and Trinity is there in order to give Neo a purpose, but she doesn't do much. Zion, the last free city, doesn't seem like a city worth fighting for. It's more like an elaborate cave dwelling. But the one thing that stands out like a scab is the obvious looking fake scenes. Everything is so obvious CGI. At least the first film final battle seemed as if there was some serious since of urgency and danger. But this one hits you with so many stunts and CGI effects that after awhile, it becomes dull. I still give it props on what it is TRYING to achieve, but I have to toned down my earlier glowing remarks. Hopefully Revolutions can wrap things us for us and make this film a better film. I know it's a better film, but until Revolution comes out, the trees indeed are blocking the forest.
Rating:  Summary: THE MATRIX RELOADED = A REVOLTING MIASMA Review: As bad as the Matrix was good, as hackneyed as it's predecessor was innovative, this is not a film so much as it is a train wreck. Possibly even worse than Battlefield Earth. Badly written, indifferently acted. Bad! Bad film makers. Bad. Shame on you all.
Rating:  Summary: Truly awful... Review: I'd heard that this sequel wasn't as good as the original, so I went into with what I thought were sufficiently lowered expectations. I wasn't expecting anything brilliant.. just some cool special effects, a couple of neat ideas, and some brainless entertainment. As it turns out, however, "Matrix Reloaded" doesn't even achieve that minimal level of entertainment. If you enjoy endless action sequences that look completely unreal (CGI animation) then you might like this movie, because that's basically all that it is. The characters fly around, stop bullets, jump from car to car on busy freeways, make enigmatic statements about freedom of choice, kick each other, make endless references to the Prophecy, fight some more, blow things up, more enigmatic statements, more CGI animation, more bullets, and then finally it ends.. by which time you've wasted almost 2 and a half hours of your life, waiting for something interesting to happen. There's no real story here, nothing to care about, nothing even remotely geniune or authentic; it's just a lot of noise.
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: This is a very enjoyable movie to watch. The special effects are great, and I wasn't bored for a second watching the movie. Although some of the scenes were awkward (the rave scene, etc) I had a good time watching it.
Rating:  Summary: A video game movie Review: This movie is literally nothing more than a video game done with faster computers and slightly better graphics rendering than your Nintendo or X Box. There is no dramatic offering of any substance, no suspension of disbelief to transport you into the story. The so-called "Burly Brawl" is truly brainless. Why couldn't they have left alone the superb first movie, which was a self-contained and satisfying story with an appropriate and conclusive ending. Now, it's diminished by inadequate rehashes like this.
Rating:  Summary: Great sequel for a great series! Review: People find it so easy to critcize sequels, it makes you wonder if anything would make them happy? I personally enjoyed the movie. The special effects once again showed that the Matrix series sets the standard for this genre of film. The plot is fantastic. We get to learn much more about the Matrix and its origins. The new characters were intriguing: Niobe, the Architect, Merovingian, and Persephone. Overall, this was a great movie!
Rating:  Summary: You don't have to understand the plot to enjoy the movie Review: The plot is supposedly one where Reeves is stuck and living in a computer program where machines are taking over civilization. Other than trying to understand the jumbled plot and dialogue; it's good to watch. I see it as the Star Wars of Cyber films. It's a roller coaster ride where good must conquer evil machines. The extras have a lot to offer with the multi angle scenes and how they were shot. I have to say though for the price you pay for some of these DVD's they should include the movie soundtrack all in one package. The Blade II DVD had the option of playing the music soundtrack without the dialogue. That would have worked with this release of Matrix Reloaded.