Rating:  Summary: Only makes you want more Review: After watching this movie, my first reaction was, "That's it!?!" I believe that it was the reaction the wachowski brothers were going for. The plot gets deeper and, though it may go over some viewer's heads, proves very compelling. I won't give anything away, but it shakes the foundation of what you thought in the first installment. It took several viewings to completely catch the meaning of the architect's loquacious rant, but it's very interesting once you get it all. I loved this movie. The only complaint I have is that, during 'the burly brawl', Neo is at times obviously cgi. It is an easily overlooked fact, however, considering the pace of action.
Rating:  Summary: high expectations for a disappointing movie Review: Let's get one thing straight. The original Matrix is phenomenal. It has plot, substance, action, romance; something for everyone. I went into the theatre hoping for the same from the new Matrix film. I have never been so disappointed in a movie. I was actually sad. Instead of vital characters, we get the albino twins, Jada Pinkett Smith, and that Italian woman. None really have any purpose. The plot? Try to save the city from the machines. The action is too much, too often. One of the best things about the original is that it knew when to quit. The worst and most useless scene is when alternating shots of Neo and Trinity having sex and half-naked writhing dancers are shown. Pointless. Tasteless. Useless. The only decent scene is with the architect. If you are willing to forgoe the plot, intelligence, and quality of the original, then this movie is for you.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Reloaded Back In Action Review: First of all it is the start of November and as you know Matrix fans, Revolutions comes out on wednesday. But to write this review more considerate I have to say that the majority of people who said it sucked were wrong. Face it, have you ever seen a better movie with Kung fu action and slow mo in bullet time and fight scenes? The answer is no! So if you like none of this obviously your going to give a bad review! And if you do then i dont know what yer bablling about because the first one really sucked pertaining to combat fighting. If you think the first one was better than the second, then you don't know your movies. The only thing i could agree on the second one was that the plot fell a little bit, but even the action makes up for everything. People who love bullet time, slow motion, and a hella of cool action go buy it. People who just cant comprehend.....GET YOUR A** OUT OF MOVIES. Thank you for time, -Percys
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Sci-Fi Film. Ignore the cynics! Review: This film was great. (...)First of all, if you go in watching this and expect the first film, you may well be dissapointed. However, if you just go into to watch a film, without having any preconcieved notions as to what WILL take place, you will like this film. Yes, the dance seen was lame, but that represented like 5 minutes out of a 2+ hour film?! (...)Excuse me? No, adults showing a few minutes of passion is not porn. Maybe in your backwards town in idaho "the flesh" is evil, but for most adults, we understand that some people actually do have sex. Plus, there was no nudity anyway, so I'm not sure where the porn analogy comes from... If you want to watch a film with no evil stuff, don't they have some video store in Utah that will cut films to bits to remove all that "evil" stuff? Anyway, this is a great film. Very few, if any, bad seens. The great seens more than make up for the dance seen, which to me was the only lame part of the movie. As for the movie being continued, get over it. Lord of the Rings has done it, and so has the Matrix. I was somewhat bothered that I had to wait, but at least it is less than a year (with only a few weeks left at this point). That is not a good reason to give this movie bad reviews. They released this movie with plenty of press explaining that this and Revolutions would be a 2-parter. Anyway, great movie, especially for sci-fi and action fans.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Overloaded Review: Watching this movie was like watching someone play a videogame, which was pretty much how this movie was made. The dialogue is sillier than in most comic books - which would actually be fine if this were a parody or a spoof of the original Matrix, rather than an a sequel which this waste of perfectly good movie stock and computer cycles claims to be.
Rating:  Summary: Who needs a story? Review: This movie is the equivalent of an action/violence porn. This second installment in the Matrix trilogy only barely advances the storyline. It acts more as a showcase for the directors' love for special effects and totally denies the reality that what made the first movie great was the plot. Don't waste your money on this one.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Reloaded is an essential film for your dvd collection Review: After reading all these negative reviews for Matrix Reloaded, I finally had to write and defend this movie, especially for all the "true" Matrix fans who enjoyed it for what it truly is: inspired, ground-breaking entertainment sprinkled with heavy doses of philosophy, kung-fu and kick-ass special effects. I, like many others, saw it on opening weekend and I was not disappointed. Matrix Reloaded is simply an extraordinary piece of filmmaking at its highest level and is in a word, awesome. Anybody who says this film was utter trash or garbage needs to learn how to watch movies in the first place. It's impossible not to be impressed with this achievement. It's the reason why we go to the movies in the first place. The people who hated this film probably looked only at the surface and dismissed it as only mindless special effects and action with no story whatsoever (or couldn't understand the film). The true Matrix fans will see that, indeed, there are many levels to this film beyond just special effects, which indeed are truly mind-blowing and revolutionary in so many ways. The first film dealt with reality and illusion; this film deals with choice, destiny and fate. You can't expect this film to top the first Matrix, which was almost a perfect film. There's a lot to ponder if you just take the time to analyze it all with another intelligent film critic. But the real reason I loved this film was for its relentless action sequences which raises the bar like few films before it. The Burly Brawl where Neo takes on a hundred Agent Smiths is forever a classic, and the freeway chase sequence is simply awesome. Interestingly enough, my favorite scene is actually the sword-fighting that Neo has with the Merovigian's henchmen. When have we ever seen weapons-based fighting that was so well choreographed, so stylish and elegant like that? Simply brilliant. And let's not forget the music in this film, which I absolutely loved. The Matrix has always been about kung-fu and kick-ass fighting and this movie delivers; any lover of action films will be immensely satisfied with this film. And if you study the dialogue of this film and break it down, there are very few "fillers"; everything has meaning and purpose. Matrix: Reloaded has received unfair critical bashing but the film is a whole lot smarter than people truly realize. But in the end, Matrix: Reloaded is simply a film, but in a world filled with so many useless and uninspired movies, it is so refreshing to see a film that tries to push the boundaries of filmmaking to new and unchartered territory.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: I really wanted to like this movie. I enjoyed the first one a great deal, and lined up on opening night to see the second. It was...boring. Yes, there were some cool action sequences, but even those managed to go on too long, and the rest of it...talk, talk, talk, dance, dance, dance...yawn. This was a movie badly in need of an editor. Actually, it felt like half a movie trying to be a whole movie via lots of padding. Maybe if they'd tried to make Reloaded and Revolutions as one movie this one wouldn't have felt so...empty. Don't waste your money.
Rating:  Summary: Soporific and Sophomoric Review: The original Matrix was truly great. It is the only movie I had paid to see twice since the fifties. Alas, the sequel is just a mess. I remember in the first film when Morpheus holds up the battery and claims that humans are kept by the machines as energy sources. I howled. What a wonderfully goofy idea. It was such an outrageously stupid idea that I knew I was in a comic book world where I didn't have to consider plausibility. I was free to enjoy a kung-fu movie inside a sci-fi movie. Nested genres - coolP>The problem with the second film is that the Wachowski brothers are excellent film makers but lousy intellectuals. They throw in all sorts of half baked philosophical banter as if this is a serious work of art not just an action entertainmentThe first film established Neo as Superman (he is referred to as Superman several times). However there is no Krytonite. He always wins. Boring...
Rating:  Summary: STOP COMPLAINING...IT WAS GOOD Review: everyone complains about the movie dragging on and to much dialoge, HELLO did you watch the same movie i did, YES it did drag on for a bit and there was slightly too much not needed info but come on the fight scenes were amazing the matrix crew has broken down even more barriers with this film and will break down even more with the finale. The fight scene on the roof (neo vs smiths) was one of the best i have seen, then the freeway scene is another excellent scene with non stop action for another 10 minutes, and yet again the scene in the stair case where neo fights the guys with the different weapons for another 10 minutes thats 30 minutes (at least) of top notch action what else do u want...like Keanu said in the scene on the roof he did more "moves" then in all of the first movie, that sums up the quantity of action and the quality is A+