Rating:  Summary: Excellent adventure! Review: Although it requires close attention and intelligence to decipher, this film has been artfully crafted and dramatically executed. I have had to defend it more than once, but once convinced to see it again those skeptics have all ultimately agreed with me. I think the primary issue is these negative critics are not getting the joke. The film, viewed with an appreciative audience is hysterically funny. Its not fun if you are the only one who laughs, but it is still funny, in a Buffy or Amelie sort of way. It still makes its point, nihilistically creating and then destroying ones faith. The fight scenes are anything but boring when you enjoy fight scenes. If fight scenes are not your thing, certainly The Matrix, Reloaded is not your movie. It is a Woo-Shoo film, and the trailers are filled with it. This movie is not as sterile as the first, there is sex, seduction and a gathering that devolves into an orgy of dance and muddy feet. Zion and its human population were quite central to the theme, as was the interdependence of the humans and machines. ...I highly recommend it for the real fans of the first movie, people who enjoy films that make them think, and Woo-Shoo fans everywhere. And remember, Morpheus always says the freeway is too dangerous.
Rating:  Summary: Much ado about nothing Review: This has got to be the WORST sequel I've ever seen (with the possible exception of Return to the future II), and this is why: The first Matrix movie had everything: mystery, spirit, originality of approach and technical bravado of new inventions that made it "fly". But first and foremost it had an intelligent sci-fi rendition of the New Testament story complete with all the archetypes: John the Baptist, disciples, Judas, demons and of course the Savior (I will not bore you with the all the fine and not so obvious details that parallel the Biblical account). Just to make it clear: I have it in my DVD collection and consider it a masterpiece. As opposed to that, what does this sequel have to offer? Tones of special effects blown out of every proportion to the point of being distracting (I heard chuckles from the audience during the action scenes). And this is quite deliberate. They have to distract you from the fact that there is no substance to this hodge-podge. There is no story (what story there is, can be told in one sentence), there is no spirit, and there is no mystery aside from what is cleverly "concealed" within the title. This distraction is brilliantly executed, no mistake about it, but the fact remains: this is all much ado about nothing. In the first half hour of the movie hardly anything significant happens and there is one excruciatingly long scene that had me thinking "oh, for crying out loud - get it over width!" Someone from behind me actually voiced the same opinion. I am stupefied by the fact that the same crew that made such a masterpiece as the first Matrix movie could produce this. My only hope is that they redeem themselves in the next (and hopefully last) sequel.
Rating:  Summary: It's going to make a lot of money..... Review: If you're a big fan of the first movie, you're going to see this one and might even buy the dvd. So why bother with a review? Disappointing is probably the word that is going to be used the most to describe this film. Where the first movie was bold, original, flashy, sexy, fun and worth seeing more than once while it was still in the theaters, this sequel just seemed to remind me of drinking a flat coke, you're thirsty, so you do it, but you kind of feel cheated the whole time.
Rating:  Summary: Not what I expected or hoped for.....3rd times a charm. Review: I could not wait to see this movie. The 1st Matrix was incredible, it had an excellent story, great characters who you could almost relate with and the best special effects I have seen in a long time. So the second movie should be better...right? In a word, no. It did have better effects and more action, however it seemed like the action and the fight seens were just put in the movie to simply have them. The first movie had fight seens that made a lot of sense and were placed where they should have been..training, rescue and ending. The second movie has fights, which are pretty damn cool but they are fight seens to simply have fight seens..(ex) fight seen with the asain man. There is no real reason this should have taken place other than to just have another fight. To start the fight he say " sorry about this " or somthing to Neo..then they start. Kinda lame. It is worth seeing, and I will buy the DVD when it comes out, I just REALLY hope that the final film will redeam itself and wow us like the 1st movie did. I have a bad feeling that it wont.
Rating:  Summary: Maybe too high expectations Review: If you are going to this movie with expectations of toping the original... you will be disapointed. How could the original be topped? You already know what the Matrix is and you know Neo is the One. If you want to see a kick butt movie, with killer fight scenes, high energy score, super effects... you will enjoy. You get to see Zion, you get to see how far Neo's abilities develop, and don't forget about the architect of the Matrix. The ending is very abrupt. Just when something new is introduced, the movie ends. Just when several new questions are asked, it's over. I guess I'll have to wait until Nov to see the conclusion.
Rating:  Summary: The Movie That Could Have Been Review: What do you say about a movie that has already grossed $200 million at the box office, a movie that is the sequel to a classic and one of the most innovative films of our time. Well dissappointment is the word. How can a movie of this epic proportion live up to its predeccessor, which has since been four years past. It can't, but it wasn't supposed to. I was looking for a continuum, a story that stayed true to the original. What was given was something else. The movie was good, don't get me wrong, but it lacked the spark and the magic of the original. Right from the start you know that this is not the matrix you remember. I even had to rewatch the first to refresh my mind. The fight scenes were no longer fresh and strategically choreographed. If they were the camera jumped around too much for you to revel in their wonder such as was done in the first movie. The lighting was too dark for you to focus what was going on in this movie. I felt that there needed to be captions to let me know what was going on at some points. The first movie presented a close pack of characters that we cared about and were interested in what happened to them. This time there were too many characters and not enough screen time for them all. Even our familiar heros, neo, trinity and morpheus, did not have time to have a personality in this movie. Even the Oracle, god rest her soul, seemed to be caught up in the confusion as well. For she had nothing important to say this time around. The dialogue had many viewers scratching their heads in confusion as if the characters were talking in tongues. So instead of the spiritual, techie, new age, refreshing, innovative matrix that we saw back in 1999, we were subjected to good old hollywood's need to sell by adding more action, this time minus a purpose, and sex, which was not fitting for a continuation of the first movie, that played more like an orgy or a porno flick than a matrix flick. Neo was no longer compared to as a messiah, who was going to be our savior. In this movie he was just a free spirit who flew around and occasionally saved the day, when he felt like it. Otherwise he was just lost in his introspection and his ability to have dreams that eventually came true. I hope that November will bring us much to be thankful for, because this movie will only be remembered as the sequel to the matrix.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: After seeing the original Matrix several times, I was really looking forward to the sequel, Matrix Reloaded. However, upon seeing it, I was very disappointed. Sure, the special effects were great, but the fight scenes were too long and repetitive. I wish I'd spent my money and time on a different movie.
Rating:  Summary: This movie is the best ever but one major mistake Review: I think this movie is great. I love all the action scences but there is too much talking which makes a lot of people hate the movie. THe movie was a little confusing but the freeway scene is the best part that makes you enjoy the movie. I CAN'T WAIT FOR THE THIRD ONE BECAUESE I WON'T TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS TO NEO AND THE MAIN CHARACTERS.
Rating:  Summary: Too short, yet over-long. Review: Well I saw it, gave up valuable unwinding time on a Saturday night to see it and to be honest I left feeling like I should have gone out for a drink and rented the film in 6 months time. Don't get me wrong, I'm one of those people who bought the Matrix videogame which is supposed to help understand the film, it does. That's the problem. I completed the game quickly and because the story made no sense (without seeing the film) I forgot most of it. The film works in much the same way. Cool as it sounds on paper, a 15 minute car-chase is un-needed, 5 minutes would suffice, retrieve some of the footage from game and explain the story a little more. If you've seen any 'making-of' type things about the film then you'll see that there're new characters, but due to the directors needs to push the technical envelope these characters are virtually invisible. Niobe simply appears and disappears, apparently at random, whenever needed. The is especially noticable in the final 1/4 of the film where she is involved in some bizarre flash-forward about blowing up a power-station (again, something which is explained in the game). Most of what does happen in the film is over-long, specifically the action scenes. Like I've said already they sounded excellent on paper but fail to be anything more than dull at some points in the film. I'm also of the belief that CG will always look like CG, something the Wachowskis obviously disagree on. It would be nice to think that people can still make amazing action scenes with nothing more than a camera, some wire and a bag of magic powder (I have witnessed more exciting action sequences in numerous Hong-Kong action films). That, to me, is the problem. They spent an awful lot of money on the action scenes and filled the dialogue full of fairly incomprehensible cod-philosophy to justify the action bits. To be totally honest the philosophy (which bored me in the first film, but at least it seemed to make sense) is the most interesting thing about the film.