Rating:  Summary: Hah! Worst movie ever Review: I liked the first one but it took me about 2 minutes to become disgusted with Reloaded. The plot is lame and its bloated with stupid scenes. Sure there's some interesting action/effects, but nothing you haven't seen elsewhere. If you like movies like Dumb and Dumber, you might like this.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME!!! Review: This is even better than the first -- takes it to a whole new level -- loved loved loved this movie! It begs to be seen multiple times!
Rating:  Summary: Reloaded and Ready to Go Review: This second installment to "The Matrix" series is wildly entertianing with "gobs" more of special effects and more innovative fight sequences. The principle players are back and Neo and Trinity's love is explored. We get to see Zion and Morpheus is again trying to inspire and lead others to fight for their freedom over the machines.I will not go into plot, like another reviewer, one needs to see it for themselves, but I do want to address some of the more exciting and interesting ideas posited in this film. One, the special effects abound, and they are truly wild and fun. However, they at times steal the show, as chase scenes and hovercraft scenes are longer than needed. The fight sequences are much more fun, but the one in the courtyard against many agent smiths is a little tiresome. The strength of this movie, is its dealings with philosophy, religion, and mathmatics. It is interesting that they take these three ideas and closely connect them as if they are postualting a possible worldview themselves. While Christianity was probably the more prevelant theologies shown in the first movie, Hinduism and its off-shoots such as Buddihism are strongly revealed. The idea of reincarnation is posited at the end, and though I do not subscribe to this view in reality, it is an interesting take in this movie. One who has taken statistics can readily identify some probablitiy ideas and how to control those anomolies one does not want. Also, in an entertianing fashion, there is a scene where Monnic Bellucci appears and jealousy between her and Trinity, and Bellucci's little revenge on her French husband is displayed. This scene is very entertianing as it is very humanistic and speaks an element of truth. A great time - bring on the revolution! This is a stylized flick and extremely enjoyable. Though not as good as the fisrt
Rating:  Summary: A provoking movie, although not overly novel Review: The Matrix Reloaded had a lot of expectations riding on it upon its release. I must say that it did live up to those expectations. As, the second movie in a trilogy, it continues the story from the first movie, bridging it to the final chapter. By far, I feel that this sequel has far surpassed the original, while having a few negative aspects. The Matrix Reloaded takes the story from the original Matrix and augments it several times, thickening the plot like a bowl of cream. Although it is, at times, confusing, it is fulfilling and thought provoking, making you want to see it again. However, like the orginal movie, it is somewhat plagued with too many action scenes. While these can serve as eye candy, plot bridges, and fillers, they are nearly overused, nearly making the idea of another action scene cliche. In addition to this, the ideas of the Matrix are not completely novel. The philosophical questions it raises about existence and the control of free will are nothing new to the world and have been contemplated over the years. It's not a bad thing that these are included in the movie. It's just a bad thing that they are marketed as fresh and novel. With everything taken into consideration, the plot of The Matrix Reloaded comes out big, far outweighing the negative aspects within the movie. 4 stars out of 5 and a suggestion to see it are what I leave you with.
Rating:  Summary: the matrix reloaded Review: This is a very great movie. I went to see it knowing that it would out dothe first in special effects and action. But I wasn't sure it would be better. I was wrong it was a very awesome film even better than the first. I can't wait until November to see Revolutions to continue the great cliff hanger. To sum it up awesome great highway chase scene. Great action bewteen Neo and the Agent Smiths
Rating:  Summary: Looking For Ultimate Reality. Review: Knowing how important THE MATRIX was and is to the cinematic landscape, I wasn't sure what to expect with THE MATRIX RELOADED. I knew that the plot would thicken and that there would be more action, yet I also had a lingering suspiscion that things would be totally different. I was correct on all accounts. THE MATRIX RELOADED takes place shortly after THE MATRIX ended. The matrix, that complex world of imaginary programs stimulated to pacify the humans who are harvested by machines, isn't the same place it used to be. Neither is it what we originally imagined. And as the characters and viewers learn, the most important question isn't "who" or "when" or "where", but "why". Why has the matrix changed so much since Neo's appearance? Why is the Oracle so elusive? Why is Neo able to do what he is able to do? Why is it that not only the matrix, but the world of Zion seems so familiar? Why is it that everything in the world of the Matrix seems like a superspeed video game? Why, why, why. Leaving those questions aside, THE MATRIX RELOADED is a brilliant piece of filmmaking. It is true that some of the plot elements and scenes seem eerily reminiscent of foreign films that only a handful of people have ever seen, but the movie also borrows from another great epic piece of cinema, STAR WARS. That is not a bad thing. It's a good thing--all stories are recyclable, the difference is in how the stories are told. The soundtrack is better than the original film and the special effects are astonishing; the freeway chase is enough the price of admission alone. The film starts off at a fast pace that doesn't seem to make much sense. Later it makes sense, but even later what you thought was true and real turns out to not be the case. Which is what the movie and the whole franchise is really about anyway. What is reality? In THE MATRIX the question was what if everything you thought was real, was really a lie? The question doesn't change in THE MATRIX RELOADED. The "reality" that so many clinged, turns out to be nothing more than another illusion in a world gone mad run by machines. The film ends with a suggestion that in the end, all will be revealed. My only complaint about the film is that there is too much sexuality. There really isn't any nudity, but there is a scene of sexuality that is totally unnecessary to the plot. We already know that Neo and Trinity are lovers; it isn't necessary to show it. The scene totally detracts from the rest of the movie and should have not even been filmed. If you see this film in theatres, be sure to stay through the credits. A 30-second trailer of MATRIX REVOLUTIONS is shown and reveals what looks to be one of the greatest mano y mano showdowns ever.
Rating:  Summary: Flawed but fun Review: As stated in previous reviews...it is up to you to decide if it is or is not a good movie...but in the opinion of this reviewer, it fell extremely short of the first film. Ok...if you can look past the horrible dialogue (worst dialogue I've heard in a while), frustrating amount of half-baked subplots, and weak philosophies that take up 90% of the film then this is for you. But for those who are looking for a worthy sequel to the first...might want to think twice about spending $8 on this one. Don't get me wrong...the special effects are great (even though there are points where the action is so completely computer animated it is sickening) and the action sequences are very well done and entertaining...but the fact of the matter is that there could have been at least thirty minutes of this film that could have been cut just for the sake of pacing (let's just say if you thought the first movie dragged in portions of the film, you will definitely sleep through this one), but alot could have gone just for the sake of intelligence. I'm sorry, but the brothers really lost the feel in this film that gave the original that mind-blowing feel (It didn't even feel like the same directors at points). Reloaded just felt like a gimmick. A lot is introduced in this film but sadly leaves you with explanations like "everything happens for a reason" and NEVER GOES ANY FURTHER! That's about the extent of any REAL explanation you'll get. Many people will probably writing about THEIR thoughts and THEIR opinions about all the babble you have to sit through...but that's all it is...THOUGHTS AND OPINIONS...none of which are real answers because the film literally had trouble wanting to explain any bit of itself. I may not go see the third because it will have to be devoted in covering the holes of Reloaded and not give itself enough time to develop its own plot. I loved the first and thought it was one of the more original films that has been produced in years but this one...well, this just felt like your average Hollywood sequel. Sadly. Let us just hope Revolutions pulls it together but for now...Reloaded is loaded with slop, gimmicks, and poor scripting and is probably going to be the weakest installment of the trilogy.
Rating:  Summary: doin' the Superman Thang.... Review: The Wachowski brothers must have read a lot of Marvel comics because this movie reads just like one. If you read Master of Kung Fu or Iron Fist back in the 70's the characters have the same type of fights in a fantasy world. Only in this era it's part of some great computer program designed by machines. I won't pretend to say that I understood everything in the movie. However it was fantastic to watch. It did surpass my expectations! I can't wait for the third one. Unfortunately they left you hanging for the next installment. Why aren't these guys directing the next Hulk or X-men movie? Watching Reeves fly through the air in this movie reminded me of one thing...he would make a great Superman. Forget Nick Cage!
Rating:  Summary: a fantastic bridge between two movies Review: A true continuation of the first movie, taking place about 6 months after Neo has learned of his power as "the One". As a stand-alone movie, it's visually appealing but lacking in a full story development. But that is INTNETIONAL! Just keep in mind the same things I did when you see it -- it was designed purely to be the bridge between #1 and #3. Asks a lot of questions, and answers few. If everything was supposed to be resolved by the end of #2, there would be no need for a #3. Plus, without the total "your reality was only virtual, you're a battery" twist has already come and gone in the first movie, it's now about Neo figuring out his place in the world. Not quite as sexy, but still very important to make #3 happen. Matrix #1 raised the bar so high, it is nearly impossible for any movie to really beat it. So Matrix #2 can only really be a "close but no cigar" and nothing more. Somehow, however, they were able to raise the bar when it comes to visuals. At the end of the 15 minute long car chase scene, and after the Neo-Battles-Agent-Smith scene, everyone in my theater applauded, the scenes are that intense and superbly done. the matrix2 will shine its brightest when the Matrix Trilogy is released on DVD, and you watch all three together. Only then will #2's design fit perfectly. I was truly pleased with this movie, and it did it's job - it's gotten me psyched to see #3!
Rating:  Summary: Despite all the criticisms Review: Matrix Reloaded delivers. You expected more kung fu action, more bullet time, more ultra-slick latex, and more interesting villains, and the movie has them all. It also brings up an interesting twist to the mystery of the Matrix -- that Neo wasn't the only ONE, and Zion wasn't the first of its kind, whcih broadens to the subject of control and choice as the main premise of the Matrix saga. Critics point out at least two flaws with the movie -- the Zion scene and the fight with the 100 Agent Smiths, both of which the critics insist were redundant. I would say that both scenes were necessary. The first shows how humans are faring in the real world of the Matrix, whose addressing plays a sharp and important contrast to the cool leather and latex look inside the Matrix. As to the scene with the 100 Smiths, people keep pointing out that it wasn't necessary for Neo to fight them -- and that he could have just flown away. But how can Neo find out just how strong he is if he doesn't stand upto every challenge? And if you see your arch-enemy in front of you, are you gonna fight or are you gonna run? Critics at large are bringing up every minute flaw with the movie to make the 'astounding' point that Matrix Reloaded ain't all that. I admit that it isn't the neatly packaged product that the first movie was, nor that it ended with a resounding conclusion that the first movie did. But people, this is the 2nd in a set of trio, so watch it for what it is and ignore the critics who live off by feeding on the hard work of actors, directors and script writers. Matrix Reloaded is definitely a worthy addition to the Matrix series.