Rating:  Summary: A compelling sequel that's demanding for the audience Review: With no doubt, Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolution are the most expected sequels of the 1999 box office success movie The Matrix. On the black screen full of green digital code which reminded us about the age or our monochrome computers with our DOS input, actions broke in. In Matrix Reloaded, Neo, Trinity and Morpheus made a come back to challenge the domination of the once human construction. Neo and Trinity are now lovers, but would the power of love overcome the power of destruction? Zion, a name with Biblical reference is the only human world survived in the metallic terror of the age. Their challenges to their own creation induced challenges from their now mighty opposite power. Questions of choice, calculations, prophecy, religion, insanity all falls into one hot pot of the mathematical philosophy of the Matrix. Neo has evolved, same as his counterparts AND his enemies. The once two dimensional competition between the computer and the human beings had all evolved into a four party struggle. The question is who would win at last, and at what cost? The most important part is, is the winner actually the WINNER? Matrix Reloaded is a more in depth and complicated story than the first one. The movie is packed with actions, but the producers are trying very hard to break through their classical special effects and fighting scenes, which had been copied by so many other movies, to give the audience a new and fresh feeling. The story between Neo and Trinity is intense and breathtaking, but would it be rewarding till the last moment? As usual, "computer generated characters" like the agents and the Twins are on the easy side in terms of acting for they have no emotion of their own. Nonetheless, Hugo Weaving as the abandoned "computer generated agent" within the Matrix had developed into a new level, which allows him to be more "human" than ever. Still there are parts of the movie which are quite corny, like those intriguing moves before fighting and awkward lines among characters from time to time, which spoiled the tension created by the movie from time to time. Speed is something Matrix played with in the virtual reality world in the movie, and this time, it is faster and more eloquent. In terms of acting, not much could be said apart from Hugo Weaving as all other people are so serious that you hardly find much emotional change in them - even the love story is so serious and intense. Matrix Reloaded will be a movie that you would either like it or hate it. If you are just going in for the actions and special effects, you will get a lot but you will miss out a lot of important dialogues and pieces of the plot. So make sure you won't carried away by the actions and missed out the whole story, or you will actually miss out a lot.
Rating:  Summary: Reloaded: Not all it's cracked up to be. Review: Saw it on opening night. I loved the First Matrix the first time I saw it. That one had me engrossed, wondering what was going to happen by the end. Reloaded failed to strike a nerve with me, for several reasons. Neo. At the end of The Matrix Neo sends that phonecall, basically saying I am here, you can't stop me, n'yah n'yah, n'yah. Suddenly in Reloaded, he's back to wondering what the hell his purpose is? This struck me as odd. The Film didn't mesh well with the original, a lot of things seemed very glossed over, while many other things really just got shoved down your throat again and again. New Characters are introduced, but besides the Rasta guy, they are basically just kind of there. I honestly wouldn't have cared if any of them died, they we're barely note worthy in many respects. Many of the villians we're quite that great, like the twins. (Which I thought ended up being one of the low points. You could have replaced them with agents in the chase scene, and no one would have cared they were'nt in the movie.) Agent Smith barely shows up, to make up for that we have hundreds of his copies running around, but they all obviously took a luch break or something because they vanish for the next hour or so. The dialogue was heavy handed, and sometimes didn't come across very well. For Instance, Morphesis' (sp?) speech during the bloated and boring beginning is hammy, and doesn't serve much more of a purpose other than to take up a bit too much time. The love scene and the rave/dance scenes could have been dropped altogther, and I think they should have. ('Tommorow we might all die, but tonight we're gonna party like its 1999 dudes!') Ugh. The chase scene was well done, and about the best scene in the movie, I thought. (Except for Neo flying, which just seems to be part of the movie for it's coolness factor this time out. Last time, at the end of the first movie, It served the purpose of Neo finally casting off the 'limitations' of the Matrix. This time... it's his 'Superman Thing', and doesn't serve much more of a purpose than to get him from point A to Point B.) Some of the scenes we're cut together oddly, and seemed to throw off my 'timing' a couple times. There was a bit too much of a back and forth feel between some scenes, which killed the suspense for me sometimes. I think they would have been better if they had been allowed to develop indendently. I also felt that while I knew there was going to be a cliffhanger at the end, that the movie left too much unexplained, didn't have the greatest conclusion, and didn't leave me going "I can't wiat for the next one!" at all. I shouldn't have to wait for the next installment to figure out half the stuff in this movie. The movie was pretty decent, despite it's flaws, but no where as good as the Original as I thought it would be.
Rating:  Summary: Uploaded is great Review: This movie was great. Car chases, fights, more of Zion, and romance. What else could you want? A lot of people have not liked the sequel to The Matrix and their single reason is because they believe it doesn't live up to the first part. Obviously, Uploaded is not going to be like the first part. In the fist part we realized what the Matrix was and that whole plot just drew viewers in more into the story. Uploaded is the sequel, which means that since you already know what the Matrix is and that Neo is the one, you are obviosly going to get a whole different plot. Some people have been really simple minded regarding Uploaded. The Matrix Series is divided into three parts. Matrix being the beginning, Uploaded being the Middle, and Revolutions being the conclusion. In my opinion Uploaded was the hardest movie to make because the plot was already set on the first part and it has no end. If you can't understand that, then don't go see it. I personaly loved it. I was skeptical at fist about Uploaded, but it will just blow you away. The 15 minute car chase was one of the best car chase scenes I have ever seen. The special effects used are just amazing. The dialogue in the movie is just fine. A reviewer said that the dialogue confuses you. Well, then that person either didn't know English or wasn't paying attention. The dialogue is suspenceful and that's why sometimes it confuses you, but it's just fine. If you understood what the Oracle said in the first movie then you surely will understand what she tells Neo in this one. You don't have to be a genious or a Sci Fi movie freak to understand. The ending. Well, the ending will just leave you speechless. You will find out that what you thought the Matrix was isn't really and Neo will have to make a VERY important choice that will mark the beginning of Revolution and will set the plot for the last part. I won't spoil it for you. One of my favorite parts is when Neo, Trinity and Morpheus go get the keymaker and Persephone, which is a part of the Matrix that had feelings once, but now doesn't, asks Neo for a kiss. That surely got a reaction from Trinity. The movie is packed with action and heart stopping thrills. Just go ahead and see it and then judge it yourself. I assure you, you won't be dissapointed
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie--do not go in expecting the Matrix--it is new Review: This movie is not the Matrix it is a totally different movie with a different purpose. It tells the story of Zion, the Orasle, The exiles, the French dude, the One, the deep stroy of the Matrix, love, the true, raw and passionate reality of humanity, mutation, stealth infultration and it sets up the battle for Zion and the existence of the human race. The role of this film is much more demanding than the first and it will lead to a more concentrated, action packed and explanatory (the tie up of the full story) finale in Revolution. You must see this movie at least two times to start to get what the brothers are trying to do. Listen to the Oracle and notice background activity, scenes and people. REMEMBER The Hours-with Kidman-Streep and etc? That was a thinker and you really need to know of Virginia Wolfe and to see the movie more than once. Matrix Reloaded is the same, except you will really want to see this one again--The Hours--NO! The effects and fight scenes are amazing. You forget that Reeves is not a true martial artist. Also remember--This is Larry and Andy's story-their comic book epic. They only slightly care what you think. They just want to play out the vision and complexity of the story they have written in the most telling, vivid and illustriative manner. That is why the-lack of fame, privacy, and etc. of the brothers. They want this to be their story and no one elses. ENJOY the second installment of their master accomplishment.
Rating:  Summary: The First Matrix Stands Alone Review: This sequel is dreadful. From the acting (blank Keanu to grossly hammy Laurence Fishburne) to the writing (stealing from all existing messiah fiction and star wars, uninteresting supporting characters) to the rave scene (a little goes a long way. who edited this?)to the neverending loud action sequences. I am disappointed. I rewatched the first one. The ending, in which Keanu flies away, is all the information I need to deduce that mankind will be saved. I didn't need this headache of a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Mild, pedestrian Beginning Review: The film didn't get interesting for me until the Oracle showed up and, ironic, gave a performance as a program that was more human than any other 'human' actor in the movie. Anyway, it was just one line about how devils, werewolves and aliens are real in the matrix. I felt a great deal of disconnection with the fight sequences. They have obvious cgi that is filmed largely in close-up (there's nothing more boring than a cg fight). The action sequences started getting fun in the Keymaker's Mansion. Then, the highway scene. 'The Twins' barely seemed to do anything. Actually, most characters are cardboard cut-outs with very cold, empty delivery. My favorite scene was easily when Link was saying goodbye to his cardboard cut-out girlfriend. Man, I can't wait to see that again! It went on for minutes, but I think I still missed some stuff. Seriously, I think if I paid to see this again, I would have more fun playing around in the lobby than viewing the first hour again. Lord, it was painful. I will never waste another second of my life seeing that again. Though they couldn't get around the council exposition stuff, it could have been halfway interesting. You often ask yourself, am I supposed to feel something now? Am I supposed to ponder the meaning of this overly pretentious dialogue? Am I supposed to care about the humans, Trinity, or Zion? I don't, and the movie sped by like that. It's not that expectations were too high, it's that this movie isn't all that good. I ended up preferring X2 way more (despite hating that film's ending)! The movie tries to contain humanity in the midst of destruction, but FAILS widely. I'm not going to be an apologist for the Wachowskis...
Rating:  Summary: unbelievable Review: i normally don't want to know anything about a film before i see it, but i couldn't help sneaking peeks at what reviewers were saying about The Matrix: Reloaded. when i read most of the reviews, i kept seeing it said that there was no depth, and none of the intelligence that the first film had. i kept seeing phrases like "CGI fest" and "mindless action". so, i was a little worried before i went to see it. if any of you are worried too, then worry no more. the action and FX are top notch, make no mistake. in fact, on more than one occasion the entire theater was left completely breathless watching some of the most exciting combat ever filmed... but, you will also find your brain popping trying to keep up with all the technical aspects of the story that are being revealed.. especially in one key scene at the end, when the revelations are coming faster than you can assimilate them. i can easily see how some people could get lost in it all.. it really does move pretty fast, but to say that it isn't there is silly. i don't want to give too much away, but if you're planning on seeing this movie, plan on paying close attention to the dialogue.. especially from some of the new characters. there are very few lines that are wasted (maybe a few that are a bit contrived, but i wouldn't say wasted). if you talk during this one, you may miss the entire set-up for the next film, and leave the theater wondering just what happened. and if, by some chance, you do get lost in all the psycho-babble and technical jargon.. please don't be afraid to admit that you were confused, and don't say there was no depth to this mind bending installment in what is shaping up to be one of the best series of films ever made. this film may not be entirely original in its ideas and philosophies.. but it certainly knows what it is trying to do. and it does it effortlessly.. it's so close to perfect that it makes the flaws in the original Matrix film stand out, and i don't know if i'll be able to watch that first film quite the same way again. but with this film, and the third film coming soon, i won't care, and i bet you won't either.
Rating:  Summary: Keanu is a gifted actor but,,,,,, Review: I knew Keanu before he gave up live theatre to make these stupid matrix films. I'm sure money has alot to do with it and i'm hoping that he's only in these films for the money and not for his acting ability.I will not feel affended if someone tells me what the big deal is with special effects. Why do people see this stuff that is computer generated. Has the american public gotten so stupid that they have to rely on special effects for entertainment vs good acting?I give Keanu 5 stars because i do know what a good, wonderful and gifted actor that he really is and hope someday that he returns to his roots of the stage. The movie itself is horrible. They should have named this film "What i can do with my computer." or "The public is so stupid that they can't follow the plot of a real movie so lets give them special effects."Sorry folks,,,,this film stinks!!!!!
Rating:  Summary: What is The Matrix Reloaded? Review: **SPOILER FREE REVIEW** The Rabbit hole is really...deep here people, I gotta tell ya. Never would I have imagined how surprising a twist could be. I thought I had seen and heard it all until now. Very few movies can truly shock me with any kind of an ending, so many are cliche and done to death. The Matrix Reloaded does something that lacked in The Two Towers, it left you with an ending that is as surprising as finding out Darth Vader was Luke Skywalkers father. Don't let anyone ruin this for you, see it for yourself, it's pure brilliance. With that said, I have to say the plot was the best part of the movie. Every ounce of dialogue and every plot turning point was done with extreme care and is extremely fascinating to watch. (Although a bit over complicated and dragged out at times)This completley outshines the pretty underwhelming and almost [weak] actions scenes. The Agent Smith Bruly Brawl scene would have been better had they left it as a surprise, lets face it, what you see in the commercials is what you get on film, no surprises here. The film has lost it's sense of danger (until the end of course) Neo is invincible so we no longer worry when he's taking on an agent, it's rather amusing to see him kick arse, but theirs no tension or grittyness in the fights anymore. No more anime-like bashing into walls and blood spits. The Highway sequence is also not as grand as Mr. Joel Silver has been bragging about for months on end. Here is my point. They hyped up the action so much the audience is left dissapointed, the plot was not hyped at all, and was brilliant. I believe that with a better understanding of what to expect I can enjoy the fight scenes more now that I know it's not the second coming of Christ or whatever. It's only a movie folks, so go into expecting just a movie. The over-hyped Wachowskies truly know what kind of story they are telling, and that is why I loved The Matrix Reloaded. Unlike the New Star Wars Trilogy we have a sense that these directors KNOW what their doing and where they are going. That their is in fact a point to everything that is going on. It's Sci-Fi at it's best. I have discussed this movie endlessly with friends and you can dissect it so many different ways. It's frustrating, but in a good way, because their seem to be so many possibilities that can now go into the next film. Their are MANY (emphasizing many)questions that must be answered, and I know they will be as satisfying as they were to ponder after seeing this movie. Thank Goodness REVOLUTIONS is only a few months away. After viewing reloaded I truly know why it's title is so, and Revolutions will truly be the uprising we never expected. This one is gonna surprise you, just remember it's only a movie, give it a break. It's NO (I repeat, NO) Phantom Menace. Go and Seek Answers.
Rating:  Summary: Trash!!!!!! Review: I can't believe that this noisy mess is treated like anything except the worthless nonsense that it is. I'm astounded at the decaying standards of movies made in the usa. ZERO STARS