Rating:  Summary: Cult Classic Review: The Matrix is one of the best movies I have ever seen. It is good that the Brothers put in Special Effects to satisfy all the Teenagers out there, but that is the icing on the cake. The Matrix series is a great metaphor. Anyone who knows about Gnostic philosophy and Buddhism understand what a great movie this is. It's the genius subtleness and the incredible plot which makes this great. For example, Morpheus quotes king Nebuchanezzer various times in the movie. Pay attention to the numbet of doors such as 101 and 303. What about Choi and De Jour's name (note that I'm using the first Matrix as not to give away the plot)? Or even when they scan around inside the Nebuchanezzer ship, the Mark III 11 on the seal stands for Mark 3:11 in the bible. The Matrix and the Matrix Reloaded creates what books do in a movie. It delivers a message through subtle details which makes a person proud to have found it's true message.Things to look for in Reloaded: ------------------------------ The name of the Frenchman. What Zion symbolizes. How many Ones there were. That's it since I don't want to give too much away.
Rating:  Summary: RELOAD Review: I see Alot of dissapiontment as i look threw the reviews and i can't say i wasn't disapionted, but the fact is i hyped myself up to much i expected to find out everything i wanted to know any shread of knowledge of the matrix that i could use. The fact was i forgot and i think we all forgot the one thing There is still a final film. the trick about trilogys is to not spill the beans to early. Usually the sequels of somefilms are like wow thats really cool and u learn diffrent things and cool stuff and they cram ... in there with only a thought of another sequel in the back of there mind. take star wars for example. star wars came out and it was a masterpiece empire came out and you were like hmmm i'm so confused He's his father it was still pretty cool and a masterpiece then RETURN OF THE JEDI every one loved cause they told u everything, it was great and wonderful. An even better example is Alien 3 when it came out u where like that was one of the stupidest movies i ever saw the alien 4 came out and it was awsome then u kinda began to like the third one. The point i'm getting to is reloaded is like the middle of a very long movie that doesn't tell u much but just keeps u in there. i'm sure revolutions well be ten times as impressive ( I HOPE) Reloaded was even more like an anime movie than the first and i know thats what the wachowskie bro's wanted because there big fans of that. The action was very great and the burly brawl was amazing. All in all the matrix was a good summer movie with tons of action. i'm sure i will have to see it another time to truly apreciate it. if u wish to see reloaded i recomend seein the first one before u go. don't go to see it jus to see what all the hype is about cause you'll only end up even more disapointed. so take this as a warning don't get to hyped up we still got another matrix to bring all the answers. dont get disapointed either all the stuff u found useless maybe have connections in revolutions. the wachowskie brothers are like fans given the chance to make a big movie i have faith in them and revolutions. so basically go reload P.S. Some Of the stuff u were confused in the movie about i suggest to maybe rent the enter the matrix game, it was directed by the wachowskie bros and is just like another matrix movie with the backstory of reloaded following Niobe its very cool.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing special Review: The long awaited sequel of The Matrix has at last hit the silver screens. With great enthusiasm and expectation I had gone to the movie, but came back with a big disappointment. Story - neither complicated as the former one nor philosophical. At some situations, the director tried to include some philosophy explaining choice, destiny etc. but the explanation makes the movie still boring. Special effects - as amazing as the previous one but may be we are used to slow motion shots - it is no more exciting. Technology - nothing novel but for the Agent replication. Although the motorcycle race is taken stunningly, it is nothing special on a movie of Matrix kind. May be my expectations have gone high! The architect of the Matrix says at one point that the Matrix is quite old - Yes it is true, it is 4 years after the first release :-) Not only that - Neo (Keanu Reaves), Trinity (Carrie-Anne Moss) and the Agent have grown old but for Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne). Alas, Trinity almost dies towards the end and I thought we will get another actress in the concluding part but she survives :-) To make the movie still long and boring, there are couple of scenes totally not required. Link meeting his family and Neo-Trinity romance. They do not add any value to the movie. We could see Zion in this movie but it never looks interesting and we feel like asking, for this only, all the trouble? On a whole, the movie is ok, but can never compete with the first part. Let us hope if we get a better concluding part, if not the best.
Rating:  Summary: The middle of the story... Review: One aspect that is amazing about the Matrix is how powerful it is to provoke debates and discussions. There are already more reviews online for any Matrix film than for most other movies in existence. And the cult status factor will increase exponentially with time. Everyone who has seen it has a strong opinion about Reloaded because this is the sort of thing you either love or hate. Personally, I enjoy reading all the reviews as it helps me find new layers to the story. The Matrix really makes people think and is not for those who want every plot line to be solved neatly at the end. Remember the impact that "bullet time" effect had on you the first time you saw it back in 1999? Since then, it has been copied ad nauseum in other movies (Charlie's Angels, Scary Movie, Shrek, need I say more?) which was bound to make it look somewhat outdated. And even though the first Matrix film was a once in a lifetime experience which could never be duplicated in terms of sheer surprise, this second part comes very close to knocking our senses with amazing special effects and a storyline expanding on the concepts established in the original. First, I would recommend to anyone who hasn't seen the first film to watch it carefully and more than once (watching "The Animatrix" shorts is also a good idea). If you don't, chances are you might get very confused. The Matrix movies are very complex to figure out with a lot of metaphysical, philosophical and even mythological undertones. Reloaded is actually the "middle" of the story without any recap of the previous film and ending with a "To Be Concluded" title which will lead us to the release of "Matrix Revolutions", the last part of the story coming out in November 2003. Some detractors of the movie seem to feel like the fight scenes went on for too long. Well, this is definitely a question of tastes but personally, I enjoyed every second of it. Also, a few critics stated that the dialogue in some of the scenes doesn't seem to make sense and is too pompous and contrived without a good storyline to keep it all together. This couldn't be further from the truth. The brothers conceived a brilliant story with many layers which was intended to be complex, encouraging repeated viewings. Once you watch any Matrix movie a couple of times, you'll start to make sense of all the mumbo jumbo and see that it all fit in together very well. By the way, I can't believe all the negative reviews this is getting and wish everybody would get it more but then again, I can understand why some would hate it. The action is somewhat slow to start and the movie can be considered quite long. Some scenes contain a lot of dialogue so complicated that it makes one scratch his head in disbelief. The story can indeed be confusing as it thrives on challenging the viewers to use their brains. I would suggest to listen very carefully at the dialogue and even then, most of it will probably fly over your head at first viewing. If you don't want to bother and just want to be entertained, you can always let the eye candy do their magic as there are enough special effects and action sequences here to satisfy anyone who is thirsty for it. The "Burly Brawl" where Neo fights one hundred copies of Agent Smith and the freeway chase scene are two outstanding examples. Which brings me to my final point. I actually hadn't gone to "the movies" in 10 years, since I much prefer to experience a film on DVD for obvious reasons. But I just HAD to see Reloaded. And as I was watching this amazing creation right in front of me, I couldn't help but remember everything I had seen about the making of the film where we got to watch all the hard work done by everyone involved in this project. The actors went through hell, training vigorously for many longs months to be in top shape for their roles and even risking their lives for the most dangerous stunts. Some critics might argue that we should only judge a movie from what we see on the screen. But for me, watching the actors go through the motions as their respective characters, I felt this sense of deep pride and admiration for everything they had to endure to create this amazing spectacle. I deeply respect everyone involved in the creation of this phenomenon and must admit it that by remembering all their efforts, I was enjoying the movie even more. In conclusion, don't let anyone discourage you from seeing it. This is a masterpiece that will be worshipped by future generations if you ask me but you should have the opportunity to form your own opinion. And trust me, you'll definitely have one.
Rating:  Summary: The Matrix was loaded with [garbage] Review: What a piece of junk. An obvious rush job to make money off the first movie. Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. Poor script. Poor lighting. Poor direction. Don't look for any of the flavor of the first movie in this dud. I enjoyed the first one enough to buy the DVD and VHS. But with Reloaded...let's just say there aren't enough aspirins to make me see it again. Where do I begin? First, the entire story was dumb. At times I got the feeling the writers were trying to make it so intellectual and abstract, that in the process they lost themselves. I can't say much without giving the story away, but you'll be saying "What the heck is this?" quite a few times. In one scene you have Lawrence Fishburne giving a pep talk to the troops. A stupid speech if you ask me, and not very motivational. And what do the troops do after he finishes his speech? If you say get ready for combat, you'd be wrong. They get down and shake their booties all night long. In between shots of bump grinding, you'd see scenes of Keanu and Moss doing the wild thing. So I'm thinking, if I were the evil robots I'd want to destroy them too. Great peek at the last remnants of society. And who the heck cast this movie? Satan? That female captain of the other ship was as convincing as Pee Wee Herman playing a Ninja. And to the ending. Sheer poop. This was as bad as Back to the Future 2, when you were told to sit back and wait for part 3. I positively detest incomplete movies. I didn't pay to see half a movie, but that's exactly what I got. Very tempted to ask for my money back. Final nail: the expression on the people in the audience. It was sort of like getting a pink slip on a Friday. If you gave me $50 and a sandwich, I could've burped out a better script. Ah, the good old days when movies actually had a story. Oh, yeah, the one star is for the effects.
Rating:  Summary: Wasted Money Review: This was a waste of money (even though we got matinee seats, we still had to get a sitter). It was not a complete waste of time, because we did want to at least see it once. That will almost certainly be the first and last time we see it. We saw Matrix 1 in theaters and many times on DVD (about 10 times so far, still counting). However, we do not plan to see Matrix 2 again, certainly not to buy it. There were many long, boring scenes, too much of a rehash of previous action, [love] scenes that were not needed (and rather long, even for people who might have enjoyed it) -- not being prudish, but some things are fitting and others are not (this seemed to be a desparation move, which is sad). The film tries to explain too much (as if the audience needed a "Matrix 2 for Dummies" version or something). Puhleeze! Even so, the plots are questionable, the explanations weak (but lengthy). The only thing that was not a turn-off for me was that the music was not too loud or over-bearing. At least someone had their head screwed on right. Although I have around 3000 movies, I am not sure if I will even bother seeing Matrix 3. This is yet another sequel that fails miserably.
Rating:  Summary: Eye Candy from two who sold out? Review: In the original film, "The Matrix", the Wachowski brothers produced a seminal work - beyond Film Noir, beyond the usual SciFi opera, beyond the action film and beyond an edgy dramatic thriller. Unfortunately, the Brothers W haven't done it a second time and "The Matrix Reloaded" falls far short. It is tremendous eye candy in terms of graphics, some of the CGI and some (but not all) of the action sequences. However, everything is merely a series evolutionary tweaks and extensions to techniques and designs in the first film. There is no "wow" factor in this work. If it wasn't for the breakaway nature of "The Matrix", then "The Matrix Reloaded" would be "good entertainment", suffering mainly from trite dialogue, ponderous editing (come on Brothers W, get yourselves a real editor and empower her/him to tighten up the bloat you are suffering from here) and overstating the obvious with repetitious monologues that remind one of enduring a never ending sermon on a too hot Sunday morning in a packed church whose air conditioning malfunctioned just to give the proceedings an increased "hot air" factor. The only questions on the table are: Did the Brothers W burn out their talent for creativity in film #1 and this time around relied on big budgets to try and fudge film #2 into an audience con game with some misplaced idea that people would actually think there is a actually "wow" factor hiding somewhere, or perhaps at least a "deeper meaning" meaning to it all? Or, did the Brothers W sell out to the W Brothers and surrender their creativity in favor of love scenes, comic relief and product placement (who'd have ever thought you could do product placement in the Matrix - but, I guess when The Matrix has you, it really has you and not even the Brothers W are immune)? One can always hope - and I certainly do - that, come this November, the third installment will bring together the threads of "The Matrix Reloaded" and fashion their memory into a film that delivers at least the tight mind-blowing experience that "The Matrix" brought to the screen, and, in so doing, redeems the Brothers W to resurrect them as the visionary and prophetic talents their PR agents profess them to be. If not, then they will have fallen to being merely profit-tic.
Rating:  Summary: Too Much Kung Foo Fighting Review: I loved the explosive beginning of this movie. I loved the colors, the sounds, the music Oh and the sexy sexy costumes. I want Trinity's pleather outfits! The best scenes took place at the beginning, The totally hypnotic dance and sex scene was beautiful and exciting. I wanted to take my husband home right then and there. But at this point I really wanted to see the whole movie. The next best scene was at the end when Neo met with the architect. I experienced a great "aha"! moment. Everything in-between? Lets me just admit it now. I actually dozed off. My husband woke me me up and I watched a little more, Made a trip to the bathroom, came back, asked him what time it was and mentally figured out when this kung foo exhibition would be over. Demographics show that guys in their 20's and 30's support the movie industry and I'm sure they just love all the action. I do too but not the same scene over and over and over again. The special effects become boring when they are over used like this. Oh one more thing. There is a phenomenal chase scene involving Trinity on a motor cycle that is not to be missed. -- Stop Global Whining
Rating:  Summary: The Best Movie This Year Review: This can probably become a hard movie to understand if you haven't seen the first Matrix but if you have seen it, this movie is a lot simpler than the first. The special effects are unbelievable and the fight scenes never stop. Go out and see this movie and go see it again because it's that good.
Rating:  Summary: Highs & Lows Review: I will be as frank and honest with this review as possible, realizing this will get me in trouble with a lot of people. There is much to enjoy about this movie, but you have to sit through an awful lot to get to it. When I went in, I had high expectations (I thoroughly enjoyed the Matrix). About halfway into the movie, I wondered what was going wrong; I could NOT get into it. Fortunately, much of the latter half of the movie redeemed itself. What was the problem? Here's where it fell apart for me: 1) Neo & Trinity were so overt in their "passion" for one another, it didn't feel like these were the same two people in the first movie. The first movie, their love was a discovery, and almost ended with a feeling of "and they lived happily ever after." I guess there's a reason why books that end that way typically do not have a sequel; the romance is in the build-up. 2) Zion was a complete disappointment. In the first movie, the fabled Zion was "humanity's last, best hope." Because you never saw it, you identified with it. It was your family, your friends, those you loved; they were struggling to survive. When you finally get there, wow, what a let-down. Let it burn. The best analogy I can think of was the original Jaws. You didn't see much of the shark because the shark was just not convincing; so use cut-aways and perspective shots that always leave the shark to the imagination...result: the only "monster flick" that is practically flawless because you identify with the people who "never saw it coming." 3) Not enough editing. Okay, I love DVDs and extra features, but this should have been trimmed. So much stuff in the beginning could have been cut and the last parts could have been much better. The way the final act of sabatoge was edited, with philosophizing, action cutaways, and discussions prior to the sequences taking place all mixed together resembled too much the previous dream sequences, making you wonder if these things were taking place or whether they were different problems they would actually face. Very confusing. That having been said, there are some things that are definitely worth watching for. The "phantom twins" are at times truly chilling, although the chill factor is diminished by a few moments of awkward humor (I like humor as much as the next person, but these particular baddies should not have had throw-away one-liners). Very interesting. Agent Smith turns up from time to time in unusual circumstances. Admittedly, the initial fight is too long. But he must have some part to play in part 3... In all, if you can pick up on the pieces of storyline along the way without getting worn out by all the philosophizing (and the excruciating Zion section), you should be able to enjoy this film, just as long as you allow that it is ultimately leading up to part 3.