Rating:  Summary: Fighting... Review: Yesterday, I went to see The Matrix Reloaded, the sequel to The Matrix. With seemingly impossible special effects and an engaging plot, The Matrix developed quite a fan base as soon as it was released. Now, finally, the highly anticipated sequel has been released. Sadly, the new movie is lacking in plot, has multiple inconsistencies, and, though it has some astonishing special effects, includes lengthy and repetitive fight scenes. Though it lacks intelligence, though, it is still entertaining, and I would suggest it to anyone who would want to have a fun time. In the first movie, we learn about what the Matrix is and follow the hero, Neo, as he finds his own powers there. However, this was accompanied by some of the greatest special effects and fight scenes anyone had ever seen before. The combination of a thought-provoking plot and breathtaking cinematography and effects provided a thoroughly entertaining film. In the second film, however, much has changed. Most of the movie is made up of fight scenes, and while watching physics-defying battles between superheroes and villains is interesting for a time, it gets boring, especially when none of these fights actually resolve anything. Even worse, the scenes that aren't fights are corny and predictable. The love between Trinity and Neo expands in the sequel, which is not a good thing. Love scenes are often the worst in a movie, and this was no exception. Corny, simpering looks and kisses passing from Neo to Trinity annoy me--it's sad because Trinity is such a fantastic female hero, and yet the directors still felt like part of her role had to be being Neo's jealous girl. Speaking of primitive ideas, we finally get to see Zion, the rebel city against the robots. It's no great joy, though, because one of the worst scenes in the movie takes place here. First, we see men in togas and robes banging on gongs and lighting torches, giving war-speeches to a crowd of Zionians in a cave. This is after we've seen the awe-inspiring technology and machines of the city. Then, to make matters worse, everyone begins a dance, and we see (surprise!) a sex scene between Neo and Trinity. If you enjoy special effects, though, you should probably see this movie. For anyone who doesn't know, preparations for this movie involved building a 1.6 mile long stretch of highway for a chase scene. Another scene involves Neo fighting a crowd of about 400 agent Smiths. Numerous times, the watcher finds themself wondering "How did they do that?" This movie is basically nothing but a long string of fight scenes that are chock-full of special effects, interspersed with corny love and/or barbarian ceremony scenes, mixed in with a little discussion about fate and free will. Now then, after I've said everything bad about this movie, I still am glad that I saw it. I'm glad that I got to experience the fantastically choreographed fights and the physics-defying special effects. Though it wasn't a great movie, it was entertaining throughout.
Rating:  Summary: Go Deeper Into the Rabbit Hole.... Review: Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity return in "The Matrix Reloaded", as the war against the machines nears it's end. This time out, they must rescue the mysterious "Keymaker" from the clutches of "The Merovingian"; The Keymaker is their only hope for unlocking the secrets of The Matrix before the machines can dig their way down to Zion, the last stronghold of Humanity, and wipe out the last pockets of resistance. Reloaded takes the basic premise of the original and, in Spinal Tap lingo, turns it up to 11. Everything is bigger and better: The effects, the action, the kung-fu, and even the underlying plot itself. The film has a ton of nifty twists and turns, including a revelation about the nature of "The One" that would probably be jaw-dropping, if I actually understood just what the revelation WAS. (The dialogue between Neo and "The Architect" was WAY too 'techy and long, and the gibberish and double-talk made things more confusing than they needed to be.) It was great to see Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving) back, especially considering the fact that there are now HUNDREDS of him. The Wachowski Brothers introduce a lot of new characters and concepts, including a pair of ghostly twins, and even manage to work Vampires into the Matrix mix. The fights are mind-boggling, ranging from Neo's battle against hundreds of Agent Smiths to a freeway free-for-all. The effects look a little too computery in places, especially in the aforementioned Neo/Smith battle, but it didn't bother me too much, considering how The Matrix IS a computer world.... If you're counting the days until The Matrix: Revolution, be sure to stick around until after the credits to see the trailer. I don't know if I can wait six months to see how it all turns out!
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Reloaded Review: Since nearly everyone saw the first film and most people loved it, the long-awaited sequel is finally here. There is so much to live up to when making this kind of a sequel, but the Wachowski Brothers definetely know what they're doing. In the second movie, there is action. Lots. After the first film was released, everyone copied off of the "bullet time". The Wachowskis weren't happy with this, so, for the second film, they spent well over 100 million dollars, making sure no one could even come close to copying the best effects in the movie. My favorite scene was probably the 14 minute car chase/kung-fu on top of a moving tractor trailer. There was a regular car chase, then a motorcycle chase, and then some kung-fu. You must see this movie. In my personal opinion, the first movie was an 11 on a scale of 1-10, and this one is a 9.5.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing in light of the first movie Review: This film does less than the first in terms of freshness and obviously originality. It seems like the W brothers just didn't really know the right direction to take this movie in. The effects are incredible, however. The problem lies in the plot, which tries to pack too much in. It doesn't flow as you would expect a movie of its calliber to do.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix Reloaded Review: Neo,Trinity and Morpheus are back -- faster, smarter, tougher and cooler than ever in those slick clothes and mirrored shades. Some will say there was too much violence. Too many crashing cars. That the music was too loud. Others may complain that the philosophy slowed down the pace. For the rest of us, this movie (in current slang) ROCKS. The action is non-stop full-throttle. The fight scenes are amazing and even, sometimes, breath-takingly beautiful in the sheer perfection of the choreography and 360 degree filming techniques. I've heard some people say the Brothers were perversely determined to beat hell out of the first movie in these new fight sequences, but all I can say is, WOW. The sets are top quality (I liked the Carlsbad Caverns of Zion), the stunt men/women (and pyrotechnicians)must have loved every minute, and the soundtrack roars down the road like semi tractors in the freeway scene. Neo himself is more confident as to his growing powers within the Matrix, but remains humble and even vulnerable. He fears for Trinity and that fear makes him human. The love story, while central to the plot, is sparingly portrayed. Tender moments are few. Probably best, as maudlin scenes would have dragged the film's pace and would have been inconsistent with the personalities of the characters. If their stoic determination and strength is the heart of the movie, the soul must be the idea that we are the result of our choices...and that "the greatest of these, is love." (I Corinthians). I can't wait till November 15th. . .
Rating:  Summary: Almost as Good as the First Review: This movie was very differnt from the first so it was hard to say it was better or worse...but different. The obivious similarities were the Principal charater return in their roles. I found Morpeheus to be a be more of a politatician/Cheer Leader rather than the All-wise and All-cool guy he was in the first movie. Neo was certainly all powerful, but still uncertain about his status. All he did was bet the stuffing out everthing that got in his way. Trinity was as cool as ever. Probably the most consistent of all the characters. "Smith" was as cool as always. The fight scenes and the car chase absolutely wore me out. It was totally thrilling. I found myself moving in the seats going with the flow of the scene itself. If I had to "pick" at anything, then it would be the scenes when we first saw ZION. I found it to be a bit long and frankly I didn't expect the Zion folks to be as advanced or as numerous. I'll have to see it a time or two in order to take it all in. I hope to make it up to Atlanta when it is released in IMAX format. Free your mind.
Rating:  Summary: Could Have Had More Meat In It! All VIsual! Review: MATRIX RELOADED is the kind of film that is for the fanatic or the action fiend. The movie is filled with unusual choreographed fight sequences, a freeway chase like none I have seen before and an unusual ending that may disappoint those who didn't realize there is a third one on its way. The movie has some redeeming visual effects and really high concept imagery. It is great to look at and amazing for its technicality, but it falls short in the most important aspect for me of every movie I see - the story. The story is about cause and effect. The story is about action reaction. I don't know what it was really about. The film was very highbrow, very metaphysical in tone and demeanor. The movie was also extremely dark and almost boring in parts and extremely preachy. Andy Wachowski and Larry Wachowski (The Matrix) wrote and directed this sequel. Their vision can be applauded but their execution is way to dramatic for this film. Preachy is the only word that describes this best. The cast is back and the best sequence is agent Smith played by Hugo Weaving (Lord of the Rings, Babe) is duplicated by 50 and attacks Neo - played by Keanu Reeve (Speed, Parenthood) in a very detailed and visually impressive fight sequence. They also try a sentimental side with the passionate love sequences between Neo and Carrie-Ann Moss (Momento, Chocolat, The Red Planet) as Trinity. What really dragged it down for me were all the speeches and expositions that Lawrence Fishburne (Othello, Event Horizon) as Morpheus gave. Long and extremely drawn out - very "religious" in tone. I did love the fight sequences, car chase, martial arts fighting and effects, but it's not something that would draw me back. X-Men 2 had more of a story than this one. Let me know what you think. 5-19-03
Rating:  Summary: Great, but could be better Review: this is a great movie in most aspects. it has great effects, wonderful acting, and probably the most complex plot ever written. however, i believe the producers should have shown a little more discretion when filming the love scene between Neo and Trinity. i know this movie is rated R, but some thing should not be shown to the general public. there are other ways to show the depth of a relationship without getting obscene.
Rating:  Summary: Choices... Review: The Matrix caused a revolution 4 years ago when it first came out, and a large crowd has been anticipating this movie ever since. That means the makers had great expectations to live up to. Would The Matrix Reloaded live up to these? In my opinion, it did. Granted, it's not as original as it's predecessor, both technologically, as well as in storyline, but the same stuff we loved about the first movie is repeated in this one. Stunning action, amazing special effects, and a story that calls out to the viewer to not just take this as another dumb action flick, but to think about certain aspects in life. The viewer can't help but wonder, and is left with a nagging feeling that makes sure he'll review the movie in his head for quite some time after leaving the cinema. The story picks up a while after the first movie. The machines have upgraded parts of the Matrix, making it harder for Neo and the rest of the crew to survive in there. At the same time, they're setting off a major army of sentinels, whose sole purpose it is to destroy the underground city of Zion. Apart from old friends (Morhpeus, Trinity, and the Oracle), and a bunch of old enemies (Agent Smith, Agent Smith, and a couple of dozen more Agent Smiths), a bunch of new characters are introduced. One of these, Niobe, is an ex of Morpheus, who is currently dating Zion's commander. This of course creates the neccessary friction between the two. While commander Lock wants to keep Zion's defense maximised, Morpheus believes the Oracle should be contacted, to increase the odds of finding a way to prevent Zion's destruction. As in the first movie, the fights are quite well choreographed, and brilliantly filmed. The same techniques are used, but not in a way that makes you think you saw all this before. One scene (a dancing scene in Zion) lasted a bit too long for my liking, and slows down the movie a bit, but this is made up by the rest of the action scenes which are bound to keep you at the edge of your seat all through the whole flick. While (in my honest opinion), Keanu Reeves isn't the greatest actor when it comes to dialougue, he has most definatly grown. Hugo Weaving again shows excellent performance as Agent Smith, and Laurence Fishburn is great as always. One tip for Matrix lovers. Sit out the credits. After these, a trailer for the third Matrix movie (The Matrix Revolution) is shown.
Rating:  Summary: AWESOME. Review: Seeing the first Matrix simply blew me away. They made it look so real and kept me interested the ENTIRE film. Choosing Keanu Reeves as the main character was also a major plus. He's this sexy guy who knows how to act. I had been waiting forever for the second show to be released when it finally came, I went out and saw it, and was stunned. It was so great!! It started out slow, but when later got into the more fighting/battle scenes, I wanted to scream for joy it was so great!! I can't wait for the third one for this trilogy i guarantee will be the greatest of all time.