Rating:  Summary: about this movie matrix reloaded Review: Those whom like lots of action in a movie will enjoy this and for those whom are looking for good story, can really forget about watching this movie. Overall rating for this action packed movie is four star.
Rating:  Summary: Continuity? Review: Ok, I've mulled it over, talked it over, here's my opinion....The Matrix: Reloaded is sub-par in every department. It has very little visual continuity withthe original, the story is not as tight, many scenes (the lovescenes in particular) areextremely cliche, some dialogue and acting is absolutely terrible,and the producer / studio /directors (?) gaveway to product placement instead of maintainingartistic integrity. Ok, here it goes... The prodcution design and art direction of the original was incredible. There was a contrastbetween retro technologies (rotary phones, classic cadillacs,etc.) and the themes of theMatrix, the lighting and cinematography was breathtaking, and thespecial effects wereappropriate (and mind boggling). Reloaded retains very little of this. The suicide-doors caddy gave way to Escalades, CTSs,Audis and Ducattis. Sleek clean cell phones became chuncky [bad ones]. Electrodes tookplace of accupuncture. Scenes were brighter, cleaner and didn't retainthe lighting, color ormood of the original. The special effects, in may cases, were terrible. In the original instead of resorting tocomplete digital scenes they made the effort to use the actors andcompliment the scene withdigital environments and effects (the way they did this wasrevolutionary). In Reloaded, manyof the fight scenes were totally digital. Thedigital body doubles were terrible and took awayfrom the mood and focus. The original had a very tight and original story. Nothing about the original was cliche.Reloaded's script is filled with holes, eye candy and inconsistency. The story built up aroundan oncoming seige of Zion. At the end, suddenly the seige wasover??? Why did they spendso much time on the gate scene when Morpheus's ship returned todock if this was notforshadowing something. What was the deal showing all the machinery andprotection of thegates? If Zion was not a "character" in the movie, these scenesshould have been cut. Lovescenes were too abrupt, too cliched (i.e. the elevator groping,saving Trinity, etc.). The scriptgave way to Kung Fu instead of character and story development. And what's the deal withNeo in the end? Being able to control the Matrix, which is aprogram, is acceptable, butshooting lightening from his finger-tips and stopping squiddiesbreaks any suspension ofdisbelief. Finally, I was sick of seeing logos (mainly of the cars). Most people had no idea the blacksedan in the original film was a Cadillac. Nobody got out of Reloadedwith out seeing theCaddie logo a hundred times, or the Audi logo (the emphasis ofthe shot when the Agentsdrive up), or the Ducatti. Anyway, it was "ok", a 3 out of 5 stars, but it definitely is not an academy award winningstunner. I don't know, what do you think, honestly? JAB* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ok, I saw the film a second time and, although I have more respect for the film, I'm holding to my original posting. The film either flies through long action scenes or looses itself in philosophy. There are how many 'deep' philosophical scenes? Neo and the Counselor, Neo and the Oracle, Neo and Smith, the French program... I'm missing a few here. This is a film, instead of burying us in its philosophy it should show us. The philosophy should come out in the story. It can't happen the other way around.
Rating:  Summary: What a huge disappointment Review: This movie was a mistake almost from beginning to end. The only redeeming scene was the freeway chase, and even this had flaws. The special effects were spotty and the blend of CGI and live action was WAY too obvious. Zion looked like a ghetto and almost all the white men in the movie are evil. This is politically correct garbage and a totally unoriginal story. I have no interest in seeing Revolutions and I know where the story is going anyway.
Rating:  Summary: Don't even pretend to like this movie. Review: This movie is not worth your time. I can't remember the last time I was so completely disappointed in myself for falling for big budget release hype, but I am a complete fool for falling into line behind the $93 million dollar others for opening weekend. I still can't figure out who the real victims of The Matrix are, the human batteries in the movie or the fools in line outside the megaplex. I have never been so upset at a movie; when "The Matrix Reloaded" concluded I was yelling at the screen such phrases as "What the hell was that?" and "I'm so tired of seeing bad movies!" This movie suffers from "lets bleed the audience for all they're worth" syndrome. There is nothing good about this movie; honestly. Granted, the first one wasn't very good either, which I was practically crucified for saying. Other than the last 20 minutes of action in the first Matrix it was just a boring copy of The Terminator. It's first sequel (which it is a sequel and not a continuation) has some sloppy story that is either weakened by the cheesy dialogue or muddled by the overly complex X-Files like double speak that tries to avert the audience's attention from the fact that they've written themselves into a corner. Remember how music played out as a character in the first film? Yeah, well that isn't here in the second movie. Additionally, the new characters, if they can be called that, have absolutely no development and I really didn't care if anyone lives or died. The issue of living and dying brings me to another point: why did this movie get an "R" rating? There was no violence! Violence involves blood, and lots of it! There was no blood, just long, drawn out meandering fight scenes. I'm sorry, but I need blood and gore for decent action and to allow a film an "R" rating. I've seen bloodier episodes of "ER" in syndication. Without any blood, the action scenes in "The Matrix Reloaded" just seem like elaborate "Three Stooges" sequences. Call me old fashioned, but I don't want grace and elegance when I'm watching people beat the living ... out of one another for their very lives. I'd go and read Shakespeare if I wanted that. You're going to go see this movie despite my warnings. You can't help it. Everyone you know will tell you how cool it was and how awesome the fights scenes are, but you should think for yourself regardless of whether you see this movie or not. I didn't like it. All I can recommend you do is like it or don't like it because that's how you feel, not because every thinks they should like it. And you want to know the worst part about all this? I know I'll end up in the megaplex in November to see how this whole dumb thing ends. PS - stay until the credits end and there's a teaser trailer for "The Matrix Revolutions."
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Reloads the Action! Review: There's no way to prepare yourself to enter the Matrix: Reloaded. Everything you thought you knew about the Matrix was wrong. Agents have been upgraded, Smith has been freed, and the Oracle is just another program controlled by the machines. Get ready for non-stop action, intrigue, and more mind-blowing philosophy. Stunts and action scenes are even better than the first movie, yet the plot and characters are the main concentration of the second installment. The first half-hour or so is somewhat slow and disappointing, but necessary to give you the look and feel of Zion. Once the crew heads out to face the onslaught of machines, though, you get that old school Matrix quality. Best movie of the year, at least as good as the first movie (though I won't say it's better, it's definitely just as good.) Get out and see this one in theaters while you can!
Rating:  Summary: BEST MOVIE I'VE EVER SEEN Review: I thought this was the most exciting movie I have ever seen. My wife thought it was boring, but I think it's because she did not understand it at all. The Matrix Reloaded is definitely now my favorite movie of all times. X-Men 2 and all of the Star Wars movies are absolutely nothing in comparison to the Matrix and Matrix Reloaded! I usually don't spend time to write any reviews although I see about 2 movies per week, but I just feel like I had to say how awesome the Matrix Reloaded is! I mean most of the time I feel really disappointed in movies that I have high expectations for--like SW Episode 1 & 2, X-2, Fellowshiop of the Ring, etc. But Matrix Reloaded went way above even my extremely high expectations. I will definitely want to see this movie again at the theaters, hopefully in I-Max format when it is released in June.
Rating:  Summary: The endless fight scene. Review: The second movie in the Matrix series is rather disappointing. After the inital euphorea of seeing a new movie wore off, I really had to try and remember the plot. That should not be. Were as the original Matrix was one long story with some very cool fight scenes put here and there, this installment was just the opposite; one long fight scene with a dash of (well written) story here and there. I only hope that the third version balances that equation a little better.
Rating:  Summary: Meaningless eye candy for the videogame generation Review: I wasn't terribly impressed with the first movie (I never understood why it got the cult status it did), but it was entertaining and I could appreciate its (technical) novelty. The Matrix Reloaded, on the other hand, is nothing but garbage. The story line is razor-thin and seems to move from one isn't-this-cool-looking fight scene to the next (just how many multi-angle, slow-mo martial arts fight scenes can we take?). Characters and events just pop up out of nowhere and disappear into nowhere (they're nothing but setups for more fights). There are scenes that serve no purpose whatsoever (why on earth is there a five-minute "rave party" scene in Zion interspersed with a completely unconvincing love scene between Neo and Trinity?). Also, the in-your-face special effects--which, at times, look completely unconvincing--don't support and enhance the story line (like they should), they simply *are* the movie. Strip the SFX and you're left with nothing--no story, no character development, no nothing, regardless of the pseudo-profoundness and fake philosophy (being vague is not the same as being profound!). If you're an eighth-grader that's heavily into shoot-'m-up video games, you will probably like this monster, otherwise stay away and don't waste your time.
Rating:  Summary: Lots of action and plot intrigue Review: I liked the first movie a lot, in fact I liked it a bit more than this one. But, I went to the first one without knowing anything about it while I saw this one after reading numerous reviews, spoilers, and seeing all the previews and that spoiled a little of the movie for me. Just like the first one, this one opens with a nice action sequence and has several good action scenes spaced throughout the movie. Although these scenes are more elaborate than in the first movie, I don't think they are necessarily better. In fact, they seemed less suspensful because I never felt that any of the good guys were ever in danger. But to be honest, this is probably due to all the spoilers I read. I actually enjoyed the non action scenes more in this movie. They fed you a little more information about the matrix and introduced more players, but at the same time created more questions that kept my mind occupied throughout the movie. There have been mixed reviews of this movie and if you did not like the first one then don't bother with this one. But if you liked the first one, then you owe it to yourself to see this one. I think a lot of the negativity surrounding this movie is just knee-jerk reaction to a big budget juggernaut. This is a big budget movie and it has the look and feel of a quality, well made movie with state-of-the-art special effects. Anyone who says this is a poor movie is not being honest. If you want an example of a truly poor movie, just look at any of the Friday the 13th/Halloween/Nightmare on Elm St. sequels. This movie is less self contained than the first, so it will leave you eagerly awaiting the third installment coming this fall.
Rating:  Summary: Had a lot to live up to, but it succeeded... Review: The Matrix reloaded was a good follow-up to an excellent storyline. Although I can't believe that people are actually taking the elements in this story to be actually seriously, the story is very compelling and thoughtful. However, don't expect the same thing you got from the first one as they were introducing you to the "Matrix" world. This movie already assumes you know everything about the first one. It would be a good idea to look at the first one before going to see this one because I forgot a ton of things that happened in the first one and ended up being a little misled by my own thinking while watching it. I loved the fight scenes and the twists and turns in the plot. There were a few things that seemed a little out of place such as the Zion dancing scene. And the only reason I can think of them showing the Neo/Trinity scene was to try to set things up with a possible baby for another Matrix type movie after this third one is released in November. I can see it now.... Neo's son must save the world again after the Matrix has regained control or Neo's daughter must pick up where her daddy left off trying to destroy the Matrix. Who knows? All we know is that Larry and Andy have anything but ordinary ideas and this will no doubt be played out. This is one of my favorite movies of all time because any movie that has you thinking about endless possibilities has done it's job.