Rating:  Summary: Amazon.com should provide a 0-star and a negative star rate Review: I didn't have time to see the movie in the theater and was willing to put aside the bad reviews this movie got and give it a chance. I have never seen a movie so "washed over" in inept dialogue, insipid fight scenes, and drowned in special effects, yet lacking in plot, humor, honesty, and overall...entertainment. I was very disappointed that I paid the rental fee for this movie. I have seen better movies on Mystery Science Theater 3000. I am a long time SCI FI reader, and enjoyed the first Matrix movie immensely. I do believe, and have to do alot of remembering to find a sequel this awful. I apologize, and I NEVER thought I would say this, but this sequel is WORSE than what Highlander 2 did for the first Highlander movie. DCBryan1
Rating:  Summary: If I could I'd give it zero stars. Review: I hated this movie beyond all reason, I don't even know where to start in describing it's utmost stupidity. First of all almost all of the dialog in it was pointless rambling, which had nothing to do with anything. the relationship between Neo (who now is seemingly "superman") and Trinity (the ugly man-woman) is extremely corny. The world of men- Zion, which I had pictured in my mind to be a sophisticated and futuristic haven, turned out to be nothing more then a hole in the ground filled dancing cavemen, it was horrible. It's was not at all like the original Matrix, which broke boundaries of what is real and what is not. the whole point of this movie, the only goal was to get through a stupid door.
Rating:  Summary: Silly... Review: This movie is a terrible waste of money and your time. The acting is just a notch above an X-rated movie (to give you an idea, Roy Jones Jr. - a professional boxer - is as believable as the rest of his cast members). The love story between Neo and Trinity is enough to make you puke. They're constantly being shown saying how much they love each other, yet there's nothing believable about it. The dialogue is poorly written and carried out. Characters never talk over the top of each other and are always waiting to say their lines right after another actor...its not natural!!! Tense scenes usually have a character saying something like "Damn" or "Oh No"... Morpheus spits out cliche proverbs like a mad man in this one, corny as can be. Oh, and worst of all, the fight scenes! Completely boring. 5-minutes of fast punches where everything is blocked and nobody dies. They're especially boring because you know when you see it that nothing is going to happen to the characters, it's just a waste of time... I gave this One-Star not only because it's a bad movie, but also because it's a pretty mediocre DVD. For a special fx movie you'd think they'd want to offer a top of the line picture quality and DTS sound. I guess they kept those features out of the DVD to get you to buy the boxed set collection next summer...
Rating:  Summary: 'Reloaded' - It concordantly kicked ass, ergo it ruled! Review: I really think that the people that felt that Reloaded was "disappointing" or "fell short of expectations" or whatever are just a bunch of whiners with about a sixth-grade reading level. This movie ruled!!! I didn't have any trouble understanding the words or understanding the significance of the things that happened, not even Neo's new-found ability to use his powers in the real world. He can do that because - hello??? - it's a movie! All the scenes were fine by me; I wish each one could have lasted about four hours each! To sum up, all I can say is: "Umm, yeah, if all of you weak-minded dufuses could just go ahead and get a clue, that would be great."
Rating:  Summary: Somewhat enjoyable....but it still sucks. Review: My mother grew up in the rural South she hardly knows anything about video games but she's an action film junkie. When the opening scene to this movie came on her first words were "What is this?! A (bleeping) video game?!" That basically sums up the look of the whole movie. It's like one long drawn out video game cut scene, you're half expected to pick up the controller and wait for your chance to play. You figure why not go ahead and make the whole film like "Final Fantasy:TSW" and just use the actors voices. I read and heard every bad review about this movie and even so I thought I would still like it because I never took the first one seriously, I choose not to find enlightenment in a movie on a theme I've read about millions of times already so I wasn't looking for more half a**ed philosophy about mankind. But even so the movie still stunk. The fight scenes are quite enjoyable to watch but after a while it's like "whatever" Neo is a God and you know he's gonna get out of whatever danger that comes his way. This movie has nothing on the first film. The first film had an actual story and an edge, plus it had a element of realism. Reloaded has been washed over by the money hose, everything about this movie says 'Hey look we have more money now!' There were even SFX added in scenes where SFX wasn't even needed, like the slow down in the chase scene starting the freeway chase scene, it's like the directors were saying "Hey you know what would be cool?! How about we slow it down a little then speed it back up again!" And the 'bowling ball knocking down the pins' Sound FX in the million Smiths vs Neo fight scene was useless and cheesy. These filmmakers have to learn that more money doesn't mean better story. But what story really? Nothing in it made sense and I've read reviews here from so called "enlightened" ones who are calling everyone else "morons who don't get it" yet in their reviews none of them won't even explain what they get from this movie besides SFX. These filmmakers really need to watch "Lord of the rings" and "Star Wars" to learn the art of a full movie trilogy, you keep expecting some kind of a resolution to get you to the next part but before you know it the screen goes black and "To be concluded" pops up. Also The robots should win, sorry but the Zion scene was the worst part ever, 250,000 machines are coming to wipe them to kingdom come and all they wanna do is get their freak on after a dull as h*!! speech? Speaking of the speeches they were boring the crap out of me, everyone was speaking in lifeless voice as if they were either trying to be 'too cool' or they just lost all feeling somehow. The movie was lifeless period, the characters, not even the fight scenes had life. You can't feel for any of them and you wonder who the real machines are. the only character I actually do like is Mr. Smith, he's the only reason to watch really and he's hardly even in it. Also the Orcle lady was a good actress but that's it.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing, yet with interest... Review: Compared to the first movie, Matrix Reloaded, was disappointing in terms of how much time was wasted on fight sequences. These struck me as dazzling displays of special effects (in the tradition of Crouching Tiger, Sleeping Dragon), but with a sense of "what's the point?" On the other hand, I was fascinated by the development of the conflicting worldviews of Morpheus and the computer overlords. If the third movie lives up to the first movie, then the second movie will simply be a necessary stepping stone to get there, but if the third fails to measure up, I think I'll stick with just the first movie.
Rating:  Summary: Cool Movie Review: Yeah this was a cool movie, one star of of five from the horrible... horrible, zion scenes. Well i like movies that have good action and make you THINK... But obviously these days people dont like to think thats why they enjoy the new star wars movies and chick flicks etc. People who dont like this movie obviously dont like to think very often.. I know its hard you pimply faced nerds... but how bout trying it and interpreting it... like, for yourself
Rating:  Summary: HOW COULD YOU NOT LIKE THIS MOVIE? Review: The matrix reloaded is simply a great movie which any fan of action or sci-fi movies should own.I dont understand why this movie has gotten so many negative reviews.There are many petty and pointless complaints like this scene was too long or the rave scene.I agree that some of the scenes should of being cut shorter,but thats a very minor complaint which does not detract from this movies greatness.The visual effects were beyond superb and the action scenes were done well.The plot gets thicker and more secrets are revealed which leads to exciting drama throughout the movie.Most of the people who gave this movie negative reviews probably did not understand many things which were said in the movie.I had to watch this movie like 5 times to get a good understanding of the complicated dialogue of the movie.I cant wait to see revolutions.Anyway,give this movie a chance to grow on you.BUY IT TODAY!!!
Rating:  Summary: It is the 2nd part of a trilogy People!! Review: I think the reason that people didn't get or hated this movie, is the fact that the story line wasn't the same predictable paint by the numbers plot/formula/story that people are used to watching nowadays. As soon as the the plot thickened, certain people tuned out cause they couldn't follow the story or couldn't accept that it was the exact opposite of what they believed THE MATRIX should be. I praise the Wachowski for having the cojones to write this!! The movie truly changes your perspective of what you believe THE MATRIX is supposed to be. The first movie was mind bending, so why would you think that this one wouldn't be?? The first one didn't give you a clue of what the 2nd has to offer, and it shouldn't anyway!! That was the whole point of this narrative, what you think is real isn't/your preconceived ideas are wrong. When I saw the despair on Morpheus' face as it dawned on him that what he believed in was a lie, that sinking feeling, I think that was exactly what the people who hated this movie felt. I felt that way when the Architect was explaining the whole "Circle of life" thing to Neo, that it was all pointless, that everything Neo did was predestined, that he didn't have a choice in the matter, it was all pre programmed. The Architect was proven wrong, when Neo chose Trinity. If they mentally stuck long enough and digested the implications of the last showdown with Neo and the machine's, they would've seen that here was the whole pivotal point of the movie!! That Neo's abilities/powers/mojo is able to cross over from the MATRIX to the real world!!! I thought that was an excellent "kick in the pants" twist. That also brings to light the parallel cross over of Mr Smith, when he "possessed" the human, obviously there will be more to this in REVOLUTIONS. Furthermore, IT'S ONLY THE 2ND PART!!! Don't expect a conclusion when you are in the middle of the story!! DUH! It's like when some people said "TLOTR: the 2 towers" left you hanging, of course it did!!! AARRGGHH!! So, I suggest that you watch the movie for yourself. Think. Chew over it. If you have to watch it again, WATCH IT! Then you'll understand that this is an awesome movie! Don't take my word for it go see it!! Again if you have to! Darn it!
Rating:  Summary: A Movie For The Intelligent Review: I am going to say that to enjoy this movie you have to pay close attention, I have a feeling that the people who didn't like it really didn't get the movie what so ever. Of course some of those people probably did get the movie and just didn't like it. People say that there isn't many action sequences. The difference is, this action movie has a really good plot. I think people say it's crap because this is one of these so called "Fan Boy" Movies. If people want to see pure action then don't get this movie, If you want an action movie that has a plot and will rack your brain get this. I am sure that everyone can agree with me that the special effects are fantastic, the costumes, the set design are all beautiful. This is a movie if you want eye candy.