Rating:  Summary: Windy city directors Review: These brothers definitely prove they're from the Windy City this time. Although there are enough heart-stopping visual effects to fill three movies, there is enough dead space from drawling, moralising, pseudo-philosophers to stop the brain. It was almost skin-crawling to sit through some of these monologues, from the lengthy diatribes of "the Architect" and the "Oracle" to the little bursts of wisdom from the "Keymaker", and, oh my God, especially the French guy (I can't remember if he had a title or not I so quickly tried to forget him). It was almost like punishment to counter-balance the enjoyable parts. The Star Trek-like orgy in Zion (a sort of maxed out Spock returns to Vulcan) was just plain silly. Some serious editing was avoided here. Neo/Superman/Christ looks almost as ennui-filled as he fights as I felt when the ride was finally over. The movie was over two hours long and felt much, much, much, much (you get the idea) longer.
Rating:  Summary: Grade: B+ OR on a scale of 5 stars: 3.5 out of 5 Review: Overall I think it was a very entertaining summer movie that aspires to epic levels. It was successful with the entertaining parts (the action scenes in the second half), but stumbled during the epic parts.I thought X-Men 2 was better than the first because we didn't have to deal with the exposition. But The Matix Reloaded (referred to as MR from now on), suffered from this. In the original, explaining the whole idea of The Matrix and how the good guys could work within it was enjoyeable and engaging. It was all new and fresh. And the psuedo-philosophical ramblings of the characters were better integrated into the story of Neo finding out who he was. MR had the introduction to the world of Zion to pull us into the story, and it wasn't as good as the mystery of the matrix in the original. The movie was trying to please in too many ways that made the exposition too long. They tried to please the kung-fu fans with with initial fight scenes that didn't have much relevance to the flow of the story, the fans of the mystical aspects with long-winded speeches about control and causality (which in the end was related to the story, but ONLY in the end and it wasn't anything new anyway), and they definitely went after the 13-25 year old demographic with the extended Zion dance-club/lovemaking scene. I was a little dissapointed when they showed the last human city basically as a throng of twenty-something models thrashing at an after hours rave. It felt like an extended Coors Light commercial. But it was in trying to create a profound epic through psuedo-philosophical ramblings which annoyed me. The points different characters made could have been done in a more simple way and I actually found myself irritated. At the end I was straining to understand what was actually being said (I don't want to sort through almost cryptic dialogue that is trying to be philosophically cool! This is a summer movie!). These parts slowed the overall drive of the movie with tedious exchanges that didn't justify their relevance enough. I know it sounds like I didn't like it, but being a perfectionist I love to criticize to get things right. But now for the kudos. The second half was great, the pace picked up and the flow of action was much better. The highway chase scene near the end had me on the edge of my seat, and I've seen so many action scenes that barely happens anymore. I actually saw people in the audience ducking their heads. I thought the twist of a revelation at the end was great. If this setup pays off in the Matrix Revolution, then all the tedious aspects of MR would be worth it and the Wachowski brothers will have a great science-fiction action epic that can be included with the other great ones in movie history.
Rating:  Summary: Where's the Heart Review: After Neo is told that he already knows what the future is and his job is now to comprehend its meaning, we know that Neo already comprehends the ultimate fate of the Matrix. It's similar to the first installment when he saves Morpheus with 'lots of guns' because he knows it will work. That said, he must know the ultimate outcome of the matrix, but believes he still controls the fate. This knowledge, if I have inferred correctly, ruins much of the film because all the philosophical mumbo jumbo toward the end is erroneous and there for confusion. The action was good, but unexplained. He can take on a million agent smiths, but a few French guys and gals take 10 minutes of screen time to defeat. Where's the logic? My main problem is this; the first film was great because it combined so many elements of humanity. Characters had reason for deceit. Morpheus had a sense of humor. Neo, believe it or not, actuall was less stoic. This film felt contrived and stale, like the actors never acted. Lines such as "Me, me too," weren't as funny as the directors thought. Like I said, it all just felt stale. Also, while the first movie has plot, this just meanders in and out of the Matrix. Loopholes in the program aren't thourougly explained. Who are the two guys with long albino hair? I know this is a to be concluded film, but the personable traits that were so endearing lacked, and therefore, I felt no connection with the characters.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of fun, marred slightly by story problems. Review: Press responses to The Matrix Reloaded have basically been correct -- this film has oodles of visual magic and cool action sequences, but is a little weak on the script and characterization fronts. It's still a fun ride, and the iconic characters already feel like old friends on the level of Obi-Wan Kenobi and Captain Solo. The best set pieces (the 100 Agent Smiths, the freeway chase) are as eye-popping and exciting as the trailer and hype would have you believe. And while the scripting isn't nearly as sharp as the first Matrix, there are still some great moments. The acting is a little uneven, with Laurence Fishburne given some pretty shaky scenes to play (the speech and subsequence "tribal dance" in Zion being especially ludicrous), but Carrie-Anne Moss comes out blazing midway through, Keanu Reeves uses his blank-faced persona to good effect (another great scene with the Oracle), and the brilliant Harold Perrineau fits into the world with his usual grace. Hopefully this film will make him into the Denzel-sized superstar he richly deserves to be. But it's Moss who supplies the heart of the piece, and while she is underutilized in the first half of the film, she comes to dominate the proceedings. There is just one more nagging flaw about the film, which is pacing. I won't give away any plot points here, but the Wachowskis seem to have been rushed at the writing stage. The overall progression of the script has all the elements of a rousing, emotionally satisfying structure, but they spend a little too much time on the set pieces and had to blast through some pretty hefty narrative points rather than building them satisfactorily, as they'd done so successfully in the first Matrix. As they stand, the emotional moments have a bit too much comfort zone, given too little time to breathe and for the audience to truly feel the impact of the events. I did enjoy the film, but be prepared for the flaws. I went to see this film in New York on its opening night and I could literally hear a collective gasp at the cop-out ending. Even the friend I went with, a colossal fan of The Matrix, found the plotting and the ending to be a let-down. Nevertheless, for its energetic delivery and entertainment value, you'll probably enjoy this movie and forgive its flaws. I did.
Rating:  Summary: I'm so disappointed Review: I waited four years for this? I left the theater feeling cheated. I avoided all the hype just so I wouldn't set my expectations too high and I wanted to go in with an open mind. I went in not knowing what to expect and 10 minutes later, I wasn't smiling anymore. I was very disappointed with the story and the special effects. Rather than use special effects to further and enhance the story like they did in the first film, they merely do it to show off here because there's too much of it. The fight scenes were so drawn-out that they became boring and often times didn't seem necessary. A lot of scenes seemed to drag on too long, namely the Zion rave/orgy. Was that really necessary? I wanted to leave the whole time I was there, but stayed, hoping there would be some redeeming value to it. I'm a huge fan of The Matrix and I wanted to like this movie, but I just couldn't. I felt like I was watching an entirely different movie that was TRYING to be like The Matrix. I know a lot of people who read this might not agree with me, but I know I'm not the only one who felt disappointed. It's too bad because I was really looking forward to this movie.
Rating:  Summary: A Solid, Entertaining "Bridge" Film Review: On to the movie: Starting at an unspecified time after the first film, we are treated to our first glimpses of Zion, a city both technologically advanced (forget the Mechas; I'll take the touchscreens in the control room) to downright primitive (a candlelight sermon/motivational speech by Morpheous followed by an unnecessary rave - it's kind of pointless to party like it's 1999 when you're not sure what year it is).
Yes, there's all the good action and kung-fu you've come to expect, and explosions too. Some cute new camera and visual tricks as well. But the meat is in the story, folks. And the story has become better and deeper in my opinion. Forget the 'cake' scene; I felt a shiver the first time I realized all the images of Neo on the screens in the Architect's lair were from previous incarnations of the One. As for acting, it's mostly solid, with some characters underutilized (Niobe comes to mind) and some unnecessary (the Kid especially), but that's all forgiven with Hugo Weaving's performance as Agent Smith. He's managed to come across as the perfect sociopath; evil without anxiety.I'm thinking between Matrix and LOTR he's going to have a hard time finding work as anyone other than the guy with all the answers (notice he knows more about what's going on than some of the supposed sages) after this. Finally, do yourself a favor and stay for the 'Revolutions' preview after the credits. It shows you in no uncertain terms what the next film's storyline is, and if you pay attention you will see many similarities to the first film that suggests that there will be a funky reboot of the known universe with Neo & Co. still aware of the past and able to influence the future. But mostly, go see it. It's as good as you hoped.
Rating:  Summary: More Movie Garbage..... Review: Well the one thing that I can say about this movie is that it has 125 bad cgi effects shots, no script, and a waste of some otherwise fine actors. I really think of all of them, Laurence Fishburn is trying his best with the story material at hand to make it work, but even this fine actor can not do anything with it. No wonder, Warner Brothers is now called "AOL FILMS."
Rating:  Summary: BOO! Review: This is the worst sequel ever made. All it is is a recycled film of the original with horrible special effects. It feels like you are watching a videogame. The one cool fight scene (on top of the tractor-trailers) was too overwraught, too long, and too passe. The final hour make up for the first hour and a half of [junk] by actually introducing a plot. However, since this film is essentially the opening act for the third film, I have faith that the third film will be incredible. I'm hoping so, otherwise the only film ever to break the sophomore slump by surpassing its predecessor will be either X2 or Empire Strikes Back.
Rating:  Summary: what is the matix? Review: What is the matix? Is Neo the one? What kind of name is Matrix Reloaded? With all the hype going into the movie, I really did not know what to expect. Most reviews said that it was all eye candy, a video game, and not much "depth". Though Ebert gave it an "A+", but I normally don't like Ebert movies. As with all the recent sequels and prequels, ones expectations of the movie will pretty much determine your impression of that movie. Expecting to see Keanu put out an oscar-like performance is just not realistic, deal with it. Who's dumber, the casting person that chose Keanu or the reviewer expecting great acting from Keanu. Though IMHO he plays neo pretty well with the Bill & Ted like struggle to "get it". After seeing reloaded, I wondered if the reviewers that wrote Reloaded being just eyecandy saw the same movie I saw. There are moments were you really had to listen to the dialogue to even attempt to understand what everything is all about. Which is not easy to do when you have all the eye-candy going on. At the end of the movie you realize that there were subtle ( and a major one) things right in your face that foreshadowed the climax. The "Back to the Future"-like "to be continued" was really lame and really did not do this thing and justice. So will they ruin it more by having Revolutions end with "The end?". I hope not. If so, will we have to endure prequels? My recommendations: * Ignore the reviews, it is hard to review this thing without ruining it in a big way. * Fight the urge to just view Reloaded like a mindless summer action movie. Because you will miss out on Reloaded. * If u are like me, and end up going to the restroom in the middle of movies, hold out until the rave/prep rally. * Watch Reloaded at a theater with good sound system. I saw it at an ok one and it was noticeable. * Don't wait for the Revolutions trailer at the end. U end up waiting 10 minutes for a less then a 30 second trailer that does not provide anything of substance.
Rating:  Summary: Some people just won't get it, and that's too bad Review: The Matrix Reloaded is a fine action flick with great special effects and great choreography. BUT The Matrix Reloaded is so much more than that. People who are giving it less than five stars simply don't get it. The Matrix is modern philosphy. Anyone who has read the great works of philosophy (especially of the last 200 years) will be blown away by The Matrix Reloaded. It turns serious subjects into entralling brain and eye candy. The characters and relationships are expanded in this film. The stark contrasts between zion and the matrix are beautifully captured. This film has vision, insight and depth. If you're just lookin' for an action flick, I feel sorry for you.